"Still no contact with the heavens?" Rin asked as he sat at the dining table with his tea.
Sarra, Kief and Cura sat at the table each with tea and pensive looks on their faces.
"No such luck as of yet…" Kief was rubbing his chin as per his usual habit when he was stressed.
"I'm unable to get into contact as well," Sarra said. "I know I have been banished but I should still be able to retain contact."
They all sat in silence for a moment. Having no contact with the Heaven Realm was indeed a problem. It meant they had no way of knowing what was happening in Heaven Realm or news of the battle that was happening in the Demon Plane.
Rin couldn't wrap his head around what all of this meant but for now he was satisfied with his training and the rate of growth he was experiencing. He had regained a lot of his former demon energy through constant training with people who were trained to killed demons like him. As ironic as it was, it was beneficial for him.
" I think I'll go now and meet up with Nessa. No sense in staying around here," Rin said as he got up from the table. As he stood, Sarra looked as though she wanted to say something to Rin.
The other day at the training grounds was awkward at most. Leah and Rin had a moment alone and Leah ultimately decided she couldn't face her fear of Rin. Sarra couldn't understand this sentiment, unfortunately. Rin was a demon and sure she was trained to kill demons like him, but something about Rin made her feel as though she could trust him. It was different for Leah, She had known Rin for a couple of years now and that familiarity and trust she built with him had disappeared so suddenly. Sarra could tell Leah still loved Rin, but humans were still fickle creatures.
Sarra felt bad for Rin but since then had not known what to say to him to comfort him. He was not good at letting people in and the one person he did, ultimately rejected him. In the end all she could say was, "Good luck on your training, Rin."
Rin nodded at Sarra and left the house.
"He'll be okay, Sarra," Kief said. " Rin was going to have to come to grips with the reality of living in Human Plane sooner or later. Being a demon and blending in with humans or gods is not something that can be easily done."
At the training grounds Rin and Nessa were training intensively. Nessa noticed Rin was unusually focused today and it made her grow concerned for her friend.
"Rin, lets stop for a moment…" Nessa let out a sigh and her godly aura dissipated.
"Why? Why are we stopping? We need to continue Nessa. We don't have time for breaks."
Rin was panting and dripping in sweat. He was nearing exhaustion but he was determined today.
"Rin, you need to take a break. Using your demonic energy for this length of time is sure to drain you. You should take a moment to rest," Nessa said with a stern but concerned voice.
Rin rolled his eyes but decided to obey and sit on the ground. He stared at the grass saying nothing while he caught his breath.
"Rin…you are doing well in your training but what is the matter with you? Your head is somewhere else."
Rin sighed and said, "I'm just focused. That's all. Stop bitching."
Nessa huffed out a breath and shook her head. For a demon who's thousands of years old he's the one who is acting bitchy, she couldn't help but think.
"Rin, I'll say this and let it go. You must know how I feel about you. I know you've been around a lot longer than me but I can still give you advice. You're kind of like my younger brother in ways."
Rin snapped his head to Nessa and gave her a look.
"I mean it Rin, I'm quite fond of you," Nessa said with her trademark smile before continuing.
"It's because I'm fond of you that I wish for your happiness. No matter what happens to you or me, just know that I'll always be here for you. I'm sure the others feel the same way. I don't know what happened between you and Leah, but I'm sure that she'll come to her senses as well."
Rin rolled his eyes and stared at the ground again.
"You're such a child, Rin," Nessa said with a laugh. "Regardless, I hope you understood and took in everything I said to you. No matter what I will always be with you Rin. That's a promise."
Nessa reached out her hand to Rin. Rin looked at her hand for a second and sighed before taking it. Standing up, still holding Nessa's hand he couldn't help but give her a small smile.
Before Nessa could tease Rin, she tensed. Rin had felt it too. They were no longer alone.
A voice from the distance spoke that caused a chill to run down Rin's spine.
"Nessa, my child, what is this? Why have you betrayed your people?"
The Spiritualists were here and there was a great many of them.
In Demon Plane, the reinforcements that came from heaven were providing support to the already exhausted troops that were fighting against Maru and his demon forces. Even with fresh troops, the war gods were still facing imminent defeat.
General Tasai and his command were slaying as many of the demons and the giants they could come across but the numbers were too great. Enis and his command were in a similar situation and did not seem as though they would improve.
Staving off the demon in front of him, Enis looked to find his next target when he noticed General Tasai not far from where he was. He had been meaning to be debriefed on news from the heavens but had not yet found the opportunity.
"General!" Enis called. "Did His Majesty give any commands? Should we expect his assistance?" Enis continued to dodge the strikes of demons as he tried to gain information from his general.
"No! No further orders were given to us," Tasai yelled as he cut down the demons before him.
Enis was not satisfied with this answer. Here they were, all the war gods falling swiftly against the enemy and His Majesty gave no additional orders. Furthermore, there had been no further word about Lyri. Enis was beginning to worry that her wounds were more serious than he initially suspected.
"General, how was Lyri when you last saw her?" Enis was feeling the pain from all the demon attacks but could not help but inquire about Lyri as he fought off the demon forces.
"I did not see her, so I cannot say," Tasai plunged his sword into a demon and continued, "if she has not returned she could be seriously injured and His Majesty would surely not send her back to the battlefield if that is the case."
Enis feared this the most. He thought that they had prepared enough for this battle but Demon God Maru surprised them time after time and now the result was over half their forces shattered. Now his comrade Lyri was now effectively removed from the battle.
Something about this change of events gave Enis pause, but he did not have the time to ponder about it. He had to face the foe in front of him and continue to fight until he could no longer.
The Spiritualists surrounded Rin and Nessa in great numbers. Rin did not want to waste time on these Spiritualists, because whenever one showed up trouble always followed. And now he was face to face with several.
"What do you all want?" Rin said nonchalantly.
"Insolent demon, be silent!" one of the Spiritualists called out.
They made no moves against Rin but stood back far enough out of Rin's reach. Nessa was quiet. Her trademark smile was no longer visible as she stood warily next to Rin.
"Why are you all here?" Nessa asked tentatively.
"Do you not know why? You deceived us and we are here to exact retribution against you by destroying this demon…and punishing you." The spiritualist answered.
"Oh?" Nessa said with a smirk.
From beyond the tree line a voice interrupted. "This is no laughing matter child."
Nessa's face paled a little as she heard footsteps get closer to where the other Spiritualists stood. As the figure got closer she recognized the person who had spoken to her. It was Elder Wynn.
"Yes, it is I. Due to your betrayal I had to come and see you for myself. I needed to look you in your eyes and ask you myself why you have betrayed us."
Nessa was shocked that Elder Wynn had come out from the temple to confront her like this. But she knew now that he was here, he would not leave so easily. Not until he accomplished exactly what he set out to do.
Nessa sighed in indignation and wrapped her body in godly aura. It shone so brightly that everyone covered their eyes.
"Nessa! What are you about to do?" Rin yelled.
Nessa did not answer but instead summoned her sword. Grasping the hilt she lunged straight for Elder Wynn.
"You wasted no time Nessa!" The elder raised his palm aiming it at Nessa and focused all of his spiritual power into it.
Nessa yelled out as she swung her sword toward the elder but as soon as her sword connected, Elder Wynn caught her holy sword with his palm stunning Nessa and Rin. Grunting at the force of Nessa's attack he pushed back against her sword and shoved both it and Nessa away from him. He used such force that Nessa was sent flying back toward Rin.
She landed with a thud in front of him, shocking Rin into silence. Rin stood in front of Nessa looking down at her on the ground struggling to get back up.
"Nessa?" Rin knelt down and tried to help her up but she swatted his hand away.
"No stay back Rin…" Nessa said as she finally rose to her feet. She swayed a bit as she stood and steadied her feet in a stance to strike again.
"It is fruitless Nessa," the elder said as he walked toward Rin and Nessa. The other Spiritualists followed suit and closed in on the pair.
"No sense in defending him anymore. Accept your punishment and stand aside so that we may exorcise this demon."
"Never, Elder Wynn. I will protect him with my life!"
Nessa made a move to lunge at the elder again, but this time the other spiritualists raised their hands in a diamond formation emitting bright spiritual energy. Nessa was frozen to the spot. She couldn't so much as raise her sword. Struggling against the combined spiritual powers she tried to reason with the elder.
"Elder Wynn! There is a much greater power in play here. We need this demon alive and his powers fully returned!"
"I have no doubt you believe that Nessa. Truly. But how can you not see that this demon is the cause of this plane's anomalies?"
The elder slowly made his way past the frozen Nessa and toward Rin. Rin braced himself but did not retreat. He would not dare run away from a human.
"Yes, you. You must be eliminated at once. I don't know what kind of hold you have over someone such as Nessa but you will bewitch her no longer, " the elder said as he now stood in front of Rin.
Rin barked out a laugh. "Please. I couldn't bewitch Nessa even if I tried. She's more cunning than I am."
Rin held his stance as he stared down the elder. "I admit, your former disciple has helped me in a lot of ways, but that's only because she is correct in the fact that there is another threat lurking close."
Rin continued as the elder listened, "If we are here fighting each other then surely we'll lose the real war."
Elder Wynn shut his eyes and sighed and when he opened them again, Rin saw his resolve. There was no point in continuing this conversation. Clearly the elder had made up his mind about Rin.
The Spiritualists continued to hold Nessa in place as Elder Wynn placed his hands together and started to chant ancient scriptures. The air fell thick with tension in a way that made Rin feel uneasy. He looked around as if expecting something to leap from the trees and attack him.
Rin looked back to the elder and realized that suddenly he couldn't move an inch. He was frozen to the spot just like Nessa. Elder Wynn continued to chant and Rin realized that whatever the elder was chanting was the cause of his immobility.
"What are you doing old man?" Rin asked.
The air began to swirl underneath Rin's feet and lifted. It was so strong that it seemed like Rin was inside of a tornado. His hair whipped around his face violently as the chanting became louder and louder.
For the first time in a long while, Rin began to panic. The Spiritualist man in front of him had truly tremendous powers. It seemed it was even greater than Nessa's. Rin thought back to the training with Nessa and how she had managed to outsmart and outmaneuver him at every attack. Seeing her so completely helpless right now made him realize just how much he had underestimated the Spiritualists due to them only being humans.
Nessa could sense Rin's trepidation and decided that she had to act. She mustered as much strength as she could and struggled against the Spiritualist's hold. Nessa grunted and then let out a yell as she finally broke through the energy binding her.
The other Spiritualists fell backward in surprise as Nessa broke free. She turned around with her holy sword and lunged at the elder. Swinging her sword down in a fury the elder detected the danger and lept out of the way in time. The energy binding Rin did not dissipate in the least. The elder had full concentration even while dodging Nessa.
Nessa raised her sword again pointing it at the elder. The sword glowed in holy aura as a bright light shot from the tip of the blade toward Elder Wynn. The old man had no choice but to break his focus on Rin and dodge the powerful attack or he'd be killed. Rin dropped to the ground on one knee, panting at the exertion of trying to break the hold the old man had on him.
"Nessa! Don't do this! Why protect this wretch?" Elder Wynn tried to reason.
"Because he is necessary in defeating the true enemy at our back. But you are too blind to see! If you put down your hands from prayer and raise your heads, you would see this simple fact!" Nessa yelled. She wanted to get through to Elder Wynn at all costs. Gaining the help of the Spiritualist from Aeger Temple would help them in their cause tremendously.
Elder Wynn lowered his head and stayed quiet but for a moment before speaking again.
"How disappointing you are Nessa. What would Aegris think of you had she lived to see her?
Nessa gasped in shock. "Ancestor…"Nessa could not finish her thought.
"What do you mean? Rin said still panting. "You mean that Goddess Aegris is Nessa's ancestor?"
"Precisely. Why do you think her aura is so strong? Nessa is a direct descendant from Goddess Aegris who died long ago in battle with the fifth demon god. Nessa was born with extraordinary spiritual powers it was only natural that she would ascend after cultivating. We were so proud when she finally did…only for her to end up banished by His Majesty, the King Constantine."
Nessa had a look that could kill. She stayed quiet, however.
Rin finally stood to his feet. This was interesting indeed but he was not shocked by it. Nessa was incredibly strong for a Spiritualists and when he found out that she was a former god, naturally he had already suspected there was much more to her than he originally thought.
The elder took a step forward and raised his head with determination anew. His focus now on Nessa.
"I tried to do everything I could to save you but you are too far gone. I will deal your punishment myself."
Elder Wynn raised his hands as if in prayer and chanted. Nessa was rooted to the spot as she strained to hear his words. When she finally made out what he was saying, the color in her face started to drain.
It was a powerful incantation one reserved for annihilating a person body and soul. Nessa couldn't help but wonder why he would go through such lengths to kill both her and Rin, but she now knew how serious he was.
Nessa quickly wrapped herself in as much holy aura as possible to brace for his attack. But the elder was a bit quicker and with a final word, a huge bright light shot out of his body and was hurled at Nessa. The light was so bright and the energy was so intense that it started to disintegrate the ground and anything around it. Rin covered his face with his arm as did the other Spiritualists present as the bright energy hit Nessa.
Nessa tried to withstand the spiritual energy as it barreled around her but the energy warped around her body, sucking in everything around her. Here godly aura began to break down and soon her sword also disappeared. Nessa was now totally defenseless and felt the full brunt of it's attack.
Nessa screamed in pain as the energy burned away at her clothes and skin. It was a pain unlike anything she had ever felt and brought her to her knees. Elder Wynn did not relent on his attack and pressed forward using mass amounts of energy.
Rin, hearing Nessa's screams, removed his arm from his face to see the burns all over her body. Seeing Nessa scream in such pain awoke something deep inside Rin. His friend was writhing in pain in front of him and he stood with his mouth open. The emotion that was strange to him began to bubble deep within the pit of his stomach and grew the more he heard Nessa's screams.
Nessa now had tears brimming at the corners of her eyes until they finally spilled over. Seeing this sight Rin seemingly lost all awareness of himself. The elder was so focused on Nessa he did not sense Rin's demonic energy growing. Thinking it was almost over for Nessa, the elder pressed forward once more. He wanted this to be quick and painless for Nessa but she resisted too much dragging out the inevitable.
Before the elder was able to notice a flash of red passed his peripheral and then suddenly at his feet was a pool of blood. Elder Wynn had no idea what had just happened, but he did notice Nessa's screams had stopped. Smoke simmered from her body as she lay face down in the dirt. The Spiritualists that came with the elder all looked to him with a shock expression on their faces. One disciple held out his finger and pointed at Elder Wynn with a scared look.
"E-Elder!! Look down!" the disciple managed to say.
Elder Wynn, who was still disoriented, looked down to see the blood and an arm lying on the ground. He was confused as to who's arm lay at his side until he looked at his clothes covered in blood. And when he finally noticed it, he gasped in shock. His right arm from the elbow down was missing. It was his arm that had been severed!
Elder yelped from the sight and landed on his bottom, supporting himself on his left arm. Turning his head slowly, what he saw frightened him to his core. Before him stood, not the same demon called Rin, but a great and terrible demon. Rin had transformed into a shadow of his former self. All of his heavy demon energy swirled around him. His eyes were narrow and red. He had demonic claws dripping in blood from where they severed the elder's arm. The energy warped and bent the air around him that gave him a lethal presence.
All of the spiritualists present became terrified and shuddered at the demon before them. Rushing to their elder they gathered around him to aid him. Elder Wynn knew that they must leave this place at once before they were destroyed.
"Your Highness?" The god who was tending to Lyri's injuries suddenly called out to King Constantine. The king had accompanied Lyri to the infirmary to treat her wounds but he was now distracted.
Lyri looked at the king in confusion. He had been quiet the entire time watching one of the healing gods treat her. Constantine had looked at them with his usual serene expression but a moment ago his expression had changed. He looked intense and even a bit angry. Like he had received bad news, but there was no one who had alerted the King since they had arrived at the infirmary. His change in demeanor was off putting to say the least.
"Excuse me, I have a matter to attend to," Constantine said as he turned on his heel. He stopped but for a moment before speaking to Lyri. And when his eye caught hers she sensed something she couldn't quite understand.
"Lyri, you are to remain here." Constantine held her look before turning again.
Lyri shoved the god at her side away and lept down from the table. "Your Highness, with all due respect, I cannot obey that order!"
Constantine did not look back but continued to walk toward the door. "Fear not, dear Lyri. The war is almost over. You will not be needed any longer on the battlefield. Rest here and await your comrades."
Before walking thought the open door Constantine stopped and warned, "do not disobey me."
Constantine closed the door behind him leaving Lyri and the other god confused. Lyri had never heard His Highness speak in such a tone. Though she could not see his face, she could tell he still had his same peaceful expression, but his words cut through a little harshly. It made her feel heavy as she couldn't help but think something terrible was about to happen.