Ruby says, "Demon? What's a demon, and how do you know?"
"A demon in my world was a mythological being of pure evil. They are immensely powerful and can only be defeated with the best weapons. And I know this because I was just given the mission to kill him."
Ruby says "Kill him? You mean he's not dead?"
At that moment, we both notice the creature turn its gaze towards us. Without speaking it, we quickly back up around the pile of rocks until we no longer see the ice.
Ruby says "Do you want to kill that?"
"Do I want to? No, but I need to. That corpse at your feet is probably the archmage."
Ruby says "Do you think we can kill it?"
"No, not without some preparations."
Ruby says "Like what?"
"I'm going to have to forge a sword that's capable of killing him."
Ruby says "Can you?"
"Maybe, if I use the Armatite."
Ruby says "You don't have enough mana for that."