"Haha, no one can stop me! I'm the greatest there is!" said a man covered in all black, wearing a black mask and a devil mask with horns protruding from his head. He stood over seven feet tall, his foot placed on top of a man lying beaten and battered on the ground.
"How about you pick on someone your own size?" said another man. The man in black looked up and saw a figure flying down toward him.
"Captain Vulnerable, oh how nice of you to join us," said the man.
"Mr. Evil, we used to be friends. Why are you doing this?" asked Vulnerable.
"Because the world is evil, and it created me," said Mr. Evil as robotic arms popped out of the ground. Humanoid robots stood in front of Vulnerable, and robots that appeared to look like crocodiles stood surrounding him. A tear rolled down his face as he clenched his fist. He then lunged forward, smashing each robot with one punch. He then switched his focus as he ran toward Mr. Evil. Quickly, he pulled out a ray gun, pointing it at the man who lay underneath his feet.
"Ah, ah, ah, not so fast," said Mr. Evil. Vulnerable stopped in his tracks.
"Don't do this," said Vulnerable.
"Drink this, and I won't do anything," said Mr. Evil, throwing him a bottle of black liquid.
"No, don't! It's going to weaken you. Don't do it for me," said the man, his eyes opening.
"It's okay, Afterimage," said Vulnerable.
"What a hero," said Mr. Evil. Vulnerable drank it. As his body then suddenly felt weak, he dropped to his knees. His muscles stiffened, his heart beat as he coughed up blood.
Walking up, he put the ray gun to his forehead. "It was fun," said Mr. Evil.
With a quick punch, Vulnerable landed it at his face, sending him flying straight up into the air as he charged after him. Flying through and around buildings, he sent Mr. Evil through a skyscraper. Holding his hand up to the sky, energy flowed and bundled up into a purple ball.
"Lend me your power!" yelled out Vulnerable as he shot it out at Mr. Evil.
"Impossible!" Mr. Evil yelled out, holding both hands as he tried to stop the ball as it pushed him back.
"The different thing between me and you is I have friends by my side!" yelled out Vulnerable.
The ball continued as it consumed all of Mr. Evil. Energy burned his skin as it then exploded in the sky, clearing all the clouds in the sky.
He stood there staring in front of the TV. The light lit the whole living room. His face was practically fused onto the screen as he watched Vulnerable fly down, the "V" in his cape flying around, a symbol all knew.
"Turn that fucking TV off!" yelled a scratchy voice.
"Yes, sir," said the boy, quickly grabbing the remote from the floor as he turned it off.
"And go to sleep before I come in there!" said the man.
He quickly got up as he grabbed a hold of his plushie. A toy that had a "V" on its chest, he ran to his room as he jumped into his bed, filled with posters, comics, and plushies of all kinds. Hugging the Vulnerable superhero plushie, he drifted to sleep with a smile on his face.
Boom, a book slammed into his desk and right next to his ear. He jolted awake, looking around as all the kids burst out into laughter. In front of him was the teacher. He stood as he walked over to the chalkboard.
"Well, you must be bored of the lesson, so that means you understand it. So what's this math problem?" asked the teacher.
"He doesn't even know. I don't even know how he got let in," said a kid. All of them chuckled as the teacher slammed his book down.
"Be quiet, and let him solve it," said the teacher as all the kids fell silent.
Looking on the board, the question asked, "Subtract (x³ + 2x² - x + 7) from (4x³ + 6x² + 2x - 7)." Looking and quickly studying, he let out a sigh. Kids watched in anticipation as he quickly wrote down and scribbled. Walking up to the board, he wrote down 3x³ + 4x² + 3x - 14.
"So you do know algebra. Remember, your father and mother got you in here, but you've got to prove yourself," said the teacher. The bell rang as all the students quickly grabbed their bags and ran out the door.
Walking back to his seat, he grabbed his bag and threw it over his back. Walking out of the classroom, he found himself outside the school playground. Kids ran and played as they swung on swing sets and climbed jungle gyms. Going over and away from the playground and school, he sat under a tree. Pulling a comic book from his backpack, it said, "The Incredible Adventures of Vulnerable." Quickly, he flipped through with a smile on his face.
His ears caught a group of voices as from it he heard a girl's voice crying. Running over further away from the school, he saw three little boys above a little girl. Quickly running toward them, he punched one in the face. The other two, confused, stumbled back.
"What's wrong with you?" said a kid.
"You freak you're not even supposed to be here," said another kid
Both kids grabbed the fallen one. Blood ran down his nose as they ran off. He stood there watching them.
"Who are you?" asked the girl.
"I'm a hero," said Kínitos with a smile. Looking up at him, the girl smiled back.
"And who are you?" asked Kínitos.
"I am Jes. Wow, a hero," said Jes. Lending a hand, Kínitos helped her up.
"Nice to meet you, Jes. I'm Kínitos the Great," said Kínitos.
"You're kind of cool," replied Jes. Quickly, Kínitos looked away as he blushed. His face turned red as he calmed himself.
"Thank you, I've got to be," said Kínitos.
"Do you want to be friends?" asked Jes.
"Yes, I want a partner for my crime-fighting," said Kínitos. Both shook hands as they smiled and blushed at one another.