Chereads / Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI) / Chapter 56 - Monster Carrot (32.1)

Chapter 56 - Monster Carrot (32.1)





Unfortunately, it was not as simple as 'blowing that rabbit sky high.' There were some semantics that needed to be handled.

Mainly: The civilians nearby.

"We'll need to evacuate everyone nearby. The impact from the attack with create a large crater at the least. At worst, there could be an earthquake," Bulma said, the group now no longer on the rooftop. They had gone into the Capsule Corporation building and were looking at a large map of West City.

"At worst the planet will be destroyed," Celia corrected dryly, "I sensed Monster Carrot's energy when we flew past that block. He's no pushover. Gray will need to put some power into his attack to take him down."

"Enough power to destroy the whole Earth?" Krillin asked, the man's eyes bugging slightly as he looked at Gray.

+50 Reputation with Krillin (For being so strong) [2x [A Humble Master]] 

"No," Celia shot him down, "But the whole city at least. Even if Gray shot point-blank down at him, the outflow of energy from the attack would cause a crater large enough to put the whole city into the ground."

"You're not destroying the city," Tien said bluntly, staring seriously at Gray.

"Obviously," Gray nodded, "If I shot the beam anywhere near the ground, then the whole city would feel the impact. But, you know where they wouldn't feel it?"

"If you shot it into the air," Celia finished for him, nodding in agreement.

"Hah. If only it were that simple," Tien grunted.

"The whole problem with Carrot is that he won't go into the open," Bulma said, looking at Gray, "He uses his power to his advantage. He and his men connect all the buildings, turning them into a big connected maze. The only time he's not in an enclosed area is when he's attacking the next block, and he does that at random. Unless you want to sit and watch all day everyday, it'd be impossible to catch him. And, if you did that, then he would notice you and never come out."

"That's why we'll make him come out," Gray hummed, "I'll just blow up all the buildings."

"You can't, he keeps the people he turns into carrots stashed in them so…" Bulma trailed off, understanding dawning in her eyes.

+100 Reputation with Bulma (For creating an intelligent plan) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

"People that we'll wish back with the dragon balls," Gray nodded, "I'll destroy his cover and force him into the open."

"Even if you do, you still need to get him off the ground," Bulma countered, "That's why you can't just take him down while he's in the buildings. You can't just throw him into the sky, because you can't touch him. If you do, you'll be turned into a carrot."

"I'll make him come to me," Gray explained, holding up a gun-shaped hand as the tip of his finger glowed, "If he stays on the ground, it'll just be a firing range. At that point, it's a 50/50. Either he tries to run away before I kill him with Ki bullets, or he charges at me. Either way, he'll end up dead."

Considering Gray could sense energy, he'd be able to track Carrot no matter where he ran. Unless the rabbit had a hiding spot that forced Gray into hand-to-hand combat, he would have no way of escaping.

"That… might work," Bulma muttered, looking slightly impressed at his plan.

+100 Reputation with Bulma (For creating an intelligent plan) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

It was by no means foolproof, but it would work in theory. Take away Carrot's hiding spots, which will force him into an open area. At that point, rain down Ki bullets from above. If he runs, chase and keep shooting. If he charges Gray…

Then I get below him and launch him all the way to Planet Vegeta.

"Everyone nearby should still be evacuated. They could get caught in the crossfire," Bulma said again, and Kami nodded at her words.

"They are already doing so. It should only take an hour or so," Kami said. 

'They' was referring to the majority of the Z-Fighters, who had been given that job. Evidently, despite Kami's insistence, the rest of them didn't trust Gray's group all that much. They had left Gray, Asuna, Saeko, Celia, and even Ranfan, with Bulma, Tien, Piccolo, and Kami to create a plan while they ensured all the civilians in the area were evacuated.

I know I'm a Saiyan and all, but what the fuck do they think I'm gonna do? Just kill all the humans instead of evacuating them?

"Alright," Gray nodded, stretching his arm as he started to prepare his body, "One hour, and then Carrot's getting fried."

And, that'll be a big threat out of the way. One-third of the Triangle of Evil will be taken out.

As they stood in the small room, waiting for word to come back that the civilians were evacuated, Gray took advantage of the situation.

I'm in the same room as the original waifu herself! I gotta make a good impression!

"So… uh… how's the family?" Gray asked abruptly to Bulma.

Smooth, right?!

It was not smooth.

"Good," Bulma answered, staring strangely at him, "How's… your family?"

"Um… dead," Gray answered bluntly. He hadn't thought this far ahead. 

The room fell into an awkward silence for a minute, but then…

Bulma giggled softly.

+200 Reputation with Bulma (For not being scary) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

That worked?!

While awkward, and most certainly not cool, the exchanged had at least made Gray seem more human-like to Bulma. As someone whose only experience with Saiyans had been seeing them slaughtering humans, this exchange had made him seem less intimidating, and more approachable.

"So, capsule corporation," Gray continued, "You guys make some crazy stuff, right? Do you know anything about scouter-blocking technology?"

"Scouter blocking? Like, those things that some of you have over your eyes?" Bulma asked, making a circle with her fingers around her eye.

"Yup," Gray confirmed.

"Nope. I've recreated them based on a couple we managed to pick up, but I don't even know where to begin on blocking them," Bulma hummed, shaking her head at him, but then tilting her head as she continued to think, "Actually, I can think of a few potential ways, but nothing concrete…"

She trailed off, and Gray was reminded again that she was more than just a sexy waifu. She was also one of the smartest people on the planet - in regards to creating technology at least. Common sense-wise, that was up for debate.

If she doesn't know, then it's probably just Cooler and the Red Ribbon Army who have them.

The next hour passed quickly for Gray, as he did nothing but chat with people who had once been just characters on a screen. The rest of Z-Fighters slowly arrived back, and soon enough Gray had confirmation that a couple of miles in each direction had been cleared out of civilians.

"Alright, let's get started then," Gray said, walking out the door and heading to the rooftop again. He was glad he was leading the group, as no one could see the slightly hungry grin that appeared on his face.

Adrenaline was already flowing through him, and his heart started to pound. Honestly, Gray had been concerned that he wouldn't be able to get this feeling for a long while. The feeling of…

…a fight that could kill me.

After becoming so much stronger through his fight with Yamoshi, he had been worried that no one else would be able to give him the rush of a good fight for a while. That no one else would be able to ignite the desire to battle within his body.

Hah. To think Carrot of all people has me this excited.

He wasn't particularly strong - at least, not from the small glimpse of his energy that Gray had sensed on the way here. Gray might've been unimpressed, walking into a fight that would just end in a beat down, but Carrot's power was genuinely frightening.

A fight where I can't touch him, and I can't let him touch me.

"No offense, but you guys should just stay here and watch," Gray hummed, stepping onto the rooftop.

"Huh?" Krillin asked from behind him, "You want to take him on alone?"

"We won't be forcing him to transform anyone back, so if you get turned into a carrot, you'll be stuck like that until we get the dragon balls," Gray explained, stretching his arms as he glanced into the distance, reaching out his senses to lock onto Carrot's energy signature, "I can't guarantee I'll be able to keep you safe if you're nearby."

"Keep us safe? I don't need anyone to protect me," Tien grunted, stepped forward next to him.

"He's always like this," Celia said blandly, "Just let Gray handle it."

"Hah. And miss out on all the fun?" Piccolo chuckled, also stepping forward.

"Fine. Just don't blame me if you end up as a vegetable," Gray said simply, tensing his legs and then shooting into the sky.

"I'll make you into a salad if you do," Gray faintly heard Saeko joke behind him, and then he was gone. Blasting through the air, and reaching the Carrot-claimed block of the city instantly. 

A mere second later, both Piccolo and Tien appeared next to him.

"Just keep watch, he could pop out from anywhere," Gray said, despite his eyes staring directly at the building Carrot's energy was coming from, "Leave the blasting to me."

"You really wanna take all the fun, huh?" Piccolo muttered but didn't push the issue further.

Of course I do. It's probably gonna just be a bunch of weak humans who won't give much, but I'll at least get a fair bit of XP from this!

After all, humans turned into carrots should still give some XP, right? If Carrot was stashing them around the block to stop his whole base from being blown sky-high, then…

This is kinda a mini XP farm.

Gray raised his hand, his palm flat as a small Ki ball formed on the front of it. He thrust his hand forward, and the Ki ball disappeared, shooting forward and slamming into one of the many towering buildings on the block.

A moment later, a huge yellow light shot outwards, and the building was torn apart. Debris flung all around the area, and a flood of notifications appeared.

[Earthling 'Sato' has been defeated!]

+25 XP!

+25 Coins!

Sorry, Sato.

[Earthling 'Sho' has been defeated!]

+5 XP!

+5 Coins!

Damn, you were weak even as far as humans go, Sho.

[Earthling 'Sora' has been defeated!]

+10 XP!

+10 Coins!

Sora wasn't much bett- what is up with all these S names?

[Earthling 'Micheal' has been defeated!]

+50 XP!

+50 Coins!

…how the fuck did a Micheal get here?

[Earthling 'Sato' has been defeated!]

+20 XP!

+20 Coins!

Another Sat-

You get the idea. The earthlings turned Carrot's weren't very strong, but there was a lot of them. Gray turned, looking at each name individually from the nearly hundred-long list:

[Earthling 'Sen' has been defeated!]

+40 XP!

+40 Coins!

[Earthling 'Gura' has been defeated!]

+75 XP!

+75 Coins!


Just kidding. No one has time for that. 

However, despite the majority being Earthlings, Gray did spot a couple of differing names.

[Monster 'Rabbit Mob Crony' has been defeated!]

+750 XP!

+750 Coins!

…did he not have a name, or was his name just 'rabbit mob crony?'

Gray didn't want to think of it.

Instead, he simply raised his hand again, launching another Ki blast. This time, it was into the building Carrot's energy was coming from. 

As he did, another flood of tens of notifications appeared, but noticeably one for Carrot did not. The rabbit's energy shot to the side, and without becoming physically visible at all, he was now inside a different building.

He's quick. I'd rather not spend all day blowing up each individual building, so let's just…

Gray raised his hands, his palms pointed at the sky. Above him, a volley of tens of Ki blasts formed, littering the sky.

"What the…" Tien trailed off, the man looking begrudgingly impressed as the sky was littered with so many Ki balls.

Gray ignored him, simply slamming his arms down and sending the mass of Ki down toward the block below them. They scattered outward, slamming into building after building and turning them into crates as debris flew wildly into the air.

Another flood of notifications appeared next to him, showcasing that his blasts had killed hundreds upon hundreds of earthlings-turned-carrots as well as rabbits that were a part of Carrot's gang. 

Finally, it seemed that Carrot wasn't going to just sit still and watch any longer. As his makeshift hideout was torn apart in front of his eyes, Carrot finally made his appearance.

"Stop him, idiots!" Carrot yelled, and Gray spotted him easily. He looked exactly as he remembered him from the show - a tall, huge, rabbit. He had big floppy ears and was in his typical ridiculous outfit - which consisted of a red underrobe an ugly green loose overrobe, and a huge pink popped collar that surrounded his head.

[Magical] Monster Carrot:


Age: 64

PL: 1,280,200,750

HP: 1,290,298/1,290,298

TKI: 1,875,100/1,875,100

Reputation: 0/0 (Neutral)

[Magical] Modifier - Individuals with this modifier will be naturally inclined to obtain magical abilities. They will have MP available from birth.

Hah, I'm glad we got him into the open. It would be hell to fight him in an enclosed space.

While Carrot wasn't strong enough to even stand a chance against Gray, Gray was doubtful he'd be able to stop the rabbit from at least touching him in a close-quarters fight.

At Carrot's words, the empty street was suddenly flooded. The remaining buildings started to empty out, and hundreds, if not thousands, of rabbits flooded onto the street. Most of them were dressed in pitch-black outfits that covered their faces, but Gray noticed that some weren't.

Trying to hide him, huh?

It seemed that Carrot was far from stupid in this world - multiple of his cronies looked near-identical to Carrot, wearing the same exact same uniform as him as they flooded onto the streets. 

Duplicates. Doesn't matter - I've locked onto your energy, Carrot. I won't fall for it.

"That's a lot of rabbits," Piccolo said simply, his voice not giving away how he felt as he stared down at them.

Gray simply raised his hands again, a volley of Ki balls appearing above him.

This is quite the situation, huh? Nothing ever goes as planned.

Carrot now had thousands of bodies to distract them, giving him ample opportunity to try and simply touch Gray, Piccolo, and Tien. On top of that, he had subordinates who looked exactly like him, making it difficult to keep track of him during the chaos.


Despite the situation, there was a grin on Gray's face.

I'll still win.


Gray Tanaki:

[Saiyan Squad Captain]

Age: 18

Wallet: 1,391,650 Coins

Lvl: 22 (2,280,289/5,000,000 XP)

PL: 3,118,252,700

Available Points: 300

HP: 1,889,950/1,889,950

TKI: 2,311,325/2,311,325

STR: 1465

AGI: 1650

END: 1290

INT: 1405

CHA: 1205

LUK: 795

KI: 1645

HREG: 1176

EREG: 1176

Skills: [Observe LVL 10], [Running LVL 15], [Determination LVL 15], [Ki Control LVL 14], [Ki Gun LVL 11]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 9], [KI Suppression LVL 10], [Ki Sense LVL 8], [Pushup LVL 15], [Punch LVL 15], [Kick LVL 15], [Jump LVL 15], [Flight LVL 9], [Prediction LVL 7], [Zenkai Boost LVL 6], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 7], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 7], [Mouth-Beam LVL 6], [Ki-Blade LVL 6], [Cooking LVL 6], [Ki Array LVL 8], [Ki Explosion LVL 6], [Ki Vision LVL 6]

Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]

Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2], [Fighting Style: Broly LVL 1]

Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]


AN: Thank you for reading! The next part of the chapter will be out later, or you can read up to chapter 37 right now on !