This chapter has finally reached its conclusion, and I trust that you have found enjoyment in the stories of my remarkable dogs. Regardless of the duration of their presence in our lives, each of my dogs brought immense love and happiness. Some of my dogs, Benji, Lady, Chance, Shadow, Walker, Ernie, Rosebud The 1st, Montana, Marley, Moe Moe, Buddha, Vatani, and Kodiak, were named after characters from films, while others were named in tribute to previous dogs, and some either retained their original names or were given new ones. Each of my dogs occupies a cherished space in my heart. My current canine companion, Bear, also affectionately known as Bear Bear or Dog, brings me daily joy and shares a deep bond with his turtle brother, Godzilla. To me, all dogs are delightful, regardless of their breed, and they will forever remain man's best friend. It is important to remember that there is no such thing as a bad dog, only a bad owner.