Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 105 - Chapter 4

Chapter 105 - Chapter 4

I awoke the next day closer to midday than I would have liked. Erica had kept me up most of the night and early morning with her insatiable desires. Not that I was complaining, but by the fifth climax on my part, I was ready to drop into a coma for a week.

I had Erica's massive, four-poster, black-silk sheeted bed to myself when I finally woke up. My mind was a little foggy, but I was starting to remember the morning. Erica had woken far earlier than usual since she had to get a train to the city to meet her friend. We shared a few minutes of kissing in bed before she had to get dressed and meet Amanda downstairs for a ride to the train station. It was the first time I had stayed in Erica's room, and I was only just noticing the very Erica-like décor that gave the room life.

The walls were painted a deep red, and the bed was dark mahogany, giving the room a rich feel. A matching dresser with a mirror ran along one wall with neatly arranged candles, make-up, and a few small dragon figures. One of them had smoke coiling up from its nostrils from a small incense cone Erica had lit before leaving. The musky smell filled the room and made me think of her body, her touch, and her moans.

A knock at the door brought me entirely out of my slumber, and the door swinging open a second later made me jump in bed. I sat upright, pulling the thin, silky sheet around my waist.

"Morning, sleepyhead," Mel smiled, strutting into the room as if it were her own. "Time to get dressed."

I didn't know where Mel got the idea that I needed to get dressed while she was walking around the house in what she currently wore. The top she had donned this morning barely covered her perky breasts, her nipples plainly visible through the thin fabric and her skimpy underwear was so sheer that it would probably dissolve in water. Her long, platinum hair hung loosely today, flowing down her shoulders and reaching her tight little ass.

Knowing Mel, she would have picked this outfit out very carefully.

"Aren't you going to get dressed?" I asked.

"You want me to put more clothes on?" Mel asked, sliding onto the mattress beside me. She crossed her legs and let them dangle off the edge of the bed, half turning her body to face me.

"I didn't say that. I'd prefer you in less," I smiled.

"Good answer," Mel grinned. "Maybe some breakfast in bed is in order for the day."

Mel crawled into the bed, kneeling before me as she unceremoniously ripped her tiny top over her head, tossing it across the room. Her small, perky breasts bounced delightfully as she groped at them with her small, delicate hands.

"You like?" She asked, wiggling her hips.

"Very much," I said, already breathing heavy. Was it finally going to happen? There was very little chance of being interrupted this time. I could practically feel her body writhing against mine.

"Very much," I said, pulling the sheet back and letting my erection bounce free.

Mel eyed my cock hungrily--biting her bottom lip--but a look of uncertainty crossed her beautiful face. It was gone as fast as it appeared, but it was there. Something was wrong.

"We don't have to if you don't want," I said, not making a move on her but also not making a move to cover myself.

"I want to. I really fucking do," Mel sighed. "But Emily had lunch ready, so we should probably go. Otherwise, I'm going to keep you to myself all day."

Cockblocked again, but this time it was for a good reason. Mel was right, it was my first weekend with just the twins, and I wanted to spend time with both of them. Emily had gone to the trouble of making lunch, and I didn't want to disappoint her.

And Mel was right. If I laid hands on her now, I wouldn't be able to stop.

"Alright," I nodded. "Let's get dressed and head down for lunch."

I slid across the bed towards Mel and wrapped an arm around her slender waist. The touch of her skin--especially with so much of it exposed--was enough to make my head spin, but I kept it relatively PG with a soft kiss to her lips. Mel's cheeks reddened heavily from our kiss, and for the first time since I had met the platinum-haired beauty, she looked shy and embarrassed.

"That was nice," I smiled.

"Yeah," Mel smiled back. "We should do it again sometime."

Mel gave me another quick peck on the lips before slipping off the bed and pulling her top on. She was still practically naked before me--and my cock was in party mode--so I waited a moment for her to leave the bedroom before I climbed to my feet. I needed a few minutes to cool my shit, but I had a feeling my weekend was going to be like this a lot.

I spent a few minutes searching Erica's room for my clothes before I remembered I hadn't worn anything but a pair of shorts into the house the night before. My erection was settling to a dull throb and wasn't so noticeable through my shorts now, but it wouldn't take long for him to jolt awake like a near-death patient hit with an adrenaline shot to the heart. I guess the girls would just have to deal with me being shirtless and potentially straining my shorts for now.

Mel was long gone when I surfaced from Erica's room, so I decided to just head down to the Kitchen. Part of me was still in disbelief that I was able to share a bed with multiple women and not get in trouble for it, and as a result, my first instinct was to try and sneak outside and act like I was coming in from the backyard. I stopped myself, and instead, I just strode into the kitchen like it was any other day.

It was probably just safer to assume that the women in this house knew where I was and what--or who--I was doing at any given time.

Emily was standing at the short end of the kitchen island with her back to me, and I took a moment to admire her taut ass. Emily didn't work out as often as her sisters, but she still had a body most men would sell their left nut to experience. Her choice of workout shorts really emphasised her juicy but firm behind as she leaned over the kitchen counter. The pale flesh of her soft thighs taunted me with memories of her warmth and scent as she straddled my face a few nights before. She had pulled so hard at my hair that night I was surprised I didn't have a bald patch.

With her back to me, I saw a moment to give Emily a pleasant early morning surprise. I snuck up behind my messy-haired sister on bare feet, careful not to draw any attention to myself. I noticed when I drew a little closer that she was on her phone and had earbuds in. I grinned to myself and stood behind Emily for a moment, drinking in the feeling of her body being so close.

Emily turned before I could wrap my arms around her, though, in turn, ruining my surprise for her. But a look of shock crossed her face, and she jumped a little at me being so close. I act quickly, placing one hand on her hip to draw her to me and cupping her face with the other. I pulled her into a passionate kiss that melded our bodies together.

Emily's initial surprised yelp turned into a long, low moan as she wrapped her arms around my neck and returned the kiss.

"Well, that was unexpected," Emily grinned, breathing heavily.

"Just a normal good morning to one of my favourite girls," I smiled.

"Nothing about this is normal," Emily laughed softly. "But I'll take as much as you're giving."

Our lips met again, and for the second time this morning, I was at threat of derailing my entire day. I actually didn't have any plans--and could easily fuck the day away--but I was looking forward to doing something with either or both of the twins.

"Can't you two keep your hands off each other for two minutes?"

Emily and I jumped apart like someone had sprayed us with a hose. We were both new enough to this that our initial reaction to someone catching us kissing was flight. Even if it was in our own house, and that person was a sister that encouraged our relationship.

"You scared the shit out of me," Emily said, playfully glaring at her twin.

"As much as I enjoy watching, I'm hungry," Mel smiled innocently.

"Alright," I nodded. "Let's eat."

Thankfully, Mel had donned a little more clothing since she had woken me up. The white sweatpants covered more of her than I would have liked, but they rode low on her hips, which seemed to kick from side to side with each step she took. And her black tank-top hugged her small breasts and midsection tightly, technically covering everything while still leaving little to the imagination.

"What are your plans for today?" I asked the twins.

"I was thinking we could go do some busking," Emily grinned. "There's a spot I like to sit and play my acoustic guitar when the weather is nice."

"Sounds fun," I smiled.

A day spent with Emily sounded like a nice change from the rinse and repeat of work, home, sex. I wasn't going to complain about living with these gorgeous women, but something normal would be good. But I also needed to make sure I wasn't bailing on Mel.

"What about you?" I asked the white-haired beauty.

"All day stream," she said. "A few friends of mine roped me into it."

"Stream? Like webcam?" I asked.

"Not like that," Emily giggled.

"That's Erica's domain," Mel laughed.

Suddenly the laptop set up at the end of Erica's bed made a lot more sense. Along with the lighting stands. I just thought she borrowed them from Mel since she was the photographer. This would explain what Erica did for money--and why the girls were all amused by my question on the first day. With how spectacular Erica always looked--her hair, makeup, and grooming were always top-tier--I could totally see her posing for sexy photos or entertaining men online. Strangely, I wasn't bothered by her choice of money-making. If I was being honest with myself, I was actually a little turned on.

"That doesn't bother you, does it?" Mel asked, her head cocked to one side like a curious animal.

"No, actually," I smirked. "Not at all. Which is strange."

"Why strange?" Emily asked.

"Well...before moving here and meeting you four, I had dated a few women. I wasn't what you would call a jealous partner, but this sort of thing definitely would have bothered me," I explained.

"Maybe you just weren't confident in your choice of partner as you are now?" Mel said thoughtfully. "Maybe you feel so comfortable and trusting of Erica that there is no need to feel jealous because you know she will always love you?"

"That could be it," I said, thinking about my feelings towards the gorgeous temptress.

"What about, Emily?" Mel asked, gaining a look from her sister.

"What about her?" I asked.

"Think about her showing her body to strange men online," Mel said, causing Emily's eyes to widen.

I did what Mel said and imagined Emily in her older sister's position. The thought of Emily posing for those kinds of photos was actually incredibly hot and caused my erection to jump to attention. I then imagined Mel in the same position and Amanda to finish it off. The only one of the women I felt any jealousy towards was Amanda.

"Nothing. Well, not nothing. It's pretty hot thinking of you two like that," I laughed.

"You thought about me too?" Mel smirked. "That wasn't the experiment."

"You didn't feel jealous?" Emily asked, almost timidly.

"No, not at all," I replied. "I imagined it was completely and entirely your decision, and you wanted to do it. I couldn't be upset if you were doing something you wanted to do. I know you love me."

A tear rolled down Emily's cheek as she smiled broadly. She brushed her messy hair away from her face and leaned across the table, planting a kiss on my lips. "Thank you. But I don't think I'll ever be doing what Erica does."

"If you do. Maybe you could pose with our resident stud for me," Mel smiled.

"That's one way to keep our secret incestual relationship," I chuckled. "By taking and keeping photographic proof."

"Fiiiine," Mel sighed. "Ruin my fun, why don't you."

"This lunch topic took a strange turn," I laughed.

"Get used to strange with this family," Emily smiled.

"If you're not strange. You're boring," Mel added. "With that last nugget of wisdom, I'll leave you, kids, to it. I'll be in my room, not wearing pants in case either or both of you wish to join me."

Emily and I watched her twin leave the room and head upstairs. I glanced over to Emily out of the corner of my eye and wondered if she was actually checking out her twin. Erica's remark about Amanda the night before drifted up in my thoughts, making me wonder about a few things.

"Was it just me, or was she acting extra weird today?" I chuckled.

"Definitely more weird," Emily giggled.

I helped Emily clean up after lunch before we parted ways with a quick kiss to get ready for the day. I made the trip up to my flat and was satisfied the aroma of sex wasn't as potent as the night before. Opening the windows had really helped, although I still needed to get my clean sheets from the laundry. That could be a job for later, and if I forgot, I was sure there was a bed elsewhere in the house I could crash in for the night.

Maybe even with one of the twins.

It was still summer--and far hotter than back home--so I pulled on a pair of cargo shorts and a sleeveless band T-shirt I'd gotten at a local show back home. The band didn't exist anymore--breaking up shortly after releasing their only album--but I still listened to their music quite regularly and had kept in contact with the lead guitarist. Not for the first time since moving to Australia, I found myself thinking about the people I left behind. I had a few good friends and a potential girlfriend, but everyone was always so busy working on careers and personal projects that it felt like I hadn't seen any of them for years. How had my absence affected their lives?

It was easy to fall into the line of thought that no one would miss you if you were gone. I had jogged down that lane plenty of times since my mother passed away. But not since coming here. Not since meeting my sisters had I felt like I didn't matter to someone. Each of them had gravitated towards me so quickly and made me feel welcome and loved. Albeit, in very different ways, I knew with utmost certainty that I would be missed if I vanished now. Missed by four remarkable women.

I smiled to myself, amused and still bewildered at the change in my life. I had lost my only parent and wasn't sure of my spot in the world. But now, I lived in a huge home with four beautiful women who all seemed to share varying degrees of love and affection for me while not being bothered about sharing me with one another. It was like a really poorly written pornography movie where the hero of the story just gets away with putting his dick in every girl he sees.

Part of me wondered if I could get away with that too. But I really didn't need to find out. I was only fucking one of the women in this house so far, and already I was feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Ready to go?" Emily called out, pushing my front door open.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I replied, letting my dwelled thoughts go for now. "Let's do this."

I grabbed my phone, wallet, and keys before following Emily back into the house and garage. In the back corner of the garage was a stack of guitar cases under a dark grey blanket. Emily moved them around until she found what she was looking for and passed one to me before taking another for herself.

"These will do great," Emily smiled. "I'm really looking forward to this. I wonder how much we can make."

"You're beautiful and talented," I smiled. "I'm sure you will make a fortune today."

"Thank you," Emily smiled, then placed a hand on my bare bicep. "But with these on display, I think you'll be the one bringing in some money."

I gave my bicep a quick flex just to see Emily's reaction. Her cheeks darkened a touch, but she didn't look nervous or shy. Instead, she looked hungry. The predatory look in her eyes vanished almost as quickly as it had appeared, and Emily grinned her signature goofy smile before kissing me on the lips.

"Come on," Emily nodded towards the door.

We loaded our gear into Erica's blue sedan before Emily took the driver's seat. I still hadn't gotten around to getting my Australian driver's license--and riding Emily's bike had been the limit of me pushing my luck--so for now, I let the girls drive me around.

"It was nice of Erica to let us use the car," I said.

"Amanda was going out anyway, so it made sense," Emily replied. "Plus, none of us enjoy driving to the city; it's just easier to jump on a train."

"I grew up around London, so I can totally relate to that," I laughed.

"You didn't drive back home?" Emily asked, keeping her eyes on the road.

"I had a bike, and my mum had a car, which we used almost every day. But the city was a nightmare to drive in and worse to try and find a parking spot," I explained. "It was far easier to just get a bus or a taxi in. We never really went into the city all that much anyway. Everything was ten times more expensive and way too many strangers."

"Sounds like one city is the same as any other," Emily nodded. "It's much the same here. But I put up with all that for the concerts."

"Yeah, I can relate to that," I chuckled. "That was the only reason I ever wanted to head into the city."

"I wish international bands visited here as often as they do over there," Emily sighed.

"One day, I was walking down the street, and I spotted a poster for Lamb of God playing," I chuckled. "The venue was opening in about forty minutes, so I just bought a ticket and waited."

"I officially hate you," Emily pouted. "But I'll forgive you if you give me a kiss."

"Deal," I smiled, leaning over to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Is that better?"

"We'll have to wait and see," Emily smiled. "Alright, we're here."

I hadn't paid any attention to where we were going or how long the drive was--something I was finding increasingly common around my sisters. Emily pulled the car into a small parking spot beside a large blue dumpster. The spot was clearly marked 'No Parking' in big, yellow letters. But Emily just pulled in and shut the engine off.

"If the car gets towed, I'm blaming you," I said.

"Don't worry about it," Emily grinned. "The pub that owns this spot belongs to an old family friend. He lets us park here as long as we let him know it's us."

"That's handy," I nodded.

"He also lets me play here if he doesn't have anything booked," Emily added.

"Double bonus."

I grabbed both guitar cases and followed Emily up to an old, iron-barred door. Emily gave a quick, crisp knock, and after a minute, I heard locks disengaging, then the inner door flung open.

"Emily, my dear!"

The outer, barred door was next to open, with much more care than the inner door. A tall, slender man with a thick head of greying hair stepped out, wrapping Emily in a fatherly hug. He was dressed in faded jeans and an old Iron Maiden t-shirt covered with a black apron. The man didn't look any older than forty, although his steel-coloured hair and beard made him look far older.

"Hey, Darren," Emily smiled, hugging him back. "Hope you don't mind us coming to play."

"Not at all, my dear," Darren smiled.

"Thanks, man. We really appreciate it," I smiled, offering my hand to the older man. Darren immediately reminded me of my grandfather, which put me at ease. "I'm Nick."

"Not a problem at all. Any friend of Emily's is a--" Darren smiled, shook my hand, then his eyes went wide after a few seconds. "'re...."

"This is our brother," Emily said, beaming with pride. "He came home."

"I don't believe it," Darren said. "I...I truly don't know what to say."

"Darren and our dad were best friends," Emily said, placing a hand on Darren's arm. "And Darren is like an uncle to us all."

"It's like I'm seeing John again," Darren remarked. "How did you find each other?"

"My mother," I answered, stopping to take a moment to compose myself. Thoughts of my recently deceased mother were still painful. "She gave me my father's personal information. It was actually far easier than I would have imagined."

"Amanda was still looking for him," Emily explained. "She knew that Dad would want us to be a family one day. So, when Nick reached out about our father, she was notified about it."

"That girl has her father's spirit alright. While you got his face," Darren chuckled. "Just be glad you were spared the blonde hair. We don't need another Fabio clone."

It was odd thinking of someone referring to my father like that. I had always likened Craig to the prolific male model. The photo of my father that I kept in my wallet showed him with long blonde hair and a cleanly shaven face. He would be considered handsome by many women.

Much like Craig.

Was it unconscious of Amanda to date a man who resembled her father? Even if it was just a superficial resemblance. Everything I had heard about my old man had told me how wonderful and amazing he was. How much he had loved his children. Craig was not that kind of man.

"You okay?" Emily asked softly, placing a hand on my arm. Darren had turned his back and was speaking to one of his employees.

"Yeah. Just thinking," I nodded.

"Hopefully about me," she smiled, glancing around to make sure no one was close enough to overhear.

"Even if I'm not thinking about you," I said, placing a hand on her hip. "You're never far from my thoughts. Especially when you smile at me like that."

Emily's cheeks reddened, and she smiled broadly before biting her bottom lip. "I can't wait for tonight."

Darren turned back to us, and we quickly turned our attention away from one another. Emily's last words hung in my mind as I followed her to the small stage area set up for bands and musicians. What was happening tonight? Did we plan something, and I had forgotten already? I was actually thinking about spending some time with Mel tonight. I didn't want her to feel left out. I didn't get a chance to ask Emily what she'd meant since Darren hung around while we set up. I didn't want to chance anyone overhearing anything about our home life. Especially someone who knew the girls so well.

We hadn't really come up with any plans for what we wanted to play before leaving the house today, so we just started off with some Nirvana. I even tested my voice over a few of them and was happy to see a grinning Emily after I started singing. Singing for old-school rock and heavy metal was how I began my journey into music. Everyone wants to be the lead singer of a band and have the girls throwing their panties at them. I was no exception. It seemed like every second metalhead I met was a budding vocalist who was looking for a band. With the market flooded, I decided to take up an instrument too.

Now, being a guitarist wasn't much easier. It was probably more flooded than singers and vocalists, but the fact that most bands would take two guitarists--some even did an Iron Maiden with three--it was statistically easier to find a band. It was also a way to create my own music and generate the kind of band I really wanted to be a part of.

"You're an excellent singer," Emily said when we stopped for a break. "Why haven't I heard you sing before?"

"My mum would often ask me to sing along to her favourite songs from the '80s," I replied, feeling a little sombre. "Ever since I was really little, I would oblige and just go nuts. I didn't care if I was terrible or not; I just wanted to make my mum smile."

"And singing makes you miss her more," Emily nodded.

"Yeah. But it also made me think about her," I smiled. "And how happy it made her."

Emily pulled me into a hug, burying her face into my chest. I looked around to make sure we were alone, which we weren't, and decided a hug would be fine. I hugged my sister back and let out a soft groan as Emily squeezed the life out of me.

"I am so sorry for you, Nick," Emily said, her voice muffled. "I can't even begin to imagine how hard it has been for you."

"It's okay," I said, stroking her wavy hair softly. "It's not like life has been a picnic for you and the others either."

Emily lifted her face out of my chest and looked up at me with her dazzling green eyes. "We had each other our whole lives."

"And now I have you all," I smiled. "And you have me."

I had never wanted to kiss someone as badly as I wanted to kiss Emily right now. The way her lips parted invitingly, the look from her eyes, and the feel of her body were near enough to make me throw caution to the wind.

But I didn't.

"We should probably head home," I said, once again thinking on what Emily had meant about tonight.

Emily nodded, then leaned into me just enough to brush her lips against my ear. The touch sent shivers through my body and was highly risqué, but I couldn't have told her to stop even if I wanted her to.

Emily's breath touched my ears, and the following words almost didn't register.

"I want you tonight."