Rin was off training by himself in an isolated part of the woods outside the city. He wanted to train alone and see how much of his power had been restored. So far, he had gone several days without incident. No more demons had shown up around him. He was mystified by this, but also didn't want to complain. In his current state, the other demons and evil spirits he encountered seemed like a walk in the park for him, but those two strange demons that attacked him and his friends made him nervous. He didn't know when they would show back up so he used his time wisely.
Rin stood in the middle of the woods with his eyes closed, concentrating on tapping into his inner power. It had to be within him and he was going to reach it before the time came where he really needed it. He had been rooted to the same spot for hours hyper focused on the task at hand. Suddenly, he felt a presence he was starting to become familiar with. It was Sarra. She's not very good at sneaking up, Rin thought to himself. And despite himself, he smiled.
"Coming to monitor my training?" Rin said without turning around to greet Sarra.
"Why yes! Why else would I come so far," Sarra said with a smile. "How is it going Rin?"
"Better. Far from where I need to be but I feel…different," Rin said finally opening his eyes and turning around.
Sarra's silver-white hair glowed in the setting sun making her look breath-taking in that moment. Gods, when they weren't being a colossal pain in the ass, were quite amazing, Rin thought.
Rin sat down in the patch of grass at his feet to rest and suddenly decided to ask something that had been on him mind for a while.
"Sarra, I know you told us your reasons for coming here. But…what exactly do you plan to do?"
Sarra looked at Rin as if she expected him to ask this and joined him on the ground where he sat.
"I don't know. I didn't even know Athan-well, I mean Kief, was even here. Cura as well. We assumed they had been sent elsewhere to investigate. Kief is the God of Knowledge and he regularly descends from heaven to gather intel. When I came here and found not only him and Cura, but Nessa as well…I was surprised." Sarra looked contemplative for a moment before she continued.
"I can understand His Majesty not telling us who he sent to the Human Plane, but what I don't understand is that he had not given the orders for them to act. He didn't even send reinforcements. I could sense the growing demonic energy from all the way in the Heaven Realm and yet, His Majesty seemed unconcerned. I wanted to investigate the matter myself…"
Rin looked Sarra in the eyes while speaking. "You knew you'd get exiled but decided to disobey his orders anyway? This is the first time I'm seeing a god give this much thought to humans."
"Isn't that what a god is duty bound to do? Of course we look after humans, Rin."
Rin gave Sarra a smirk and said, "Sure, you have a duty, but more times than often, gods would rather kill a human to solve a problem. It's exactly why I've always viewed you all as hypocrites."
Sarra straightened her back. "It may seem that way, Rin, but I assure you it's for the best. We have to do what's best for the Human Plane, even if it seems a bit harsh."
"There it is! You sound more and more like Kief than I'm comfortable with, Sarra," Rin said with an incredulous smile.
Sarra shook her head and smiled at Rin. This unassuming demon was not like how she had pictured him to be. He was rough around the edges but he could also be very protective over what was his. Without him saying it, she knew he wanted to protect those people close to him. He may not care about the other humans that lived here, but she had no doubt that she could trust him to help her and her cause. Smiling at the thought, she stood and grabbed Rin's arm.
Rin was taken aback at her touch and without much resistance allowed her to gently pull him to his feet. He looked down at her smiling face and something passed through him but was fleeting before he could identity what it was.
Before either one of them could say anything further, a small voice called out from behind them.
The Heavenly Realm was in chaos. This scene was starting to become a constant in the heavens. Gods ran in every direction in a panic. The war on Demon Plane had already started and the reports did not look good.
In the midst of all this chaos, the Heavenly King Constantine and his son Midus, were in the Royal Palace monitoring the situation and giving orders as needed. Constantine was in the middle of giving commands when the palace doors shook and then opened in a rush. It was Lyri. She was panting heavily and had blood smeared across her face and her armor. The other gods present looked shocked and distressed at the sight of her.
They were aware of the battle happening on the ground in Demon Plane and were eager to hear what news she had to bring.
"Your Majesty! Apologies for the informality but…we are being ambushed. The demons…they are too much to deal with...We have lost!" Lyri was near exhaustion but her eyes burned as she looked at Constantine.
The other gods began to murmur amongst themselves in a panic. Constantine sat on his throne with a small, serene smile on his face. He closed his eyes and then stood. Opening them again he held his hands to alert the other gods present to quiet themselves.
"I thank you for rushing here to tell us this Lyri," Constantine lowered his hand and yet still had his smile on his face.
"Your Majesty…what shall we do? We left our men and women on the battlefield. I wish to bring back reinforcements, at least…"
"My dear, do not worry," Constantine said with his sweet voice. "All will be well, just you wait and see. I will not abandon our brave soldiers to their doom."
Lyri almost sighed in relief at these words.
"Please excuse us, I need to speak with our lieutenant about strategies…" Constantine said in a tone that everyone understood. As if on cue all the gods filed out of the palace until it was only Lyri, Midus and Constantine left. Midus narrowed his eyes at Lyri but said nothing. His displeasure was apparent, however. Lyri, ignored Midus and instead focused on Constantine.
"Sire, what are your orders?" Lyri was growing impatient.
"Nothing. You will remain here Lyri."
Lyri stood shocked to her core before she found the words. "Excuse me?"
Lyri walked until she was directly in front of Constantine.
"What do you mean, Your Majesty?"
Constantine kept his smile and answered her. "I meant what I said. You will remain here until I give you the order to return," Constantine said.
"I-I'm sorry Your Majesty…But I cannot obey that order. Those brave men and women out there still need me. And you! We need to help them. We may even lose but…we cannot simply do NOTHING!" There was desperation in Lyri's voice.
Midus walked a step forward and yelled, "Who do you think you are talking to?? You have no respect for my father! You Twit!!"
"Enough Midus. Lyri is clearly distressed and battle-weary." Constantine cocked his head to the side and examined Lyri from head to toe.
Lyri was taken about by the King's gaze and felt uncomfortable all of a sudden. She had always trusted the King but now, she was beginning to regret coming here to the palace.
"Fine then. Guard!" Constantine yelled for the nearby guard while keeping his eyes on Lyri.
"You are injured and need to recuperate Lyri. I won't let you return to the battlefield in this state. It will only mean your death."
"But Your Majesty-" Lyri was cut off again by Constantine.
"No, do as I say. It is for the best." Constantine said as the guard finally made it to where they stood.
"Take her to the infirmary please."
"Yes, Sire," the guard said as he motioned Lyri away.
Lyri did as commanded but looked back to Constantine with pleading eyes.
Constantine nodded at her and watched both Lyri and the guard's retreating forms.
"Father…" Midus started, "Would you like me to give the command for more reinforcements from General Tasai's infantry?"
"Why yes, son. That's fine. You may go." Constantine looked to his son with his smile still on his face. "Tell the General to send his soldiers. Also, tell him that Lyri has been injured and won't be able to return to the battlefield."
Midus looked at his father, but didn't say anything. He nodded his head and walked out of the palace to inform the general.
Constantine watched his son walk out of the palace and turned on his heel toward the infirmary.
The battlefield was still raging with swords clashing and the Giants stepping on whoever they could. Friend or foe. It was absolute hell. Enis was growing tired to the point of collapsing but could not afford to stop. He swung his sword and cut down as many enemies as he could. When given the opportunity he would sheath his sword and use his spiritual bow. He stretched out his left arm and drew his right arm back as if he was drawing an arrow. After a moment of concentrating his spiritual energy, the energy would take the form of a bow and arrow. At this moment, he would release his spiritual arrow at any giant he could find. The damage from the arrow was immense on any regular demon, but the giants took damage as if it was nothing to them. The attacks from the spiritual arrows only bought his army enough time to try attacking at the same time, but it still was not enough.
"Lieutenant! We need more soldiers down here!"
"Where is lieutenant Lyri??"
The soldiers were growing desperate and Enis did not know how to tamper their fear.
"Hang in there! We have to stand our ground until reinforcements come!" Enis yelled as he unsheathed his sword again.
Just then, trumpets sounded once more and the skies opened up. It was General Tasai and his command.
Enis almost groaned in relief. He did not know how much help the remainder of the war command could be but it could help at least give them a little more attack power.
Enis caught eyes with his general and nodded in his direction before returning to the battle.
The other soldiers who were on the verge of collapse suddenly felt rejuvenated by the sudden appearance of General Tasai and the fresh command. They steeled their resolve and rushed into battle with their spirits anew.
"Attack the enemy with everything you have!" Tasai yelled.
The soldiers yelled as they charged into battle, yet Maru didn't seem concerned in the slightest. Instead the smile on his face only got bigger…
Rin was shocked at the sight of Leah. He had not heard from her in so long and now here she stood in front of him.
Leah looked between Rin and Sarra and became shy. Had this been a month ago, Leah would have run up to Rin and threw her arms around him. Now, she didn't know what to do.
Rin sensed this and stayed where he was. He gulped and looked as though he wanted to reach out to her, but he chose not to.
Sarra started to feel awkward where she stood and decided that it was time to dismiss herself.
"I suppose I should be leaving now. It seems you two need to talk." Sarra started to walk away, but to her surprise Rin reached and grabbed her arm. Sarra gasped at his sudden touch but said nothing.
"I…I want to introduce you to Leah," Rin said in a rush.
Sarra nodded and once again stood next to Rin.
Leah looked at Sarra and then to Rin not saying a word.
"Leah, this is Sarra. Sarra, this is Leah," Rin said.
"It is very nice to meet one of Rin's friends, Leah."
Leah could only flinch at those words but Sarra continued.
"I'm not sure if Rin has told you much about what has been going on, but I'm glad that you are well at least," Sarra said with a smile.
Leah took a moment before responding. "I'm glad to meet you as well, Sarra. Yes, I'm somewhat aware but I don't yet have the complete story."
A beat of silence passed and the air turned stifling. After a moment, Rin decided to fill Leah on what he had been doing since the last time he saw her.
Leah, swayed at the information trying to process it. There's going to be a war in Human Plane. She could hardly fathom it. Of course she knew about demons and evil spirits but the Spiritualists usually helped thwart those threats. In fact, they did such a good job people hardly paid attention or even believed in evil spirits and demons anymore. But this was something different and she knew it. After all, she had seen him fight off a demon and use his demonic powers to do it.
"I don't know what to say…" Leah hugged herself and stared at the ground.
Rin sighed and said nothing more.
"I think I need to leave you two for a moment," Sarra said.
Rin could only nod. Sarra walked away a distance to give them some space.
The silence spread between Leah and Rin before Rin finally spoke.
"Why did you leave that night?" he finally said.
"I-I wanted you to be honest with me Rin…or so that's what I said at the time."
Rin looked up finally and gave Leah a puzzled look. "What do you mean?"
Leah's eyes started to mist over and she looked at Rin with a look Rin could not place.
"The truth? If I'm being honest…I'm scared Rin. I'm scared of you…"
Rin stood there in shock. He was expecting Leah to say anything but those words. How could she be scared of him? He had saved her life.
Rin swallowed and took a couple of steps toward Leah. When he got within touching distance of her, Leah widened her eyes and took a reflexive step back.
Rin stopped in his steps with his eyes wide. The look he couldn't place just a moment ago… it was fear.
"Leah…" Rin couldn't form the words.
Leah was crying now and couldn't bring herself to reach out to Rin. She knew that no matter what she tried it wouldn't make her feel less trepidation around Rin.
"I see. Then there's really nothing left to say." Rin cooled his expression.
"Go home, Leah."
The temple of Aeger was very busy for this time of night. Most nights the disciples would be fast asleep, getting in much rest before the next day that would surely be full of chores and cultivation. However, tonight the disciples were hurrying in preparation for something.
Inside the private chamber of Elder Wynn, sat all the elders of the temple discussing amongst themselves. They had discovered something they were not meant to.
"It can't be true!" cried one elder.
"But it is…This entire time. Right under our noses," said another elder whose voice was vibrating with anger.
Elder Wynn was quiet and so far, had said nothing. He was most displeased with this new information, but even more so he was disappointed.
"Yes, this news was not what I was expecting to hear, but it is undoubtedly true. Nessa has betrayed us. The demon we seek is here. Alive and well, and living amongst the unsuspecting humans." Elder Wynn's voice was quiet but the underlined anger was there.
"Nessa has not only made contact with the demon but has betrayed the temple and the gods by assisting that spawn of hell!"
One of the elders spoke up then, "How exactly will we handle this?"
Elder Wynn took a breath and the next words he spoke, were more than just a simple statement, it was a promise. "We will have to ensure she receives the ultimate punishment. Not one by the hands of us humans, but a punishment befitting of the gods!"
One of the elders smiled and spoke, "She has already been cast out by the heavens once as punishment. I wonder what a second punishment looks like? It will be a first for the realms."
Elder Wynn nodded and said, " We will await with word to carry out her punishment. For now, we need to kill this demon she is harboring. If he was able to recruit someone like Nessa to his side, then we are not dealing with an ordinary demon indeed."