House of SAKURA, evident to its name commanded a total of FIVE territorial compressed spaces, each commanded and controlled by different ESTATES. This not only served as representative of the Estate but also as training, resource ground, emergency shelters for each.
In the centre of the Five estates is the subdivision of Maraj-e-Qutb. This house likes to divide and train their individuals according to their talent and manifestation of mastery over the second component of YOR. There are certain rules that have been established by them in their House for better care and preservation of their future.
1. There exists no bloodline or lineage only the house and it's seal (engraved on left shoulder); rest all depends on efforts. In short, if you have then good for you; but for the house it doesn't matter, you can use to develop yourself.
2. Depending on the affinity of each individual after they achieve the necessary, then and only then would they be divided and segregated to their preferred Estate by the council (wishes of the individual will be taken into consideration).
NO RIVILARY IS TO EXIST BETWEEN ESTATES. The estates have been divided only for better resource allotment, strategy, synergy and training. It'd do good for all the members of the house to remember, even future council members.
3. For all those families who are expecting young ones will be required to and allowed to stay with young ones in the Mularkam till they reach maximum maturity age of 12 mular years. Afterwards, all the families are required to return to highest world allowed for their existence or to their respective duties.
4. All young ones reaching age of 12 mular years are required to enter academy near the Qutb and to prepare for and later progress in trials of Qutb and Mularkham. Early admission is entirely possible along with the prospect of not becoming a trainee.
5. All young ones unwilling to follow hardships of academy would be required to serve and develop in military service for 5 years as a means for allowing them to become capable of preserving life and not being a burden on the House. After 5 years, such individuals are free to return to mundane world and live a leisure life or continue with military or pass the late scription test for entrance to academy.
6..7…8…9…many more were there....including the 'Naksh-e-Qutb'
Note: Rule 2 would remain unchanged till eternity and no veto power can be exerted to change or obstruct this rule. Any action against this would be punished automatically by the Clan SEAL given to each member of the clan including council members.
-Estate of Spring : Calm, collected healers of the House. Jacks of all basic elemental derivatives. They have ability to transform/combine their spiritual energy to basic elements of nature. Don't be misguided by their calm and gentle demeanour, they have discovered, developed this ability to heal using all elements to a ridiculous extent that 'One who can heal, can destroy even better' is their clan's motto. If you are their enemy, may your disfigured, tortured body and meridians have mercy on you because they won't; kapish..
-Estate of Winter : (₹f***So cold, damn it) These people are masters, manipulators, dirty clean freaks who can freeze not only water but existence and time itself. This obviously depends on their mastery of first three components of YOR. If one were to see them, they'd probably fear at their cold demeanour which makes one feel their clan motto would be something like : We solemnly swear thou shall smile no more. Although, they are not as psychotic as those bloody healers but they are often seen saying; who doesn't like freezing to death with a small smile and anticipatory eyes on their face.
-Estate of Summer : Simply saying, they are hot headed fucks whom you don't bring to a clan meeting unless you don't like your building very much. Although, terribly addicted to saki, destruction and war. They are also the ones who make the most amazing inventions and crafts for the House. And yes, don't ever compare them to dwarfs or else even Estate of autumn cannot save you to whom they are most merry.
-Estate of Autumn : Assasins, bloody, gory, gruesome loving snakes of death and Life. They are responsible for information collection, underside manifestation and they are the only ones who work as the connector between the other four estates. Just like their bloody hands at work, they have the most lovable and intense emotions which manifest in the various forms for each individual. These individuals control elemental shadow, darkness, wind, dark fire, necropolis, astrominon and other abstract abilities and affinities.
-Estate of Desfor: The intellectual, calculative, magical giants of the house both in size and abilities. There abilities overlap with lush green nature and dry dead desert at the same time along with a unique mastery over mental abilities like illusions, mind dive, search, sense among many others. They contribute to the massive and firm but low cost and maintenance marvels of the METROPOLIS OF SAKURA (city located outside the 5 compressed spaces and place where non trainees and families of trainees lived before maximum maturation age). Management of metropolis was given to Desfor estate by the council in the world of Mularkham.
Just as the saying says: controlling a mund takes intellect as para-front.
Akizakura was born in the representative house of estate of autumn located on ground directly below the compressed space controlled by the estate. Although his mother belonged to estate of summer originally. They had decide to stay in estate of autumn arranged for them by grandfather of Aki (Head of Estate of autumn; council member) who was stationed in Mularkham as per house rules.