After 3 years of experimenting on the local monkey population, I showed the results to my father. I brought 2 monkeys with me to the castle .
One money had both it's legs lengthened on both thighs and calves, even it's foot was bigger.
The other monkey had one of its arms lengthened between is shoulder and elbow as well as between elbow and wrist.
I showcase the monkeys to my father. I tell him that these are just 2 sample out of many that I've operated on. The leg lengthened one was one of my first subjects, while one one with one hand lengthened is one of our newest.
He wants to see my test subjects. I invite him to the hut of Maggie the frog and my maid Catherine. I ask him to only bring his most trusted guards with him, I don't want my privacy disturbed in the forest because of any rumors.
He comes to the forest with his personal bodyguard, my brother Jamie and Jamie's sword teacher and bodyguard. With my maids and me added, this is a small sized hunting party.
We reach the hut and I introduce Maggie to them. They already knew of Cathy since she often came to the castle in her role as my maid, but now they knew where she spent most of her time.
I show Tywin my collection of long limbed monkeys. I've trained a tribe of them. After spending months in recovery under Cathy and getting doses of love potion from Maggie, they have been trained into an efficient dog like pet.
They often hunt small animals or eat fruit from the trees, Cathy has trained them to give their hunt to her and she will cook them some delicious meals. She keeps the skin to make leather and fur from it. She already had similar experience at purr healing center feeding cats and skinning dead ones to seek their fur.
The monkeys also act as early alarm system against any bandits and can even hurt some bandits themselves.
Seeing everything my dad was stunned. He had seen enough monkeys with long limbs to know that I had perfected this procedure to as high a degree as I could.
He asks me details about that procedure I will go through. I answer " I didn't develop right in the womb, so it's almost like I'll have to go back into the womb, one of my own creation".
" First, I'll break my arms and legs at 2 points for each limb. I'll wrap it up in hard leather so the bone stays aligned. "
" Then I'll enter into a routine for next three months. After every 3 hours of lying down, I'll hang by the beam in my room for 1 hour. I won't be able to move any of my limbs so my maids will have to handle everything. "
" During this time, I'll not eat any food or drink other than milk from my maids. They will be taking special potions to produce milk in their teats and another set of potions to add extra healing effects to the milk produced." I bring out 2 bottles to show the potions.
" I won't be able to poop, the the milk diet will take me back to the baby days of only peeing. Even the pee would be nothing more than mineral water. The extra potions are bone healing potions. Drinking them through my maid's milk makes sure that a lot of side effects are filtered throught the maids body and that the dose I end up with is diluted throughout the day instead of all at once". I conclude.
For three years I've been testing these theories on various animals and human patients. Now I just need to step through all the incoming pain and I'll evolve beyond my genetic limits.
After we return to the castle, My father approves of letting me do that procedure in myself.
I get Cathy to break my bones under anesthesia and wrap me up is leather supports.
I wake up with a lot of pain, coming all over from my body. I stay silent as I try to brace it. This is with me still lying down, what will it feel like when I'm hanging.
Well I don't have to wait too long to find out. I don't show any resistance other than gritting my teeth as I'm hung by my hands getting tied to the beam.
The maids remove the leather supports and remove any clothes from me. As I'm hanging naked, they gently rub an oil on me. While this oil is not a painkiller, it is a magic drug made by Maggie and me. We've mixed some olive oil and magic sensing herbs to make make this.
The oil works wonders. It didn't mute the pain, but turns me so high that I can't focus on the pain. Even as the high starts coming down, I keep focusing on the magic in me to distract me from the pain.
The pain is so much that to avoid it, I enter into a comma like state where I can only percive my magic and nothing else in the world.
Eventually, the maids come back and give my hanging naked body a sponge bath and remove the oil. They wrap me up in leather again and pull me down on a bed. One of them will then stay the next three hours with me as I drink their milk.
After the three hours is up, I'm back to hanging and oil and meditation and sponge bath.
After a week of this, one day a random bird came from my window and sat on my head as I was hanging. I was too busy concentrating on my magic to notice the bird. But it just happened to have landed on the part of my body I had consecrated my magic to.
I've successfully managed to move my hair with magic. It's slow and small movements for now, but with my ability to stick to things, I can grow my hair into another appendage with enough practice.
After sensing the disturbance in the hair, I didn't distract from the magic, instead I poured magic into the bird. It didn't try to move yet, but when it does try, it'll find itself sticking to my head.
I used my magic to explore the birds body. Petting it with my hair. It freaked out at the hair and tried to fly, but found itself stuck to me. It pecked on my head with its beak ,breaking my concentration a bit.
The incoming pain was so much that I could see that some of it was leaking into the bird through magic. The bird screamed but was still stuck to me. I could feel it's need to flee from my magic.
This empathic magic is fascinating to me so I playfully send him same feeling of me wanting to flee from my own pain. It sent out a feeling of cooperation to me and submitted, admitting through he feelings that he will do anything to get out of the pain.
After the bird's submission, I felt a wired pull at my magic. I feel the magic that had been holding the bird get absorbed into the bird as it faints from the pain, inviting my consciousness into his body .
Still feeling the pain and wanting to flee it, my consciousness quickly entered the birds body as a jumped and glided to the ground in my bird body.
After a 15 minutes, I feel the bird's consciousness awaken again and respectfully leave it's body, jumping my consciousness back to my body.
After my first Warg, I was able to jump into my pet raven. The key to this magic was emphatic magic. I just let the raven feel a bit of my pain and told him I want to escape it for a bit. I was forceful enough with sending the pain for it to know that No wasn't an option.
During this time, my body went back to its baby like state. I can now eat while sleeping because my mouth will automatically start sucking when a nipple is placed in it.
Out of 24 hrs, I spend almost 16 hours in warg form, spreading my time between different Ravens while my body is going through sheer pain. Rest of the time I'm drinking milk while sleeping.
3 months of this routine pass, I try my first step again. I push my leg forward, but it can't handle my weight. Valarie catches me before I fall. My muscles are severely atrophied. It'll take some time to get used to this.
Atleast the procedure worked. I'm 3 inches taller in 3 months. After a week of rehabilitation, I return to looking after purr healing center and going back to the forest to plan further procedures.
In the forest, while rescuing a monkey, I got close to it and after treating it, it became my warg companion. It has completely submitted to me, becoming my loyal pet. I've named it Leo, because it's hair and beard are similar to that of a lion.
After another 3 months of letting the rest of my body catch up to my bones, it was time to do the procedure again. But I could just use this time to practice warging.
For my second procedure, everyday I Warged into my monkey Leo and lived my life as a monkey for next three months. I became a leader of a tribe . Wherever I was back in my body, Leo would spread his seed among his tribe as it's alpha.
After the second procedure, I was already as tall as other kids my age, but I'm never going to have the same puberty as them, so I continue this pace of 2 procedures a year, each increasing my height at legs and hands by about 3 inches. After 3 months of procedure, I'll rest for three months.
By the 4th procedure at age of 10, my body was adapted to the pain of broken bone such that I could spend genuin time in it again instead of warging at every opportunity I got.
During such meditation, I found that I can increase the effect of my natural healing as well as effect of potion I'm ingesting through milk by using magic.
By concentrating my magic to my limbs, I increase their natural regeneration. And due to magic rich environment it creates at the injury, the bone repair potions are also enhanced by magic. But that causes excess pain due to magic enhancing the pain as well.
By the age of 12, I've gone through 8 such procedures and gone from almost 3' to over 5'. With my natural growth rate, I would have been at near 4ft by now. If I leave it to my natural growth now, I will still grow into a 5'9- 5'10.
But I have different plans for that. Already my hands and legs are way too big for my torso. Maggie and Cathy have recently invented a potion that taps into the regenerative abilities of a lizard.
After looking at their data and some of the subjects, I conclude that their potion increases the rate of growth harmone production.
I stop this procedure after the age of 12 when I got puberty. I start eating normal food too and doing normal things.
My maids would take some growth harmone potions and testosterone potions every day so that I could still take that from their milk. I really need the growth harmone to adjust my internal organs sizes to my limbs size. Small dwarf heart can't pump enough for a 6ft man.
These have many possible side effects, but atleast they are reduced in females than in men. I've included a heavy training regimen for them to make the most out of the effects of these potions for themselves
My routine for next few years was set around the heavy training. Every day after waking up early, me and my maids would do intense stretching and yoga exercises. After that, we bath together as they wash my every corner. During the bath, one of them will feed me their milk.
After that , I join my family for breakfast after which me and the maids join Jamie and the knights in training. Because of the minor increase in testosterone and growth harmone, the women rapidly grow stronger every day.
After the sword training, it's back to the bath where I'm cleaned and fed milk. After the bath, I have lunch with my family. Tywin typically gave me a task during lunch, such as shadowing him or uncle Kevan while they do their lordly duties.
In the evening, I go back to the sword training with the knights and my maids. We take a bath together again after that and I'm fed milk again. After that I have dinner before sleeping.