Chereads / Reborn as Tyrion lanister / Chapter 5 - Daes kingdom

Chapter 5 - Daes kingdom

I knew the pirates would get angry when I send the letter about Stepstones to Eddard Stark. But my fleet is always ready for pirates. Most of my fleet own birds for scouting. They don't wrag, but it's still useful.

I take half my fleet and go to Astapore in the guise of buying slave for my upcoming war. I negotiate with the masters of the city for every Unsullied, even those under training. They laugh at me, but are shut up by the hoard of valarian steel trinkets that I offer.

After taking a day to discuss, they ceremonialy hand me the whip of the master in front of everyone in exchange for my hoard of valarian steel. Suddenly, a monkey like figure lept from the side of the roof and put a dagger through the neck of the master who handed me the whip.

That's when mayhem began as a precise blast took out the other masters . I stand on the roof and speak their language as I ask the slaves to rebel. I free every Unsullied I bought and asked them to kill all the masters, but leave children and women alive.

The artillery blast of wildfire kept coming, somehow missing allies and targeting enemies. This is the work of Maggie. My personal ship has an obsidian roof, Maggie is using that obsidian to see live what is happening and directing artillery fire from my ships.

I offered the freed slaves to join my cause to break the chains of slavery. Most join my cause while some leave the city in the middle of the night.

My army looted every vault and searched under every rubble for everything valuable and I established my rule over Astapore, declaring myself it's lord. This is bound to attract attention of other cities in the Slaver's bay.

I set my fleet into motion and establish my rule over Astapore over next 2 months, when I got the news that Mareen and Yunkai have joined forces with a large khalasar to take me down. In these two months, the Unsullied have become good at using my mech guns as with their spears. I've even equipped a regiment of them with barded horses to form a cavalry.

I was even able to use my artillery ships and Maggie's vision spell to precisely target enemy formations as they March, forcing them to take a longer route. I don't call those artillery back, instead let them move even further ahead to besiege Yunkai.

The army that my ships sent on detour never found out about the siege on their home. They kept marching to my city, to their doom.

They had siege weaponry of their own, but I simply outclassed them in that regard, forcing them to set up camp outside my siege range. I charged on them then next day, my siege engines lagging a bit behind, but by the time I'm near their siege range, my balistas are already throwing wildfire at their siege engines, disabling them and disrupting their formation.

They were still able to set up a formation as the dorthraki among them retreat. I know that they will be back after repositioning, so I send my armored cavalry of Unsullied after them.

All my soldiers are better equipped than when i freed them. I just dipped their orignal leather Armor in my molten steel to coat it. Due to wildfire in the molten steel, the resulting Armor in as strong as forged plate Armor, despite being half leather, thus lighter.

With massive artillery advantage, I win the fight. Slaughtering my enemies. I imprison those who surrender and marched with my army to Yunkai.

It took my army two days to reach there in foot, but by the time we saw it, it was already a rubble in flames of wildfire. Most of the damage was to the gates ,but it was undeniable that they suffered great casualties.

Since the gates were rubble, my army marched in and took over. I met Maggie in her ship at the port of Yunkai and made plans to take over mareen.

3 year passes

3 years have passed and Eddard has yet to move on Stepstones while I've almost eradicated slavery from South Western Essos and taken control of all cities there West of mareen, including lys , myr and tyrosh.

They call me breaker of chains for freeing slaves. They call me dawn bringer because of my wildfire artillery. But most of all, they Call me Emporer Tyrion lanister.

I've already given Ed stark extra 2 years because I was busy conquering, but no more. I launch a full scale invasion of Stepstones, my first incursion into westeros since I left.

The pirates are no opponents of mine, most of them run to iron islands, who had just revolted against Ed stark. This bolstering of iron born numbers from pirates was going to increase the iron born power drastically.

After taking over Stepstones, I establish some fortress and defences to stabilize my rule, then I go back to pentos, for the first time after my conquest began.

I didn't go there with my army, since I already had plenty of soldiers there already, protecting my investments.

I check on my investments and make a deal with the city lord to buy his city from him. Just normal business day. That night, I invited Rhaella Targaryen to entertain me for the night. Usually, we do it with passion, but that night Rhaella wanted to see the conqueror in me and begged me to be rough.

In pentos, I'm approached by a red witch, servant of the fire god, as she claims me azor-a-hai. I only take her in to teach me and Maggie magic. The red witch apparently saw a vision of me burning cities with my green wildfire and Even saw me killing a popular khal while My sword was covered in fire.

In the last 8 years, me and Maggie have been practicing magic and have even taken in some people in who have minor talents in magic. Most of the whores in lys are of valaryan descent and have some affinity for magic.

Maggie had already been training some of my maids with talent for magic. Mostly just potions. Val has been leading their phisical training too, they are all to be competent warriors.

Maggie had even found a recipe using some botanical ingredients and human sweat/blood/milk to create a silk like substance. The silk can gain various properties when created with different ingredients, for example when created with the Targaryen sweat, created a fireproof silk.

The rate of production is very slow though, since 3 years worth of production was only able to make one shirt worth of silk for me .

While I'm at pentos, I'm approached by Ellia Martel. She met me as a representative of norvos. I made it clear that slavery will not be tolerated. If they give up slavery, I'm happy to let norvos be, but if they continue, I'll conquere it.

Ellia decided to send a letter about our conversation and then started seducing me. She called me all good things, her savior, protector of her children, the richest man in the world, the strongest man in the world, etc. Ellia in kingslanding was beautiful, but never my type , to skinny for my taste, no boobs either.

Ellia now is much different. She has gained significant weight, but all in the right places. Before we parted ways last time, I had told her that the cure to her mysterious sickness was food. The bigger her body becomes, the better it can handle her sickness and weakness. Even still, she hasn't gotten to fat, just chubby. We spend the whole night catching up.

The next few weeks went by with me greeting diplomats from around the world. My rule over the south-Western lands of Essos is officially established. I name the new Kingdom as Daez kingdom , meaning freedom in valaryan. (Popular export - Daez Nuts)

Even westeros sent a diplomat, my brother Jamie lanister. I catch up with my brother. Jamie wants to discuss Stepstones with me but i warn him that although I recognise Westeros and Ed Stark's rule over it, If he is unable to take care of the iron born problem, I will do it for him. If it comes to that, I will not only lay my claim on Stepstones, but also over Iron Islands.

Pirates are actually really good for my business, since my company fares much better against them that any other, but I have taken it upon myself to scourge the worst of them from the earth. This types of moral justifications are needed for stability of my kingdom to create a mythos to bind people. It is also similar to my morale take on abolishing slavery.

My people love me. I don't even have a castle as the king, I live in an expensive mansion, just like any other lordly merchant. My mansion happens to be surrounded by mansions bought by diplomatic agents in pentos. Seeing how Ellia successfully got a lot of benefits for city of Norvos, most of these diplomats were women, tasked with seducing me and gaining benifits for the kingdoms they represent.

I'm happy to oblige, but like me kingdoms benifit from these deals, I make sure they are win-win. In turn, I've turned these hot diplomats into my agents. I even spy on them with obsidian to ensure their loyalty.

Time skip- 8 years

I wake up to my ball vibrating, I open my eyes to see Rhaella and Ellia gargling on my balls. They used to be mother in law - daughter in law, but now they are just fuck buddies to me. Last night, they both tried to sell their daughters to me, but ended up in a thresome to compete for it.

They tell me after morning sex that they have come to a conclusion that I should marry both their daughters and lay a royal claim to the iron throne.

I tell them that, My kingdom is more prosperous and stable than ever. Why would I go to war over some junk land. Afterall, in the past 6 years, every one can see the technological development I've produced. While everyone is throwing their shit from windows, my cities have modern toilets.

They still try to convince me, but give up in the end. They still want me to marry their daughters, but conceded that I don't need to lay claim on the iron throne. I again told them that I'm not interested in marriage. I've got the benefits for it already, without any drawbacks.

I thought they gave up, but within a week, both 18yo Daenerys and 21 yo Rhaenys start seducing me. I've already made it clear to them that I'm easy to seduced, but just because I fuck them didn't mean I'll gift them a kingdom for it. They understood, but said that I am their savior. They both wouldn't exist without me saving them and their families, that they want to dedicate themselves to me.

The aunt-niece pair are fearsome duo, even my supernatural strength struggles against their fanaticism.