Chapter 16 - Confession

"It's the Master. He wants me dead." She said in a monotone voice as I froze in my tracks.


I heard Lissa gasp from where she sat, at the dining table. I slowly turned around and walked back to my seat.

"I misplaced some bracelet and the next thing is that he wants me dead because he now sees me as a threat to their operations."

By now, I looked over my shoulder to the dining room, where Tony and Lissa sat and he gave me the 'I told you so' look as I nodded and looked back at Dany who was picking at the hem of her dress.

"I haven't been able to sleep since then. I always have this feeling that someone's following me. Whenever I try to sleep, the nightmares are unbearable and horrifying and yesterday someone tried to suffocate me with a pillow at night-" Saying that, she burst into another round of fresh tears as I tried to understand what she was saying.

"D-do you know who tried to kill you?" Lissa asked. I turned around to see her and Tony already seated on the couch opposite Danielle. When did they come here?

Good thing they came to my rescue. At this point, I have nothing to say.

"I-it w-was Lu-cian" she stuttered as Tony and I exchanged shocked looks and Lissa looked confused.

"Who's that? "She asked.

"He's m-my b-boy-fr-friend." She said.

"What?!"Lissa and I screamed at the same time.

"Why would he want to kill you?" Tony asked.

"He's working with the master and he was given the assignment to personally kill me and if he doesn't do so in five days, the master would send other members to kill the both of us-"

"Wait ,wait wait. Can you start from the beginning? Who's the master? And how does all these concern you? Did you join a cult?" Lissa asked as I ran my fingers through my hair. This was getting complicated by the minute.

"I-I was ignorant. Few days after our arguement, I met Lucian at the park and he seemed really nice. I couldn't help my emotions and I ended up telling him everything that had been going on with me lately and how I no longer had friends. He told me not to worry and that he'd help me make new friends. Few days after that, he asked me out and I agreed and he took me on a date. We had a great time together until..." she paused and blew her nose into the hanky Lissa had given her.

"Go on. Until what?" I asked.

"I noticed that he always wore a strange looking bracelet and I asked him about it. It made him really upset and he didn't want to talk about it. I kept on pestering him until he told me that he'll tell me why only after I'd met his friends. I agreed, thinking it was just going to be a mere meeting. He even introduced me to the man he worked for, who I later knew to be the master and he asked me a series of questions. He told me that If i joined their organization I'll never lack friends and good things. I agreed and one night, Lucian took me to where they met and they performed a series of rituals on me and although I wanted back out, I was told that there's no going back after I had stepped on their meeting ground. After that, I was given a bracelet, like the one Lucian and his fellow members always wore.

I was also given some warnings of which I was told to never lose the bracelet or I would be executed and that I shouldn't ever take it off my wrist. On another night, Lucian took me for the second step of my initiation and before it began, I figured that my bracelet had gotten lost and when the master found out, he was enraged and he ordered for me to be killed immediately but I escaped and since then, my life has been on the line. I got to know later that me loosing the bracelet had already caused a loophole. Please...Sandy, Tony, Lissa...I need your help. Please pray for me. I feel like I'm being tormented by unseen beings and I'm losing my sanity. My parents are clueless of the whole situation and even if they know, it's useless. They wouldn't be able to help. They're not as prayerful and spiritual as you guys are." She said, crying again. Lissa, Tony and I exchanged looks. Then Tony spoke.

"You'll have to see our pastor then. This is a serious issue." He said.

"I will. I'd do anything, please. I just need my peace back. Sandy, I'm sorry for how I treated you. I'm sorry for how I slapped you-" I gave her a hug even though I felt bad. She hesitated at first and then hugged me back, crying like a baby as Lissa joined us.

"Uhm...please can i stay with you guys? I can't go back to that house. It's easy for them to locate me there but they won't know I'm here. Please, pray for me." She begged. Tony was already on the phone with the Pastor's secretary trying to book an appointment for tomorrow as Lissa and I joined our hands and prayed for her. Tony later joined us and as we prayed, I felt the atmosphere get hotter. It became so hot that I was tempted to turn off the heater, thinking it was the weather that had become warmer and the heater was making it worse but I focused on the prayer instead. I felt that familiar presence- God is here! Danielle fell to the floor, panting and she began to squirm and scream but we only prayed harder. Mum soon came back from the store and when she saw Danielle, she started praying in tongues and she led us into her car and we drove straight church. It wasn't easy to get Dany into the car though, still we prayed softly in tongues.

"We need to see Pastor Austen, please it's an emergency." Mum shouted as the secretary tried to make us stay in the reception. The Pastor had just passed by but I didn't know he paused to look at us.

"Ma'am you haven't booked an appointment and you can't see him-"

"Let them in." Pastor Austen said, with his deep, authoritative voice as he smiled warmly. The secretary bowed slightly and led us into his office.

"Good afternoon Mrs Timothy, how are you?" He asked, adjusting his glasses as he rested both elbows on the table and faced us. Dany was very weak and she couldn't even sit on her own without falling so Lissa and I laid her on the floor, beside us.

"I'm good Sir, thank you for letting us in. There's an issue at the moment." Mum said.

"None the Lord can't solve. So what's the matter?" He asked as Mum nodded at me.

So I started talking. I explained everything that had happened since Dany was too weak to speak and when I had finished speaking, he was quiet. The room was quiet for a while and after some time, he spoke.

"Let us pray for her. Let us pray that the Lord would deliver her from every torment the devil's putting her through and that God would let His mercies prevail over her life." He said as the rest of us began to pray.

After Paster Austen had prayed for her again, he anointed her, still praying that every mark that was placed on her during the initiation would be wiped away by the blood of Jesus and that she would be set free completely from their grip. We kept on praying and once again, she screamed and kicked and shouted.

"Leave me alone!!" She screamed, pulling her hair and squirming violently as the Pastor confronted the spirit that was speaking through her.

"I command you in the name of Jesus to leave her body! The blood of Jesus has redeemed her soul so you cannot have her. Get out of this body now and let her torment come to an end!" He shouted as she let out a blood-curdling scream and her body went limp. He knelt beside her and placed his hand on her forehead.

"Recieve the peace of the Holy Spirit and be still. It is well with you." He said, getting up as we began thank God for her deliverance.