Chereads / Cold Emerald(Action-Romance/GL) / Chapter 5 - Miss Anderson's Wild Ride (and Wilder Story)

Chapter 5 - Miss Anderson's Wild Ride (and Wilder Story)

Miss Anderson burst into the police station, still fuming from her wild taxi ride. She stormed up to the front desk, where Officer Friendly greeted her with a calm smile

.''Hi, how can I help? "

"I've been kidnapped by a bloomin' taxi driver!" Miss Anderson exclaimed, hands on hips.

''Kidnap? 'Okay, ma'am, I am listening. Come and sit down.'' The officer offered her a seat.

Miss Anderson proceeded to recount the harrowing experience of being taken on a terrifying joyride by the reckless taxi driver.

Officer Friendly listened attentively, taking notes as she described the frightening ordeal in detail.

The officer's eyebrows shot up from Anderson's fast-talking storytelling.

''So, you are saying this Grab taxi driver that you booked kidnapped you, flirted with you, and you hit her, and you almost got into an accident. She comforted you, and her eyes are beautiful, and this kidnapper decided to bring you home.

''Whoa, that's quite an adventure! Are you sure it's a date that went wild, Miss Anderson? the officer asked with a raised eyebrow.

Anderson chuckled in disbelief that this officer wouldn't believe her frightening experience with the taxi driver."Blimey! I wish it were just a dodgy date, but it was a bloomin' nightmare on wheels, it was!" She shouted with conviction, slamming her palm on the table, and making the officer jump.

"Well, we'll get to the bottom of this," he assured her before excusing himself to make some phone calls. Anderson sat back in her chair, grateful for the officer's help but still shaken by the events of the night.

The scenario caught Detective Jameson's attention but didn't budge to it she thought it was just another crazy brat woman reporting a nonsense incident; it happens all the time.

Jameson's almond brown eyes looked up from her coffee cup but jumped in shock seeing the woman who, as making a ruckus earlier, was now standing beside her, but Jameson managed to quickly get her senses to gather her poise and sassiness.

''I am sorry, ma'am, but this department is not for handling frivolous complaints. If you have a legitimate concern, please provide me with the necessary details so that we can properly investigate the matter."

Detective Jameson's stern tone softened slightly as she noticed the genuine fear in the woman's eyes, realizing that there may be more to this situation than she initially thought.

"You're a detective, aren't you?" '' Miss Anderson asked, her voice full of determination.

''Yes, I am. What can I do for you? Miss..? '' Anderson hesitated for a moment before responding,-

"Anderson, I need your help finding my phone, it's gone missing." Detective Jameson's expression shifted to a poker face.

Detective Jameson's expression turned icy. "Ma'am, I'm busy. Please, for the sake of sanity, leave."Miss Anderson stood firm, her determination unwavering.

"I won't budge until you lend an ear! That taxi driver snatched me, flirted shamelessly, and nearly sent us to our graves.

You think I'm barmy?" Jameson sighed, rolling her eyes

."Officer, please escort Miss... Anderson away." Officer Friendly approached, but Miss Anderson dodged him

."No, no, no! You can't brush me off! I've got the details, I have! ''Jameson raised an eyebrow.

''Details? Like what?"

Miss Anderson launched into a rapid-fire account. "She had smashing eyes, and a charming smile! Nearly wrote us off, we did! and I slapped her, but she just laughed and said I was feisty!"

Jameson's poker face cracked. "Feisty?"

''I can see what she means,'' Jameson said sarcastically, seeing how wild this woman was.

Anderson nodded vigorously, ''Yes! And then she comforted me and brought me home. It was surreal! "Jameson massaged her head when the woman continued to her story.

Officer Friendly chuckled, and Jameson shot him a warning glance.

"Ma'am, please," Jameson tried again.

But Miss Anderson persisted, her words tumbling out in a hilarious, exasperated stream.

"You must listen! It's not just about my mobile; it's about justice for all the daft taxi rides!"

Jameson threw up her hands. "Fine! I'll take the case. Just please, for the love of sanity, stop talking!" Miss Anderson beamed, triumphant.

"Thank you, Detective Jameson! I knew you'd see it my way." As Officer Friendly led Miss Anderson away, Jameson muttered under her breath, "I have a feeling I'll regret this."

But she smiled thinking about how hilarious the woman was.

''Well, that's a first never seen you smile like that before'' Ryan who just literally came out from nowhere.

''Shut up, and back to work '' Jameson snaps at him but the latter just laughs it off.