As a 3 year old Tyrion I told Tywin "I don't know whether it would have been better to be born as healthy commoner than as a wealthy dwarf. But I do know few things. I'll never be strong, I'll never be tall all never be attractive, I'll never be normal" I let some tears fall to emphasize my pitiful state.
" That's not all, I don't get to have a mother, I don't get a loving father, I cannot accept this state. I want your blessings and a reasonable pocket money to try to solve my problems. What the gods took from me in body, they gave me in mind. It is clear to me that I'm not only smarter than other 3 year olds, but I'm smarter than peasants, I'll figure out the solutions to my impossible problems."
Tywin sighs. This is not the first time he has seen me act over dramatic." What do you want Tyrion, what do you want to do with money".
I smile as I say " I want to open a cat hospital in one of the hedges near the granary. You can talk you you master, he can't teach me any more about medicin from theory. I'll need to learn from practice." I tell him , reminding him of my freakish intelegence.
I further say " I'm three year old and a dwarf at that, I'll need servants to be me hands and legs. I'll need a couple of hedge wizards to lead the servants and teach them medicin. I myself will impart then medical knowledge of the citadel. "
"We'll help out humans too, but to fix my condition, I'll need to discover new science, I'll need to do experiment on cats. Once the operation is running, we will even recover some investment through selling cat fur. "
Tywin looks at me and asks " So you want to build a slaughterhouse for cats, do you know how bad that looks, especially considering our sigin, the proud lion"
I tell him "Not a slaughterhouse, but a cemetery where old, diseased and dying cats can come to find a safe place to rest and recover, if they don't recover, we sell there fur."
Tywin looks at my mother's portrait for a second and asks me " how much gold do you need" finally getting to the point. I look at him and Say " if you give me the same pocket money that you give Jaime or cercie, I can do it myself " surprising him.
Tywin looks at me and says " they were much older than you are when they first started getting money, but I'll admit their pocket money is for comfort, what you are asking for is an investment. Fine, you can do what you want. kevan , handle the money for Tyrion. ". Uncle kevan looks at dad and says " yes my lord."
I jump up as If I want to hug him, but instead I control myself and bow down to him " thank you my lord father". He nods at me, signalling that this meeting is over.
* Time skip *
2 years have passed since I established Purr healing center near the granary. I've become a beloved figure among common common folk as I offer them cheap healing. Our cat fur business is booming with cat population being a constant high around these parts whether rats and rodents are plenty.
During my time here, I got to open up a dead cat almost every day and learn from hedge wizards and my castle maester about medecines. I've experimented many potions of different effects on old cats to test the potion's viability.
By now, I've delegated my healing duties to servants since I don't learn much every day anymore, reaching the limits of what can be learnt from my current teachers and setup. It is not very profitable anyway, but atleast it pays for itself.
I've gathered rummers about a witch called Maggie the frog. She lives in the forest. I'm not strong enough to go there without serious protection. I've been working on gathering that protection.
I've recruited 2 maids with requirement for them to be willing to train to fight. One named Emma was a 20 year old daughter of the local jeweller, he was happy that his daughter will get to make some connections with high society through me.
The other was a daughter of the castle Smith. I was in the Smithy with Emma, getting her to smith for me through emotional manipulation. I was trying to smith here myself, but at such a young age, being a dwarf on top of that, it was impossible for me to forge anything more than a nail.
So playing into my disability, guilting her into believing that she needs to be my arms and legs for I generously pay her. The smith's daughter and son both helped their father at the forge.
His daughter Valarie became quick friends with Emma. Emma disclosed her salary in a drunk moment with her friend , convincing her to approach her father to help her get the same job as Emma.
Emma was not offended, as she had manipulated her friend to this point by telling her about the benifits of working as my maid, but the breaking point was when she revealed her salary.
I was happy to accept Valarie into my entrouge. She was strong and tall at 6ft. She was experienced at the Smithy and quickly took over as my hands and legs as Emma returned to more normal maid duties like my food and nutrition.
During the entire rainy reason, we confined ourselves to the castle spending our days in the Smithy, working on a crossbow -cum- bow -cum- slingshot prototype I've been designing.
It's is built like an Instant Legolas, a device from modern earth archery that converts the bow into a hybrid between a bow and a crossbow, bringing the best of both worlds creating a device that is easy to use and fast to shoot .
But instead of using a bow as a basis, it is built using coil springs and other springs. The end result is something that looks like a mutated between a pump action shotgun.
I've made 2 versions. A bigger version for adults that can shoot long bow arrows, and a smaller pistol version for me that shoots shorter and heavier crossbow bolts. Both of them have magazines that currently hold 6 arrows or bolts each.
Both magazines have a dart version where I can store much more metal darts in the same size magazine, turning the gun from a wired looking crossbow or bow, to a dart gun.
Mine is much smaller than the adult device making it weaker, but mine has a special feature. The more often I pump the pistol, the more energy is stored in its release mechanism.
Meaning that although a dart from one pump of my shotgun might be weaker than adult rifle version, but two pumps make me their equal. With 4 pumps , (which is the current maximum,) the darts turn into bullets, tearing through plate Armor with ease.
The base gun has no barrel, so switching between different types of ammo only requires switching the magazine. The magazine itself might have a barrel integrated like with the one with smaller metal darts, to increase the accuracy.
This mech-gun is almost completely made of metal, only using wood as a covering, to protect the metal inside from dents and scratches. I've shown the gun to Tywin and he was impressed with it's performance. I gifted him a mech-gun similar one to mine, but smaller and sleeker, made for concealed carry.
His gun doesn't have any magazine, holding only one loaded dart, giving him one shot at an enemy. This gun isn't even pump action, but instead is Crank action. To reload it, one needs to put a dart in designated chamber and crank the mech-gun lever by bending it from barrel and handle. Similar to my pump action, this one stores more energy with more cranks, bringing it to bow levels at 2 cranks and bullet level at 4.
This is an insta kill option against any enemy, armored, unarmoured or furred. It is as big as a glock 9. I've asked my father to keep these inventions hidden from the public, only revealing existence of the simplest rifle one that was as powerful as longbow for adults.
It was much more expensive to make than a bow, but it allowed untrained users to rapidly fire accurate shots. Both Emma and Valarie know the design of the bow, so does Valarie's father. They ask had to take up an oath of secrecy in front of my father regarding this weapon.
When the winter came, I was already armed and equipped with my mech-gun and medium Armor. Both my maids were also holding their rifle versions of the device, but loaded with darts instead of arrows. They even had 3 spare magazine each.
Through their own ingenuity, the maids had created bayonet concept by adding a blade to the magazine. This turned the magazines itself into a short spear or javelin to be used when empty of darts.
This also reduced the chances of someone in melee range trying to interrupt our pump, keeping them at distance by acting like top mounted bayonet.
We went on a forest exploration adventure and soon found Maggie the frog. I struck up a kinship with her as 2 rejects of society but we were both aware of my lordly origins.
After recruiting her and getting her on my payroll, I grab her aside and ask if she knew about Warg magic. She didn't know much but I arranged some sessions with her to determine if I have any. I knew I had some first men ancestry. I even had some Targaryen ancestry through House Valarion of dragonstone.
Daily I would travel to the forest in the name of gathering herbs for my healing center. I would do that , but also collect some drugs from Maggie that she believed would make you high, making you more sensetive to magic.
I keep a caged raven in my room in the name of learning ravenry from the castle maester. I would take the magic drugs before sleeping, while meditating on the bird. I didn't connect with the bird, but I did find some energy within me. After getting familiar with it, I got a fallen feather from my caged raven and tried to channel what I think is magic into it.
It didn't do anything. I throw the feather in frustration but it keeps sticking to my hand . I realise that it is sticking to me because of the magic.
By the time another week had passed, I was crawling along my rooms walls and ceiling like Spiderman.
I show this to Maggie the frog and we discuss further study into magic. My day consist of checking in on the purr healing center in the early morning, go to forest with my maids in the afternoon, hang out with Maggie for a bit and the be back in castle by evening to play with Jamie.
During my time collecting herbs, if we come across any animal that were hurt, but not being actively eaten or hunted, we bring them to Maggie.
I've created an animal sanctuary around her hut. It's more an experimental lab than sanctuary, but with sufficient amount of painkillers, the animals sleep through any of the procedures. They would have died in the forest anyway, but this way atleast they have a chance to live.
I've recruited another maid from the staff of purr healing center to run the sanctuary. Her name is Catherine and she is morally dubious enough to run my various experiments in the forest,while I am living the lords life in my castle.
She has a seperate hut for her experiments but lives in the same hut as Maggie for now. In her experiment hut right now, there are 2 monkeys hanging on the beam of the hut.
One monkey was hanging by his arm, which was covered in hard leather to provide support as Barce. Another monkey in similar situation is hanging by the legs, covered in leather. Both of these are fracture cases and Cathy has chemically put them to sleep and hung them with support to run some height growth experiments for me.
There was also a lizard. she had been experimenting on its tail regeneration and if she could learn anything from its tail to see if I can extend my spine too to increase height. But these experiments had much less success than the monkeys.