Chapter 61 - Suspicions

(Baelon's POV)

I walked up to Aemond as I heard Vhagar let out a rumble off into the distance, "Alright, I am here." I said as he looked at me, "What is it?" 

We were on one of the remote islands that were in the Blackwater, the one he and I typically flew to. A good spot to hang out and be away from King's Landing whenever we got bored and tired of the stuff. 

"About the fight you and our Sister had." He said

I frowned, "I don't want to speak on it." 

"We won't get too deep into it." He said as he faced forward, "But I am loosely aware of the reasons. The day of your wedding, when Lord Corlys was poisoned, Trevor Celtigar ran off. He claimed he was poisoned as well. Yet nobody questioned it. Why was Trevor poisoned? How did Lord Corlys get poison in the first place if it were meant for you?" 

I crossed my arms, "I don't know." I said, "Somebody wanted to get rid of me. To free Balerion up and have Helaena untainted. They wanted to put a child inside her to get Balerion." 

"Hm." He said, "They aimed to get you before the marriage was consummated. But it is too late.....or is it?" 

I raised an eyebrow, "It is. Helaena and I consummated it long ago." 

"They won't see it that way." Aemond told me, "It has been two years. I know it is a sensitive subject but look at it in the perspective of others. To them, the fact that Helaena hasn't had your children means that your marriage is either not consummated or barren. Either way, they will flock over and resume their schemes." 

I looked at him, "And you are sure of this?" 

"I have been spending the last two years paying attention." He said, "It isn't difficult to see how the lowly scum that some Highborns are." 

"Is that so?" I said, "So two years of's going to end..." 

"It may well end." Aemond said, "I am glad you and Helaena had some nice time together but it is time we put an end to this, brother." 

I raised an eyebrow, "What?" 

"Aegon won't act." He said, "For the sake of House Blackwood. But you and I.....we are not so bound by this." 

"Aegon's wife is part of our Family now." I said

"I investigated her, she's free of guilt." he said, "But here are my suspicions.."

"Do tell." I said

"I believe that Trevor Celtigar is the one responsible." Aemond said, "He schemed with Willem Blackwood, Harwin Strong, and Corlys Velaryon to get rid of you and Uncle Daemon....for the sole purpose of getting Balerion and Caraxes, kickstarting a civil war. In the attempt, he would have gotten Vhagar by charming me to their side. A rebellion would have started and with the most dragons, they would have won. But that failed miserably." 

"Guess you and I thought of the same thing." I said, "There was no proof, however...that he did it." 

"I think he faked being poisoned." Aemond said, "And left in haste, leaving Willem to take the blame and waited it out for two years to make it seem like nobody else was responsible." 

"Yea, I am glad I am not the only one who thinks that." I said as I looked over to the sea, "But there is no way of proving it. If we can get proof, I will take him out." 

"Yes. And because of that, Rhaenyra confronted you." Aemond looked at that, "I'm guessing that the two of you fought because our sister is in a really bad position. I do not think she's behind any of this but the fact that she has no choice but to defend her must have bothered you...." 

"Aemond, I do not wish to speak of her." I said seriously

"We are speaking of her husband. That is what this is all about." Aemond said, "I truly think Trevor Celtigar is a heartless piece of shit, just like you think he is, brother. I want you to know that if something is coming, you have my support. I will marry our niece, Aemma, and sway her to my side. She's about to claim a dragon and I will remove a potential power for Trevor Celtigar." 

I looked at her, "What?" I said, "You're going to use your marriage to hatch a scheme? You're going to play with Aemma's feelings, Aemond?" 

"I do this for the sake of our Family, Baelon." He said seriously, "I will treat her well, she's my niece after all." 

"But that won't make you any better than Trevor. He did the same thing to her, you know that, right?" I said seriously,

"I do wonder what the fight was truly about." He said, "You won't speak her name. I can take a guess...did you confess your love to-" 

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, "Careful, Brother." I said seriously, "Be mindful of the next words that come out of your mouth. I am married to Helaena, Aemond....I will not allow anyone else to insinuate anything that will insult you hear me?" 

He shook my hand off, "Take it easy, brother." He said with a slight chuckle, "I just want you to know that I am at your side. That is all. From what I hear, Aemma will stay at Court while Rhaenyra leaves back to Claw Isle. She misses her boys after all." 

I shrugged, "Not my problem." I said, "Is that all you wanted to speak of?" 

He nodded, "Yes." He said, "When I find something, I will let you know." 

I turned around, "Very well." I said before walking away, "I'm going back."


(Third Person POV)

[Claw Isle, A Few Days Later....]

"Mother!" Young Maelor said as he hugged Rhaenyra 

"Oh, my love." Rhaenyra said with a smile, "Did you miss me?" 

The Princess had reached the keep where House Celtigar resides. Her sons and husband were waiting for her. 

Viserys smiled and hugged him, "Welcome back, Mother." 

"Where is Aemma?" Trevor Celtigar asked Rhaenyra with a sly smile

Rhaenyra looked at him, "The King wished for her to stay." She said, "Only for a couple of months." 

Trevor frowned, "She's my daughter, why didn't he ask me first?" He asked

Rhaenyra sighed, "He's the King, Husband...." She said as she grabbed her sons' hands and walked past him, "I cannot refuse him. Besides, she is to marry Aemond. Spending time at Court isn't that bad." 

"Rhaenyra." Trevor said, causing Rhaenyra to stop

"What is it?" Rhaenyra looked at him

Trevor was facing away from her, his hands behind his back, "I have done some thinking." He said

"About what?" she asked

"I think it is time for us to have another child." Trevor looked at her with a gentle smile, 

"Do you not feel the same?" 

[A/N: An R18 Chapter of Baelon and Helaena has just been uploaded on Patreon. You can either subscribe to the membership or make a one-time purchase of it if you wish.]

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