Chereads / Akkaihoshi: Gates to hell / Chapter 3 - Chapter three: Hi the hunter

Chapter 3 - Chapter three: Hi the hunter

Hi wakes up early to pack his things for his journey mostly his katanas and a tachi as well as some money and valuables and rations. Afterwards he goes to wake up Sozin. When he arrives he is still fast asleep. "Hey! Wake up!" Hi says trying to shake him awake. He doesn´t budge a bit. "Well looks like i´ve got no other choice!" Hi says kicking him off the bed. "Whoa! What was that for!?" Sozin screams out catching himself from falling on his face. "You wouldn´t wake up otherwise!" Hi tells him. "Can you blame a man for enjoying a nice sleep on a soft bed after i only slept outside!?" Sozin asks Hi. "Yeah,Yeah I know now stop complaining and let us go!" Hi tells him. "You got everything you need?" Sozin asks. "Yes! Can´t you see that i am in my hunting gear?" HI asks him. "Oh right you need some armor and weapons!" Sozin comments. "Now let´s go outside and depart!" Sozin tells him. They leave the guestrooms and go outside into the garden, that is filled with bamboo and other nice trees and plants. Sozin gets out a blue glowing stone out of his pocket and focuses his mana in it visualizing his destination he can only go where some teleportation crystals are. "Place your hand on my shoulder!" Sozin orders Hi. Hi does so placing his hand on his shoulder. "What now?" Hi asks. "Let the magic do it´s thing!" Sozin says. They begin to start glowing blue and teleport away. When they open their eyes they are somewhere else.

They just arrived at the royal capital of the holy kingdom of light. In the capital there is the hunter guild´s headquarter, the kings palace as well as the grand cathedral where the pope resides. The teleportation crystal they arrive at is just outside the guild´s headquarters. "Where are we?" Hi asks surprised. "Welcome to the royal capital of the holy kingdon of light. This is the biggest city on mainland you´ll find! Let me show you on the map" Sozin says getting out his world map. He points on the western part of a big landmass that is near a penninsula. The capital spreads across from the bay into the mainland all connected by a big river than runs through the city and connects the port area with the market square just further in. The city consists of multiple rings and walls. On the most western side is th port protected by a wall and gates. The further in you go the higher the city goes. The city is divided by social standing. The poor man´s and farmers area is located on the eastern side just landinwards not far from the farms they work at. In the middle there is a big hill leading up to the grand cathedral, the royal academy and the king´s castle as well as the area where the nobles and the priests live it is protected by the biggest and thoughest wall with the only entry being trough the gates located by the traders and middle class area just outside. "Wow this city is huge can´t even compare to our capital!" Hi comments. "See this place here southeast of the mainland there is Kano-country and the misty sea isles!" Sozin says pointing to Hi´s homecountry. "Look how small your homecountry is compared to the mainland!" Sozin says."Here you can have this!" Sozin says handing the map to him. "Really thanks!" Hi says. "Also read this, you gotta learn the language they speak here!" Sozin says handing him a book. "I gotta read all this?" Hi asks. "That´s the neat part you don´t or rather really fast. This book is written using magic ink and other materials meaning you just have to absord the magic in it and then it will regenerate slowly with this crystal you see on the cover!" Sozin explains to him. "Whoa, Amazing! And this is possible with all other languages as well?" Hi asks amazed. "Yes but these books cost a lot even a hunter who sells all his materials will need to hunt a few monsters!" Sozin comments. "Those magic materials sure cost a lot!" Hi says.

"Enough said let´s register you in the guild!" Sozin says leading the way to the guild´s headquarters. The headquarters can´t be missed because it is in the town square and is huge. It consists of multiple buildings covering a lot of areas of work. The guild sign on the building is a telltale sign you are right. "Wow, this place is huge!" Hi says as they enter the building. "This is the guild´s headquarters the biggest and most influental workplace! The guild can be seperated into multiple working areas each being different for a example a smithy can network with others to discuss pricing, sell his wares and advertise his working place. The most important thing here is teamwork no one is allowed to make his own choices except choosing what the guild provides. But by far the most popluar guild is the hunter´s guild men all over the world love going on hunts as it provides a lot of benefits like getting to keep materials and getting paid for it in exchange for completing quests reached in by all kinds of people and best of all you can sell those materials for a high market price just at the market square or the guilds auction house. Smith´s in the guild can even make some gear if you poviede them the materials and money. Monsters everywhere make live hard for people. There are few subbranches of the hunter´s guild like the research guild that researches monsters and the environment they are in as well the botanic´s guild which grows and cultivates plants, that can speed up the natural regenarition or offer special little boosts. The botanic´s guild alone minimizes the death rate of hunting quests. You´ll often see quests from both of them to protect them and help them gather valuable research data or rare plants." Sozin explains to Hi. "This place is complex!" Hi comments. "Well it helps the world and keeps the balance of nature and mankind in balance! And it makes a lot of money which serve as taxes and help the kingdom finance all manner of things." Sozin says. "Enough talking around you need to be registered." Sozin says going the hunter´s guild counter. At the counter there is a guild gal in charge of registering new members and updating the rankings next to here is the counter responsible for quests with a questboard in the back and all the requests and next to that is the counter responsible for the rewards. "Hello there! I´d like to register my friend here!" Sozin tells the guild gal. "Alright. What´s his name? I´ll register him as a new guild member!" She answers him. "I recomend him and will take care of him if anything happens!" Sozin says handing her a letter of recomandation. "Alright, Sozin since you are the one i´ll give Hi, the heir of fire a ranking right away. B-rank you say with opportunity to rise up if proven useful. I´ll do that wait just a moment!" she tells him. "I´ll wait!" Sozin tells her. "B-rank what does that mean?" Hi asks Sozin. "Means you can take on B-rank quests or lower on your own or up to A-rank when im comany of one of that rank or higher. B-rank means you can hunt larger monsters and criminals with the risk of serious injury. A-rank means you can hunt almost all strong large monsters and demons as well as notorious criminals with the risk of death. And S-rank is consired top of the rope and you need to exterminate national threats and the risks are death or worse and you are required to make a raid party consisting of strong A-rank hunters because S-ranks are far and few. All the other ranks are E,D and C-rank that means everything weaker than B-Rank." Sozin explains. "That´s a lot. Wait Master what rank are you?" Hi asks. "I´ll tell you later!" Sozin tellshim. "I am done with registering him!" She says handing Hi a badge with his name on it and the hunters guild symbol that is a sword on a shield as well as his ranking. She also gives him the same blue stone Sozin used to teleport here. "Look i even got a teleportation stone!" Hi says. "Remember you can only teleport to place where there is a teleportation crystal. If you ask and pay you can even place your own for the conevinience of others. With that badge you get extra discounts for everything a hunter needs meaning cheaper healing stuff, at smithy´s and best of all taverns and Inns." Sozin tellls Hi.

"Cool when will we depart on a quest?" Hi asks. "Right away of course i saw a quest we can take. Oh, right join my party!" Sozin says. "What does that mean?" Hi asks confused. "Just say i want to join Sozin´s party!" he says. "Alright i want to join Sozin´s party!" Hi says. "Wait nothing happened!" Hi says. "Of course it won´t work if you just say it pour your magic in your badge!" Sozin says. "Like so?" Hi asks pouring his magic in. Sozin does the same and places it on top. "With this i shall make a bond of Sozin and Hi." Sozin says creating a bond between them. Hi looks at his badge and sees written on it part of Sozin´s party. "Look it says now i am part of your party!" Hi says. "Great! Let´s fetch the quest!" Sozin says going to the counter with the quest board. "I´d like to accept the quest to hunt some lightening wolves that have been trampling all over that one villages fields in the east!" Sozin tells the guild gal. "Alright, wait a sec. Ah, yes this should be the one!" she says handing him the info. "Thanks we´ll be on our way then." Sozin says. "Happy hunting out there!" she tells them.