"My king. All preparations are ready for the grand summoning."
The knight takes a knee in front of the throne where King Harold sits.
"Well done, Sir Groudson."
King Harold waves his wrist to summon a servant.
A young lady with blonde hair approached the king and bowed her head.
"Yes my Lord."
"Go tell the mages, it is time."
"Yes of course."
The young lady stood straight up and walked out of the throne room.
After the young lady leaves the throne room Sir Groudson stands up and starts to speak his mind to King Harold.
"My king, are you sure that this time it will work?"
"Of course I do."
"What if they fail like the last ones?"
"Then we'll just get rid of them, and summon the next heroes."
"And what if they become too strong for us?"
"Please Sir Groudson. There is no hero in existence that could ever defeat you, let alone me in a battle."
"Yes of course my King. Your way of thinking is far above anyone that could ever live in this world."
"They don't call me the all knowing king for nothing."
King Harold waves his hand again, as another servant shows up.
"Yes my Lord."
The lady gives King Harold a bow.
"Fetch some wine for me and Sir Groudson to enjoy, as we wait for the heroes to be summoned."
"Yes of course my Lord."
The lady walks away to get some wine for King Harold and SIr Groudson.
After a couple of minutes all the mages in the Kingdom of Starheaven gathered together around a large magic circle and started to cast magic into it. After a couple seconds the magic circle starts to glow.
"Yes, keep pouring your magic into the magic circle my fellow brethren."
As three of the mages fall to the ground, unconscious. Another mage looks over at the three and then looks at the father.
"Father Joe, they all pass out due to lack of magic."
Father Joe turns his head and looks back at the other mage.
"So what, we must continue or King Harold will blame me for the hero summon not working." ("And I will not take the blame this time, if it doesn't work.")
After one minute into casting magic into the magic circle, over 50 mages of fall unconscious due to lack of magic.
"We must keep going no matter what."
"But Father…"
"No but's."
As the circle glows brighter making the room glow white. After the light goes away there are three men standing in the magic circle.
"Yes. We are successful on the hero summoning." ("Take that King Harold.")
Father Joe looks over at the servant and points at her.
"You there."
"Oh, yes Father?"
"Go let King Harold know that the hero summoning has worked."
"Yes, right a way."
"Wait. We got summoned to another word."
"But why does it look like someone's secret basement?"
"Why is that the first thing that comes to your mind?"
"I am just saying. It just looks like one."
"It does."
Father Joe clears his voice and turns around to face the summoned heroes.
"I do apologize but this is a church not a basement but don't worry heroes, you have been summoned here from…"
Right before Father Joe could finish his sentence, the hero standing in the middle runs up to him and grabs him by his robe.
"Holy shit, this is another word. My dreams have come true. Hey are you seeing this man? I mean look at this guys' robes, they look so priest-like."
All the mages in the room cover their mouths with shock on their faces, as the knights grab the hilt of their swords after hearing the hero say holy shit.
They then look over at Father Joe, as the same hero is holding onto his robes, as the hero looks up at Father Joe.
The hero on the right sees all of this and takes a step back.
"Are you like an old mage guy that is going to teach us magic or something? Wait there is magic in the world right? There has to be, I mean you just summoned us using this circle. Oh, hey bro, look at the cool looking circle, it reminds me of graffiti."
The hero looks down at the ground and sees a giant circle on the ground with a bunch of smaller circles in it, what a bunch of different symbols in each circle.
"I mean it looks like it is another world."
As the hero on the right has already taken everything in and has a calm mind, as he looks over at the other two heroes as they fangirl out.
"I know right, that is what I am saying. This is my dream. Oh, man I can't wait to see what kind of cool skills we get to have."
"Oh yeah. This is going to be so cool. I couldn't wait to change my looks. You guys have a way I can change what I look right?"
As the hero on the left side looks over at all the mages that are still on their feet.
"Well he will be doing that for the next 8 hours."
"That's no joke."
As the hero on the left looks back at the other two heroes.
"What can I say, I just like to look different."
"You say that but you always change your looks no matter what."
"I just get bored looking at the same thing every time."
"You don't have to say that twice."
As the hero on the right just stands there annoyed, has he listens to the other two fangirling for being summoned in another word.
"Hahaha. That was a good one."
"You guys still give me hell even in another word."
"That is what friends are for."
The two heroes look over at the hero on the right, who has an annoyed look on his face.
"Quit fangirling for one second and listen to what the old guy has to say."
"You no fun you know that. This is the first time in my life I can enjoy myself."
"Okay sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night."
"It does."
"Excuse me. You are in the presence of Father Joe. So be quiet before we take unnecessary actions."
All three heroes look at the knight with confused looks on their faces.
("Are they really that insolent, to dare and interrupt me from speaking? No, they are just morons that were summoned to kill the demon king and then we get rid of them. And they could never understand the greatness and all the power that I have at my fingertips.")
"Thank you, Sir Kyle. Now back to what I was saying…"
"Oh, look at that Johnny, he has a pretty cool looking sword. I wonder if I can have a sword?"
The hero on the right starts to shake his head.
"And this is how we die in another word."
"Do you not know what the word quite means?"
A knight steps forward at the hero closer to Father Jose, as the hero replies to his question.
"I do."
"Then I will expect you to. Or do I need to make an example of you?"
The knight looks down on the hero, waiting for him to say anything, as the hero doesn't say a word.
The knight looks at the other two before he turns around and starts to walk away, as the hero speaks under his lip.
"That is what I told your mom last night."
The knight turns around and goes to draw his sword.
"How dare you dishonor a knight of the royal guard and of the church."
As the knight draws he sword Austin slaps the hero on the back of the head.
"Sorry, he is pretty dumb."
"If you say so, but make sure he stays in line."
The knight walks away as Austin shakes his head at the hero.
"Now look at what you've done, Alex."
"Well someone is a party killer."
Alex starts to rub the back of his head from the slap that Austin gave him.
"That is what you get for talking too much. You loudmouth."
"And I thought I was going to be the most talkative one."
Austin looks over at Johnny.
"Don't think I will not slap the shit out of you too, because I will."
"Yeah, yeah. So who is this Father Joe? Wait, Austin."
Austin looks back over at Alex with an even more annoyed look on his face.
"His name is Joe."
Austin just realized what Alex was getting at.
"Oh, I hate Joe's."
"What I am lost."
Austin walks over to Johnny and speaks quietly for only him and Johnny to hear.
"That is not the first time you have been lost."
"Hahaha, very fun."
"Just tell him why, Austin."
"You tell him."
"Okay I will."
Alex tells Johnny why both Alex and Austin hate Joe's, as he also comes to the agreement that he also hates Joe's now.
"Do they really think I will not behead them for not listening to my orders? Father Joe, let me…"
As Austin, Alex, and Johnny start to nod their heads as all the mages and knights look at them with shock in their eyes, as they all look at Father Joe who has an angry look on his face.
"Are you all finished?"
("They dare insult my name, after they insulted my church. They have some nerve to even speak to me in a non-formal manner. Who do they think they are? They are just heroes that are used for our own fun. Don't worry, I will get my time to play with them in the future. Yes.")
As Father Joe looks up at the ceiling with a smile on his face as Alex, Austin, and Johnny watch him enjoy the moment until Alex spoke.
"So, are you having a moment? Do we need to come back at a different time or something, because I would really like to know how to use my powers and all that."
"I would not rush him, Alex. You might make him pull a blood vessel or something. But at the same time, it will help to know why we were summoned, and all that stuff."
Alex looks over at Austin with a little evil grin on his face.
"I would never. I am too amazed for anything like that to happen."
"Your so fucking stupid, you know that?"
"And I am a god."
Alex and Austin slowly turn and look at Johnny, as Johnny is just standing there with his arms on his side trying to look cool.
Alex starts to shake his head with disappointment. As Austin looks up at the ceiling and sees all the different paintings of this world's god, as he looks back at the mages and knights and sees them all give Johnny the death glare.
Austin just nods his head.
"And that is how it became only 2 heroes got summoned to this world."
Alex starts to look around quickly and sees what Austin is talking about.
"Hey, Johnny. You meant to say that you are the BIGGEST follower of god. Right?"
Johnny looks over at Alex and speaks with a serious look on his face.
"No. I will become a god."
"I am not with him, or know him at all."
As Austin steps away from Johnny.
"Are you saying that you will become a god? Because there is only one god in this world, and that is our god. All other gods or beliefs are not allowed to exist in this kingdom. I am very clear."
As the Father starts to walk over to Johnny.
"Now, I do understand that you all are from a different world. So I will let it pass this once. Because of that."
"Thanks old man. Father. Uh, creepy dude. Whatever your name is, I was not paying attention. I got distracted. Hehe."
"Cough. Plot armor. Cough."
As Austin does a fake cough.
Father Joe looks at Johnny with an annoying look on his face.
"It is Father Joe. Please try to remember that in the future."
"Got it."
Father Joe shakes his head as he walks away from Johnny.
"I did good, right guys?"
Johnny gives both Alex and Austin as he gives them a thumbs up as they both shake their heads at him as well.
"God. How did I end up in this position?"
"Hey now, you should be honored that I am here."
"No, your the reason why, I am wishing I was not here."
"Come guys, we should enjoy this moment."
As the three heroes are talking, Father Joe stands there looking at them.
("These heroes are just unworthy to be summoned to a world like this. They will need a lot of prayers to help them. I will let King Harold explain everything to them. I can't bother to deal with them anymore.")
Father Joe waves his hand to summon the blonde hair servant girl over.
"Yes Father."
"Take the heroes to the throne room. The King will explain everything to them from there."
"Yes of course, Father."
The servant girl walks over to the three heroes.
"Excuse me, heroes."
The three heroes stop talking and look over at the blonde hair servant girl.
"If you all don't mind, follow me to the throne room. That is where the King of this kingdom waits to meet you all."
As Johnny raised his hands in the air, making everything look at him with confusion on all their faces.
"Sorry for my friend here. I believe he could be possessed."
The servant girl covers her face with her hands before looking at Johnny with a worried look on her face.
"Don't worry, we can exercise the demon out of you."
"I am not possessed. I just have voices in my head."
"Yeap, that is all the demon's that are in my boy Johnny."
"Don't worry, we will exercise them all for you, Sir hero."
"I feel like I am being bullied a little here."
"It is our way of showing our friendship to you Johnny."
"Shit. If that is what you want to call it."
The servant girl leads the three heroes up the long stairway up to the throne room, where King Harold awaits for them.