Hi and Sozin arrive at Shanyuan village, the one that posted the quest to hunt the lightening wolves. It is located higher than the fields surrounded by the mountains protection. The sun is already setting and Hi and Sozin are hungry. Arriving in the village they are greeted by a large crowd lead by an elderly man, most likely the village elder the farmer spoke of.
"Welcome, Hunters! I heard you dealt with the lightening wolves! Let us prepare a feast for you!" The elder greets them both. "Perfect then make us of the meat we offer you!" Hi tells him showing the wolves meat on the cart. "Oh! How gracious to gift us the meat of the lightening wolves! Where is our cook?" the elder says. The cook comes out of the crowd a woman with some helpers take a look at the meat. "Oh this will make for a fine meal! Thank you! Now let´s get to work straight away!" the cook says telling her helpers and the others to carry the meat to the kitchen. "Thank you for your hospitality!" Hi says. "I sure hope you can make a great feast!" Sozin says. "As it happens my apprentice here has broken two of his swords might i ask of you if you could make him a greatsword similiar to mine with the lightening wolves materials?" Sozin asks the elder. "Of course our blacksmith will take care of it! His handiwork will surely not disappoint he is a master craftsman after all! Let his apprentice deliver him the materials he´s always busy working." the elder says. "As for our guests i´ll kindly ask of you to join our assembly hall! As for everyone else you´re dismissed until the feast!" the elder adds on. Everyone leaves per the elders order. "If you would follow me, we have to talk!" the elder tells the both. "Of course, elder!" Sozin says following him. "Whatever you say old man!" Hi says. Sozin hits Hi in the head and then scolds him. "Show your dam respect! Little spoiled brat!" Sozin tells him. "Ouch i´m sorry to have offended you elder!" Hi says apologizing. "Oh, don´t you worry you remind me of my grandson!" the elder says. "You have a grandson? " Hi asks. "Oh, yes he´s a bit younger than you! I have a feeling that you´ll get along!" the elder says. "I´ll be pleased to meet him!" Hi says.
Now they have arrived at the assembly hall where the elders relatives are already waiting. It´s his wife, son and daughter inlaw as well as his grandson. "Oh, father you have brought the guests! Don´t push yourself too hard you should be resting!" his son says helping his father sit down. "Oh, don´t you worry there´s life in me yet!" he tells him. His son is a middle aged man around the age of Hi´s father and his daughter inlaw is of the same age. "Grandpa! You´re home and you brought guests!" he says. His grandson is the same age as Hi and a energetic lad with brown hair and a red headband he always helps the farmers and hunters to scout the area. He is adept in swordsmanship so that he can defend himself. "Pleased to meet you!" Hi says bowing Sozin does so as well. "I assume you´re the elder´s grandson he told me about you!" Hi says to the elder´s grandson. "The name´s Yuan and you are?" he asks. "Hi, heir of fire!" Hi answers. "So you´re the one next in line i heard a lot about your family from grandpa!" he says. "Haha! I´m surprised you know about our family! Must have heard a lot of bad stuff about what i did!" Hi says. "Haha! I did but i am more impressed about how strong you are! You look just as they described you! And he is?" he says and asks about Sozin. "His master, Sozin. I must say he isn´t that impressive but once i´m done with him he´ll have learned the dragon ways and mastered his fire magic. Right now he he wastes too much energy and occasionally shows me my why they call him a prodigy. But as you can see he broke both his Tachi and katana while hunting!" Sozin tells him. "Amazing your master! You do look more experienced than him like a wise man!" he says. "Oh so you´ve realized right away! Impressive this guy didn´t notice how old i was until i told him. Shoul´ve seen his face! It´s true i am older than even your elder. I am a dragonkin monk on his path to become a true master!" Sozin. "That must speak volumes about your strength dragonkin!" he says. "Impressove isn´t he?" Hi asks him. "Sure is unlike my master..." he says. "Hey don´t you badmouth your father after all he is the one who showed you how to use your sword!" his mother says. "It´s alright i do pale in comparison to Sozin but i am your father!" his father tells him. "Oh, sorry! Got ahead of my self!" Yuan says. "What do you say for a little training bout with him. Been a while since you dueled someone. It´s great practice and i´ll have enough time to chat with the elder in the meantime!" Sozin says. "Yes let´s do it!" Yuan says. "Sounds good i´ll be the judge of their little duel! Come let´s go outside!" Yuan´s father says leading them outside the assembly hall near the nearby forest there is a empty grass plan that´s where they go.
The elder´s wife offers them some tea. "Tea?" she asks and pours them some tea and gives them some snacks. "Yes sure i like mine boiling hot!" Sozin tells her. "What can i help with?" Yuan´s mother asks them. "Nothing, you should better watch your son´s fight!" Sozin says. "Is it really fine?" she asks the elder´s wife. "Of course, i´m more than enough to serve them." she answers. "Okay, see you later!" Yuan´s mother says leaving to watch Yuan´s duel. "Now that we are alone i suspect you want to talk about the lightening wolf problem?" Sozin asks the elder sipping his tea. "I belive you dealt with that problem? We get lightening wolf packs occasionally here" the elder asks Sozin. "That´s not a problem but i noticed something while they hunted their prey down in the fields. They looked starved and were more aggresive than usual. That is a sign that they were driven out of their natural habitat the mountains by something. A change in their environment happened that left them with no choice but to flee. I suspect there is something killing those lightening wolves that live in the mountains." Sozin explains. "Hmm troublesome indeed you mean to say that those wolves will appear more often now?" the elder asks. "Yes, i´d like to investigate the mountains with my apprentice. I heard that only your village´s hunters can enter the mountains." Sozin says. "You can go investigate if it means there won´t be more trouble! We´ll repay you of course!" the elder says. "Alright we´ll leave for the mountains tomorrow! Have any clues about what could cause the lightening wolves to flee?" Sozin asks him. "The hunters did report to me that they saw corpses of lightening wolves lying around in the mountains." the elder says. "Could be demons. How did the corpses look?" Sozin asks. "They said they looked like husks sucked out of their life as well as some claw marks." the elder answers. "Did they feel any evil energy coming from them?" Sozin asks. "Nothing of the likes they said!" the elder answers. "Definetly not demons then. What else is strong enough to drive lightening wolves out of their territory?" Sozin wonders. "The black bird!" the elder says. "The what?" Sozin asks. "Don´t listen to the words of the old man the black bird doesn´t exist!" the elder´s wife says. "NO! It was real i saw it with my own two eyes!" the elder says. "He´s right the black bird´s do exist but they are incredibly rare. I read about them in the dragonkin temple they even had a feather. The feather was black and sharp it looked more like a dagger with it´s metal texture!" Sozin says. "I suppose it could exist it was never confirmed." the wife says. "A black bird would fit the description it has claws and absorbs magic from living things. It is said they live at the peak of high mountains and only come out at night due to that it is hard to see one." Sozin says. "I knew i wasn´t crazy when i told my story long ago!" the elder says. "Let me tell you the story of the time i came face to face with it. It was once upon a night when me and my comrades went out hunting. There was a full moon that night. We ventured to far only for all my comrades to die they had cuts all over and had no magic left in their bodies. That´s when i saw it flying through the night sky illuminated by the full moon it´s beauty was breathtaking but what scared me the most that it didn´t have eyes not even eyesockets yet i could feel it´s cold gaze pierce my skin. It could have killed me that night but i suppose it had absorbed enough magic already. I fleed to the village and when i told them they didn´t believe me!" the elder says. "It matches with the description from the scroll from the dragonkin temple! We have our culprit the legendary black bird! To think i´d get to see it and hunt it makes me excited!" Sozin says. "Then please slay the monster so our village may live in peace again!" the elder asks of him.
Meanwhile Hi and Yuan were dueling. "Here are your weapon´s!" Yuan´s father says giving them each a wooden sword. "Ready?" he asks. They both ready their stance Hi holds his sword as if it´s sheathed Yuan holds his sword in on hand with the point presented at Hi. "Then begin!" he says. Yuan stabs at Hi. Hi stands there on defense ready to attack when Yuan is in his range. Yuan pulls back to look for openings confused by the unorthodox stance he doesn´t know how to attack. Yuan needs to close the distanc quick enough so Hi doesn´t have time to sheathe his weapon. Yuan dashes at Hi holding his sword at the end of the hilt to maximize it´s reach. In an instant Hi launches a horizontal iado attack and hits Yuan´s sword out of his grip and launches a stab at Yuan´s neck. He stops before then to not hit him."You´re dead!" Hi says. "Whoa you got me!" Yuan confirms. "Magnificient!" Yuan´s father applauds Hi. Yuan´s mother rushes to him. "You´re not hurt are you!" she asks him worried. "I´m fine mom don´t embarass me in front of my opponet!" Yuan says. "I can´t help being worried about my son!" she answers. "You have nice parents unlike mine cherish them!" Hi tells him and pats his shoulder. He leaves shortly after. "Must be thought succeeding the heirs of fire!" Yuan says.
Sozin overhears that short interaction and smiles. "That was unlike you apprentice!" Sozin remarks. "Why are you smiling?" the elder asks. "My apprentice has grown from that battle!" Sozin says. "Does that mean my grandson lost?" the elder asks. "Let´s hear it from them! I sure hope the foods ready they must be hungry and me too!" Sozin says. Hi´s group comes back. "Grandpa, Hi is really strong i am happy to have faced such an opponent!" Yuan tells him. "Hi, i´m impressed!" Sozin says. "About my win?" Hi asks annoyed. "Not that what you said after that!" Sozin says. "What!? You and your pointy ears!" Hi tells Sozin. "Sorry, but physical training alone will not help you grow!" Sozin tells him. "Maybe some food will cheer you up!" Sozin says. The cook comes in and serves the group. "Food is ready!" she says putting it on the table. "It smells amazing!" Sozin tells her. "Thank you! If you want more food it´s outside where the rest is eating!" she tells him and leaves. The wolf meat is perfectly cooked and there are some other side dishes like rice and vegetables. "Let´s dig in!" everyone says and starts eating. Sozin and Hi devour the meat. Afterwards Hi and Sozin are lead to their rooms where they sleep. "What a day!" Hi says falling on the bed. "I´m stuffed!" Sozin says. "Let´s get some sleep! Rest is the second most important thing when training!" Sozin says. "What´s number one? Training?" Hi asks. "Wrong! Zero points! It´s food! Can´t train with an empty stomach! You need the energy to train and after that you will sleep to recover your strength and wake up stronger! That is the dragonkin monks way!" Sozin says.