Chapter 10 - Chapter 10

Delenor opened her eyes to a dark room.

Where am I… oh…

She remembered the events that took place. She noted she had been restrained by metallic straps. Her wounded leg still hurt.

So you really thought you could fight these things, she thought.

Way to keep your hopes up, she continued.

Footsteps sounded outside and in moments, the door slid open. She squinted after the room lit up.

Who knows what they'll do to get what they want, she thought, as they removed the metal straps holding her to the wall. She eyed the security officers,

These are just security officers, you can make an esc…

She cut those thoughts from her mind. You can't escape, even if you tried.

The security officers bound her hands with metal braces. She didn't resist them as they led her out of the metal box, they called a room. Hey eyes widened,

How long was I even out, she thought.

And the Rebellion.

The security officers led her through the hallway, past other rooms like hers. A few officers eyed her as they jogged past them. She ignored them and followed her captors,

Not like they had a choice, if they refused to work they'd end up like me, or worse. I'm the foolish one here, she kept herself busy with those thoughts, hoping they'd distract her mind from the horrors that awaited her, wherever they were taking her.

They pushed her into a room and left her there. Red cloaked figures proceeded into the room after her escort left, about four of them.

They circled around her, their blood red cloaks, like dark horrors. A contrast to the soft blue lights that lit the room.

Spacious, can't fight here,

She eyed each of them.

"You know what we want," one spoke up.

"You know we don't have to beat it out of you," another put in.

Delenor spat, "well then, you could kill me for it."

"Much obliged sister, while we may not kill you straight away, we might as well enjoy the process." The first one said,

She leaped for the kick that knocked her out last time.

No, not this,

She blocked the kick with the metal braces. She pushed his leg upward and she fell.

Yes, she thought. That's for my face,

What if she isn't the one… we all look the same anyway.

The lady shrieked. The other lesser children armed themselves with electricity.

"Alright, this one's a bit too tough to catch,"

Delenor's eyes widened as they extended their lightning sparks towards her.


Delenor fell to the floor and noted she was still breathing. Oh… torture. They made sure not to kill her as they struck her multiple times with lighting. Delenor shrieked at each succession. She remained on the floor as they continued. They paused for a while and Delenor staggered to her feet. The wound from the earlier shot still hurt. But now her wounds had increased and her clothes were stained with a lot of blood. She glanced at them,

Not again,

The lady from earlier, rammed her boot into Delenor's face. She fell and noted she was still breathing. One of them held her hair and lifted her face. He looked her in the eye.

"Are you ready to talk now?" He asked.

She spat on his face.

"Yuck, you…" he rubbed off the saliva from his face

"Like I said, he the information from my corp–"

He kicked her side. The others unleashed lightning at her. This time they held the attack for longer than usual. She screamed in pain.

The door slid open and Vodtak stepped in, with his hood uncovered.

"Let her be," he eyed each of the lesser Children.

Delenor kept whimpering as they stopped. Vodtak signaled a 'Child' outside and he brought a chair. Vodtak sighed as he sat down.

"Hello sister, your savior is here," he turned to the others. "These kinds you don't waste energy kicking hard on them. They are like heroes, you don't expect them to break by making them more heroic."

He turned to her and grinned, "You break what they protect…," he shrugged. "Or at least try to."

About a dozen rebels were dragged in, their arms bound behind them and their feet bound together. Delenor's eyes widened.

No, she thought.

Vodtak gestured down and the rebels were made to kneel. He flung a wind blade through the throat of the first one. Delenor gasped as the man gagged and stretched as he fell. Still bound. Vodtak leaned on the armrest and watched the rebel struggle as life crept out of him. In a short while, he lay motionless.


Vodtak turned to Delenor and smiled, "Now let's begin."