Chapter 9 - It was easy

(Narrator's POV)

Enta was sitting outside the Glop base waiting for two class fighter to come.How he know about Glop gang? Probably he get this information from Allies.

The two boy came in a rickshaw,Kal step out from rickshaw up his both hand and take a yawn.

Krishna come next,he takes out wallet,counted money and passed it to driver.In response driver takes money counted it,give a good smile and leaves.

"Let's see who want to die first"Kal said,looking at the building and then he saw Enta waving his hand.

"Hmm I think I have seen you"Kal said,after reaching near Enta,he started to rub his hand on growing beard on chin suddenly he realised that he shaved to attend ceremony at Krishna's house.

"Oh about...I am your teacher and I also visited you with krishna"Moving his head toward Krishna he saw a man wearing cap with no expression on face,which looked like krishna."And I am sorry krishna"

"No you don't have to say sorry, in reality I am sorry to not remember you soon but still I have seen you somewhere else"

"I am not talking to you Kal,Jr."

"Call me kal,you can't call me Jr."He punched enta in stomach.

"Urgh" holding his chubby body,enta started to fall like an story character.


"You are not an Anime character"Kal shouted.

"Oh Forgive me"He suddenly become an badass Character.

"Let's enter base,I don't have time to waste"Krishna intruputed, ignoring both of them.

"Oh!but we are outside of base,why there aren't any guard here"Kal starting to walk behind him and stopped in front of huge gate.

Looking at gate they guessed it is factory.Why did all gang make their base at factory.An sudden thought crossed Kal mind.

'knock Knock'Kal heard a sound and took a glance toward sound.

"You baldy I was going to do that"He shouted at Enta,who knocked the door.

The gate opened,they was shocked because the guards allow them to enter base without any hesitation.One of the man came running toward them and take responsibility to deliver them to right place.They all walked,reaching boss room the man leaves.

Krishna opened gate,the boss was sitting on a chair and his old villian Muthu was sitting beneath the boss Rony.

"Boss why are they here,you promised me-"

Before muthu can finish his sentence he was slapped by boss Rony.

"Are you mad?You want us to go against Allies."

"But I already written...."He didn't say any word because he realised that he was betrayed.

"Ohhh boys here is your culprit he is the one who asked us to kill you,you know we don't have any relation."Boss said throwing Muthu toward them.

Not knowing he had done big mistake he sitted on chair."I thinked it solve your problem."

"What did you say?"Kal shouted.

"I said it so-"Before he can finish sentence an punch flied toward him hitting in face.He falled back with chair.

"I remember you said he asked to kill Krishna"Jr. points finger toward Krishna

"Yes we were just doing our work,So you don't have to be angry.Okay I think you understand."Slowly standing holding mouth he said."Take revenge to him If you wants."

"He will take care of him.So I will take care you"kal grabbed his collar and slamed him on fallen chair.The plastic chair breaked.

Enta was just standing and watching Krishna square beating two man.He was just imagining how much far they will go.Are they going to kill their opponent.

Muthu can see his death in krishna eyes,he didn't try to fight because somewhere in deep he knows that what he do.He will be defeated by two Yamraj.

*Yamraj:He is known as the god of death in India.The God who kill people and take their soul when their life completes no matter how old they are.

Getting punched in face more than 100 time make Muthu unconscious.He was just punching bag for Krishna.He takes out a knife which he was hiding behind his pant.

"I will kill you"He points knife toward Muthu.

"Stop"His hand was stopped by Enta."You can't kill him"

"Hmm Why I cannot?He killed Rani and buha and you're saying I cannot do the same."

The grip of Enta tighten on his hand,maybe he know how much he give lecture the only thing he can be stopped is force.Knowing this he tried.

"I don't know why are you trying to kill him I think you just wanted to destroy Glope"He stopped before saying another sentence."I also know this but I don't think you loved Rani that much,I don't know about your buha but she was adopted and Rani was your Fiance not you lover."He completed sentence in fear.

"What are you saying?"Krishna voice becomes hard,his whole body was shifted.He stand up,the grip was getting tighter.

He head butts Enta who was trying to change heart of Krishna.

What did I say,I know it will be not enough to change his heart.Flying in air he thinked whole sentence.

He gets hit on back by whole,Muthu was saved but It didn't mean he is also saved instead Muthu's death was replaced by him.

"Ohh!I was trying to say That your buha was adopted I mean you beat him because he killed him but Rani was"Enta didn't know what he was saying he was trying change topic.His voice was in fear.


'stab' 'stab'

He forget someone who is more brutal,kal he didn't seen him fight but somehow in past day he started to feel it.Everyone who had seen him fighting told enta that Kal krishna is brutal.

He killed Rony.