Chapter 57 - Return To King's Landing

(Baelon's POV)

"Ah, Brother!" I heard Aegon's voice, "You are here!" 

We were at the Red Keep's entrance, where we were greeted by Otto and Mother and a couple of other lords. After Helaena and I flew here on Balerion and Dreamfyre, we came straight here before any sort of celebratory parade happened in the city. I could hear the cheers from down below when Balerion flew over the buildings. I am not sure if those cheers were for me or for Helaena. 

I turned to see Aegon walking up to us, wearing black clothes that had a bit of gold outlined. He had a joyous smile on his face as he was followed by his wife who held their son, Jaehaerys. 

"Aegon." I said as he reached me

"Oh!" He said as he hugged me, "It is so good to see you finally! And sister!" 

He pulled away and hugged her as well. Helaena was holding my hand and she awkwardly hugged him back with her free hand. 

"H-Hello, Aegon." Helaena said 

Aegon pulled away, "Ah, you must see the babe. My love, show them our boy." He said with a wide grin, "Go on." 

His wife walked up to us, showing us the babe, "My Prince....Princess..." she said, "T-This is our son, Jaehaerys...." 

The babe was sleeping but he had Aegon's small and smooth face. He was so small, so fragile....and his face looked so peaceful.

"O-Oh...." Helaena said as she tried to reach for his face and pulled back, "H-Hello, child..." 

I leaned down and nodded, "He you, Aegon." I said, "Nicely done. I hope he takes after his mother." 

"Aw, how hurtful!" Aegon said as he patted my shoulder, "I have surely missed you and your jokes." 

I frowned, "You could have visited." 

"As could you. But I suppose the two of us have our reasons." He said with a smile

I heard Otto clear his throat, "Prince Aegon, your siblings need their rest after a flight." He said

"Of course, Grandsire." Aegon said as he looked at me, "This one is going to give you a lecture, I am sure." 

His wife bowed slightly before walking past us and heading inside as Aegon followed her. Aegon glanced at me and gave me a slight smirk and a nod. 

I returned the nod, approving of his current situation. 

Mother looked at me, "Your thoughts?" 

"Hm?" I looked at her, "Oh, Aegon? Hm, I am happy for him." 

"He looks lovely..." Helaena said

"He is currently in line for the throne, Jaehaerys is...." Otto said, "Next to Aegon of course, who is after Baelon." 

"Your point is?" I asked

"No point, right Father?" Mother told him

He let out a sigh, "Of course, no point." He said, "Your Father awaits the two of you." 

I nodded, "Right. We will see him after heading to our chambers." I said, "Mother, where are the others?" 

"Daeron is studying while Aemond is training." Mother told me, "I am sure they would like to see you." 

Helaena looked at me, "You can go see them." She gave me an assuring smile, "It is okay." 

"You sure?" I asked her, "You don't want to see them with me?" 

"I...." She said awkwardly as if she was hiding something, "I want to spend time with Mother." 

That felt like a lie but I was not going to pry. Mother glanced at Helaena the moment she said that as if she knew what she was speaking of. 

Something was up and I knew it. But I was not going to think much of it, I believe it is some harmless thing. Or maybe she really is going to spend time with Mother. 

"Fine...." I said as I lifted her hand and kissed it, "I'll meet you again at Father's chambers. Call for me, okay?" 

She nodded, "Of course." 


"Oh." I said as I walked in, "The two of you are here." 

I had walked into the Keep's library, seeing that Daeron was sitting on a table, open tomes in front of him. On a chair in front of him, Aemond sat with his legs crossed, holding a cup of wine. 

Daeron looked up, "Oh!" He said brightly with a smile, "Baelon!" 

He got up and ran up to me, immediately hugging me. The kid was so grown up already, really taller than the last time I saw him. 

"Seven hells, Daeron!" I said with a chuckle, "You grew so much!" 

He laughed, "Haha!"

He pulled away and ruffled his head as he shook my head away as he smiled. 

"Look at you, so big and all." I said, "I hear Tessarion is large to ride." 

"She is." Daeron said with a nod, "We can fly together now." 

"That is great." I said

"Brother." I heard Aemond say

He had stood up from his seat, holding his cup of wine. He was much taller, and very lean, his hair longer and neatly combed, unlike when he was younger. His features were a bit sharper as his single purple eye looked much fiercer than before. He had a black eyepatch that was strapped on his face. 

"Aemond." I said with a smile, "You have grown as well. I hear you've been training a lot." 

He nodded and gave me a slight smile, "I reckon I can give you a good fight." He said, "I am that confident." 

"Oh?" I said, "I will take you up on that. We should spar as soon as possible." 

"How is our Sister?" Aemond asked

"Good. She's with our mother right now. Father is waiting to see us but we saw them a couple of days ago so he can wait." I said as I patted Daeron's head, "I had to see my brothers, who I missed very much." 

"Hehe." Daeron chuckled, "We missed you too." 

I walked past him and up to the table, "So, what have you lot been up to? Anything that I should know of?" I asked, "It has been quiet in Dragonstone, very quiet and peaceful." 

"Aside from the Tourney? Not much." Aemond said, "I did go and fight off some bandits near the Kingswood but that was without Vhagar. I did not kill anyone but did manage to wound some of them. It was..... exhilarating...." 

"Careful, don't want them to take your other eye out." I joked

He looked at me with a serious look, "Funny."

"Ah, take a joke, Brother." I said

"That incident was not funny, Baelon." He said

I nodded and cleared my throat, "You are right, I am sorry." I said, " you are.I am sure that you are more than capable of protecting yourself. You won't need your big brother for that, eh?" 

"I can handle myself." He said in agreement

"Good." I patted his shoulder, "I am proud of you. I am proud of all of you. My brothers. Man, it is a good feeling....standing here with the two of you. Aegon is a father, can you believe that? Amazing." 

"Why aren't you one?" Daeron asked

"Uhm...well, the thing is...." I started

"People talk, Baelon." Aemond said, "I know you have your reasons. Helaena has hers. But the truth is, if you don't produce an Heir.....people will indeed talk. They already are." 

I scowled, "Who? What are they saying? Give me names." 

"I cannot give you names." Aemond said, "Because I do not know them. But know that they are spreading rumors that nobody and I mean nobody will dare humor." 

"Slander, hm?" I said seriously, "Well what could they possibly say." 

"I don't want to repeat them." He said, "By the way, I am surprised you are even here. Considering your situation with our sister." 

"Hm? What do you mean? Helaena?" I said, "I mean, we are married. We spend so much time together, what situation could you be-" 

"Our other Sister." Aemond cut me off

"Oh." I said, "What about her?" 

"Rhaenyra is here, Baelon." Daeron said, "You might not have seen her because you landed Balerion at his usual spot instead of the Dragonpit." 

I turned around, "Hm." I said, "Okay.....and?" 

"The two of you are not speaking." Aemond said, "I was just surprised, that is all." 

"Yea, well..." I said, "It is a big castle...." 

"We don't have to see each other."