Chapter 55 - Baelon's Love

[A/N: Patreon is ahead by 25 chapters. Next chapter updated here, it will be ahead by 30-35 ]

(Baelon's POV)

I held Helaena from behind, leaning in and kissing her cheek, "What is on your mind, my love?" I asked her we stood atop the Dragonmont, "You can tell me." 

" thinking...." She said softly

"About what?" I asked her

"When can we go to King's Landing?" She asked me, "I wish to see our Family." 

Our parents had left the day prior, they returned back to King's Landing. Father told met that he wished for me to return to Court but I refused. I told him that I would rather be spending time in Dragonstone with Helaena. The last two years were quiet and peaceful and I would not have it any other way. 

But if she would like to visit it, who am I to refuse her?

"Whenever you desire." I told her as I embraced her tightly, "You know that." 

"I would love to go soon. In a few days." She said, her tone getting brighter

"So be it." I said with a chuckle as I smelled her hair, "What else?" 

"Hm?" She asked

"What else is on your mind?" I asked her

"N-Nothing..." She said softly

"Are you sure?" I asked her, "I know when my wife has doubts." 

"It's nothing, Baelon." She said

"Hm...." I said, "Helaena...." 

"Yes?" She said

"I wish to have you tonight...." I kissed her gently on her cheek, "Is that alright with you?" 

She grabbed my hand and blushed, "Of course...." 

"Hm..." I said, "Let us go for a walk on the beach. Would you like that?" 

"I would love that." She said, "It sounds lovely." 

"Very well." I told her, 

"Let us go." 


We were walking along the beach, feeling the cool sand beneath our bare feet as the water gently hit us. It was a nice feeling, especially when I had such a beautiful girl with me, by my side. 

Helaena's face was so calm and serene, her slight smile was making me crazy. Her long white hair flowed along the sea breeze, she looked so divine. I could not believe that I was this fortunate, to have her with me. 

I could not look away from her beautiful face, her perfect features ingrained in my mind. The light of the sun setting was reflecting on her fair skin, causing her to glow like a goddess. She was perfect, the mere sight of her made me nervous. 

I did not deserve her. She was too good for me. 

She is everything to me. 

She looked at me as she moved a strand of hair out of her face, "What is it?" 

I smiled and shook my head, "It is nothing." I told her, "Just that...." 

"What?" She chuckled

I stopped as I held her hand, looking at her, "I don't know." I said, "I did not know that I would love you this much. To have such strong feelings for you.....the mere thought of making you happy brings me nothing but immeasurable joy...I...I just love you so much, Helaena....I would do anything for you....Anything..." 

She smiled and patted my cheek, "Anything?" 

I nodded, "Yea." 

"Even casting aside your pride and going to speak to her?" She asked me with an innocent look on her face

I frowned, "I...I...." I stammered, "Helaena..." 

"It is are not ready." She said softly, "I will not force you either, my love. I feel the same way. I love you so much. Nothing in this world can replace you. Your feelings matter as much as mine matter to you." 

"Y-You do not understand..." I said, "She-" 

"I do not need to understand." Helaena said, "You opened up to me. You wept in front of me. I held you in my arms as your emotions were released. I understand what I need to....but at the same time, it pains pains me that our Family has a rift in it....but I will not speak on it any longer...if you do not wish for me to." 

"I am sorry." I said 

"Do not be." She said, "Let us not speak on her until we are ready....okay?" 

I nodded, "If that is what you want." 

"It is what you want, Baelon." She said, "I do not want to remind you of the pain you felt. I am the one who is sorry." 

"Yea..." I said

"Hug me." She told me with a smile

I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her as I leaned into her. She kissed me gently on the lips as she held my face with her soft hands. 

"Helaena...." I said as I looked into her eyes, her sweet and gentle eyes

"I know, Baelon....that you wish for a child...." She said softly, "And I know that the Realm expects us to do our duty....." 

"If you are not ready, do not worry." I told her

"I am sorry..." A single tear ran down her cheek, "That I am failing you...." 

"Shh...." I said as I held her closer, "You are not failing me. It simply is not time yet. Soon, Helaena....soon....I know it...." 

"Thank you.." She said as she dug her face in my chest, "I know that you yearn for a son....but I....Baelon...." 

I hugged her tightly for a few seconds, trying to think of something to say. This entire situation was hard to speak on. I know that I had made a vow to her, to not force her to do anything. But to have people speak behind our backs, which I have heard, is difficult. I know everyone expects us to do our duty but I simply cannot do it without her consent. 

"Let us enjoy this pleasant moment, the beautiful sight of the sun setting on the sea...." I said with a smile, trying to get off this topic, "Isn't it beautiful?" 

She looked up and saw the sun setting on the sea, "Y-Yes..." She said softly, "It is beautiful..." 

"I wish for us to watch the sunset, just like this....for the rest of our lives..." I told her as I gently caressed her waist, "Wouldn't that be nice?" 

She looked up at me with a smile, "That would be amazing, Baelon...." She told me, "I....would not want anything else." 

"And I would not want anything else other than your happiness." I said with a smile, "The two of us together....happy...." 

"It is all I want."