Chapter 12 - 1.10 FLIPPED

It was when he was stabbed during their Sunday knife battle that Camilius had dreamed of a certain black rabbit. He was in Anton Selvan's clinic then, when an angel descended upon him in his dreams. He held this rabbit in his arms as the other taught him calculus, shared a quesadilla, fought together in the knife battle…

Amd they made love, an act so passionate that the car heated up a lot, and then he awoke.

He was alone in his bed, without the rabbit he knew he should be serving. Maybe it was… love at first sex. It was his first time, and so was the rabbit's. But oh did that feel like the best, the most bittersweet entanglement that never happened again.

He remembered their four rules, their little bickering, and it all left a bitter taste at the base of his tongue, like he was supposed to be by that rabbit's side.

He saw him in the train where Snow was from. He somehow had the knowledge of his orphanage. So he searched far and wide (dramatic much, yes) for his angel.

And when he learned about the Juicy Bunny, the very place his not-so uncle warned him about, he just had to get in there and find his angel quickly, before anyone else can sully him. Snakes aren't exactly monogamous, but damn he'd act more like a wolf just for this bunny rabbit.

He knew he wasn't only a dream. He must be real. He saw him on that train.

But, "no," said his not-so uncle. He wasn't old enough to be admitted into the club. Or that was just Aleister's strict rule.

Left with no choice, Camilius scaled the surroundings of the yacht to try to find a way in.



(Matte kudasai!!)

Everything happened so fast. Furan Shi was still caught up with the fact that Camilius knew Jinx at all. Before anyone could make a move, Jinx jumped out from his hiding spot and pounced on Camilius. He secured his arms around the other as they toppled over to the floor.

And at this point, we need to make it clear that Furan Shi wasn't from Japan. He's not even from East Asia like his name could have implied. Well, partly east, but not quite there.

Back to the drama.

Camilius easily gave way. With everyone caught off-guard, the two tumbled down, Jinx ending up straddling the python. Camilius was theirs, either way, so Daddy Uno fished his phone out from the inner pocket of his suit and dialed a number. He had a smug smile on his stupidly handsome face.

"Moshi moshi?"

Again, none of the characters here are Japanese.

Ignoring the weird accent, Daddy Uno greeted back with, "I got your nephew."

"Oh, really..?"

"Yes, and—"

"Good, then. I thought he got caught up in something worse. Ehe, anyways, he can stay there, whatever. He needs to learn how to control his impulses."

Daddy Uno's smug face slowly contorted into one of disbelief the more Aleister spoke.

"He keeps spouting this bunny soulmate bs—" the bear slowly turned his head towards Jinx, who was hugging the python, who was hugging the bunny back— "and insisted on coming with me despite being underage, haha."

"So…" Daddy Uno awkwardly trailed off, his free hand scratching at his head.

"I'll come pick him up later, and I'll give you back Tres. He's a handful, haha. He broke two handcuffs already, and now I think he's aiming for the third one—"

Daddy Uno then heard the noises of tires screeching and honking horns from the other end of the line, as well as men shouting at one another about holding something.

Aleister could be heard ordering to add more men and restrain someone down while cackling. After the laughter died down, he went back to the phone.

"Sorry about that. Talk to ya laters, dear~~"

"Wait, why is he there—" The line was cut before Daddy Uno could ask about why Tres was even there in Aleister's van in the first place.

Time to go back to his bunnyboy. "Stop hugging that python, goddammit."

Jinx only whined and hugged Camilius tighter. "Promise first you won't harm him..!"

His big bunny eyes twinkled with tears brimming in them. Daddy Uno had no choice but to yield. "Fine, fine." Not that he'd really harm an ally.

He only wanted to scare the young python earlier, but now he ended up scaring his pet instead. Nonetheless, it was irksome to see those grubby arms taut around Jinx's waist, like the damned corn snake was claiming Jinx all to himself. And before his thick tail could wrap around Jinx, too, Daddy Uno reacted faster and yanked the bunny off the python, placing him down at the side.

"He's mine," he muttered through gritted teeth, the bunnyboy right behind his defensive arm. Camilius could only huff out in his defense and say nothing else. "And I'm not babysitting you."

The corn snake, offended, had his eyes widened and finally chose to cheek back. "No one asked you to babysit me, old man."

"Your uncle told me."

"He's not my uncle..!"

While the two were bickering like they were half their ages, Furan Shi was with Raum mentally. They were discussing the glitch about Camilius.

Or rather, Furan Shi was trying to contact Raum about it.

"Host, I am only a translator. A character's actions are out of my control."

Well, duh. That wasn't what Furan Shi wanted to ask. 「 "Yeah, but I'm asking if you had translated a weird... I don't know... a weird string of words or something..?" 」

"...pretty sure that still wouldn't be enough to cause such an anomaly.."

Yep. Useless. It seems Raum was only as good as it was when it's nagging. Furan Shi, having no choice, went back to acting as Jinx.

"Can we… go home now?" he interrupted the two with a small squeak. "Please..?"

The two men stopped. The older one pulled the bunnyboy closer.

Ah, this would be such a hassle.


They went home with the young python, after all. Plot-wise, that would be a good turning point for the leads to get together.

That's what is supposed to happen in stories like this had it not been a slice of life. The male lead getting jealous of another male lead would finally get him to confess and be with the protagonist.

But Jinx was no protagonist, and it was too early to really form anything between him and Daddy Uno. The latter's possessiveness while the snake was around meant something else entirely.

He's a product bought from the orphanage. Plus, Daddy Uno was twice his age. He can't be a fucking male lead to a young bunnyboy, even if the maturing age for bunny rabbits are fifteen (and they'd normally die at thirty or fifty… mostly mid thirties).

It just didn't feel right haha.

As for Furan Shi, he couldn't investigate the reason behind Camilius' sudden appearance in this turn. Daddy Uno just couldn't part from him, that asshole. 'Guarding the property,' he said.

Blah blah.

Furan Shi had walked around in the resthouse, wherever he was allowed. He even went into the bathroom, leaving the two outside, waiting for him.

He bought a fart bag from the system store, as weird as it was that it was even sold there in the first place. When he opened the bag, not only was it pungent, like a rotting egg, or stagnant water — whichever smelled worse — it also produced sounds like he was having explosive diarrhea.

The door soon opened, the smell escaping the confines of the small bathroom and immediately attacking the noses of those waiting outside. A passing maid fainted.

Daddy Uno was about to comment on it when he noticed how calm Camilius was, like he wasn't fazed or disgusted at all by the bunnyboy. Looking at that cute wittle face, no one would have suspected it was him the deadly smell had come from had he not been seen entering and exiting that bathroom.

Daddy Uno, wanting his ego intact, said nothing to one up the python. The two tailed Jinx again when the bunnyboy was walking away.

His tail was wiggling, courtesy of Furan Shi getting annoyed at these two for invading his private time.

Out of habit, Camilius went ahead and grabbed his tail, making Jinx stop on track with a squeak. He immediately turned on his heel to glare at the python. What a cute little fluff.

"Back. Off." He warned, but it only earned a small laugh before the python relented.

Camilius' tail was wiggling in amusement. And when Daddy Uno saw it, to avenge his pet, he grabbed the tip of Camilius' tail, earning a satisfying hiss from the other. "Back. Off."

Ah, their dynamics weren't the best, but until Tres was back home, Camilius would have to put up with this stupid bear for a while.

Jinx resumed his walk at a slightly faster pace. However, his legs were short; he was, in general, short; so the two men easily fell into step beside him in no time. He began to somehow fill the silence between them, starting by questioning the white python. "How did you even know me?"

"I dreamed of an angel," the other replied without missing a beat. "An angel in the form of a soft, black rabbit. And when he turned into a demihuman, that's when I realized: I should be serving that angel."

"Bullshit," cut Daddy Uno, the crunching sounds of his gnashing teeth audible enough to the python. Camilius readily ignored it.

"And when we mated—"

"Hold it!!" Furan Shi, with wide eyes, spun on his heel a second time that day to, again, face the young python. 「 "Raum, is [The Monster] skill available? 」

「 Yes. 」

「 "How the fuck is that possible? I restarted the world..!"」

"We mated," continued the python, nevermind the glare he's receiving from both the bunny and the bear. "In the car, remember?"

"I'm a virgin," lied Furan Shi. Whether it be in his original world, or in this one, he wasn't a virgin anymore. Maybe he is, now that he restarted this story.

"No, in my dreams. I held you in my dreams, and it was the best feeling in a long time."

Ah. But saying all this to a stranger... doesn't it just sound creepy..?

Daddy Uno wasn't at all pleased with what he's hearing. He's never touched his bunny yet, and now this Serpenti sapling began spouting bull about fucking the bunny? Nani??

Fuck your uncle!

The bear hastily pulled the bunny close to him. "Don't give me a reason to dissolve this alliance, corn snake." He muttered. "I bought this rabbit. He's mine."

Camilius, with his current mood-based personality, wasn't having it as well. His tail curled around one of Jinx's wrists and tried to pull Jinx off the bear's arms. "My clan does not condone any pedophilic deeds."

"He's a legal adult."

"Mentally, he's not."

Jinx was getting pulled back and forth as the two presented their defense/offense after the other. A mafia story was supposed to be full of dogfood, drama and action. Not this type of dogfood. This is just blatant dogshit. An irrelevant character suddenly being wanted by two handsome men all for themselves?

What a dream. But this ain't it.

"Enough!!!" Jinx exclaimed at the top of his lungs. Bunnies are naturally quiet critters, so their voices were soft. Furan Shi had to use all he had into that yell. He was also heaving heavy breaths as he'd been pulled back and forth.

Daddy Uno and Camilius each earned an intensive glare.

"You don't get to look at me like that—" Daddy Uno immediately shut up nonetheless when he earned a second glare. He has his pride to protect, after all. Camilius was being awfully obedient to this bunny rabbit. How could he lose to that? "Sorry…"

Finally, Furan Shi could breathe. "Carry me." He fell in Daddy Uno's strong arms, the other readily receiving him. Of course, the bear never forgot to send a triumphant, mocking smirk the python's way.

Camilius could only gnash his saw-like teeth together in the background. That's his master..! As his servant, he should be the one carrying him!

But Jinx's words were absolute. He could only follow the bear as he carried Jinx away to the bunny's room.

"Thank you, daddy~"


He calls him daddy? Fucking what???

Another triumphant, mocking smirk came his way.

「 Ding! A donation! Added "here's 1000 C points for you, honey~" to system wallet 」

「 Ding! A donation! Added "i know what ur doing huehue: 100 C points" to system wallet 」

Furan Shi rejoiced in his heart, but at what cost? He'd only wanted to tease the two, just because. He'd forgotten the world consciousness could be a voyeur.

Once he was behind the paper partition in the room, hidden from sight, he turned on the lamp there so the two could see his silhouette. He began stripping his clothes.

The dress shirt first, the fabric slowly dragging along his arms as he carefully pulled it off him. He then undid the lock of his skirt and sloooowly bent down as he pushed the fabric down his legs.

Daddy Uno and Camilius greedily drank in the silhouette teasing them, as though it was the only oasis in that dry room. Their mouths went dry at the sight before they started salivating. Alright, maybe the last part was an exaggeration, but they could've sworn they were drooling at the naughty sight.

The silhouette, perfectly petite with the short, wiggling tail adding to its allure. They could only imagine what the bunny looked like at that moment. Dark, soft skin, exposed for them to touch all over, from his chest down to his cute little toes.

Maybe the bunny could even make cute noises, whine or moan as they caress him nonstop.

Well, this escalated quickly from them fighting over the bunny like children, now down bad to this. Bad, bad.

Especially Camilius. He'd once had a dream of embracing the rabbit in the back of a car. The way the bunny squirmed and surrendered beneath him was still fresh in his mind, like it all happened yesterday. And now he could perfectly picture Jinx behind that partition, bent over and whimpering his name out like he did in the car.

"Um…" Jinx quietly mumbled, cleared his throat, and mustered up a louder bunny voice. "C-can anyone give me new clothes, please..?"

The two men darted right towards the dresser at the side and almost clawed at the door handles, wanting to be the one to get something for Jinx first.

Daddy Uno was the first to grab a skirt, Camilius some socks and a long-sleeved shirt. They almost stumbled on their way as they raced to the back of the partition where the bunny sat, awaiting his outfit.

But what greeted them was the bunny rabbit's back, riddled with healing bruises and small, dry cuts. Daddy Uno flushed guiltily at the sight while Camilius knew, and gave the other an accusing stare.

Jimx looked over his shoulder. "Oh, thank you..!" The two turned around whith Jinx so they could finally give the bunny his privacy.

After seeing his wounds, they no longer have the mind to devour the last of the bunny's dignity.

"You did that?" Camilius voiced his thoughts out as soon as the two of them was out of the room. "And here I thought you were actually decent."

"That.." Daddy Uno couldn't find the words to protect his pride. The truth was out and blatant for the two of them to see. He was too hard on the bunny rabbit.

"You should know bunnies are physically sensitive. You own a club that serves rabbits for heaven's sake!"

"I.. I didn't think he'd be that sensitive."

Camilius sighed, like a parent who's thoroughly disappointed by his child. "Not about the intensity, yes? It's still the fact that you thought it was a good idea to whip him."

"Don't lecture me, kid." But he knew he was in the wrong.

The two fell silent, one disappointed and partially frustrated, the other just pensive. Jinx walked out of the room with a cute smile that betrayed none of the pain he might be feeling from his healing back.

And the first person he walked up to, which made Daddy Uno more guilty, was him. Complete with his pleading eyes. "Daddy~"

"Baby.." Daddy Uno responded with a small sigh, his arms weakly circling around the bunnyboy's waist. Jinx giggled at his daddy's weird, rare expression.

「 Using skill [Sanctuary lvl1] 」

"Can we go back to the club, please..?"

Furan Shi had a plan.

He'd restarted the story, thinking he could move more freely outside of the Fontaines' villa compound that acted more like his mental prison. Who knew he'd share almost the same fate outside of it?

He was stuck in the resthouse for a week, and Furan Shi feared that week could have extended more had he not been brought to the club. But they didn't even stay long there, and his initial shock took too much of his time that he could've spent on snooping around.

So far, the only "cruelty" he'd experienced was the whippings. Other than that, he'd been treated as a princess, both in his first turn and the second. Normally, he should be enjoying such privilege. But, he got bored. He realized being that kind of princess wasn't as grand as he'd thought.

Pampered and chained, awaiting food and bath and stuff.

The inequalities between a natural prey and their predator counterparts, the difference of evolution between the different species, the loopholes in the system, the mafia branches and schemings, and Camilius' mysterious memory "recovery".

The reality of this world — he must experience it.

Ignoring the two men's earlier arguing, he had another request.

"And… I… I want to train like Chai, too.."

The answer was no. An easy no.

For some reason, the bunny Daddy Uno bought to be sent to Juicy Bunny wasn't allowed to get trained for Juicy Bunny.

There even wasn't anything special about Jinx. Except for his cute smile, his crying face, the way he talks, his small body, his cute tail, his lop ears, his potential…

And then he realized he couldn't let go of this bunny rabbit. He'd never sell him to Camilius, or to anyone, for that matter.

"...I'll train you," he said, eventually. "Come."

He didn't know what he was thinking when he said those words. Even Camilius was glaring at him, silently demanding an explanation. But he won't give it to him verbally.

Instead, he brought the two to his car and sped away. They did reach Juicy Bunny, but they drove past it. Now both the snake and the rabbit were getting confused.

"Daddy…" Jinx called out from the backseat. He was with the damned corn snake, who was blushing for some reason, dazed as he realized he was in the backseat with his angel.

"Yes, baby..?" He returned, eyes briefly glancing at the rearview mirror.

Not that Camilius really liked the fact that Jinx was calling someone else "daddy".

"...thank you," he said with a grin, reflected in the mirror. Oh, no. Maybe the rectangular mirror couldn't really do him justice.

He's an angel.

Daddy Uno became more determined to train the bunnyboy his way.

「 "What are you planning, host? It smells too fishy not to ask. I thought you don't want Juicy Bunny?" 」

「 "Yeah, I don't want to be a cheap slut, but I have a plan, I think." 」

「 " think..?" 」

As he began to immerse himself in his plan in his mind, he shifted to lean on more comfortably onto the serpent's lap. Said serpent blushed worse, perhaps reimagining his entanglement with this bunny in his dreams.

Or maybe that wasn't a dream and he had his memories wiped from an accident. Maybe Aleister was hiding something from him, that he had a terrible accident.

Oh, no—

「 "I'm starting to get the gist of your job, Raum. You need fruitful data, right?" 」

「 "As juicy as possible, yes. But with the current progress, you are heading to a peaceful ending, which isn't bad at all." 」

「 "That's not enough, Raum." 」

「 "What do you mean? You'll have everything here, and the Serpenti group won't be enemies with the Ursari in the future." 」

「 "B-but… I don't want to be a princess anymore. I want to be a star!!" 」

「 "...just remember that I can't return you here once we restart the story." 」

That put a lot of doubt in Furan Shi's mind.

The car stopped in front of what looked like a warehouse among an empty field. Unassuming on the outside, but once they got in, it was still unassuming. Empty, with a few steel pipes strewn at the side. Daddy Uno led them to the backdoor, and there's where all the events were.

Training equipments at the side, weapons, some dummies, and the grass were also cleared in the middle, forming a big, rectangular field.

There were already a few men training there. Bear men.

"Daddy, would I not train like Chai..?" Jinx asked in his meek tone. Daddy Uno turned back to him with a small smile.

"You're training here," he answered, but he only got a reaction from the bunny in his next sentence. "You'll be training with Tres, too, once he's back."

He gave Camilius a sideways glance at that.

Oh, but to Furan Shi, that did not sound too promising. Would he… would he be fed to these men? Oh no. He wasn't ready for a gangbang..! Camilius didn't even get to use both his cocks when they did it, but… one, two, three…

Seven bears? All at once????? Not to mention Daddy Tres, who looked like he could devour him whole!!

Seeing the bunnyboy paling, Daddy Uno frowned. Until he realized why his bunnyboy was blanching. "Oh, no, no..! Baby, no..!" He quickly approached the bunny and hugged him, but when he heard the other whimper, he loosened the hug a bit. Jinx still had those bruises.

"I'll never bring you to Juicy Bunny for that. Never..!"

Somehow, he couldn't bear the thought of letting the bunnyboy get touched by another random guy. The bunny is his property. He bought him off the orphanage, and he wasn't for cheap.

And at the same time, no one else can sully Jinx but him. Not even the cocky corn snake.

And to mark him again in front of everyone, he cupped the bunnyboy's chin to tilt his face up, and leaned down for a kiss. Just a light peck, but he did it thrice just to be sure. Jinx stared up at him, wide-eyed.

"Heh, should've expected that from me, baby."

He pecked his lips again. "Now, let's get to that training."

Furan Shi was standing there dumbly where Daddy Uno left him, and when the latter got back he was still frozen, like a doe in headlights. Chuckling, the bear man guided Jinx to the middle of the clear field. The men there automatically moved to the side, right outside of the border where the grass stops, and sat down to watch.

"Daddy, what are we doing?" Jinx asked, nervous.

"Now, baby bun," Daddy Uno started, facing the bunnyboy with his hands on his hips, "the first thing you want to do when in danger is to focus on your opponent's vulnerable spots."


"There's the nose, groin, eyes, throat…"

Daddy Uno pointed at his body parts as he spoke.

"...but you have your knees, your legs, your elbows, your hands for defense.."

Furan Shi was just confused, but nonetheless nodded along as he took those words at face value.

"And you can even use your head and headbutt those pricks..!"

So he's… "self-defense, daddy..?"

"Yes, baby. Here, what's important is that you stabilize your body as much as you can."

Nodding again, Jinx started to sloppily copy the other's stance. His feet were slightly far apart, each one aligned to each of his shoulders. That's just the first part.

「 Using skill [Empathy lvl1] 」

「 No available target :( 」

Furan Shi blinked and shook his head in disbelief. He had planned on just copying the other's martial arts ability whatsoever so he could pass this in a breeze. Who knew he didn't know his own skill at all?

「 "Raum, why can't I use the mimicking skill on this bear..?" 」

「 "You need to have a deeper understanding of the target first. That's how empathy works, no?" 」

「 "Like… how deep?" 」

「 "You need to know the story behind their acquisition of such skill." 」

Ah, then host Jinx was doomed.

「 "For instance, you've subconsciously used [Empathy] when you inhabited Jinx's body because you have his memories—" 」

「 "I get it, I get it..!" 」

Jinx raised his fists up to chest level.

"My baby's already doing great..!" the bear applauded. Furan Shi had never been a fan of moving a lot, unless he was in his high tide. Most of the time, he was on his phone; but he was doing his share of the house chores.

He even seduced his PE teacher by sitting down on the bench, perking his ass and showcasing his legs as he bent down — because the PE uniform for the students in his school that year was a white T-shirt with the school logo and a pair of red shorts — so he wouldn't have to do those grueling exercises.

Well, he was still forced to, just so the teacher could see him sweat as his face reddened from losing stamina after three sit-ups. He looked really something asking for a water break like he was asking for something else.

Mm… oh, yes, baby... stick your tongue out more! Oh, yeah~!

Maybe that's how his PE teacher had developed a sadistic mania whenever he looked at Furan Shi.

"Your hands are drooping." Daddy Uno's voice snapped him back to reality. The bear, oblivious to his pet's train of thoughts, quickly fixed Jinx's fists back in front of his chest. "Just focus on me."

He even stepped a bit to the side, blocking Jinx's view of the white corn snake, just so he could truly monopolize the bunnyboy's attention.

"Because you're small, you are an easy prey. Plus, not to stereotype, but people typically think a bunny is a willing target…"

And so began Daddy Uno's "How To Kick Ass Even If You're Small Af 101". He first instructed some key points to remember, like a person's balance and how to stabilize one's self as much as he can during walks, when running, or when suddenly grabbed from the back.

They then proceeded to the most basic self-defense techniques for when Jinx's predator would be bigger than himself. Punching the nose or the throat, kicking the groin, hammering down the side of their necks..

In the end, Daddy Uno still wasn't satisfied. But it wasn't because Jinx sucks ass at defending himself. In fact, with his 85% potential, even without [Empathy], he can learn just fine.

「 New skillset! Learned [Juicy Bunny] skillset 」

「 New skill unlocked! Learned [Scawwy no jutsu lvl1] 」

"Remind me to give you a self-defense kit later," Daddy Uno said, huffing, before letting Jinx go for a water break.

Three men immediately approached him from the background: one brought a chair for him; one a water bottle and a cup; the last a biscuit platter and a towel to wipe his sweat off.

Camilius can finally approach him, but before he could touch the bunnyboy's shoulder, his world spun, and a loud thud ensued, followed promptly by his groan when he felt his face hit the ground. When he came to, Jinx was holding his arm behind his back in a compromising position.

One wrong move and he may break it.

"Oh," Jinx blinked, but he sound deliberately surprised. That is, not surprised enough to be genuine.

Somehow, Camilius didn't mind. If he was his old self without the memories of his angel, he would've retaliated. He would have spun their position around so Jinx was the one beneath him, begging him, "please…"

Camilius... ngh… more~!

No. Not that.

At the same time, it felt hot that Jinx was the one on top of him, nevermind his poor arm that was twisted and locked onto his back.

His tail slithered and coiled around Jinx.


Camilius took the bunny's surprise to his advantage and rolled around to change their positions, the bunny ending up beneath him. He quickly grabbed his wrists and held them tightly on the ground, just right above his head.

Furan Shi merely blinked. He wasn't triggered by Camilius pinning him down now. As they started a staring contest somehow that didn't feel too romantic — on Jinx's part — Daddy Uno from the sideline had to raise a hand to stop his men from intervening.

"Let's see how my baby would handle this," he instructed, despite wanting to separate the two himself. Truly, he wished Jinx would knee the python's groin, at the very least.

Camilius stared on. Jinx stared back with his twinkling eyes.

"This feels familiar someh— oww..!"

Camilius wasn't able to finish his sentence when he felt a critical hit on his no-no area. He rolled to the side in pain, hands immediately flying down to his crotch, freeing the bunnyboy.

Jinx dusted himself off as he stood triumphant over the keeling white python. His applause were Daddy Uno's laughter and his men's cheers. And of course, as the proud bear had taught him, he never took his eyes off Camilius until he felt the python was indeed surrendering.

"Angel," Camilius groaned, tears brimming his eyes that he held in with his masculine might, "you kick too hard..!"

Jinx only huffed, crossing his arms. "But that's the purpose of self-defense, is it not?"

Daddy Uno couldn't be prouder.

After the luxurious water break, which only lasted five minutes ughh, Jinx was back in the field to train. Only this time, with an impromptu weapon of his choice. That is to say, anything on his person.

He only had his heeled boots, but he didn't want to fight barefooted. Knowing this, Daddy Uno taught him more about leg work and kicking buts without using one's arms or hands to do so.

He instructed Jinx to slide his hands in his pockets first and kick at a dummy with just his legs.

"As a rabbit, you have naturally strong legs," he said, starting his lecture and paced slowly around the bunny like a strict teacher. "But you need to build up more stamina and fortify your assets!"

"Yes, daddy!" Jinx kicked at the dumm's side.

"Now, repeat after me!"

Another kick. "Yes, daddy!"

"Bunnies aren't just dolls!"

"Bunnies aren't just dolls—" his kick fell midway as he got confused by the yell. He turned to his master full of question marks in his stupidly adorable face uwu. "But master, how about those in Juicy Bunny?"

Daddy Uno playfully scoffed. "You think they're there without their consent?"

Jinx merely tilted his head in more confusion. The bear approached him so he could lower his voice, giving a sense of privacy between the two of them.

"All of them were fifteen when they started, a maturing age for a bunny rabbit. They are always taken care of, and we never push them to do things they don't want to do. Once they retire, they are given an insurance fond to get back to the society."

「 "Raum, is this true..?" 」

「 "Because you chose the peaceful route, then yes. I don't know if that would still be true in an alternate reality. Only one way to find out." 」

「 "...right." 」

「 "In addition to NPC[Uno]'s dialogue, those bunnies never wanted to retire until they could no longer work there because of the security the Ursari group provides. They are always plump, sexually satisfied, and well taken care of, in addition to being guarded from unwanted predators." 」

「 "There are wanted predators..?" 」

「 "...irrelevant, but yes." 」

That wasn't irrelevant at all, but Furan Shi didn't want to prolong the conversation.