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Regrets of the Hero party

A group of adventurers find themselves in a difficult situation when they try to clear a dungeon. With no other option, the team leader decides to sacrifice the weakest in the group.

Chapter 1 - Normal day

I just finished cleaning the room, so I started preparing dinner. I don't know if my friends would be home today, but I better be prepared. Worst case, it's going to be tomorrow breakfast.

While I was cutting some tomatoes, the door of the house opened.

- Oh, Terek! Welcome back! How was your date?

- Waaaaaah!! She left me! He said while hugging me.

This huge man was Terek, the tank of our party, The Silver Knights. Don't let his size fools you, he is actually a big softie. We have been friends since we were kids, and he has always been like that.

- Easy Terek! Here take a seat and tell me what's happened!

Listening to me, Terek took a seat beside the table, and I poured him beer. I resumed the cooking. Terek took a sip and burst into tears once more.

- She left me, Jama! She just left! I don't even understand, everything was fine, the date was perfect. She even followed me to the hotel!

- She dumped you at the hotel?

- No, after!

- Huh?

- She followed me, we slept together, and she left. I even tried to invite her home, but she refused.

- Did she say why?

- She said that I could go meet my other girls! But I don't have other girls!

Like I said, Terek is a big softie. His biggest dream is to marry a lovely wife and have children. But he looks like a womanizer. Girls think that he just wants to play and just went with him for a one-night stand and then leave. So he goes to another girl, reinforcing the rumours.

- Maybe you should stop seeing girls for some time and let the rumours tone down.

- But I will never get a wife! I need to court one!

- Yeah, but everyone in this town thinks that you're a player! Or maybe go look somewhere else!

- That's it! I need to go where people don't know me!

- Don't listen to that wimp!

Terek and I turned to look at a woman coming down the stairs. It was Jio, the sorceress of our party.

- Jio? You were home?

She just glanced at me with a mocking smile before turning to Terek.

- A virgin like him can't give you advice on girls!

- It's true that Jama has no experience with girls, but what he said is true! My reputation is not good in this city!

- You just need a girl who know the real you, like the girls of this party!

- Oh come on, the leader is way out of my league!

- That's not …

Jio stopped mid sentence. Her whole face turned red. Terek is way too stupid to understand that she referring to herself and she is way too proud to openly offer herself to him. She wants him to court her. Well, it's none of my problems. I just finished cooking and served them.

Terek took a bite and went into trance.

- Your cooking is always top tier Jama!

- Well, thanks!

- Your cooking better be good! It's the only thing you're good at! Jio intervened.

She was looking at me with disgusted eyes, yet she kept eating.

- Come on don't be like that! Jama is also good at cleaning! You should open a restaurant. Terek tried to defend me.

- Is that supposed to make me feel better?

- No one care, just leave the party, and stop dragging us down! Jio intervened again.

Dragging down. Come on, I'm just a rank below you. I'm not that weak. Anyway, I'm used to Jio venting her stress on me and Terek treating me like a child. In fact, I'm not even mad at Jio, because I know why she is so angry. So, I said nothing and let them finish eating and went to do the dishes.

- Thanks for the food, Jama! Terek said.

- Yeah, a maid for free! Jio added.

They both returned to their room upstairs. I finished the dishes and sat to eat myself when the door opened once more.

- Tsk, you're still here?

It was Shaq, the healer of the party. Because he was a Saint, he spends most of his time at the church. I haven't seen him since our last quest, one month ago.

- Shaq? Wasn't expecting you! Want dinner?

He didn't even bother replying, he just went upstairs. Used to his attitude, I just laid another plate and kept eating.

The reason why I'm not too mad at Jio is because I knew she had a crush on Shaq. But he just didn't care about her. To add to the insult, Terek also had no interest in her. So, she vents her frustration on me. I guess I would also react like her if the people I like were so indifferent to me.

A few minutes later, Shaq came down.

- If you want dinner, there's your share on the table.

To my words, Shaq got close to his plate. I guess he was hungry after all. I tried to take another bite of my food when I felt something coming right to face. I instinctively dodged it and heard the plate breaks upon impact against the wall.


- What, you think I'll eat food made by a low life like you?

-If you don't want it, just leave it!

- What's going on?

It was Terek, followed by Jio. They must have heard the commotion.

- Tsk, I don't have time for this!

- Where are you going? I called Shaq, who had turned his back on me.

- What?

- Don't ''what'' me! You haven't apologised!

- Apologize?

- You threw the plate on my face! Apologise right now!

- Ha you're funny! You want a Saint like me to apologise to a low life like you! You should feel honored that I even talk to you.

- You asshole!

- STOP IT, JAMA!!! It was Jio who got in the middle. Unlike you, Shaq is an important member to the party!

Is this girl for real? Licking his boot won't make him notice you, it will only inflate his ego even more. Look, he already left while you were scolding me.

But Jio didn't notice. She just kept saying harsh things to me.

- Am I right, Shaq? Huh?

She finally turned only to see that Shaq was long gone. Congratulations, you made a fool of yourself.


Jio and Terek returned to their room. I finished eating, did the dishes, and clean the mess Shaq has made. Only then I sat on the sofa to take a break.

The sound of the door opening woke me up.

- Oh, sorry for waking you up, Jama!

- Don't worry, this is not a place to sleep anyway!

The person who entered the house was Safa, the leader of our party.

- Do you want something to eat?

- No thanks! I already ate with the guild leader.

- He gave you another quest?

- Yeah! I'm going into my room to review the details! Tomorrow we will have a meeting.

- Ok dookie!

Safa climbed up the stairs to get to her room. A few minutes later, I was knocking at her door.

- Jama, do you need something?

I didn't respond. I just presented her the bowl in my hand and her eyes widened.

- Ice cream! You've made some more?

- I had time today, so yeah!

She immediately pulled me inside and pushed me on her chair. She then sat on her bed and took the bowl of ice cream. Her tough attitude was replaced by a childish character.

- Thank you, Jama! I so needed this!

- You really like ice cream!

- I could eat it for the rest of my life!

- Please don't! You'll be sick!

- Less sick than eating whatever the guild master made me eat today.

- I thought you were at a famous restaurant!

- Just because it is famous doesn't mean I would like it. They don't even have chocolate.

- What do they serve? Sour and bitter food. And that dammed guild master kept filling my cup! He thinks he can get me drunk and bring me home, that asshole!

- Well, too bad for him, alcohol has no effect on you.

Safa ate the whole bowl of ice cream while complaining about the guild official. Being a leader of such a renowned party can be hard. The guild officials always try to give you impossible quests. Some nobles would try to get their hands on you. And it's the job of the leader to deal with all of them. It's too much for our leader, who put up a strong front but who is shy on the inside. I wish I could do something to help her. But all I can do now is making sweet things for her to eat.

Safa kept talking and in no time the bowl was empty. She wanted more, but I couldn't let her eat that much in one night. It was hard to convince her to stop there for the day. I had to promise to give her more the next day for her to let me go.

I left Safa room and went downstairs to wash the bowl.

Everyone had eaten and the house was cleaned. Well, time for me to go to sleep.

In my bed, I remember when we were kids, in the orphanage. How little Safa would easily get flustered, how Terek would always protect us from bullies, how Jio would always follow Shaq with her eyes. Life was hard in the orphanage, but we were always together.

When we all turned 15, we left the orphanage and decided to work as adventures. The only job people with no education or families could do. That was 7 years ago. Now we are one of the strongest party in the in the city. We even have a Saint.

Quite impressive if you ask me.