The system had just informed Alex that the psionic power bestowal was successful.
[Subject has learned Bio-Scan]
It worked. Now to give her regrowth.
[Psionic Power Bestowal: Successful]
[Subject has learned: Regrowth]
Interesting. The system said her capacity was high. Maybe she could learn other skills. He tried to teach her telekinetic choke.
[Subject incompatible with skill]
[Subject incapable of violence]
Alex looked at Amirilia. Her eyes were closed but her face was scrunched up in a look of pain. Trying to teach her that skill must have caused her mental pain.
"I didn't like that," Amirilia said.
"I'm sorry," Alex said. "It seems you're not compatible with certain skills. I won't do that to you again. Trust me."
Amirilia's face relaxed. "Ok."
Alex wasn't done yet. He tried to think of something else helpful he could teach her. He went to try to teach her how to lift an object with telekinesis but then he realized he had never created that skill.
The closest to it was choke. That made him laugh internally. Maybe he needed to think about his powers in ways that were not purely destructive. Maybe he needed to learn to use them constructively as well.
Alex focused on creating the skill to telekinetically lift an object.
[New skill created: Lift]
Then he went to teach it to Amirilia.
[Psionic Power Bestowal: Successful]
So she could learn neutral skills. Just not destructive ones. Interesting. Alex had no idea that psionics had so many different aspects to it.
"Try to use bio-scan now," Alex said.
"Ok," Amirilia said.
Amirilia turned her hands over and held Alex's hands. She concentrated for a moment, and then her eyes went wide.
"Wow! I can see all of your organs. Even…" Amirilia said, turning bright red.
"Even what? Alex said.
"Nothing!" Amirilia said, shaking her head and getting even redder.
Oh, Alex thought. She saw all of his organs. Even that one. Wow. He was pretty sure he'd never been in a more awkward situation in his life. He didn't care that she had seen it, but man, was she embarrassed.
"I see," Alex said, getting up.
"No, no, no, don't leave!" Amirilia said, grabbing Alex's wrist.
"Don't worry. I'm not leaving forever. I just need a moment to think. There's something I've been meaning to check up on as well," Alex said.
"Ok," she said, her eyes welling up with tears.
"I'll be right back," he said.
He was going for a walk, and he was going to do some scouting.
"Where should we meet you for dinner?" Alex said to Amirilia.
"At my house!" Amirilia said.
Alex sighed. "I get that, but where is your house?"
"Oh! You know the lane that goes between the coffee shop and the bar? It's at the end of that road," she said.
"When should we meet you there?" Alex said.
"About an hour before sundown. At sundown, the town is having a harvest festival! You both should come!" Amirilia said.
"That sounds great," Alex said. "I would love to. And I'm sure Chet would as well. He seems like the kind of guy who can dance."
"Great! I'll make sure my parents know to expect you for dinner," Amirilia said.
"Sounds wonderful," Alex said. And he really meant it.
Alex and Chet walked outside into the midday sun. They squinted their eyes until they adjusted to the brightness. The sun seemed brighter here. More intense.
Alex felt like they needed sunblock, but he forgot to ask if they had that here. Maybe they would spend the rest of the afternoon indoors, just to make sure they didn't get a sunburn. He hated sunburns.
After Alex completed his scouting, of course. Alex took Chet over to the edge of town, where they had first emerged from the tall grass. When Alex said tall grass, he didn't mean waist height. He meant five stories tall.
"I'm going to try to see how close the aliens are to finding this place," Alex said.
"Ok," Chet said.
Alex used remote viewing to elevate his view point as high as he could make it, which was actually pretty high. His vantage point got around 200 feet in the air, and he stopped. He didn't need to stretch it any further.
He could see for miles around. In one direction, he saw the field of giant flowers, and beyond that, he saw what would normally be a small pond, but it looked like a lake to him right now.
The only major differences he noticed about this dimension were that plant life and animal life were many times larger than on Earth. Geographic features seemed to be larger too.
In the other direction, he saw a field of grass. Beyond that, he saw a forest filled with massive trees that dwarfed the size of redwoods.
He had a feeling the aliens wouldn't still be in the flowers since that's where the portal started. They wouldn't have just stayed in the same place.
And since there was a body of water on one side, they must be in the other direction. Alex moved his vision above the grass towards the forest. The grass went for a few miles before he would hit the forest.
About two and a half miles out, he noticed smoke and paths slowly being carved through the grass. When he got above the smoke, he saw multiple small units of blue aliens, each being led by a white alien.
The white aliens were using pyrokinesis to burn a path through the grass. Their progress was slow, but they would eventually walk right into the village.
So the white aliens could use emotion control and pyrokinesis? He was starting to see a clearer picture of why they were the ruling class of the aliens.
The pyrokinesis they were using was weaker than Alex's, but both of those abilities seemed to be abilities the blue aliens couldn't use. If Dasrene could have used either of those abilities, it definitely would have during their encounter.