Chereads / Akkaihoshi: Gates to hell / Chapter 6 - Chapter six: the legendary black bird

Chapter 6 - Chapter six: the legendary black bird

Hi wakes up and sees that Sozin is already up. "You up already?" Hi asks Sozin. "I am ! I´ll tell you what we discussed with the elder. We are tasked to hunt a legendary monster the black bird high up in the mountains." Sozin tells him."Black bird sounds like a legend!" Hi says. "It might be true for what i know! Aren´t demons that drove the lightenting wolves out, maybe they are involved!" Sozin says. "I am ready when to we go?" Hi asks ready now having packed up his gear. "They only show up at night we´ll have to wait for a while! What you say we explore the village a bit?" Sozin asks him. "Sounds good! I can get my new sword then!" Hi says. "Then let´s go !" Sozin tells him and goes outside. Hi follows him too. "This village´s size is impressive!" Sozin comments. The village spreads a long way on the mountain. "Where is the smithy though?" Hi asks. "Hey, Hi i hear you guys need a guide!" Yuan says. "Yes indeed! Can you show me where the smithy is?" Hi asks. "Of course follow me!" Yuan says leading the way through the village. The smithy is northwest in the village higher up. "We´re there! Let´s go inside!" Yuan says as they enter. They are greeted by the smith´s apprentice. "Oh, we´ve been waiting for you! I´ll get the sword real quick!" the apprentice tells Hi and leaves somewhere into the smithy. Hi and Sozin inspect the swords laying around and notice the excellent craftmansship. "This is on par with the guild´s smithy. That´s impressive considering we are in a random village!" Sozin says in awe. "As good as our goods supplier!" Hi tells him. "Hey, don´t touch that unless you are buying!" the blacksmith tells them. "We are just looking around. Waiting for my order!" Hi tells him. "Must be the new guests! I got done with your guy´s order awhile ago my apprentice should come back anytime now!" he adds. As if on cue the apprentice arrives with Hi´s new sword. "Sorry for the wait!" he says putting the stuff on the counter. He places a greatsword made with great lightening wolf horns and two daggers made of the claws of the lightening wolves. "Amazing! This sword is quite heavy. I can feel the thunder magic flowing through it!" Hi says inspecting his new gear. "It´s made for hunting monsters bigger than humans of course it needs to bigger and heavier to deal any meaningful damage against them." Sozin explains. "That makes sense! That´s why use that big sword of yours!" Hi says. "Be warned it won´t be as sharp as the swords you are used to maintain the edge!" Sozin warns Hi. "Ok, this sword is quite big but i´ll get used to it!" Hi says holding it in his hand. He puts his sword on his back with some long rope and puts his daggers with the scabbard in his belt. He takes them out to look at them. "It looks quite sharp and lightening flows through it. I like it! You should always have some backup weapons!" Hi says. "Can is see that sword you were carrying before it looked quite different than the ones i am used too!" the blacksmith asks. "Of course take a look this is a katana a traditional sword from Kano-country!" Hi explains handing him his katana. He takes it and looks at the sword itself. "Excellent craftsmanship. I see it is slighty curved and has a bevel and a nice spine and only has a single edge!" he says. "Hold up, Apprentice take a look and draw the design down!" he orders his apprentice. The apprentice comes back with a sheet of paper and a brush with some ink. "Lemme take a look real quick! Oh, yes this goes there this goes there! And finished! Take a look!" he says drawing it up swiftly. "That was quick you have some talent!" Hi says. "It´s nothing really. It´s all thanks to master here!" he answers and points at the blacksmith. "Thank you for the sword. Here you can have it back!" the blacksmith says handing Hi his katana back. "You just took a quick look so it´s fine!" Hi says putting it back in his belt. "Are we leaving or what?" Sozin asks Hi standing in the doorframe. "Yes! Goodbye and be ready to make us some new gear after our hunt!" Hi tells them. "Do come again!" the blacksmith says already working again. "Have a nice trip!" the apprentice tells Hi and Sozin. "Farewell!" Sozin tells them and leaves with Hi.

They continue going up throught the village and shortly arrive at the path leading up the mountains. There´s some people standing guard there. "Who are you and why do you want to go up the mountain? It´s dangerous out there!" one guard asks. "We are from the hunter´s guild and received orders from your elder to investigate and hunt the thing that killed all these lightening wolves!" Sozin explains. "It´s alright i heard from our elder that they will be here today let them pass!" another guard explains and makes some space for Hi and Sozin to go. "Thank you guards!" Hi says. "What are you waiting for?" Sozin asks him already ahead. "Sorry master!" Hi says catching up to Sozin. "Let´s go with haste!" Sozin tells Hi dashing off up the mountain. "This game again!" Hi says dashing off too to catch up to Sozin. They stop to look at the lightening wolf corpses and take a quick break to investigate. Sozin approaches a a corpse and looks at it. "Shlash marks most likely from claws of something big and it looks dried up sucked of life and magic! No footsteps to be found except the lightening wolves must mean it can fly!" Sozin deducts. "Look master this one has had it´s head chopped off!" Hi tells him pointing at a corpse next to him missing a head that is a little farther away. "I´ll take a look at it!" Sozin says investigating it. "It´s a clean cut must have been something like a sword!" Hi says. "That´s right a clean cut." Sozin confirms."It seems our concersn have been proven true it´s a black bird." Sozin deducts further. They venture further up the mountain until there are no trees left. Hi notices something strange exuding from a rock nearby. "Master did you notice that too that rock looks suspicious!" Hi tells him. "It is suspicous let us take a look!" Sozin confirms and approaches the rock with Hi. "Claw marks but much smaller though but it exudes evil magic. It´s relatively fresh only from yesterday so demons are involved in this too!" Sozin deducts. "You can tell all that ? You´re amazing!" Hi says. "I hope you´re a learning!" Sozin tells Hi. "Yes, what you said all makes sense i saw the same things you did!" Hi answers. "Good if we continue along with our pace we will get to the peak till nightfall!" Sozin tells Hi. "Master it´s noon already we won´t last long if we don´t eat now!" Hi tells Sozin. "That´s right what would i do whitout you!" Sozin says. "Come on now i just asked the cook to give us some leftovers. You could´ve just asked as well!" Hi tells him and packs out their lunch wolf meat. "It´s cold but good thing we can warm it up ourselves!" Sozin says warming up his meat and eating it up. "That´s right! Whoa you already ate it! That was fast!" Hi says warming it up as well and eating it. "Now with our new won strength we can journey on!" Sozin says slowly running up the mountain slowly speeding up. Hi follows.

Hours pass and the sun starts to set. They have almost made it to the peak. Sozin stops to enjoy the sunset and some tea. "Ah, the sunset! It´s beautiful from up here!" He says marveling at the sight. "It does look quite good and we can see the village down there! Looks so small from up here!" Hi says. The sun set is over now and night falls on the lands. "Let´s go! Be sure to use your fire magic as a light source it´ll help you see and drive off smaller monsters!" Sozin tells Hi forming a small fire ball in one hand. Hi seems to struggle to make a small fire ball. "Come on focus on condensing it then it´ll work! Like forming a clay ball!" Sozin explains. Hi visualises it and compresses his fire ball to a smaller size and maintaining it. They rush up to the peak only to notice that a small group of demons is trying to control the black bird with some sort fo ritual but the black bird absorbs a lot of magic to not get controlled. Demons are evil creatures said to have been ancient beings their origin is unkown to kill one is a job of the tempel ritter from the church. They have though skin wings, a tail, claws and sharp teeth their regenaritve power is unmatched and they posess evil magic that can manipulate living things. There are archdemons who are far stronger and posess their own set of magical powers. It looks like the demons have almost finished the ritual but Hi and Sozin arrive and cut down some of them taking advantage of the situation. "Humans quick kill them!" a demon orders the others. "Focus on the ritual!" another says. Six of them jump on Hi and Sozin but both dodge. "Oh they are quick!" a demon says. "Must be hunters but we have the upper hand we are more!" another says and they start laughing devilishly. "What´s funny?! You think you have the upper hand?!" Hi asks provocatevily. "Focus apprentice they have the numbers can´t afford to slack off! Even a moment´s hesitation can turn the tides of battle!" Sozin instructs Hi readying his own sword. "Tch! Fine!" Hi says readying his sword and standing back to back with Sozin. Alll the demons jump at them but Hi quickly kills two of them and Sozin six of them with his technique to burn them. "Easy!" Hi says. Unknowing of the demon´s regenerative power´s he lowers his guard. The demon´s attack Hi from behind but Sozin pushes Hi away and slays them for good. "Fool! What did i tell you! Some monsters and demons can regenerate any injuries. Burning their wounds halts the regeneration allowing us to kill them otherwise holy magic is the counter to evil demons it purges them!" Sozin lectures Hi. "Good job!" an arch demons says applauding them. "But this stops now!" he says teleporting behind Hi attacking with his claws. Hi blocks with his sword. "Look out Hi! It´s an archdemon he is stronger than the small fry and they posess unique abilites different from the demons from earlier! I´ll stop the ritual and you stop him!" Sozin warns Hi. "I got it!" Hi says. Sozin rushes off to kill the demons doing the ritual. The archdemon teleports behind Sozin and attacks. Sozin dodges and looks at him. "Hey look behind you!" he tells him. He is confused and looks behind him to see Hi smack him down with his sword infused with thunder magic. "Ouch that hurt!" he says regenrating from the impact. Hi swings his sword again but misses. The archdemon teleports behind him and attacks. Hi swings his sword again and smashes the ground. The archdemon teleports on top of it and runs up the blade to slash at Hi. Hi quickly lets go of his sword and sheathes his daggers and blocks his attack. "You´re think quick! I might enjoy killing you!" he says backing off to prepare his next attack. Hi rushes him with quick slashes. The thunder paralyzes the demon a little. He regenerates from it. Now Hi and the archdemon trade blows in a quick paced showdown. Hi has the upper hand and launches a cross slash, a dash attack that puts him behind the archdemon and forms a thunderous x across his chest. "That won´t kill me!" he says laughing and regenerating. "But this will!" Hi says sheathing his katana and heating it up infusing it with fire magic and lopping of the archdemons in one quick slash. "You sly bastard!" he says with his chopped of head as he perishes. Meanwhile Sozin stopped the ritual in a manner of seconds and stands face to face with the black bird. The black bird looks at Sozin. Sozin feels no desire to hurt him from it. It flies up and launches its feather´s at Hi and Sozin in a long line piercing the ground. It flies off into the night sky and absorbs the dead demon´s energy and pulses purple. After that it disappears into the night never to be seen again atop this mountain. "Whoa that was close!" Hi says stepping back. "It said thank you! That´s why it gave us it´s feather´s! Man these feather´s are huge!" Sozin says. The feather´s are each the size and sharpness of a sword and it´s metallic sheen reflects the night sky. Hi plucks one from the ground and holds it in his hand. "Woa! This is lighter than a sword!" Hi says in amazement. "It must be able to fly!" Sozin tells him and picks them up as well. "Those will make for nice armor and swords!" Sozin tells him. "They will let´s descend the mountain!" Hi says.

They descend the mountain and arrive at the village at sunrise. They go the the smithy to let him make them some armor and swords. "Let´s hope we´re not intruding!" Sozin says entering the smithy. "Goodness you´re up early!" Hi tells the blacksmith who already is working on some weapons with his apprentice. "Oh you´re here and with new materials let´s take a look. Yes this will do nicely! What shall it be?" he asks Hi and Sozin. "One suit of armor and two greatswords and two shortswords western style i know that you can do that!" Sozin says. "Master do you not want armor?" Hi asks surprised. "Do i look like i need it?" Sozin asks showing off his though skin and technique where he is all covered in dragon scales. "You don´t!" Hi says. "It will be done by sunset! Goodness those materials are light but more durable than steel and denser. It´s a dream for any hunter! Armor and weapon´s that are light but are sheer indestructible!" the blacksmith marvels at the black bird feathers. Hi and Sozin enter the assembly hall and talk with the elder. "You´re back already did you kill it then?" the elder asks. "There was no need it turns out it was manipulated by demons." Sozin explains to him. "You´ll have a reward anyways!" the elder says. Yuan´s father brings them a small chest filled with bronze, silver and gold. "Here ya go!" he says handing it to them. "Oh, Yuan´s father! Can you fetch Yuan please so we can do some nice training outside?" Sozin asks him. "Are you not leaving yet?" the elder asks surprised. "We are waiting for our gear to be ready, which is currently being made at the smithy´s!" Hi tells him and going outside with Sozin and Yuan´s father. "He is already outside training!" he answers Sozin. "Tell me when you leave then!" the elder says. "We will!" Hi says.

Outside Hi and Yuan duel and train their body up being overlooked by Sozin and Yuan´s father. Yuan´s father is proud of Yuan and Sozin not yet of Hi, who shows lots of promise. "I hope Hi will grow up like Yuan! Dependable and hardworking!" Sozin tells Yuan´s father. "Thank you we raised him well didn´t we but i am impressed by Hi´s strength he is the same age as my son but several times stronger taking his swordsmanship and fire magic into account. Yuan only recently awakened his magic abilities, we were surprised to see him have water magic we were proud." he tells Sozin. "A worthy rival then and a specialty elemental magic is stronger than normal magic but it comes with it´s innate set of weaknesses. Due to it´s elemental nature they get countered quite easily by other element users but if one is stronger he can still close the gap even if he is in a disadvantegious situation." Sozin explains. "Let´s hope they grow up well!" he says. "Cheers to that!" Sozin says raising his cup of alcohol. "Cheers!" he answers and toasts with Sozin.