Chereads / The 4th Hellhound {BL} / Chapter 21 - chapter 21

Chapter 21 - chapter 21

"Aunt Rhea don't mind him, he isn't familiar with strangers"

Yohan looked shocked at Rain "Aunt?"

 "I call her that since my childhood she is my father high school friend" Rain did explain

"It is fine" the old woman named Rhea Zix nodded "you really look a lot like your mother"

Rain raise an eyebrow "You knew a Hellhound Aunt?"

The old woman smiled gently, but didn't answer since some guests came closer to speak with her, she cut them with "Rain, take our special guest to the back yard" she looked at Yohan "please stay for sometime, I have something to say to you"

Rain nodded stretching his arm for Yohan to walk first with "this way special guest"

Yohan frown with that gesture and walked to that back yard, the space was elegantly green, there was a small tables and a buffet with different food and tea. From the people around he didn't recognize anyone at all. He looked at Rain who went to grab the drinks and he brought two giving him one


Yohan did accept the drink since he was thirsty because of all the driving he did

"This doesn't count in our deal" Rain had to point that out


"Also, I appreciate the prank you did on me that day, I admit it I didn't expect that"

Yohan nodded "glad you liked it, was it good to feel stupid?"

"It was a good feeling though" Rain didn't deny it at all "but I promise I will have a comeback"

"I will be waiting" Yohan was ready for the challenge


"Looking at both of you…" Madam Zix came near the two "…I can only remember my old days"

"…" both didn't say a word

"Fourth is that what they call you? What is your real name?" she asked and Yohan looked down not wanting to answer that "he doesn't even let you use your birth name, making you crave a tattoo in your face too…I am sorry for this but your father was always cruel I remember him not letting me see my dearest friend dead body, telling me she died giving birth and you died with her"

Yohan expression twitched hearing that ---does that means my father doesn't trust her? So I should do the same no?---

"But 5 month ago, I was shocked hearing there is a 4th prince, he did hide you from the world so well for the Past 19 years"

That when Rain looked at Yohan confused "19?" he repeated

Yohan clear his throat "ehm…" he tried to ignore the question

Someone called: Madame Zix one moment please.

Hearing the call she turned walking away after saying "I will be right back"

Seeing her busy Yohan put the tea drink on plate being held by a maid and walked away trying to avoid speaking with Rain because he was going to have some pleasure with Yuri that night

"Where you think yourself going?" Rain did followed him

"Restroom" Yohan definitely going directly to the outside doors leaving

"Don't worry our special guest, I will show you where it is since you are new here" Rain said with an obvious 'mad but not mad' face expression


----------------// at the restroom


Yohan who had to use the restroom since Rain did walked with him till the doors, did wash his hands and went out to find him standing there waiting.

"So…19?" Rain didn't wait to ask "and you were bluffing with Yuri"

"Age doesn't matter" Yohan didn't find anything to say, and he saw Rain face annoyed "And she was first to approach me and even stayed seeing my Hellhound tattoo, you probably should have a conversation with her not me" Yohan tried to reason but Rain was still annoyed "You one dare to get clos…" his words stopped in his throat when he saw Rain stepping closer…Much closer than the usual to the point he stepped back but the bathroom doors stand behind as an obstacle for his escape, seeing Rain slamming his right hand near his ear, he warned him…

"If I see you getting closer to her again…"

Yohan saw Rain face getting closer to his, he narrowed his expression with "Don't worry, I am not interested in any red-circle soul"

He saw Rain expression changed to a smirk "we will see about that"


The two got interrupt by a voice of a high-heals getting closer, Yohan pushed Rain away from him and the two turn to the side to see that Madam Zix coming from a turn, she stopped looking at the two "am I interrupting something?"

"No really" Rain said walking to her "you left your guests? Is everything okay?"

Madam Zix looked at Yohan "I was afraid he would leave without his gift"

Yohan raised an eyebrow at her comment wondering what did she meant, she than ask them to follow her, walking all the way to that same corridor where he stopped at when he just came in, Yohan frown when he felt the creeps all over his body again just like how he felt when he just came,

---is this some kind of a trap? I felt something here before, unless this house is hunted---

Reaching a door there Madam Zix took a key and unlocked it, when it was wide open the two saw only stairs in there going up in a spiral way.

She was first to go in and Rain was acting 'gentle' and pointed for him to go up first but probably afraid if he was last he would do something 'funny'

"Scared?" Yohan mumbled the word in a mocking way, but he saw Rain had that grin in his face answering him with the same low voice

"You would run? Yes"

Getting up those stairs, Yohan reached a window, he looked at the outside view to see his car parked down there

---damn it, isn't it the same window?--- he stopped looking up, and then looked at his hand they weren't shaking or anything but it felt like they want something ---this feeling, could it be…---

 "Are you okay?" Rain asked stepping on some stairs getting near

"Maybe not…" Yohan informed thinking he probably had an idea what is happening with him, but continue the way up, just one turn from that window and he could see the last stair ending with another door, Madam Zix opened the door and gets inside a dark room turning the lights on.

The room had no windows with a space with only 5x5 meters with some old boxes full of dust in there and some having the white sheet as if they didn't been used for many years,

"Is this some kind of a storage room?" Rain said walking in looking at the boxes having some old decoration and books

"You can say that" Madam Zix informed but looked at Yohan who was staring to a specific white sheet "very interesting" she said with an interested smile and Rain looked at her then at where she was looking

"Fourth?" but he didn't answer him "Fourth!"

Yohan at the other hand didn't have any interest in anything except that only white sheet in a corner hiding some cube shape thing

---it's there, the fragment I can feel it, I can…---  


He felt an aggressive grab turning him, and he turn to look at Rain who did it

---Damn it, why this fragment is reacting before I even touch it…---

"I just…"

"Are you interested in whats in there?" Madam Zix cut him, going there and taking off the white sheet to reveal a glass box having a piece of a fragment inside of it

"A fragment" Rain said shocked "you had one too?"

Madam Zix nodded "this wasn't mine to begging with, it was Fourth mother little secret"

"What do you mean?" Yohan asked confused 

"Your mother always had this one, yet she never gave it to your father, no, she asked me to keep it safe"

"Why would she…" Yohan didn't understand why his dead mother would hid something that important from his father, she definitely knew how he is obsessed with it power

"That something you should discover alone, I shall give back what belongs to you" she walked opening a small drawer taking a small blue box and went back to the glassy one taking out the fragment and putting it inside of it..


While she was busy doing that Yohan turned to Rain whispering "I have no choice but to trust you, in case I couldn't handle it and made a scenario when I take it, just take the fragment away from me, I promise nothing will happen to you"

"What are you talking about?" Rain said confused

Both saw Madam Zix walking near them stretching her hand with the now small blue box opened showing the fragment inside of it, Yohan took the box looking at it…

"If this is the gift, maybe you should go back to your guests" Rain said seeing her nodding and walking to the door, he looked back at Yohan who was moving his left free hand to take the fragment from the box, and he saw how he was carefully taking it out from the small blue box and kept staring genuinely at it, "Fourth lets go" suddenly all the boxes and the decoration inside start shaking "earthquake?" Rain asked confused looking at Madam Zix who turned to him more confused definitely not knowing what is happening "let's move to a safe place" he said looking at Yohan but had this stunned moment before he look at the fragment "you got to be kidding" he said and was fast to snatch the fragment from Yohan fingers, but that action felt like it released an invisible air bomb exploding pushing everything away from where they stand, Madam Zix fall on the ground, but Rain was more flexible to stay standing, yet he did step some steps behind "the hell is this?" The shaking had stopped once that invisible explosion happened, Rain looked at Yohan and he called concerned "Fourth!" stepping back fast to him sliding his hand on the other back holding him because he was losing his conscious.

---this is bad...i can't even stand...--- The box Yohan was holding falls on the ground, he felt like his strength got drained out from him, and at the end he had no choice but to welcome the darkness...