Chapter 8 - The day of death

(Narrator's POV)

Krishna came out of sweet shop with sweets packet.

His eyes eye caught something unbelievable a truck came fastly and hits car.The car slides and stopped after hitting a wall of house.The driver came out and didn't ran instead he takes out a matchbox and threw it on truck.Which make the oil truck blast and the driver also came in range of driver.

Enta rans towards car,Krishna didn't why he is outside and then he realised his buha and Fiance is still in car.The sudden impact also catch civilians.After some minutes the street was filled by ambulance,news reporter and police man.


In hospital after 2 days of incident.

The family of Krishna was present,his friend kal with Radha and Rani's family.His teacher Enta was missing from two days.

The doctor came out emergency ward where no one is allowed.Only one member of family.His eye caught Rani's father who was looking sad.

"I am sorry to all of you MsRani and Vijaya died"Doctor announced to them.

"What?"Krishna shouted

"Yes It's true"Doctor admitted

He grabbed doctor collar and punched him in face.

"Tell me it's lie"

"Sorry Mr. but truth is truth"Doctor said

He lose his collar and walked toward bench,sit on it and started to cry.

Kal walked toward him sitted near him.

"I am sorry Krishna I can't save them"Kal continued"I am also sad,look to your mother and sister...I am sorry I don't know how to make you stop cry or I can't"

"Sniff sniff It' not your fault It's mine why I can't protect those two.Protecting them was my job."

Kal puts his on Krishna's shoulder and tight grip.He don't know how to make him feel better.He can only see tear dropping from his eyes which suddenly become fire.

After their body burn to ash everyone leaves except Krishna.Kal also didn't leave because his friend was standing there.

Krishna walked to his buha's Ash,picked it up and promise himselves.

"I will kill all of them who did this"

"You will need information for this"Kal and Krishna heard anything unknown voice.

The unknown man came out from behind of door,with a file in his hand.

His full face was covered in a orange colour mask.

"I am Maharishi from StulB Allies"

Krishna stand up from his position and drop Ashes from hand.

"I am glad to meet you Mr.Kal and Mr.krishna"he continued"I didn't thought I would meet to You both.Let's talk"He move his hand for handshake.

Kal handshakes him and Krishna came from behind and also handshake him.

"I am member of Allies secret Milliatry,I have something important to give you."

"What it is and how do you know your name."Kal said taking out hand from pocket.

"We also know about your family,past and secrets which you don't know."He continued showing them a file which was in his hand.

"We would help you,If join us.I will tell you the name of gang which killed your buha and Fiance"


"So you are saying behind this"Krishna said but he was interrupted by AnniAppa

"Yes you are right,the gang named Glop gang is behind it.We don't why they did this but"

"Thank you"Krishna stand up from his chair and walked.

"Just keep your promise until we return we will join you."Kal's follow him.

What's is promise?The Allies promised to them that they will protect their family.They just have to join them and they will protect them when they both want.

In curiousity Maharishi asked his boss.

"Did we really have to do it boss"

"Yes it's president order.President said that they both come fighter family and also they have unknown power"

"What type of power"Maharishi drops himself on chair.

"I will tell you later"AnniAppa leaves without saying anyword.

(Two days before after the incident in Glop base)

"Look what we did for you new member"The man in Red Tshirt without jeans only in under wear said.

"Thank you boss,Take it 50lakh rupees."Muthu takes out a brief case and pass it to their boss.

"50 lakh this money."He picks up a bundle of note and smell it and continue."I will do anything for money"

"Boss"Muthu intrupped

"Yes"He drops the bundle back in brief case and pass it to the man in his right.

"Where is the girl"Muthu asked him.

"I've sent man I think they will come soon"He continued l"You just prepare remaining 20 lakh"

Five man came running to boss of Glop gang.

"Boss boss Rony"They all said at same time.

"See the man are here"He stand up from his chair.

"Where is the girl"He asked to Mans

"We are sorry Boss,We cannot kidnap that girl."One of the man said touching boss feet.

"What are saying"

"I think Allies is involved in it.We have to stop."

"What Allies are involved"Muthu said in fear.

Rony walks to Muthu grab collar and punched him."Are you Mad you involved us in matter Allies"he continued while calling the brief back."We didn't want your money go to Allies and admit to them that you blasts the truck and tried to kill Krishna"

"Sorry please save me please I will write whole My property,money everything to you"Muthu cried

Hearing it Rony become greedy and said."Okay write also your father's.."

"Ok"Muthu said.

Outside Radha's house

A young lady,member of Allies secret Milliatry was sitting with a long stick in hand.

"What a pain in Ass"She muttered to himself.

Outside Police station

A young boy was sitting.He was also part of member of Allies secret Milliatry.

"It's very boring,why didn't anyone coming"

The fact that Allies already had sended their member for their safety.But how the truck driver is able to kill Vijaya and Rani.

(Present time)

Maharishi sitted on a bike and started,he press break and started bike.

'I am sorry Krishna that I can't protect you Lover and buha'he thinked.

'But I will help you this time'He takes out his mask with one hand and using second hand he cleaned his forehead.

He accelerate bike and his tail on back of head start to fly.