Chereads / Nightmare Mode (DBZ Gamer!SI) / Chapter 61 - Training and 'Fun' (34.2)

Chapter 61 - Training and 'Fun' (34.2)




Warning: Contains Lemon


2 Days Later

"Ugh… five more minutes…" Gray groaned, rolling over as the sun shined into the window of his hotel room. While he had originally been planning to stay on the lookout during his remaining time on Earth, he had instead moved to a hotel in West City to be closer to the gravity training room.

Well, that was part of the reason. In reality, it only took mere seconds for him to fly all the way from the lookout to the Capsule Corporation headquarters, so the proximity of the hotel wasn't the main reason.

That belonged to his traveling companions - with said companions consisting of three women. Three apparently very easily influenced women who had been constantly touring the city at the behest of Ranfan.

They had wanted to stay in West City to 'have the full Earthling experience,' and they had dragged him into it, as they refused to stay somewhere separate from him. So, as a result, Gray was now sleeping in a hotel bed while the various rooms on the same floor belonged to Celia, Saeko, Asuna, and Ranfan.

 "Too bright…" Gray muttered, reaching forward and wrapping his arms around the warm pillow in front of him. He leaned forward, smushing his face into it as he desperately tried to hide from the morning sun.

They have heated pillows in this world? That's nice…

For the first time in a long time, Gray didn't just want to sleep in because of mental fatigue. Over the past two days, he had spent countless hours in the gravity room grinding up all of his physical skills. The increased level of gravity meant that the training progress went up quicker, and with his training at the current maximum of 50x gravity, his skill levels had seen a big boon.

That also meant that he was actually sore for once, as his countless hours of training non-stop over the past 48 hours were starting to catch up to him.

This hotel has really nice pillows. I need to make sure to rate them five stars.

He wrapped his arms around the large pillow, pushing it deeper into his body as he felt sleep start to consume him again. 

Kind of heavy though…

While Gray might've had superhuman strength that exceeded anyone on the planet, he still didn't want a heavy pillow pushing down on his head as he slept. He unwrapped his arms from around the pillow, bringing them up as he grabbed the part of the pillow that was pushing down on the top of his head while he pressed his face into it.

Still soft though.

He wrapped his hand around the pushed-out section, pushing it upwards to give his head more room to breathe. 

Really soft.

He couldn't resist letting his hand sink into the soft section of the pillow, giving it a soft squeeze as his consciousness started to fade back into darkness.


Then, he froze. His mind was pulled out of the brink of sleep by the sudden noise.

Did… did my pillow just moan?

He slowly forced his eyes open, realizing that his pillow was a different color. The once paper-white pillow was now a shade more tan. 

Slowly, he pulled his head back, coming to the realization that his pillow was, in fact, not his pillow. He slowly looked up, locking onto two golden orbs staring back at him.

"Good morning."



"Why are you in my bed?" Gray deadpanned, not daring to look lower as his eyes stayed locked with Celia's.

This is not what I expected to wake up to.

"I wanted to be." The girl replied evenly.

"...That aside, why are you naked?" Gray asked again, trying to keep his face even as his eyes didn't trail lower. He didn't want to acknowledge that just moments earlier he had been unknowingly stuffing his face into her breasts.

What the hell is going on?

"...I wanted to be."

"...that's not a good reason," Gray deadpanned again at the woman.

"...Fine," Celia nodded, and then suddenly her arms wrapped around Gray as she pulled herself closer, her eyes now mere centimeters from his as she stared into them, "I need to catch up."

"Catch up?" Gray asked blankly, ignoring the warmth that flowed into him as she embraced him, "Catch up to what?"

"To Saeko," Celia replied as if it was obvious.

"Saeko?" Gray asked blankly.

How the hell is climbing into my bed going to help her catch up? Wait, she doesn't need to catch up anyway!

"You're stronger than Saeko already," Gray replied, pulling back slightly from the woman's embrace, "By a lot to-"

Gray was abruptly interrupted as Celia pulled her arms up, placing her hands on either side of his head. Then, she leaned forward, slamming her lips into his.

Gray blinked in surprise as the girl suddenly kissed him.

Oh. That's what she meant.

Gray suddenly felt very stupid.

Was that obvious? Am I a dumbass Isekai protagonist? 

He blamed it on his new Saiyan biology. Whether that was true or not was irrelevant, because he felt better having something to blame it on.

Celia pulled away, staring at him as she spoke again, "I know she kissed you first on that island. I was waiting to respect the hierarchy, but if that woman is going to do whatever she wants, then I will too."

"The hierarchy?" Gray asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Asia and Tamari have known you the longest," Celia explained, "Without them here to compete, doing this stuff should be off-limits. Saiyans usually take whatever they want without care, but for the Takuthian to make the first move…"

Damn, I guess they've been taking this harem thing more seriously than I have. I figured I could focus more on that after I had taken over the universe, but I won't complain.

His eyes flicked down, scanning over Celia's smooth and slim body, then landing on her sizeable breasts.

She's no Asia, or even Saeko, but I won't complain about a free show.

"Well, now that you're even with her," Gray said, pulling away from the woman, "I want to sleep more. I, uh, guess you can stay if you want to."

"I will be staying," Celia nodded, then her lips twitched upwards slightly in what was the equivalent of a mischievous smirk for the emotionless girl, "But, I won't be sleeping. You won't be either."

"Huh?" Gray asked blankly.

"We may be even, but I need to get back at her for making the first move," Celia hummed, leaning forward so her face was mere inches from Gray's again, "I won't hold back anymore."


She reached forward again, her hand trailing down Gray's bare chest and coming to rest of his crotch, which was clad in just a small pair of underwear that he had bought in West City. She gave it a light squeeze, sending a small jolt of pleasure through Gray.

Hah, I thought I'd only have Saeko trying stuff like this.

"We're doing this?" Gray hummed, grinning at Celia as he pushed his hips forward, pushing his hardening member against Celia's hand as he challenged her to go further.

"We are," Celia replied simply, crawling her hand upwards to the waistband of his underwear. Then, she pulled her hand forward abruptly. In one pull, she ripped the front of his underwear clean off, freeing his growing member to the world.

"I expected that from Saeko, but from you?" Gray hummed, feeling a sense of satisfaction as Celia froze for a moment, her eyes widening as she saw his long and thick member bounce out toward her, "I didn't think you were so forward."

"I'm not," Celia muttered, blinking as she finally looked away from his large cock, "But I can't let her get ahead of me. If you won't come onto me, then I'll have to do all the work."

"I have no problem making moves," Gray smirked, his left hand reaching up and grabbing Celia's breast abruptly, causing the girl to let out a soft moan. His other hand snaked around her, clamping onto her thick ass and giving it a squeeze.

"Mmph!" Celia let out another moan, her normally emotionless eyes turning lustful as she looked up at him.

+80 Reputation with Celia (For making her feel good) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

How could I turn down such a sexy naked woman offering herself to me? I can always just sleep afterward. 

Gray leaned forward, taking the initiative as he claimed her lips this time. As he did, his hand continued groping her breast, and then wrapped around to join his other hand on her ass. He gave both cheeks a squeeze, pressing her bottom half forward as his hips thrust out, causing his large member to press into Celia's soft stomach as the girl let out a moan.

He pulled away, leaving the girl panting lightly as one of his hands moved from her soft ass to her thigh. He gave it a squeeze, then danced his fingers lightly on her thigh as his hand moved dangerously close to her crotch.

His fingers continued trailing down, rubbing lightly on her wet slit as she let out another moan, squirming slightly in his embrace.

"...Don't tease me," Celia said abruptly, blushing slightly as she glanced down at his large, fully hardened member.

"Not one for foreplay?" Gray asked, his fingers rubbing lightly around her slit as she squirmed more.

"N-No," She stuttered out between a moan, "That shouldn't s-surpise you. Just hurry up and t-take me."

I never thought I'd see the day that Celia was stuttering like this.

Gray didn't need to be told twice. He pulled his hand up from her wet crotch, wrapping his arms around her abruptly as he sat up in the bed. He lifted her up completely, flipping her over so she was laying on her stomach.

"W-What are you doing?" Celia stuttered again, her face even redder as Gray manhandled her.

"Just some fun," Gray grinned, reaching down and grabbing Celia's hips. He raised her waist up, giving her ass another squeeze as it pointed up toward him. He positioned his member right in front of her crotch, reaching down and pulling it apart with his hands.

"W-Wha- MMMPH!" She was cut off Gray abruptly slammed his hips forward, his member slamming into her and filling her up completely in one go.

+400 Reputation with Celia (For taking her virginity) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

Gray pulled his hips back, his large cock nearly being completely pulled out of her, and then slammed them forward again. A clap rang throughout the hotel room as his hips slammed into Celia's decently thick ass, and the girl squirmed from the impact. Her hands clenched on the sheets, her legs twitching from pleasure.

+100 Reputation with Celia (For making her feel good) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

Gray didn't let up, pulling back and slamming forward his hips again. In only three strokes, Celia's hips started shaking again, juices dripping out from where they were connected as she squirmed in pleasure.

+200 Reputation with Celia (For making her cum) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

Damn, this is fuckin' OP for gaining reputation.

Gray almost felt ashamed of himself for thinking about that while he was blowing Celia's back out. He pushed those thoughts aside as he paused for a second, letting Celia's moans and pants fill the room as she squirmed. Then, he continued.

+100 Reputation with Celia (For making her feel good) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

His hips continued to slam into hers, his long and thick member causing wave after wave of pleasure to course through Celia as the sounds of his hips slamming into her ass cheeks filled the room again.

"S… So good…" Celia muttered, the girl's normally emotionless face flushed from the pleasure.

Gray leaned forward, his hand wrapping around her head and lifting it up. He leaned forward, his lips capturing hers again as he continued to slam his hips into her. Her moans became muffled as her mouth was conquered while his member conquered her lower lips.

+200 Reputation with Celia (For making her cum) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

Damn, long strokes are OP. Spending a lifetime watching porn actually paid off.


Gray finally let go of her head, pulling away as the woman's body spazzed again from pleasure. She went lip, her breathing heavy as she flopped onto the bed, her ass sticking straight up in the air. Her legs shoot from the pleasure, her ass unintentionally jiggling and wiggling enticingly at him.

Gray grunted, starting to push his hips forward again, but then stopped.

Wouldn't be good if I accidentally got her pregnant.

He slammed his hips forward one more time, causing Celia to moan again as her hips shook. Then, he pulled out.

This is good enough.

He slapped her ass, eliciting another moan from her before he pressed his cock onto the top of it. He grabbed each cheek in his hands, squishing them together so they formed a warm cave around his member.

Then, he thrust forward again, grunting in pleasure as his member slid in and out of her ass cheeks. Celia wasn't completely lost in pleasure, as she pushed her hips back to help him out. The bottom of her ass pressed into his balls, and he continued thrusting, the slapping from his hips and her ass cheeks resounding through the room.

Finally, he let out one final pleased grunt. He gave her ass another slap, then thrust forward as his member exploded. Rope after rope of white liquid flung outward, coating Celia's back in strand after strand of his seed. 

"S-So much…" Celia muttered, her eyes clouded in lust as she panted, looking over her shoulder as her back and ass were covered more and more in sperm. 

+500 Reputation with Celia (For having sex with her) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

+200 Reputation with Celia (For being good at sex) [4x from [Ladies Man], [A Humble Master]] 

Finally, after nearly an entire minute, he was satisfied. 

"Fuck," Gray grunted, his sore body feeling slightly tired after constantly pounding Celia. He glanced down at his once-clean bed, which was now noticeably more wet and dishelved.

Guess I won't be sleeping more today.


Gray Tanaki:

[Saiyan Squad Captain]

Age: 18

Wallet: 4,595,770 Coins

Lvl: 23 (3,922,770/10,000,000 XP)

PL: 3,453,515,200

Available Points: 350

HP: 1,889,950/1,889,950

TKI: 2,341,925/ 2,341,925

STR: 1525

AGI: 1690

END: 1340

INT: 1415

CHA: 1205

LUK: 795

KI: 1655

HREG: 1176

EREG: 1176

Skills: [Observe LVL 10], [Running LVL 17], [Determination LVL 20], [Ki Control LVL 14], [Ki Gun LVL 11]. [Ki Enhancement LVL 9], [KI Suppression LVL 10], [Ki Sense LVL 8], [Pushup LVL 17], [Punch LVL 17], [Kick LVL 17], [Jump LVL 17], [Flight LVL 9], [Prediction LVL 7], [Zenkai Boost LVL 6], [Cognitive Acceleration LVL 7], [Ah! Lord Freiza! LVL 7], [Mouth-Beam LVL 6], [Ki-Blade LVL 6], [Cooking LVL 6], [Ki Barrage LVL 8], [Ki Explosion LVL 6], [Ki Vision LVL 6]

Perks: [Gamer's Mind], [Gamer's Body], [Double-edged Sword], [Legendary Super Saiyan], [Perfect Ozaru], [A Cute Pawn], [A Humble Master], [Ladies Man]

Fighting Styles: [Boxing Style: Kolra LVL 2], [Fighting Style: Broly LVL 1]

Party: [Saeko, Celia, Asuna, Ranfan]


AN: Thank you for reading! The next chapter will be out in about a week, or you can read chapters early on !