Chapter 6 - Meeting of birds

8year ago an organisation named Child development organisation become villian,the man who solved the case named this organisation "Child criminal organisation" after that case this was destroyed.

But After 1year the new organisation rises called Development classes,they take children for their development.Parents also send their children for overall development,but at that no one know their dark secret.

(Narrator's POV)

The interior of room was decorated by a large blackboard,big projector,chairs are arranged in stair like manner and the room was filled by student sitting on chair while lecturer was teaching them.

Radhalaxmi was still in dream of Unknown boy—Jr.

Her bench mate disturb her thought by saying"You are still dreaming"

"Hnn Yes I want to thank him"Radha muttered

"Hmm blind love"

"What"She stand up and leave 

Her benchmate follows her because they now had become good friends.

"Why are you running Radha,hey stop.Hey I have Idea,why don't know ask police.Hey Radha Radha"

Radhalaxmi act like she didn't hear anything but actually she heard all the word.

'It's good Idea I should...'She thought while walking.


She entered in police station,the sun was setting down and the ray coming were hitting marble stairs making them look more beautiful.

'siren siren'An police vehicle come and behind it he saw Enta's car.She started to think what would happen but her thought fastly covered by unknown boy thought.

She takes one step in police station and her eyes caught the rushing situation in station.She heard some man talking to eachother.

"I heard police caught a powerful youngster."First man said


She didn't waste time and walked toward constable which was in duty of register.

"Hello sir"Radha said

"Hello Radha beti"Constable continued"If I am correct you finished signing work."

"Yes uncle,I didn't come here for that reason"She pulled chair out and sits on it.

"Then what work"

Their conversation was disturbed by an another police man,who just come and whispered in ears something he leans slowly to saw the man.Takes out a file and give it another police man.

"I want to small help"She become shy after saying that.

"Okay tell"He takes cap from table and wear it.

"Can you help me find the person who saved me."

"Okay come with me,I think you are lucky today."He stand up from chair and started to walk.

Radhalaxmi follow him until they both reach S.I cabin,he entered it leaving Radhalaxmi out.She saw Enta sitting and women talking with S.I.

Constable first take permission and call Radhalaxmi.Entering room she saw Krishna and Rani sitting on chair and a young boy around her age in jail.

Constable introduce her to S.I"Sir I think You remember her."

S.I said"Yes ofcourse I remember them both perfectly."

But why did he saw both,did he also remember some else in her circle?No but no one in is Radha's circle she is alone,the first friend she made is her benchmate.

"But Sir I am alone"Radha said lowing head.


"Yes sir"constable continued"Come with me"

He walks to jail open up lock and bow to her like he was signing her to enter.When Radhalaxmi reached near door he just whispered to her."He is the One who saved you."

She entered.

Jr.Move his eyes towards her.

"How are you lady."

He said while standing up.

"I I.....I am fine."She said without confidence.

"Ohhh I am happy"He slowly walked to her.

"Hmm I wa------"She can't say next word.

"Don't hesitate"She heard Jr. Voice.

"Thank you"

The needle of watch which was running faster become slow.

Radha hair flied in air and stop after Radha hands covered Kal krishna—she hugged him and start to cry,Kal can feel her tear in an instant his Tshirt start to wash and soaked tear.His bloody TShirt now was a teary Tshirt.

He lifted his hands and placed on Radha head.

"Don't cry Radha,I will protect you from every danger."The brutal man Now was feeling a happy and sad feeling inside heart.

"What a Romantic scene"Vijaya said

"Hey all of you Don't try to peak."Kal commanded.

"Hmm You all Know what will he do"Krishna said moving himself toward other side, everyone did the same.

'cheep cheep'Two sparrow sung from outside of window,the setting sun made the scene beautiful.

(Back in time)

The garden was full of children who were playing,Little kal saw a little girl sitting under a tree.

"Hey do you want to play"Little kal said.

"No"The girl said

"Why it would be fun come on,come on"

"I said no"

Little kal grab her hand,stands her."I am Krishna Raj.What's your?"

She free hand from Little kad."Radhalaxmi"

"Radhalaxmi,Nice to meet you."He said while offering him handshake.

"Hey Radha looks like you made a friend"An adult lady came.

"No she is Refusing"Little kal said in disappoint.

"Oh! Don't be disappointed,she is just shy."Lady crouched while saying.

Little Radhalaxmi hugs her from behind."Mom"

She moves towards little Radha and said to Kal while standing up."I think after some days she will make friends,and I wish she become good friend"

(After many years)

Radha and Kal was now good friend they both just crossed their 11 year of life.But it didn't change the fact that Kal is only good friend for Radha.They both talked with eachother every day.

One day when Kal went to Radha's house.

"Oh!I think you should leave now kal.It's night"Her mom said

"Yes Aunty"

Kal came out from Radha room while Radha was still in.

Her mom said to krishna"First eat something and then go"

Kal said in response that he doesn't want to eat.He directly went to main gate,where he met her father.

"Good night uncle"He said

"Fuck you Stay away"He kicked him in stomach which made him to cry on ground.

Her mom came running toward Krishna.

"What are you doing,he is just child" Her mom take him in his lap started rub his hair to relief him.

"Sorry krishna he is just drunk okay"She said.

"I don't mind it."he stand up after freeing himself from Radha's Mom.

"Do uncle hit Radha like he hitted me."he continued

"Such a love,I think you have crush on Radha"

"No I don't have"His chick were covered by redness.

"Krishna can you promise me something"

"What"his sudden blushed face flied away.

"Would you protect Radha"this time her mother was serious.

"Yes I promise"He punch his left Pam with right hand.

After some week Radhalaxmi and her family leaves city because of urgent work.They didn't moved to another city instead they just leaved.