Chereads / Romance Survival 101 / Chapter 16 - Road Trip Of Memories [2]

Chapter 16 - Road Trip Of Memories [2]

"Wake up guys, we're going hiking!" Luke's voice rang through me and Jayden's tent, I groaned out if annoyance and pain. The pain coming from the mosquitos that were biting me throughout the night.

"Why on earth are we going hiking?!" Jayden asked annoyed as he sat up, stretching his body, his face looking grumpy and tired.

"Yea, aren't we at the summit of Mt Bliss?" I asked. Luke shook his head.

"Nope! We aren't even close! So we have to start now!" Luke said cheerfully. "Come on Jayden, get up." Luke said as he pulled his younger brother up, I pulled out my phone to check the time.

"Luke, it's 6am!" I groaned while collapsing back onto my sleeping bag.

"Which is why we have to start going! C'mon get up." He replied as he pulled me up, Jayden kept glaring at Luke.

"Oi, don't stare at me like I've ruined your life." Luke said to Jayden.

"Because you have!" Jayden yelled annoyed, "I wanna go home, I miss the air conditioner and my PC. Why did you bring me out? Do you even love me Luke???" Jayden whined as he sat on the floor hugging his knees, looking like he would have a breakdown anytime soon.

"Oh, I love you so much that I have to make sure you touch grass. C'mon quit whining. It's exercise." Luke said cheerfully, Jayden rolled his eyes and crossed his arms in an act of defiance.

"Well, I'm not leaving this spot." Jayden declared, with an angry look.

"You leave me no choice." Luke sighed.

"Woah! Luke what are you doing?!" Jayden exclaimed as he was lifted from the ground with practical ease. "I haven't even bathed!" Jayden whined.

"Jayden, we're on a mountain, where do you expect to get water to clean yourself?" Luke asked.


"It was a rhetorical question."

"How am I supposed to know?!"

And that's how we ended up hiking on Mt. Bliss for nearly an hour, Jayden wasn't the only one who was upset. Basically everyone was because Luke had entered everyone's tent and made noise on how we have to start hiking before noon.

"I didn't know you played the classic guitar as well." I told Christopher who was walking behind Luke, his face showing annoyance and fatigue. Meanwhile Luke was singing weird songs, weird as in songs that aren't meant for hiking.

"Up came the sun and dried out all the rain so the tipsy-bisty spider climbed up the water spout!" Luke sang happily.

"I promise if he doesn't shut up, I'm going to whack him to death with my guitar." Christopher muttered, giving a death stare to Luke's back.

"It's your fault, since you agreed to this bullshit." Kristen said, glaring at Christopher. "Why did you even agree? Is because of Mom and Dad?" He asked.

"Yea, I just wan-" Christopher was about to say but we heard a growl.

"CHRIS!" We yelled looking at Chris. "You're an animal." Jayden mumbled.

"Wha- why?" Chris asked, genuinely confused. His red eyes showed it. Christopher and Jayden scowled.

"Don't ask that! How are you hungry at 7am?!" Christopher asked annoyed.

"Hey don't shout at him like that! The growl can't be from him! He woke up at 4am to eat chocolate chip cookies!" Kristen yelled at Christopher and Jayden. Chris nodded.

"And, instant ramen. I brought a lighter. If you're asking, along with a kettle." Chris added.

"Explains why you had two heavy bags." Christopher said, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "But if it wasn't your stomach that growl, who was it?" Christopher asked. By then Luke had turned to face us but suddenly screamed, all the blood in his face drained.

"B-bear!" Luke screamed before running, we all turned to see a black bear. It's beady eyes devoid of emotion.

"Run!" I yelled as we ran off.

"Are bears edible?" Chris asked as Kristen grabbed him by his hand and pulled him away from the bear.

"I'm pretty sure that's illegal!" Kristen yelled as he and Chris ran off.

"But it's LEGAL for bears to eat us?!" Jayden asked as he ran, the bear chased as but I was the farthest from it. Jayden wasn't that lucky, the bear closing in on him. On instinct I went after him and grabbed his hand and pulled him away. We ran for only God knows how long.

"Since when did bears live on mountains?!" Jayden asked, collapsing on the hard floor. "Ouch"

"Well, maybe there are mountain bears" Chris suggested.

"Guys, where's Luke?" Christopher asked. Oh right, Luke was the first person to run off, we started looking for him but couldn't find him anywhere.

"I couldn't find him" Kristen said as he sat on the floor.

"Me neither." Chris said as he came out of the trees with branches in his hair and dirt on his face. He collapsed on Kristen's lap and looked up to the sky.

"Welp, he's missing. Can I have his side now? Oh, and sell his things? Could buy a new gaming PC." Jayden asked Christopher.

"Missing? No, he can't be missing. Damnit where could he have gone?" Christopher paced around thinking aloud. "Check everywhere, no one is leaving here until we find him." He ordered. After a like 2 hours we still hadn't found him.

"No, no, no. He couldn't just vanish. Damnit, why did I even agree to this? Now he's missing or even dead." Christopher mumbled, his hands running through his black hair as he sat down cradling himself violently as if he's going mad.

"Are you praying?" Kristen asked in disbelief as we saw Christopher clasp his hands together in a prayer form.

"When was the last time we even went to church?" Jayden wondered.

"Your 13th birthday." Chris replied.

"Desperate times call for desperate measures." Kristen said as Christopher kept mumbling something.

"If Luke comes within our distance, I'll stop my worst habit. I promise." Christopher said, suddenly we heard a yelp of excitement and we turned. First we saw Luke's clothes, turns out that there's a huge pond where we were standing and Luke was in the pond.

"Hi guys! Check this pond out! Is Christopher crying?" Luke asked as he swam in the pond.

"You got him worried stupid." Kristen scolded Luke.

"Incoming!" Jayden screamed as he removed his clothes, I felt two hands covering my eyes.

"He's naked, isn't he?" I asked.

"Yea, and Kristen is about to join and Chris is stripping himself." Christopher replied.

"Really? Can I see?" I asked.

"What? Jade no." Christopher replied sounding weirded out.

"Please... Pretty please.". I begged.

"You're a per- Luke what was that for?!" Christopher yelled, I don't know what happened but I suddenly felt wet.

"Come join us." Luke yelled. I felt Christopher's body tense.

"Jade, close your eyes." He said as he pulled his hands from my face and put my hands on it. I heard his footsteps walk away from me and I got curious so I peeked hoping to see something. But he was quick and has already dived in.

[Two hours later]

"You guys cheated!" Jayden whined as we continued our hike. So they basically had a chicken fight, it was Luke and Jayden Vs Kristen and Chris. Kristen and Chris won but Jayden and Luke think they cheated.

"Really? How?" Kristen sneered as he laughed at them. "You're just sore losers."

"We are not sore losers! You guys are cheaters and I swear I'll get re- ahhh!" Luke nearly fell of the cliff but I grabbed him by his collar.

"You're so heavy!" I grunted as I tried pulling him up.

"I'm literally the second lightest in this family!" Luke yelled back, so you may be wondering: Weren't the others going to help? No, they were busily laughing and taking pictures of him.

"Phew, you're a lifesaver Jade! Unlike those guys who are supposed to be my brothers!" Luke gracefully said when I finally managed to pull him up. I just nodded as I colllasped onto the floor. Suddenly Luke start cheering and doing crazy stunts.

"Is your thinking faculty working?" I asked him.

"We're on the summit!" Luke cheered, everyone came to stand by him and look at the view.

"I could draw this." Kristen said as he took a picture of the view. The sun was high in the sky, it's bright lights reflecting on the river below with trees at both sides. I guess autumn is a good time to come to Mt. Bliss. So after all the bear chasing (don't bears hibernate in autumn to winter???) We finally found the so-called magical scenery.

"Oh bed how I've missed you." Jayden said when we finally reached home, Kristen pulled out his phone along with some pencils and a book.

"That was fun, we should do that more often." I commented.

"Yea, even if it was a bit crappy." Christopher hummed.

"So long as I'm doing it with people I love. Why not?" Chris said.