Chapter 13 - 1.11 FLIPPED

They still went home to the resthouse with Camilius. It meant that Daddy Tres was still stuck with the Serpenti group. Or rather, the Lupari group — or whatever was left of them dying clan haha.

Camilius was given a guest room, but when the night came, perhaps out of nonexistent habit, he slipped into the bunnyboy's room. Jinx was fast asleep in his bed.

No one's checking the hidden camera anyways, yet to be sure, Camilius turned the stuffed teddy bear around before tucking himself in beside the bunnyboy.

By the next day, he was severely scolded by Daddy Uno. Both of them were kneeling on the floor, the bunnyboy crying for his protection.

Daddy Uno had caught Camilius cuddling Jinx that morning, so he made a ruckus and woke up the two. He'd ordered the python to kneel for his punishment, but who knew Jinx would kneel right after he did just so he could plead for Daddy Uno to be lenient.

"I can't give him a chance, baby," Daddy Uno was barely hanging onto his resolve.

「 Using skill [Teary Eyes lvl2] 」

"But daddy…" he wept, hugging the python by the shoulders. It was a counterproductive act that made Uno more furious.

But daddy, I love him!

Wrong book.

"Daddy, he's my new friend..!" And then he started to cry. Daddy Uno had no choice but to yield just so he could pacify his baby. He still had those bruises, and the bear didn't want to feel a heavier burden in his heart. In a way, not punishing the damn corn snake was him atoning for whipping the poor bunnyboy.

That, at least, put his mind at ease.

"But why are you hugging him, baby? See?" He raised his hands up to show he was harmless. "I'm not gonna hurt him—"

Jinx cried harder that the bear had no choice but to let him do as he pleased.

"Daddy's too worried if I did the naughty with him but—" he sniffled (oh how badly he wanted to retch right then and there because damn, wanting to be cute is one thing; acting cutesy is another)— "we never did anything..!"

And, flashing his wide, sparkly eyes brimming with tears, he added, "daddy doesn't trust me anymore..?" like he was hammering down the final nail on Daddy Uno's coffin.

Daddy Uno pouted, not that he can realize it at the moment, and cooed at the poor bunnyboy, who was wailing and whining like his master didn't love him anymore. But Daddy Uno does cherish this bunny rabbit to some degree that he couldn't bear eating him now..! He stepped closer and crouched in front of the kneeling Jinx to coddle him. Holding his hands and furtively drawing them away from the corn snake, he spoke with a high-pitched, cutesy tone, "nooo baby..~ I trust my baby, okay? Okay???"

His subordinates at the side faithfully acted as furniture. This was their first time seeing their boss act so… uncharacteristic, nothing like his usually playful but dangerous self.

Who would've thought Uno had it in him?

"Weally(really)..?" Jinx asked again, blinking cute tears away.

"Weally weally~!!" Daddy Uno responded in the same, cutesy tone, his lips doing that puckering people do when talking to their pets.

And finally, his efforts to be sickeningly sweet paid off. Jinx gave him his wide, relieved grin. "Thank you, daddy!"

He jumped in Daddy Uno's arms and initiated a quick kiss. Just a tiny wittle peck that nonetheless shocked the bear man.

「 Mission: Earn the Moreno brothers' trust. Progress: 1/3

Oh. That's all it took to earn Daddy Uno's trust. Alright, then.

He kissed him again as a quiet "thank you". Also a response to Daddy Uno's quiet. Disclaimer, though: if Daddy Uno wasn't hot, then Furan Shi would've resisted since day one. He's hotter than his already hot homeroom teacher with all those scars along his arms as well as that one at the corner of his lips.

Furan Shi pecked that, too. Daddy Uno finally responded by smiling first, a creepy one that only looked hot in Furan Shi's eyes, and then a small laugh bubbled out from his throat. "Bunny. Do that again."

Jinx readily gave in.

"Again." Peck.

"Again." Peck.

By the fourth repetition, Jinx glared at the bear with his cheeks puffed up, and then bit his nose. It was just as light as his kiss. The bear laughed even more, but we have a bitter snake chugging a mega pint [ • ᴗ < ] of vinegar in the background.

But eh, considering their species, he was technically not allowed in this loving circle. He's the only minor, ehem, technically.

Daddy Uno, elated now that his pet was opening up to him, hugged Jinx tightly. But soon, Jinx could feel some nibbling at the side of his neck, and then a wet tongue.

"D-daddy..!" he giggled like a child, leaning away. But that only gave the other more access to his neck. "I'm ticklish!"

Daddy Uno chuckled with him as he began his love attacks! The two ended up giggling together when Jinx tackled the bear to the ground. The bear demihuman was obviously stronger, but he relented and played along by falling with him.

「 "Raum..?" 」

「 "Yes, host?" 」

「 "I don't think I want to continue with my plan anymore. At least, not for now." 」

「 "You can still do it after this story." 」

「 "Save this one, okay?" 」

「 "Alright." 」

Furan Shi only sees these people as characters, Raum had to remind itself. In the background, the system agent started searching for an alternate possibility of this world where Furan Shi could hop to. It more or less knew what its host was planning.

They trained again today for the whole day behind the warehouse, and after the self-defense training and coming back home, Jinx was sent back to his room to bathe.


Daddy Uno was there to scrub his back for him. Camilius was sent to the guest room where he should be.

"Daddy," Jinx barely broke the silence with his soft voice. "Today has been fun."

The two of them sat in a foamy bathtub, Jinx's back facing the bear man as the latter leaned back against the wall of the tub. Daddy Uno was using his hands to massage the bunnyboy's back carefully, his fingers tracing every small line of scarring and every healing bruise that were barely noticeable now. It didn't hurt anymore, but Daddy Uno couldn't be sure.

Maybe Jinx just got good at pretending it doesn't hurt.

"Is that so?" he asked, using a gentle voice that went with the serenity of the night.

"Yes.. thank you for training me..."

He leaned back, only to feel something hard against his rear area. Carefully, he looked over his shoulder and took a peek. Daddy Uno's expression was calm, nothing like the raging thing he had under the water.

Furan Shi, being the little shit, subtly wiggled his hips. The friction made Daddy Uno groan under his breath. The water was cool, but he only felt himself heating up when the bunny moved.

"Bunny.." he muttered through his teeth. "Don't… don't move too much… okay?"

Jinx looked back again, this time with a hardly noticeable smirk. It was enough for the bear to notice. "Oh, you little naughty bunny."

The way the bear was acting showed proof enough that he didn't want to touch the bunny that way. At least, not to appear too enthusiastic about it, what with him still feeling guilty about the whipping.

"Please… hold me..?" Jinx quietly mumbled as he leaned further back, feeling the bear's hair chest crumple against the back of his head. He could hear Daddy Uno's heartbeat, which was a bit surprising since he was keeping such a calm demeanor.

Daddy Uno carefully wrapped his arms around the other's waist and leaned down to whisper in his ear, "is this alright?"

"Silly," Jinx giggled and this time, wiggled his hips more to trigger the bear man's rod. "I meant this."

He heard the bear man groan, prompting him to continue. It took him a few more seconds of wiggling until the bear had enough.

Daddv Uno lifted Jinx and turned him around so they could face each other, the bunnyboy's legs on each side of Daddy Uno. "I want to do it like this. Is that alright..?"

Jinx flushed pink and lowered his gaze, but nonetheless nodded. Daddy Uno had to hook a finger under his chin to tilt his face back up.

"Be gentle," Jinx reminded in a lofty voice, his hand trailing down Daddy Uno's hard abdominal muscles, through those curly brown hair, down to touch something that's harder. The latter had to stifle yet another groan.

It throbbed in his hands, twitched to its full size. He used his other hand to grab the furry sacs underneath.

"Mm.. bunny," the bear breathed, "like that.. yes…"

Furan Shi felt himself burning perhaps just as hot as his master was feeling. His heart started to accelerate for what's to come, and he could feel his own rabbit shaft springing to life under the foamy water.

Daddy Uno let his guilt go, and instead channel it to being gentle with the bunny. The bathroom brimmed with their steam, their sighs and gasps, their noises of pleasure as they connected.

For the second time in this world, that night, Jinx the black bunny rabbit was eaten.


「 "What's that about the bear not feeling right as a male lead again?" 」

「 "Rauuuummm…" 」

「 "What's that about the bear not being compatible with a mature, young-ish bunny rabbit again?" 」

「 "Rauuuummm..!" 」

Furan Shi woke up in his bed, naked, with marks all over his neck and chest, down to his lower areas. Daddy Uno wasn't in there with him anymore, and in his stead, a note was stuck under a book at the bedside table.

It was about the bear man apologizing (profusely) and leaving to handle something urgent that came up right after Jinx passed out the night before. From dawn to seven in the morning when Jinx woke up, he wasn't back yet. The bunny rabbit noted it may be a pretty serious business.

But that's none of his concern, surprisingly. It was the fact that after all that fucking, he's now feeling incredibly depressed.

Somehow, waking up in an empty bed makes him want to cry.

「 "Forget I said anything." 」

「 "100 C." 」

「 "50." 」

「 "100." 」

「 "Fine." 」

After their quick transaction, the door to the bedroom opened, and what greeted him was a small tray first, with soup and black rice in separate bowls, as well as a glass of milk.

It was Daddy Dos. Well.

"Good morning, bunny," he said as he welcomed himself into the room, gently nudging the door close with a foot. His walking slowed down when he noticed the marks all over the bunnyboy. He assumed they continued down his body under that duvet, so he said nothing about it at first.

"G-good morning.. uhm.. D-daddy.."

He just did it with Uno, now calling the panda 'daddy' felt weird. At least, to Furan Shi. Daddy Dos didn't seem to mind, because he had something more important to ask.

"You… did it with Uno..?"

Jinx meekly nodded, his head then lowering in embarrassment. Just then, he heard a notification bell in his head as a holographic window popped up in front of him.

「 Mission: Earn the Moreno brothers' trust. Progress: 2/3

Wait. Huh..?

Furan Shi couldn't believe what he's seeing. Was it Daddy Dos? It wouldn't make sense if it was Daddy Tres, but even then, he didn't do anything to earn Daddy Dos' trust just yet.

The window faded as the panda demihuman passed through it with his tray of breakfast. He sat himself down beside the bunnyboy and placed the tray on the bedside table, the book with the note pushed to the side.

And then he picked up the spoon. Furan Shi got more confused when the panda didn't hand it to him.

The panda instead gave him the bowl of warm soup before scooping up some rice into the spoon.

"Say ahh..~"

Jinx begrudgingly opened his mouth and let the panda feed him. Until the end of his breakfast, Daddy Dos never stopped spoonfeeding him, like he was back to being a baby. Or… as if this was part of the aftercare.

The bunnyboy scrunched up his nose in thought.

"Daddy…" he murmured, "I-I can feed myself…"

"Can't hear you, bunny," was Daddy Dos' immediate response, although he paired it with an amused chuckle. The bowl of rice and soup were emptied by then, so the panda took it upon himself to pick up a napkin from the tray and gently tap around the bunnyboy's lips. He then was handed the glass of milk.

"T-thank you…" he murmured again as he took the milk. He tipped the glass carefully and drank.

He sipped slowly under the panda's watch.

Why is he watching?

Furan Shi couldn't help but conclude the people of this world were just naturally fond of watching bunny rabbits do basic tasks they thought the bunnies couldn't do. However, unbeknownst to him, Daddy Dos was just watching, wanting to taste the milk, too.

Daddy Uno trusted the bunny rabbit enough to be gentle. How could he not have the same taste?

So, when Jinx returned the emptied glass onto the tray, remnants of the white liquid smeared over his lips like a white mustache, Daddy Dos cupped his jaws in his big hand.

Aww, isn't it cute how the bunny's small face fits right in his hands?

Anyways, Daddy Dos leaned in right as he pulled the bunnyboy in for a kiss. Jinx gasped. Daddy Dos took this opportunity to slip his tongue in and taste the faint sweetness left by the milk in the bunny's mouth.

They parted after a while, Daddy Dos licking his lips in an unwittingly seductive manner that left the confused bunny squirm-y with a thousand butterflies in his tummy.

That was hot, but he thought he wasn't supposed to have done that with the panda. Wasn't he Daddy Uno's pet? He had to check his assumption with his system just to be sure.

「 "Raum… is this what I think it is..?" 」

「 "Unfortunately, yes." 」

「 "... unfortunately..?" 」

Raum had no further comment.

"Just rest for today, alright?" Daddy Dos gently reminded as he gave the bunnyboy a small pat on the head.

"Yes… daddy.."

The panda bear left before Jinx could ask something.

「 "Raum… do I have to check with Daddy Tres, too..?" 」

「 "...I wouldn't recommend that." 」

Furan Shi would like to think of the NPC Dos Moreno, the panda demihuman, as someone akin to a side male lead, like Anton Selvan. That is, bastardly handsome, but not prominent enough to be noticed by the main character. Even the spoiled, scheming Camilius got more exposure in the original story even if said corn snake had been cemented as merely a supporting character to further the mafia side of the plot.

He never paid attention to the snow leopard, and Jinx had been pretty certain he wouldn't get noticed much by the panda. Until today.

They shared a kiss. With tongue. And Daddy Uno didn't know they did. He got so confused that he forgot he was sad.

Furan Shi had been thinking if he should approach Daddy Tres, too, but remembered Camilius was still in the resthouse with him. By extension, the polar bear demihuman was still with Aleister.

So he went to find Camilius after cleaning himself up in the bathroom with great difficulty. Now, Daddy Uno had cleaned him before leaving, but Furan Shi still had to wash the sleep off his face and brush his teeth. And maybe look presentable at least to Camilius.

It didn't take long before he found him, though, alone in the kitchen stealing some packed biscuits from the pantry. Stealing. He dropped everything when he saw Jinx standing there and sauntered to him with open arms, like he wasn't caught red-handed. "My angel~!"

Him being uncharacteristically jolly (and maybe more sassy) with how he greeted the bunnyboy did go unnoticed by the latter. Jinx had business with Camilius.

Business that he forgot as soon as he walked into the kitchen.

"Finally came to find me, sugar bun..!"

Seriously, Camilius was too… err… dubious(?) that Furan Shi had to consult with Raum.

「 "Yes, host. You've just forgotten that he was always pretentious if not losing his cool. And now he's using it on you." 」

「 "Doesn't make sense lol. But does it indirectly mean I'm a stranger to him now?" 」

「 "More or less, yes. He's trying to scrutinize if you really are still the angel in his dreams with all those marks on you." 」

「 "But hey, you aren't calling him "corn snake" now, huh?" 」

「 "...yes." 」

「 "He grew on you?" 」

「 "...yes." 」

He did not. Raum had its reasons.

Back to the story, Camilius had approached Jinx and wrapped his arms around the bunny, cooing handsomely. "My baby decided to finally see me, ohh.."

Camilius even swayed the bunny from side to side in a gentle, motherly way.

"Baby, I've missed you…"

Jinx then received his fourth kiss of the day — his first being with Daddy Uno when the brown bear pecked his lips before getting off the bed, the second being a peck again before leaving for the day.

Camilius was too strong to push away, and it didn't help that he just suddenly realized the serpent had been furtively coiling his tail around the bunnyboy's waist. He only felt it when Camilius' tail tightened around him, almost suffocating his lower abdomen and his lungs inside.

But Camilius ignored Jinx's fading breaths. He hooked a finger under the bunnyboy's chin and pushed his face up gently. And with his deep voice, he whispered, "won't you share a nest with me again, master?"

"Ca- Camilius..." Furan Shi's vision diluted to a nice blur, the image of the snake doubling right through the few muddling tears he blinked away. The thing that mostly scared him was not the suffocating feeling, but the serpent's empty eyes gazing back at him, futilely mimicking a fond expression.

It didn't feel as genuine as before, in his first turn in this story.

The python, having his fun, decided to unwrap his tail just a little bit to allow a breathing space for the bunny. It wasn't safe to say he'd intended to release him, though.

His body was still sore from the sullying activities last night, as well as some bruises that haven't fully healed yet, but oh was that release refreshing to his aching body.

"C-Camilius," he breathed, the few tears in his eyes giving the illusion that they were sparkling under the kitchen lights. But yeah, he remembered to act confused as fuck so he wouldn't confirm the snake's theories — or suspicions, whatever.

"Yes, master~?"

Ahh not the tilde!!

Cringe. Cringe. But less cringe than calling someone "daddy". Furan Shi didn't want to be a princess anymore, eitherway.

"Please do that again..?"

The snake obliged and squished his organs again, releasing after a few seconds to allow the other to breathe. As long as he wasn't squeezing his neck, it wasn't a choking kink. Not yet.

"A-again." Squeeze.

"Please." Squeeze.

Ah, that felt good. For his reward, the bunnyboy caressed the other's tail. "Thank you." The snake's forked tongue poked out for a brief moment before he smiled.

「 "Host. We are going down a not-so-peaceful theme unlike what I've predicted at first." 」

「 "Cool beans." 」

And of course, the surveillance camera at a corner of the ceiling relayed everything to its watcher, including the sounds they made.

That was what also made Jinx get summoned in Daddy Dos' room after that event. It was just fortunate enough that the panda was very lenient, and by a stretch, generously considerate haha.

He was carefully checking around the bunnyboy and sighed out a breath of relief when he didn't find any mark of the snake on him.

Bruh, that would reset Furan Shi's mission progress by one.

"He didn't threaten you, yes..?" He asked, hopeful gaze watching every minute movements of the bunnyboy.

Jinx shook his head. "No, daddy."

Daddy Dos sighed again, like he'd aged ten years with that, almost enough to make the bunnyboy skittish. But what his concern did was push Jinx to finally cry out the tears he'd been holding back since morning.

His pretty face contorted to a frown that upset the panda. "Bunny, what's wrong..?"

「 "Raum, what's wrong?" 」

「 "..." 」

"I just…" Furan Shi had to make something up on the spot. He didn't know exactly why he was crying, but guessed maybe the fact that he woke up alone was what triggered the downward spiraling of his mood.

"I thought my diarrhea turned you off..!" he cried in a whiny voice that's normal for a crying bunnyboy like Jinx. Daddy Dos cooed and wiped his tears off for him with his thumbs.

"Nooo baby.." he offered in his own pouty voice, as though coddling a child. "You're doing fine being our baby…"

「 "Oh, that explains it, then." 」

「 "Explains what..?" 」

「 "Why he kissed you even with NPC [Uno]'s marks." 」

「 "You spoil things so anticlimactically." 」

At least, Furan Shi can enjoy Daddy Dos' undivided attention without guilt. Yes, no guilt even with Camilius waiting there.

Okay. Maybe slight. Slight guilt.

Still, he could've experienced some drama to realize that. Or, just generally, experience something that can lift his mood up. More tears rolled off his eyes for no reason at all.

Maybe this time, those tears were for the fact that he's finally getting more attention than he'd ever gotten. It's a good thing.

"Daddyyy..!" he whined again like a petty little princess and jumped into Daddy Dos' arms, hugging the other's neck. He didn't mind that the poor panda's face was buried right into his chest.

The panda hugged back tightly and swayed him from side to side, much like how Camilius had done it.

「 "But diarrhea? Really?" 」

「 "I panicked and remembered the fart bag I've opened before." 」

「 "...even though you had sex with Uno?" 」

「 "... somehow, that sounds more vulgar than disgusting." 」

Time to ignore Raum again.

Furan Shi indulged in Daddy Dos' armd until Daddy Uno went back home. The brown bear went right into Dos' room/office where the two were, cuddling on the bed.

Daddy Uno cuddled with them.

Furan Shi didn't mind being sandwiched by two pairs of juicy pecs. Not at all. And maybe he was happy again.

The two Moreno brothers were officially in his Santa list.

"Where's Tres?" Daddy Dos suddenly opened as he sat up on the bed, looking down at the nonchalant brown bear.

"Says he can't go home yet," Daddy Uno languidly explained as he hooked an arm around the bunnyboy's chest from the back to pull him in more.

"Something about Anton Selvan."

"He's got business with him?"


The conversation didn't drag on for long as Daddy Uno was falling asleep already. He must've really had a serious business that he came home too exhausted to hold his part of the conversation.

Daddy Dos, not feeling tired, crawled off the bed to continue working on his desk.

For a while, Jinx was stuck in Daddy Uno's arms.

"Feeling better?" the panda soon asked the bunnyboy, who was still awake.

"Yes.. daddy…"

"Good, then." Dos turned back to his computer.

The three bears had their own jobs in the circle, on rop of having their distinct personalities. Daddy Uno, the most charismatic of the three, was mostly in charge of Juicy Bunny and some external affairs, as well as being the face of the Ursari group to the outside world. Daddy Dos handles internal affairs and the logistics. Underlings report to him. The last bear, Daddy Tres, is in charge of the checking of the goods, as well as carrying out the two bears' orders into fruition. If someone needs to be punished, Tres will execute the punishment. He also checks the goods himself.

The matter that day was serious enough for Daddy Uno to leave in haste and barely take care of the bunny after they did it. He'd wiped him up, cleaned out his cum from inside Jinx, and then planted his kisses before saying goodbye, off to handle something at Juicy Bunny.

With Daddy Tres gone, he personally attended to punishing a misbehaving client who'd been reported for making a ruckus there and insisted on meeting one of the Moreno brothers.

That was the son of a high profile politician that his underlings couldn't touch. Daddy Uno, being the nutjob he was, landed a good punch or two in there.

And now he's exhausted.

By the next day, Daddy Uno finally told Jinx that Camilius would be sent back to his family's villa compound. That meant Daddy Tres would be coming home.

Furan Shi only rejoiced because then he'd be able to complete the mission, but at the same time he was sad to see his favorite character go.

Maybe after this, they'd never cross paths again. He didn't know whether to feel sad or happy. But before he could think of visiting him, they met once again in the kitchen.

Camilius was there cooking something. The savory smell of whatever's in the pan wafted in the air, making Jinx's stomach protest by rumbling.

But bunnies can't eat meat, sadly. Furan Shi opted to sit down behind the kitchen island and watch Camilius' back as he cooked.

The tip of his long serpentine tail was slightly wiggling, the rest still and in a U-shape facing up.

"What are you cooking..?"

"Something you can't eat," Camilius was quick to reply, barely tossing a look over his shoulder to acknowledge the bunnyboy's presence. "But you can eat something else I've prepared."

Oh, so the tofu salad there was for Jinx. Furan Shi carefully pulled it across the counter, towards him. Now this is a feast.

Camilius finished cooking his own meal and transferred it to the plate after a while. He then took it and sat down with Jinx behind the kitchen counter.

"Thank you, Camilius.."

"You're welcome, master."

The two began to eat in silence.

Whatever happened to the suave serpent from yesterday? What is this horrendous thing called "silence"? His pout didn't go unnoticed by the snake, who poked his puffed up cheek.

Jinx readily snapped back at him. "What was that for?"

"Heh.." Camilius chuckled. "You're just so cute when you're deep in thought."

Jinx pouted some more, unconsciously.

"Hey now, why pouty, eh?" Camilius poked his cheek again as he laughed.

"Stop that..!"

His face was turning more reddish, and even with all his dark pigment, Camilius just knew his master too well. Somehow. Even if Camilius was initially confused about his own self for acting this way, he can't help but follow his instincts. Something tells him he wouldn't regret being with this bunnyboy. It made him feel more fearless.

Fearless enough to finally slide to Jinx what he prepared: a nice, cold carrot juice.

"For my master~" he offered with a wink. Jinx shyly took it and next took a sip.

"Thank you, Camilius.."

With how sweet it tasted on his tongue, Furan Shi couldn't help but drink more of it, until the last sip, even if his meal was not yet finished. He placed the glass back on its cloth coaster on the counter.

He didn't think much of the drink except it was sweet and refreshing.

But after a while, when he was about to continue eating, he started to feel something burning in his throat. At first he could ignore it, but the pain started to bite him from the inside and gradually grew more intolerable that he had dropped his fork and was forced to activate [The Monster].

「 "Raum, I thought I have no allergies?" 」

「 " don't." 」

He could still feel his lips watering somehow, but he didn't realize it was foaming.

Camilius readily caught Jinx in his arms when the latter finally fell limp. The python, now achieving his goal, stared down at the bunnyboy.

He just looked so precious like this, eyes rolling back as he spasmed and foamed at the mouth.

「 Host Jinx[Furan Shi] died. 」

"If I can't have you in this life, then they certainly can't."

Camilius drank his laced drink, too.