Chereads / Expressionless Awakener / Chapter 30 - Chapter 28: Kneecap Soup

Chapter 30 - Chapter 28: Kneecap Soup


Kim's weapon is a double-sided scythe made with pure pigeon-blood color in the likes of a ruby.

Along with a sway of blood-like mana affecting the scythe with an evil-like aura.

Which that evil-like mana is used to control a person's mind into a path which leads that person into a murder spree chaos... Except for Kim.

I wonder why...?

[ Expressionless Awakener ]

I slapped my face onto my dorm table as i yawned tirelessly.

'So boring..'

I thought as i groaned.

It hasn't been long ever since i made that kind of decision, apparently like 2 days ago.

I decided to transfer to another school... Since it makes sense that way, But i couldn't really tell anymore.

'Wait, What kind of decision did i make again...?'

I thought as i forgot the decision i made just 2 days ago.

'...Oh well.'

As for kwan jihu, it's the same as usual, He hasn't been able to contact me for quite some time, It's not like i know hes number or anything nor does he even try talking to me.


'Who cares about that guy..?' I thought as i yawned again.

The day is almost close by..

What do you mean exactly?..

Well... it won't be long until a week prior..

For the day of the event.

But.... like heck would i remember anyway?

I began to move and stood up from my chair to try to grab my phone out of my pocket.


'Where did i put my phone again?'

I thought expressionlessly and cluelessly.

Suddenly, A knock on my door was heard.

'Who the heck is out during curfew late at night..?'

I thought.

I began to walk to my door and opened it slightly.

Suddenly, The door was banged open, and three familiar students went inside my dorm and immediately locked it.

I was startled and i fell onto the ground.

I watched them breath for air... Like they just ran marathon.

Suddenly, the first student jumped on me.


The first student cried out to me, Hugging me and shouting my name.

"Calm down, Jacob.. Your literally squeezing him!"

the second student shouted.

"Jeez, let's just calm down already.."

The third replied back.

I stared at them with confusion, while a loading screen appeared on the top of my head, along with my ahoge resembling a question mark.

I wasn't able to process whats going on.

The 3 students stared at me back for a while before they figured out my confused ahoge.

".....You've gotta be-"


"Kim forgot about us... Again!!"

The 2nd student shouted as he slapped hes forehead.

"Let's just tell him the code, It's not like he'll remember us after more then a month and a half has passed of 'not being able to see each other'."

The 3rd student mumbled as he sighed.

The three began to help me stood up from the ground as i looked at them with even more confusion.


I thought as i panicked at the thought.

I began to move and took a step back, looking at them with suspicious and yet hesitating eyes, doing a stance that symbolizes defence.

The 3 of them began to move, clapping each others hands and dancing with random movements.


'What the- What are they doing-?'

'Are they doing some kind of ritual On me-!!?? Of all places, why here-!!???'

I thought as i panicked even more of the thought, thinking they'd be witches or an evil character from the novel.

( Kim is really dumb after all, so he doesn't usually think of smart stuff since it's hes First POV. )

But it wasn't really the case.

'Hold on..'

I began to feel slight process as i felt a familiar sense to them.

The 3 of them continued to move, clapping, dancing and even.. burping..-? No, Why burping-?




My eyes widened by a centimeter as i continued to look at them.


I thought as i word out a big word inside my thoughts.

There so-called code began to confuse me of familiarity, Deja vu and vague memories.

I began to shake from the sudden magic and trickery, along with my ahoge shaking in deja vu.


Suddenly, they moved there hands or fingers in front of my forehead.


They flicked my head at the right moment, Making my eyes go bland and pale as white.*

( *I didn't know eyes can go pale and bland. )

I blinked twice and finally realized.


I spoke as i pointed them, covering my mouth with my left hand in shock.. In an expressionless way.


Jacob called out.

"When are we gonna stop using that embarrassingly code and remember us, kim!?"

Lavyn spoke.

Fynn began to sigh lightly and looked at me with a gentle expression.

"We haven't seen each other for quite some time now kim." He spoke.

I nodded.


He asked excitedly.

I blanked as i continued to nod.


I stared at them and blinked twice.

"Oh, It was ok."

I answered.

"Seriously? It's just 'ok?'."

I nodded.

"Hmp. Boring"

Jacob mumbled.

I shook my head lightly as i got straight to the point.

"By the way, Why are you guys here in the middle of the night?"

I asked expressionlessly.

"Oh... About that.."

"It's because of this idiot(Lavyn) made us get locked outside of the school! They should've listened to me when i said not to play another game at the arcade!"

Fynn spoke as he looked at Lavyn with an annoyed face.

"Well it wasn't my fault!"

Lavyn spoke back.

"So let me get this straight, You three got locked outside of the school.. because of a game which Lavyn begged to play?" I asked honestly as i crossed my arms and tilted my head.

"Not entirely 'beg' but yes.."

Fynn replied.

"Soo... You guys used the other gateway to get inside even tho the school used high security?"


The three of them nodded

Lets answer this question, How did i know there was another gateway even tho the school's security improved?

Well... Every school always has an extra gateway which students come in or out everytime... But the academy, It is entirely different.

But how did they get in?

It's simple, They act like sneaky spies.

( Imagine some spy music in this part hehe )

As far from my 2 years of experience with them, There apparently a master of escape and getting inside pretty much anything.

Lavyn, is actually a manipulator used to manipulate a person's mind.

Sadly, His ability is used only twice a week.

But thats what he used whenever he gets into trouble like earlier.

Jacob's most used ability is distraction, But just like any person's ability, he also has a limit [ Not like hes powers are powerful or anything ] His mana is used to distract even cameras or even streamers during a particular time or not.. But this ability is used once someone loses their own guard down.

And as for Fynn, His used ability is just flight, So there is nothing for Fynn to do much during there troubles going inside the school gates.. But, He is a master of lockpicks that opens every single door.

He simply uses his mana on the lockpick and opens the door.

As far as my exprience, he never fails to open any door! He even helped me open my dorm room when i forgot where i put my keys.

Anyway, Fynn will find a particular door that leads inside

the school gates, aka "the teacher's door-in-out".

As the name suggests, Only teachers come out during the night thus, the door is made out of mana for teachers only to open.

Things like that only happens whenever the teacher needs or does something important outside the school.

But for Fynn, He used that calamity to get inside the school.

As for the high security, The cams, and the mana surrounding around the school, along with plenty of monsters in high security.

But that ain't a problem for Jacob and Lavyn.

Both of them use their ability to either manipulate and distract the targeting opponents in order to sneak inside the school.

Even the surrounding mana can get manipulated, which is Lavyn's job aswell.

They have to do the same method again once they walk through the hallways and finding their dorms.

So apparently, they are masters of this kind of situation.


I looked at them confusingly as i watched them sat on the floor.. as if tired.

"Do you guys need a breather or something? You three looked like you ran a marathon."

I spoke.

"Ahh... About that.."

"We were chased by a C-class monster while walking through the halls..."

Fynn spoke nervously.

"Luckily, We didn't got caught by the cams since it was distracted by Jacob."

"But we still had to run from that nightmare.."


I mumbled as i stared at them blankly, understanding what they meant.

The three of them are, afterall, D-class rankers.. Just like me, They had to run away from a monster that is unbeatable for them to try and fight on, Even if they are strong enough to fight it back, I doubt that they will have enough time to distract the cams and manipulate the mana around them during that kind of situation.

Running away is always the obvious and best option isn't it?

I sighed quietly.

"Whatever, You guys hungry? I'll make you guys some snacks while were inside here."

I asked.

"We already ate dinner but sure! You're cooking is the best!"

Jacob answered excitingly.

"Sure, Thanks Kim!"

Fynn replied aswell.

Before i could continue further... Since when did i cook exactly?

Before that, Do you remember the part where the school allowed different kinds of clubs inside the school in chapter... Which i already forgotten.. 10..maybe..?

Well... My main characteristics were usually played in music, BUT I know how to cook well.


I went to the kitchen as they sat on the sofas inside the living room.


"Hey Fynn, Why is that table half roasted?"

"And the pictures here looked burnt?"

Lavyn asked curiously.

"How would i know? This is kim's dorm afterall."

Fynn answered back

"Makes sense."

Lavyn replied.

I still haven't cleaned my dorm room ever since that disappointing incident.

Laziness hits when your tired y,know?

I went inside the kitchen as i took the knife from the knife stand holder.



"Hey guys! What snack do you guys want!?"

I shouted.



Jacob screamed.

"Huh-? Why soup-? It's the middle of the night!"

Lavyn spoke confusingly at Jacob.

"He probably meant ramen soup, Lavyn"

Fynn replied at Lavyn.


I took my time as i heard their answers and opened the upper cabinet of my kitchen.

'Hold on, Does eating Ramen in the middle of the night count as a snack?'

It took me a few minutes to go blank at that question.. but shook my head anyway as if it doesn't matter.


'....I think i still have some ramen left..'

I thought.

I took a cup of ramen from the cabinet and opened it lightly. (Not that lightly tho.)

I added the ramen into a pot and added 2/5 cups of hot boiling water which i already prepared.

I added the ingredients according to the instructions from the cup and put it onto the pot accordingly.

But i felt like something was missing.



I thought as i pointed my right finger upwards.

I opened my refrigerator and took out a random but full taperware box.

I opened the lid gently and added onto the pot.

A few minutes at least 4 or 5 minutes went by and the smell was already spreading through out the kitchen and the living room.

"Is Kim really cooking ramen or is it just me?"

Lavyn mumbled.

"Dunno, But i bet it's something really good, I could tell from the smell"

Jacob spoke as he slick hes tongue like a hungry dude waiting for hes icecream at the icecream truck.

As for Fynn, He only smiled gently.

I went out of the kitchen slowly as i shouted;

"Guys! The Snack's Ready! Even tho it's just a ramen bowl, I don't know why it was called a "middle-of-the-night" snack."

"Doesn't matter as long as it is something good to eat, then it's 100% fine."

Lavyn replied.

The 3 of them began to move, going inside the kitchen and getting excited for the food(Or snack) I prepared.

I took the pot and poured it into 4 bowls as they sat at the counter.

I took each bowl and put it right in front of them, and took mine aswell.

Somehow, The soup was shining miraculously, It doesn't even look like a ramen bowl anymore!

"Kim, You sure this is the Ramen snack we asked for?"

Fynn mumbled nervously as he looked at the unwavering soup.

I nodded at Fynn's 'No Or Yes' Question.

Suddenly, Jacob took a spoonful of soup, and took a small drink from it.

"Mmm! It's Good-!!!"

Jacob Muttered loudly as hes eyes brightened from the taste.

Honestly, Why did it felt like as if my food is getting judged by 3 idiots? [ Except for Fynn, Since hes the only serious and common-sense friend in the group. ]

And besides that, Wasn't this supposed to be a middle-of-the-night Ramen soup snack-?*

( *All foods can be called a snack as long as they don't match it with rice, I'm from the philippines after all! )

Suddenly, The soup began to lower its brightness, Making the soup show its full color.

They all took a sip and ate ramen meat, Along with the meat which i got from the taperware.

"It's really good kim!"

Fynn mumbled


Lavyn replied aswell.

My ahoge began to wiggle in pride as i took a proud stance.

"I called it..."

"Kneecap soup"

I proudly spoke in an expressionless manner.

They began to hesitate after hearing what i named the soup of.

"Ugh, Now i feel awkward after hearing that.."

Fynn mumbled quietly and honestly.

"Why.. that name of all names..?"

Lavyn muttered as he stared at me with utmost disgust(?).

They continued to sip the soup for some reason as I stared at them confusingly.

"Huh-? What's wrong with it? I got that name because the meat i put on the ramen is from a D- class dungeon monster, And the monster's meat is its kneecaps."

I spoke expressionlessly.

"Now i feel even more hesitated.. Why a monster's kneecaps...???"

Fynn mumbled as he continued to sip.

"I don't think i'll be able to finish this.."

Lavyn muttered aswell as he also continued to sip.

"If you guys are not gonna finish it, Then i'll eat it all!"

Jacob spoke enthusiastically as he already finished hes bowl.

"Why do you guys act as so disgusted when the 3 of you are already drunk or ate the entire bowl???"

I spoke expressionlessly as i stared at them.

The 2 of my friends looked at their bowls quietly as they noticed it was empty.

It seems like the Kneecap Ramen soup was so good,even if they complained about the name they continued to drink and eat it's meat from the ramen soup.

The both of them suddenly felt guilty-concious, except for jacob, he already liked the soup to begin with even if the name sucks.


Lavyn and Fynn mumbled as they apologized.

I stared at them expressionlessly as i laughed lightly inside my head.


[ Expressionless Awakener ]