Chereads / Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI) / Chapter 60 - Training and 'Fun' (34.1)

Chapter 60 - Training and 'Fun' (34.1)





"So… uh… do you know about any other… cool training rooms?" Gray asked, not looking suspicious at all as he didn't meet Kami's eyes. Him and the elder Namkian were standing on the lookout, both of them staring off into the vast expanse of sky in front of them.

" training rooms?" Kami asked curiously, "Like the pendulum room?"

"Yeah! Like that, but… different?" Gray asked, then quickly waved his hands, "Not that I have on in mind or anything! Just that, uh, the lookout is so cool and awesome and stuff… so maybe there would be another one?"

Just tell me about the hyperbolic time chamber, you bastard old Namekian!

Having access to the hyperbolic time chamber would be extremely helpful to Gray's training during his final few days on Earth, but he couldn't just blatantly ask to use it. Kami hadn't told him about it, so he technically shouldn't know it existed.

He's already staring at me suspiciously all the time. If I randomly ask to use the chamber, then he'll trust me even less.

"Hmm…" Kami trailed off, his face wrinkled in thought for a moment, "...yes, I do know of one."

Jackpot. Let's fucking go!

"Oh, really? Well, I'm training a lot before leaving, so maybe you could show me it! It'd help me get stronger, and then I'll be able to protect the Earth better once I come back," Gray nodded, doing his best not to look overly interested in the room despite his thoughts.

"Well, I don't know where it is," Kami spoke again, and Gray froze, "But, I could lead you in the right direction."

He doesn't know where the fucking hyperbolic time chamber is?!

"You… don't know where it is?" Gray asked blandly, staring in confusion at the elder Namkian.

"Yes, I never used it myself," Kami nodded, "But, I know someone who knows where it is, so you could ask them."

Oh, Popo. If he doesn't know, then Mr. Popo's gotta know, right?

"Do you mean Mr. Popo?" Gray asked with a raised eyebrow, "I don't like asking him anything, but…"

I'll man up and do it.

Trying to start a conversation with the god-like genie was a scary process, but getting to use the hyperbolic time chamber would make it worth it.

"Mr. Popo? No, no," Kami shook his head, "The room is not on the lookout."

…then where is it?

"Then where the fuck is it?" Gray finally spat out, tired out the conversation going in circles.

"Somewhere in West City. You would have to ask Bulma Briefs," Kami nodded, doing his usual slow dispensing of information.

"Bulma?" Gray asked bluntly.

Why would she know where the hyperbolic time chamber is, but fucking Kami doesn't?!

"Yes," Kami nodded, and the lookout fell into silence. The silence stretched on for nearly ten seconds, and Gray's eye twitched as the elder Namkian didn't elaborate. Finally, just as Gray was about to push the issue, Kami spoke again.

"She developed a gravity-changing chamber earlier this year. You may find that helpful for your training," Kami nodded, looking at Gray graciously with a sagely smile - as if he'd just offered some otherworldly help.

Oh… he didn't mean the hyperbolic time chamber.

"...right. I'll ask her to see it sometime," Gray nodded, staring out over the lookout with Kami as they fell into an awkward silence.

"So… um… know any other cool training rooms?" 

Kami did, in fact, know of another training room. 

Kami also, in fact, did not share that information with the 'monster' standing next to him.


"I'm looking for Bulma," Gray stated, staring at the human wearing a lab coat behind the counter. In response, said human stared at him blankly, his eyes wide as his jaw dropped to the floor.

"Bulma Briefs? You know where she is?" Gray tried again, but the man merely took a step back. A moment later, he turned around and sprinted around the counter, dashing wildly toward the door behind Gray.

"Attack! We're under attack! Help! Somebody help!" He screamed before he promptly slammed into the pair of double doors that acted as the entrance of the building. He stumbled backward, falling onto his ass as he stared up at the door.

"I'm trapped! He trapped me! The alien trapped me! Somebody help! I don't wanna die! I don't wanna die!" He screamed, tears dripping as he spun around, staring up at Gray in terror as he walked towards him, towering over the poor man menacingly, "P-Please! I have a family! A wife and a baby girl! Please, have mercy!"

Gray's hands reached out, and the man felt his life flash before his eyes. His first day of school. His first date with his wife. Their wedding. Their struggle to make ends meet as he couldn't find a job. The day he applied to Capsule Corporation on a whim - and, the day he got accepted to be the first floor secretary. The day his daughter was born.

It was a good life.

Gray's huge hand towered over him, casting a shadow over the man as it grew closer. He closed his eyes, bracing himself to meet his death.

But, it never came. He opened his eyes, and saw… Gray's hand was sitting on the door handle, opening the glass door behind him.

"It's a pull door," Gray deadpanned, towering over the man, "You have to pull on it."

"...Oh…" The man said, blushing as he realized that he was, in fact, not trapped. He had simply run head-first into the pull door - which he knew was a pull door, considering he'd worked there for nearly half a decade at this point, "...Thanks."

"Yeah," Gray said simply, staring down at the man with a raised eyebrow.

"S-So… you're not going to kill me?"

"No," Gray deadpanned again, raising his hand as the man opened his mouth again, "I'm here to see Bulma Briefs. And no - not to kill her. We're friends."

"Oh…" The man nodded rapidly, quickly climbing to his feet as he scurried away, "I-I'll go tell her you're here!"

He didn't even ask for my name.

"Rude," Gray said simply, watching the man run away as fast as his legs could carry him. Luckily, he didn't have to wait long, as a blue-haired woman swiftly came walking down the hall that the man had gone running into.

"Gray," She greeted simply, looking at him suspiciously, "Why are you here? Not just to harass my employees, right?"

"I wasn't harassing them," Gray defended himself, "I just happen to look a bit intimidating. We can't all be as beautiful as you, y'know?"

Bulma blushed lightly, caught off guard by his sudden compliment as she didn't meet his eyes.

+100 Reputation with Bulma (For complimenting her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

"W-Well at least you know that much…" She stuttered out, before quickly composing herself again, "A-Anyway, why are you here?"

"I heard you made a pretty interesting training room," Gray relenting, getting to the actual reason he was there, "One where you can adjust the gravity. I thought I'd come and check it out."

"Hah, you meatheads and your obsession with training," Bulma sighed, then nodded as she turned around and gestured for Gray to follow her, "Come on. I'll bring you to it."

Gray followed her as she led him deeper into the Capsule Corporation building, walking down the bright white halls of the rather stereotypical office building.

"While we have a minute," Gray started, "I've been meaning to ask: How'd you get involved in all this?"

I'd like to get a better timeline of what happened on Earth. Without Goku being here, the events of the original Dragon Ball must've been altered in someway.

"All this?" Bulma asked curiously, looking over her shoulder at him.

"Y'know, this whole defending the Earth thing," Gray explained, "The rest of the group was about what I expected, being a bunch of muscle heads and martial artists, but you don't really fit in. Did they call you in for advertising purposes or somethin'? Get a supermodel to garner support from the civilians?"

"I-I'm not a model!" Bulma said loudly in a huff, but was blushing despite her words.

+100 Reputation with Bulma (For complimenting her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

Man, am I smooth or what? 

Gray was, in fact, not smooth. Luckily for him, he was tall, jacked, handsome, and had a high CHA stat. Even when he wasn't smooth, he was still smooth.

"I'm the CEO of Capsule Corporation," Bulma continued as she led him through the building, "We're the biggest innovators and suppliers of technology in the world. We're mostly geared toward practical innovations that improve everyday life - such as hover cars, capsule homes, spaceships…"

Gray blinked.

One of those things is not like the others.

"...but we can very easily utilize that technology to create weapons," Bulma continued, "Both the theory and the parts used for many of our products can be utilized to make weapons. The difference between a spaceship and a fighter jet is not as big as you might believe. With the entire planet being at risk against invaders with technology that surpassed ours, it was an obvious choice to ask my company for assistance."

"Still, you're rather hands-on about it. It's rare for an actual company head to be so involved," Gray hummed, pushing for more information, "Especially in a situation like this where you're dealing with a bunch of muscle heads. Most people in your position would send someone else to deal with it. It must be hard to deal with people like… us."

Gray finished his sentence after a slight pause, realizing he was also a part of the 'big and jacked muscle head martial artist club.'

"Well, I'm not like other company heads," Bulma smirked, her back stiffening in pride, "I'm the smartest person in the world - I can't leave something as important as that in the hands of my employees!"

Gray resisted the urge to smirk at Bulma's words, watching the woman preen under her own praise.

Bulma wasn't usually this arrogant, right? Is she trying to impress me?

Gray felt a small sense of joy deep within him as the original waifu herself tried to impress him.


"I'm also not new to dealing with these types of people," Bulma continued, her back relaxing and slumping slightly as she spoke, "When I was younger, I went searching for the Dragon Balls myself. I encountered some… interesting people along the way.."

"Oh? So, did you use the Dragon Balls?" Gray asked, diving deeper into the history prior to his arrival on Earth.

"No, I…" She paused for a second, stumbling slightly as she overstepped. Her hand clenched into a fist.

"I gave up before I found them all. It was… too dangerous for me." Bulma finished, not elaborating as she started walking forward down the hallway again.

Damn. The consequences of no Goku, huh?

Gray wasn't sure how far Bulma had gotten into the Dragon Ball journey, but he assumed the girl must've had a dangerous run-in with no Goku to protect her. The only reason the teenage girl has survived the perilous world traveling to find the Dragon Balls in the show had been due to Goku being there.

"Fair enough," Gray said simply, not pushing the issue too far, "Did you have fun?"

Bulma blinked, looking back at him, "Huh?"

"When you went looking for the Dragon Balls," Gray clarified, grinning at her, "They used to be scattered all across the globe, right? That's, uh, what Kami told me, anyway. Did you have fun lookin' for them?"

Gray hoped his blatant last-second excuse about Kami telling him that wasn't obvious, but luckily Bulma didn't question it.

"...yeah," Bulma nodded after a slight pause, a slightly nostalgic smile on her face, "I did. It was a lot shorter than I wanted it to be, and I never found all of them, but… it was the best time of my life."

Damn, heavy words.

"What do you think would be more fun? Exploring the Earth, or exploring the Universe?" Gray asked abruptly, causing Bulma to turn around and lock eyes with him.

She stared at him for a moment, her eyes staring into his.

"...I'm not sure," She said finally, raising an eyebrow at Gray, "Why did you ask?"

"You know that I'll be leaving Earth soon, right?" Gray started, then continued at Bulma's nod, "When I come back, I'll have a couple of planets I want to visit afterward."

Mainly: Namek.

"I'm no good at navigating a spaceship, so I'll need some help. Come with me," Gray said bluntly, grinning at the blue-haired woman, "Let's go on a bit of an adventure. You won't need to worry about it being dangerous, because you'll have the most dangerous man in the Universe traveling with you."

Gray finished his statement by pointing his thumb into his chest.

Well, not in the universe. I'm hoping to be stronger than Frieza by the time I come back, but I'll still likely be nowhere near as powerful as Beerus.

Bulma stared at him blankly for a moment, and then turned around in a huff, covering her blushing face as she wouldn't look at him.

"I-I'll think about it," She stuttered.

+400 Reputation with Bulma (For inviting her on an adventure) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

Hah. She's pretty easy to gain reputation with.

Gray was more than satisfied with her response, as the woman obviously seemed open to the idea. It would be a good chance to grow closer to her later on, and…

Being stuck in a cramped spaceship for weeks - or maybe months - with this babe? How could I not look forward to that?!

Gray couldn't resist letting his eyes drop as he continued to follow Bulma, who was no longer in her iconic pink dress. Instead, she was in a tight shoulder-less shirt, which revealed the entire top of her body and the tops of her breasts, along with a tight pair of white shorts. 

This is a long hallway, but I'm not complaining. I could do this all day.

Bulma's shorts were a size too small, which wasn't odd for the woman who had no qualms with showing off her amazing body. The booty shorts pressed into her ass cheeks, with the entire outline of her butt visible as her cheeks bounced with every step.

Suddenly, Bulma's arms wrapped backward, her hands landing on her ass as she covered it with her palms.

"P-Pervert," She muttered, glancing back at him with red cheeks as she caught him blatantly checking her out.

Oops. Did I fuck up?

+100 Reputation with Bulma (For admiring her body) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

Being hot is really OP as fuck.

Gray continued following Bulma through the halls, and eventually they reached their location. The woman stopped in front of a large pair of doors, grabbing the handles and opening the pair of doors up.

"The force of gravity in the room can be increased by up to 50x the gravity of Earth," Bulma said, gesturing inside the room. Gray stepped in, looking around and admiring the… completely empty room.

Well, I guess you wouldn't need much in a training room.

There was a large pillar in the middle of the otherwise empty room. The pillar had a computer screen built into it, and a holographic-esque keyboard in front of it.

That must be where you adjust the gravity.

Gray let a grin slowly form on his face, his hand clenching into a fist as he stared around the room.

It's not the 100x gravity that Goku had when he trained, but it's good enough.

Gray stretched his arm out, his excitement building as he readied himself to spend the majority of his remaining time on Earth in the room.

The real training montage starts now!


Gray Tanaki:

[Saiyan Squad Captain]

Age: 18

Wallet: 4,590,270 Coins

Lvl: 23 (3,920,780/10,000,000 XP)

PL: 3,118,252,700

Available Points: 350

HP: 1,889,950/1,889,950

TKI: 2,341,925/ 2,341,925

STR: 1465

AGI: 1650

END: 1290

INT: 1415

CHA: 1205

LUK: 795

KI: 1655

HREG: 1176

EREG: 1176

Skills: [Observe LVL 10], [Running LVL 15], [Determination LVL 15], [Ki Control LVL 14], [Ki Gun LVL 11]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 9], [KI Suppression LVL 10], [Ki Sense LVL 8], [Pushup LVL 15], [Punch LVL 15], [Kick LVL 15], [Jump LVL 15], [Flight LVL 9], [Prediction LVL 7], [Zenkai Boost LVL 6], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 7], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 7], [Mouth-Beam LVL 6], [Ki-Blade LVL 6], [Cooking LVL 6], [Ki Barrage LVL 8], [Ki Explosion LVL 6], [Ki Vision LVL 6]

Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]

Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2], [Fighting Style: Broly LVL 1]

Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]


AN: Thank you for reading! The next part of the chapter will be out soon, or you can read ahead on !