Chereads / Literotica Lover / Chapter 106 - Chapter 5

Chapter 106 - Chapter 5

Emily's words bounced around inside my skull for the entire car trip home. Darren had thanked and paid us for the short session we had played, and then we were on the road. I hadn't really said anything to Emily since she had confessed to what she meant by 'tonight.' I didn't need to say anything; by the reddening of her cheeks every time I looked at her, she knew exactly what was going through my mind.

Or close enough.

I had resigned myself to waiting for Emily, and I had no issues with the wait. We still had fun, and it wasn't like I was sleeping with blue balls each night, but finally hearing those words from her was making me as impatient as a sixteen-year-old who just found out he'd get to see his first pair of boobs that night.

I was so distracted that I almost didn't notice the new car sitting in the driveway. A car that signalled the house had a visitor.

"That's Jen's car," Emily said, pulling up beside it.

"Wonder what she's after," I said out loud. I had slept with Jen on my second night here after the girls threw a party for me. Jen was smoking hot with a body that would make a eunuch hard. The sex had been great--although that could have been the visual stimuli of watching a naked Erica get herself off--but she came across as narcissistic and vain. Definitely not someone I would see regularly.

"I know," Emily said. "Do you mind giving me some space with Jen for a bit?"

"Yeah, sure thing," I nodded. "Is something wrong?"

"Nothing you can help with," Emily smiled. "But thank you for being amazing."

Emily glanced around quickly before leaning across the centre console and giving me a quick, heated kiss.

"You're more than welcome with kisses like those," I chuckled. "I'll put the guitars away. You go see what Jen needs."

"You're the best," Emily smiled. "I love you."

"I love you too," I smiled back.

I watched Emily walk the path to the front door--my eyes glued to the sway of her hips--and gave my wavy-haired sister a wink when she looked back. Emily beamed a smile that outshone the sun on the brightest day before darting inside. I stood there for a few seconds as I imagined tonight with her.

"Why did Jen have to show up at this moment," I sighed, grabbing the guitar cases from the back seat. "It's like there is a god, and his goal is to cock block me with the twins at every chance."

I stored the guitars away where they belonged and poked my head into the living room. Emily sat on the couch facing Jen, who had her back to me. Emily was holding Jen's hands in her own. The two were speaking too softly for me to overhear anything. Not that I was trying to eavesdrop.

Emily looked up almost immediately, shooting me a small smile, but didn't say anything. I was curious about the issue with Jen and why she had seemed like such a different person at our last encounter. Or maybe she had just been different the night I met her? I didn't have much experience to draw from when it came to the gorgeous, raven-haired woman.

I made myself scarce before Jen turned around. This gave me an excellent opportunity to check in on Mel since I'd most likely be distracted with Emily all night. Mel did mention something about no pants earlier, which was totally fine by me. Mel and I had some bad luck when it came to sex, constantly being interrupted at the worst possible times, but this time I'd have to keep a firm hold on myself.

I wanted to give everything I could to Emily tonight, and it wouldn't be fair to wear myself out on her sister beforehand. With the amount of sexual tension in the air between Mel and me, I knew that once that dam broke, there was no fixing it.

I had enjoyed fucking Erica and exploring Emily's body over the last week and a bit, but with Mel, it was different. We had fooled around time and time again, only to be interrupted. Not once had either of us reached any climax with the other. At least with Emily, I went to sleep satisfied each night. Fooling around with Mel only led to blue balls.

I stopped in front of Mel's closed door, wondering if this was such a good idea. Would we finally crack this time? There wasn't really much to distract or get in between us this time. I had no idea how long Jen was visiting for, but I didn't expect her to leave anytime soon, and Erica and Amanda were out. This could finally be the moment I get the sexy little minx alone long enough to enjoy.

"I can't," I said to myself, taking a deep breath to steel myself. "I need to think about Emily for now."

I nodded to myself with a level of conviction I didn't know I had. I was going to refuse Mel if she tried anything. Politely, of course. Today and tonight were for Emily, and tomorrow I would spend some time with Mel.

I knocked on Mel's door and waited a moment before trying the handle. The door swung inward before my fingers touched the handle.

"Hey, handsome," Mel smiled.

"Hey," I replied sheepishly.

Mel was true to her word about no pants. She wore a black singlet with a long-sleeve fishnet top and modest black panties that hugged her cute butt. Long, black, and white striped socks were pulled up to her mid-thigh, and her hair was pulled back in a casual ponytail. Everything about her outfit screamed comfortable and relaxed, but it also roared at me to take this woman and claim her as mine. Her pale flesh spoke promises of being soft to touch and smooth as silk. Her full lips begged to be kissed, and her slightly protruding hips may as well have had signs reading, 'hold here and hang on.'

"Coming to hide from Jen?" Mel asked, cocking her head to one side.

"Something like that," I chuckled, regaining my brainpower finally. "They didn't look like they wanted any intrusions."

"I'm sure Jen wouldn't mind," Mel shrugged. "Just wave your dick around in front of her, and she'll forget any issues."

"Would that work for you?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Whip it out and let's find out," Mel smirked, her eyes blazing with the challenge.

Here is the issue I had with Mel. These games were fun to play, but I had no idea where it would go from here. There was a good chance that I could pull out my dick right here and now, and next thing I know, Mel is on her knees and giving me the best blow job of my life only for us to be interrupted by Emily or Mel to say she has to go do something. Leaving me with an erection that didn't want to go down, and without Erica here, I had far fewer options.

My seductress of a lover had been on the receiving end of my sexual frustration more than a few times when I was left with my dick in my hand after an encounter with Mel.

"Maybe next time," I laughed.

"Shame," Mel said, taking a step closer to me, brushing her hand along my shorts and over my cock, causing it to bounce. "I could do with a fill me up."

"Don't you mean, pick me up?" I asked, focusing on keeping my composure.

"You heard right," Mel winked.

My willpower was melting as quickly as a snowman in a furnace, and it wouldn't be long before I was a puddle for Mel to do with as she pleased. The proximity of her displaying so much flesh was intoxicating, even though I had seen her naked more than once. Could this be the time something happened between us? I had let Mel lead the interactions between us like I had with Emily, but the twins were very different people.

What if Mel was just waiting for me to make the first move?

I quickly recalled our past interactions and noticed a trend among them. Mel would come on hot and heavy, then hit the brakes. Something would come up, and we'd stop. I figured she was just playing around until she felt ready. But what if I had been wrong, and she was just pushing me to make the first move?

"I did," I said, stepping closer to Mel.

I grabbed the platinum-haired minx by the hips and pulled her against me. A soft gasp escaped her lips just as mine crashed into hers. I felt Mel's tongue force its way into my mouth as she ground her body against mine like a cat in heat. It was happening; it was finally going to happen.

My hands slid down to her lower back to rest on her taut ass. She had the smallest butt of the girls, but it was just as impressive. So firm, round, and perfect. My erection strained against my shorts as it dug into Mel's stomach as we both ground against each other.

"I need you right now," I said in a breathless whisper.

Mel looked into my eyes, her own filled with desire and lust, for nearly a full minute before biting her bottom lip and sighing. She dropped her eyes from mine and pressed her cheek against my chest.

"I wasn't expecting you to call my bluff," Mel laughed nervously. "I hope you're not mad at me."

I had been right. Mel wasn't ready, and she hadn't been waiting for me to make the first move. We had fooled around a bit, but like her sister, I guess she just wasn't feeling up to the finality of sleeping with her brother.

"I'm not mad," I smiled, kissing her on the forehead. "I couldn't be mad at you."

"Thank you for understanding," Mel nodded. "I better get back to my stream."

Mel nodded back to her computer. I wasn't exactly sure what I was looking at, but a chat window scrolled by on one monitor while a game was paused on another. I had heard about gamers streaming before but hadn't really seen it before.

"Don't worry," Mel smiled. "My cameras don't face my door."

"You wear that on camera?" I asked, looking down at her very scantily clad body.

"Better tips," Mel winked.

"Imagine the tips if they caught what could have gone down here," I chuckled.

"That would have resulted in a ban for me," Mel giggled. "Talk to Erica if you wanna try that stuff. Now scoot, I got games to play."

"Wait, talk to Erica about what?" I asked, but Mel silenced me by kissing me before ushering me through the door. "I love you...big brother."

The emphasis Mel put on 'big' made my cock twitch, but the door was closed before my brain could recover enough to form a response. That woman was so complex it would have been easier to solve Rubik's cube with one hand while blindfolded than to figure out what goes on in that pretty little head of hers.

Jen and Emily were still in the living room, and I didn't want to disturb them, so I set about getting some tasks done. My sheets had been transferred to the dryer from the night before, so I grabbed them out and headed up to my flat to make my bed. I showered after the bed was made and dressed in a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt before heading back down to the house to make a sandwich since I hadn't had anything since lunch with the twins.

The house was still quiet, the hushed conversation between Jen and Emily the only sound I could hear. I was starting to worry that I'd be going to bed alone tonight--which hadn't happened for over a week--since Jen had occupied Emily all afternoon.

I finished up my sandwich and decided to kill time by playing guitar. I crept by the living room quickly as to not give the girls the impression I was skulking around and eavesdropping and darted into the garage. I scooped the Jackson out of its case and checked it was tuned. I had only checked and played it yesterday, but it was a good habit to have. I had been to one too many local gigs where someone in the band had forgotten to tune their instrument.

No one wanted to be that guy.

Everything was set and ready to go--as I suspected. I switched on the amplifier and started off with some 80's rock that had been playing in my head earlier today. I went into some songs Emily and I had played with the acoustic guitars earlier, only this time I have the volume and the distortion to really bring it to life. I sang along to the songs I knew and let the music wash over me.

I lost track of time as I played; movement from the corner of my eye drew my attention. The note I held rung throughout the garage as my eyes lay upon Emily. Her brown, wavy mane was as tussled as ever, and her sparkling emerald eyes shone with a light that was dimmed only by her dazzling smile. Jen had obviously left, and Emily had found the time to change for bed. The long, black t-shirt hung halfway down her thigh, leaving a pale swath of skin about three inches wide on display where her socks ended.

These women and their thigh-high socks were going to be the end of me.

"Hey," I greeted Emily.

Emily smiled at me, then shuffled across the room quickly. I placed the guitar down on the stand beside me, just in time for Emily to take my hand in hers, gently pulling me to my feet. No words were uttered as I followed Emily through the house, up the backyard, and into my flat. It felt like the entire world had stopped breathing for just the two of us.

Once inside, she tugged me along to the bedroom before she finally let go of my hand. The beautiful brunette turned to face me, lifting the hem of her t-shirt over her head and throwing it across the room in one smooth motion. She was completely naked under the shirt, save for her thigh-high socks.

"I'm ready for you, Nick," Emily said finally. "I'm ready to love you completely."

It was now my turn to be silent as I stepped up to my lover. I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her into me as our lips met. Emily moaned as soon as my hands touched her skin, a moan that picked up in intensity the longer I held her, and the longer I kissed her. Her body seemed to vibrate in my arms as I pulled her into my very soul. I hadn't felt this kind of arousal since the first time I had slept with Erica. Then it had been an unbridled rush of passion and lust, but I still felt the same tingling sensation throughout my entire body.

I wondered for a split second if it would feel like this with each of them.

I pulled my thoughts back to Emily and this moment. This was her moment, our moment together and I needed to focus on us right now. We may have fooled around plenty over the past week, but that didn't mean I needed to rush into the end zone for the final goal. I wanted Emily to remember this night.

I guided Emily onto the bed and knelt before her. Emily's legs parted for me almost instinctively, and I lay a kiss upon her thigh while I positioned myself. Emily's chest was already heaving with the thrill and anticipation, as was my own. She leaned back, propping herself up on her arms as she looked down to me, her eyes sparkling with unyielding love and devotion to me. I had no idea what I'd done in life to deserve the love of this remarkable woman.

But I was going to do everything within my power to make myself worthy of her.

I let my lips linger on the smooth skin of her thighs as I slowly made my way to the warmth. Emily's scent was already flooding my mind, bringing on a heady intoxication that I only found possible with her and Erica. Everything about these women aroused me.

I could hold back no more as I trailed my tongue between her pelvis and thigh, causing her to shiver. I planted a wet kiss on Emily's dripping sex, making sure to lock my lips around hers and sink my tongue deep inside of her. Emily moaned and bucked her hips immediately. She never could control herself very well, and I soon found myself the meat in an Emily thigh sandwich. Not that I minded at all.

I worked every trick I had learned throughout my life onto Emily's ever-increasingly moist sex. Her thighs squeezed around my head as her body writhed, and her moans egged me on. I wrapped my arms around her hips and pulled her harder against my face as I tried to devour her whole.

Suddenly, Emily's death grip around my head relaxed, and I felt her legs drape over my back. Her hips rocked gently as I lapped at her sex, sending quivers through her body that echoed her soft moans of pleasure. I had seen Emily in this state more than enough times to recognise a strong climax from the adorable brunette.

And this is exactly how I wanted her.

I extracted myself from Emily's legs and rose to my feet. My shirt came off first, followed by my shorts. I stripped them down my legs, but not the whole way off. My cock bounded free and immediately began dripping pre-cum down my length, even dripping onto Emily's thigh.

"I want you naked," Emily said, her tone heavy with lust. "I like seeing you naked."

I grinned at Emily and stripped my shorts the rest of the way down, kicking them off into the corner of the room. I stood before Emily as she bared herself entirely to me. My cock bounced before me, willing itself to get closer and closer to its much sought-after target. The pre-cum around the tip of my cock mimicked the juices that coated Emily's bald vagina and thighs, promising warmth and slickness that no one had ever felt before.

"Are you ready?" I asked, taking my cock in one hand as I massaged pre-cum along my length.

"Yes," Emily nodded. "I want to be yours."

I knelt on the bed as Emily scooted further onto the mattress, keeping her legs spread wide for me. I lowered myself over her naked body for the first time and allowed myself a moment to enjoy the feel of her breasts against my chest, her thighs pressing into my hips, and her hands trailing up and down my arms. We had fooled around in the nude plenty of times already, but we had unconsciously kept ourselves out of such a precarious position. It's almost like our subconscious minds knew that once we were in this position, there would be no stopping us.

With a surge of willpower, I broke the skin-to-skin contact with Emily and sat upright on my knees before her. My rock-hard shaft rested against Emily's slick opening as my penis pointed to the sky, the tip still dripping with pre-cum.

The nod Emily gave me was all I needed.

I gripped the shaft of my penis with one hand, taking Emily's thigh in the other while I angled myself to rub the tip of my penis along Emily's vagina folds. She was impossibly slick, with enough warmth radiating from her core to promise a welcoming and unforgettable union. Ever so slowly, I pressed the tip of my penis towards its goal. The lips of Emily's pussy embraced the glans of my penis like an old lover, bringing a gasp from the both of us. A tingling sensation rushed through my body, threatening to make me lose control already.

"More," Emily gasped.

I realised then that I had closed my eyes. They popped open again to see my messy-haired sibling sitting upright, one arm behind her to support her weight. Emily's free hand slid up my chest until her fingers wrapped around the back of my neck. I leaned in, planting a kiss on her luscious lips. The kiss ended abruptly as I pushed another inch into Emily's warm embrace. I felt her thighs tighten around my hips as her whole body vibrated.

I leaned back slightly to have a look at where we were connected. I always enjoyed watching my cock vanish into a woman's pussy while I fucked her, and it was even more arousing now since it was Emily's first time. The fact that it was her first time meant I had to take it extra slow with her. I knew I had an impressively sized cock--multiple women had mentioned it, and I had, of course, watched porn before--which could be very painful if I didn't use it right.

"More please," Emily moaned, her eyes locked onto my rod as it slowly began to impale her.

I inched myself in a little deeper, fitting about half of my length inside of Emily now. Her tunnel constricted tightly around my shaft, but she was so wet and welcoming that I could almost feel her sucking me deeper and deeper inside of her. I decided this was probably about as much as she would take the first time and started sliding back out.

"No!" Emily groaned in displeasure. Still holding me by the back of the neck, Emily pulled at me, forcing my cock back inside of her deeper than before. The sudden enveloping of my cock had surprised me, sending a shiver through my body as my climax rushed in.

I gritted my teeth and every muscle in my body as I staved off my orgasm. It had never come so fast before, but the highly erotic nature of being with Emily right now was a strong aphrodisiac.

Emily didn't have the same restraint I did, though.

I felt her tunnel gush and pulse, soaking my cock and pelvis immediately as my cock received the most amazing massage I had ever felt. Emily's eyes rolled back into her head as she opened her mouth in a silent scream, her body tremble and her legs clenched tightly around me. I felt her entire body vibrate and shake for nearly a full minute before she finally came down from her high.

The wail that left Emily's throat was nothing short of magical. Emily buried her face into my shoulder, biting down hard enough to bruise the skin as she tried her utmost best to regain control of her body.

I clung to her naked, sweating body as she rode out what could possibly be her first orgasm from penetration, trying to hold my own back in the process. I wasn't sure about the situation of birth control with the brunette twin, and I knew from experience with Erica that there was a good chance I was going to fill her to the brim when I came.

Emily's hips bucked against me as she began to regain composure, and that was all it took. My hips moved of their own accord, and before I knew it, I was pumping my shaft in and out of Emily's quivering pussy. She was still soaking my pelvis with fresh waves of juices with each thrust I made, creating a wet, squelching sound that was echoed by the smack of slick flesh.

I came without a second thought to the consequences, and nothing could have stopped me from filling my gorgeous sister right here and now. My climax rushed in, and I opened the door wide, welcoming it as I spewed forth an ungodly amount of seed into Emily's previously virgin pussy.

I collapsed onto the bed beside Emily when my muscles decided to give out. I was breathing as heavily as her, but she had seemed to recover from her own climax, at least enough to roll over and rest her chin against my heaving chest.

"I think you came inside me," Emily laughed, dipping a hand between her legs, only to return it to her lips with a grateful smile as she licked her digits clean.

"I'm sorry, I should have checked it was okay too," I said breathlessly.

"I've been on birth control for a few years," Emily shrugged. "We all have been, just to avoid any accidents."

"Let's see how it holds up to that," I laughed.

"Is that normal for guys?" Emily asked, pointing to the mess coating my still hard cock and what covered my sheets.

"Not at all," I said as my breathing finally returned to normal. "Not even for me. It only started happening with you girls."

"Well...I'm glad," Emily smiled, kissing me on the cheek.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"Because I like your cum, silly," Emily winked. "And it means we are meant to be doing this. There wouldn't be any other reason why we are so attracted to each other and why you do so much of...that."

"You created more than half this mess," I laughed, pointing to the wet patch on my sheets. "I just washed these last night."

Emily's cheeks reddened, and she buried her face into my chest. "That's so embarrassing. Please don't tell the others."

"Your secret is safe with me," I chuckled.

"Speaking of secrets," Emily said, biting her bottom lip as If considering whether or not she should say something or not.

"What is it?" I asked, concerned.

"It's nothing bad. Well, not in that sense of bad," Emily laughed. "But you know how you and Mel haven't had a chance to sleep together yet?"

"Yeeaaahhh," I said, drawing the reply out.

"Weeeeellll, that might have been her idea," Emily barely suppressed a grin.

It all made perfect sense now. Each time we had been together and were close to anything sexual, something happened, and there were even a few times where Erica had bailed on me.

And it was usually when I was too cautious about making the first move.

"She's been fucking with me?" I asked.

"In a way," Emily shrugged. "She made a promise that she wouldn't sleep with you until I did. I didn't ask her to, but she still made the promise. I know she was doing it to stop me from feeling left out."

"Why would you feel left out?" I asked, wrapping an arm around Emily and pulling her against me.

"You know how Erica is," Emily said. "I'm not as forward as she is, or even Mel and Amanda. It wouldn't have bothered me, but there was a genuine possibility of you sleeping with all three of them before I worked up the courage to."

"Amanda has a boyfriend," I said.

"Doesn't mean she doesn't want you," Emily shrugged. "We all know she does. Manda is just being difficult and stubborn as always."

What Emily said had made sense. Erica was openly flirting with me from the moment I arrived, and Amanda had kissed me first. Both women had made the first move on me, and even Mel had let her curiosity influence her enough to make the first move. If Amanda hadn't shown restraint, I might have ended up in bed with her instead of Jen, and there was no way I could have resisted Mel.

"She still fucked with me more than was cool," I said, then laughed at the thought that popped into my head. "I think she needs some payback."

"What are you gonna do?" Emily grinned.

"Well, Em," I said, kissing her on the forehead. "Can you keep this a secret?"

"Yeah," Emily giggled.

"Alright, tomorrow morning, I'll go down to her room and start messing with her," I said, explaining my plan. To mess with Mel while she still thought Emily and I hadn't slept together. This meant she wouldn't let herself go all the way, and I could mercilessly tease her.

The plan must have excited Emily because she had started stroking my cock partway through my explanation, then moved down the bed to take me in her mouth. She moaned her responses from time to time, unable to talk with a dick in her mouth.

"I'll let her know tomorrow night sometime. Let her sit with it all day tomorrow," I laughed, running my fingers through Emily's messy hair.

"I want to tell her," Emily grinned as she let my cock slip from between her lips.

"Sure," I chuckled.

"But you should go down there now," Emily shot me a devious smile. "It's not that late, and I can pretend to come looking for you in ten minutes."

"I think I have created a monster," I laughed.

"Just a little," Emily said as she slow-crawled up my body, kissing along my chest, up my neck, and across my jawline until her lips brushed my ear. Her breath was hot against my skin.

"You can go and tease my sister. Then come back and fuck me some more."

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