Chereads / Shadows of Light, Shadows of Darkness / Chapter 18 - Punish All Who Are Guilty

Chapter 18 - Punish All Who Are Guilty

Elder Wynn's eyes were open wide with terror as he looked at the demon before him. Rin was slowly losing all control of himself as his powers grew. The air became thick and heavy from the energy exerted making it difficult to breath for those in close proximity of the demon.

Elder Wynn grabbed his bloody stub and applied pressure as he chanted the first prayer to mind. The other Spiritualists present ran toward Elder Wynn as they tried there best to protect him from the swirling energy that was amassing before them.

From the dirt, Nessa stirred and opened her eyes. Her lids heavy and feeling as though she was about to die, she managed to utter soft words. "No…Rin…please stop. Please.."

Rin could not hear the soft words from Nessa, however. He was too far gone to be stopped.

Rin's red glowing eyes narrowed in on Wynn and the other Spiritualists present before taking a step forward. Rin's targets stiffened and panted from fear, preparing themselves for the onslaught.

"You got what you wanted. Now you'll all die by my hands. The Human Plane will surely benefit greatly from your absence. Sheer incompetence," Rin said as he stepped closer to the huddled Spiritualists. "Your master can't save you now. Die."

Rin raised his clawed hands ready to strike before a voice broke through and stopped him in his tracks.

"I knew I was right about you."

Rin snapped his attention at who just spoke. A figure emerged from the tree line and before him was Zel.

At the sight of Zel, Rin growled and if possible, he looked more menacing then he did a second before.

"Oh I see… so it was you," Rin said as his voice trembled from anger.

"Yes," was all Zel said in response.

Rin lowered his hand and closed his eyes. After a couple of beats the heaviness of the air began to dissipate and the energy swirling around began to calm before completely stopping. Rin opened his eyes and the red glow from before was gone. Now replaced with an amber color.

Rin and Zel stared at each other for a beat before Rin spoke again. "You told the Aeger Temple elders about me. You told them about Nessa's betrayal and caused this."

Zel, up until now had a calm look on his face. He looked disinterested as he turned his head towards the fallen Nessa and after a moment, he calmly brought his eyes back to Rin before speaking.

"It had to be done. Sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. Everyone in this plane is in danger because of the likes of you."

Rin could've almost laughed, he sounded like the gods of the heavens when he spoke. Justifying the death of a few for the lives of the plenty. No matter how many times he heard this rationale, he still couldn't understand it.

Zel continued, "You are a plague, and you must be dealt with immediately, Rin. You don't belong here. The longer you are here the more you put everyone in danger. Leah could be hurt because of you!"

At the mention of Leah, Rin cocked his head. He stared at Zel and took note of him. Zel's hands were balled up at his sides. He was sweating fiercely and the look that was twisted on his face was one of utter disgust and rage. Rin couldn't help but think as to why Zel would go to such lengths as this. It's more than wanting to protect humans here, Rin thought. He wants me gone forever.

All of a sudden it dawned on Rin. Zel's hate was focused on Rin because of Leah. Zel loves Leah. He went to such lengths to make sure Rin could not have her. He left behind the friendship and trust they built because Rin was in Zel's way. How petty.

"You want me dead so Leah can forget about me." Rin looked Zel in the eyes before a snort escaped his lips. "How utterly petty! Are you five?"

Zel furrowed his brows at this and began to shuffle uncomfortably on his feet.

"That's not-" Zel started to say but Rin cut him off.

"You hate me that much as to wish for my death so you can have the girl you love not think about me day in and day out."

It was so ridiculous that Rin couldn't even find it funny anymore. Rin took a step toward Zel and then another.

Zel's eyes widened and became frozen to the spot at Rin's approach. When Rin was less than an inch from Zel's face, he laid his palm on Zel's cheek as he stared into his eyes.

"You are a very, very lucky individual, you know that?" Rin said in a calm voice.

" I could very easily see to it that you never see Leah again. Only because you won't be alive to do so."

Zel's widened eyes began to mist over. The fear was palpable.

"I won't kill you Zel, despite your betrayal. I will leave you whole. I want you to live with fear. Fear of knowing that at any time and at any place I could show up and snuff your life away at any moment."

Zel began to visibly shake.

"You want to protect Leah so badly from me, let's see how well you do. I look forward to it."

Rin smiled and dropped his hand from Zel's cheek as he turned on his heel and walked towards Nessa.

The Spiritualist had almost sighed in relief as Rin walked past them. Elder Wynn was losing a lot of blood and needed immediate medical attention.

As Rin bent down toward Nessa, his back was towards the Spiritualists as he spoke.

"Who sent you here?"

There was silence.

"No one?"

All that could be heard was the groans of Elder Wynn.

"Oh so your master didn't give the order to attack and kill me?"

After a beat one of the other Spiritualists spoke up and said, "No, we were given no such orders."

Rin picked up Nessa's bloody body in his arms and simply replied, "I see. That's good to know."

Rin took off with Nessa's body as Zel and the Spiritualists remain behind staring at disappearing form.




Lyri paced the infirmary as she waited for the king to return. The guard left behind hasn't taken his eyes off her since King Constantine left some time ago.

Will the king get there in time? I can't stand being stuck here, but His Majesty ordered me not to leave. 

Lyri felt unease around the king earlier. She couldn't understand why his words didn't soothe her like they usually do. And Enis, What has become of Enis and the soldiers?

There was nothing left for Lyri to do but wait for word on how the fight was going.




The fighting in Demon Plane dragged on. The death toll of soldiers from the heavens were into the thousands. We are not winning this fight, Enis thought to himself as he haggardly struck down the enemies before him. He had managed to kill three giants, but there were too many. Along with the demons Maru had summoned, it looked like there would be no end to the battle and the war would end sooner than anticipated, with the demons being the victor.

The soldiers that had been had originally on the battlefield before General Tasai and his troops came were all but decimated. Now the general's troops were starting to feel the fatigue.

"Sir! We cannot win this! It is over!" Enis yelled from a weary voice.

"It is not over until every last one of our men can no longer fight, Enis!"

General Tasai knew that Enis was right, however. It was already determined they would die right here and there. How could things turn out like this? Just a few days ago we were ready to fight and to lead the heavens to victory over these putrid demons. But we are being overwhelmed by the forces of one Demon god in the first battle!

Tasai looked over the field with battle weary eyes. He saw his men and women collapsed on the battlefield dead or dying. Some still fighting but surely in vain. His eyes continued to sweep the field when he saw Maru. He was out in the distance sat on a small pile of bodies. He sat slouched over with one elbow on his knee with his head resting in his hand, as if contemplating something. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration.

This was quite the irritating sight for Tasai. He couldn't believe how unbelievably calm the demon was being. He did not have a care in the world as the battle raged on around him. It made Tasai cringe in anger. He couldn't help the waves of anger rolling over him as he watched this demon be so nonchalant about this battle that was taking every last bit of their might.

Tasai, clenched his sword and made a beeline for Maru. He didn't care about the screams of his soldiers as they were being impaled and beheaded in front of him. All he cared about was killing the demon before him. Tasai walked over bodies and limbs as he got closer to Maru.

As Tasai got closer and closer, Maru suddenly looked up from his thoughts and narrowed his eyes on Tasai. The general of the heavens was bravely walking toward him with intent. Maru couldn't help but smile as he stayed seated on the bodies under him.

The demon was taunting Tasai, which only made Tasia feel angrier. He didn't care about living or dying as long as he could take Maru out first.

Before Tasai could close in the distance between him and Maru, the skies opened up with fanfare blasting.

The ground shook from the blows of the horns as the soldiers and demons alike looked up. Descending from the parting skies was King Constantine and his royal guards who accompanied him.

Tasai's mouth was agape while Maru frowned.

"My soldiers! Fret not anymore. We will beat these demons back…together!" Constantine yelled from the sky.

After a moment, the ground shook and suddenly cracks in the earth began to form. This startled everyone on the field, demon and soldier alike. Just then through the cracks an immense white light began to show. The soldiers covered their eyes instinctively. The demons and giants were still not understanding the situation unfolding around them.

Suddenly screams could be heard. The screams of demons. The white light permeating from the ground grew more intense by the second before it started to burn the demons closes to the light. As the cracks in the earth spread so did the light. Reaching far into the battlefield and destroying the demons swiftly. The enemy forces understood now what was happening and started their retreat.

As the demons retreated up the mountain and back through the trees, the soldiers that were left sighed in relief as the battle had finally been won. Thanks to the presence of the King of the Heaven Realm, they would live to see another day.

Tasai remembered his abandoned task and quickly turned to face the demon Maru once again. As he turned on his heel, he abruptly came face to face with a smiling Demon god. It startled this bold general so much that he lost the grip on his sword. It landed on the ground with a loud thud. The demon's nose was touching Tasai's as he sucked in a breath. Maru then raised his arms as he wrapped them around the wide shoulders of Tasai.

It was then he embraced Tasai and leaned his head just a little into Tasai's. The general was completely still as he didn't know what Maru had planned. Still smiling, Maru turned his eyes towards King Constantine who was looking down from the sky watching Maru's every move.

The king who always wore a smile, instead wore a frown. His eyes were furrowed in anger as he stared menacingly at the demon who now had the general of his army ensnared.

Maru still had the upper hand and it was apparent to those still on the battlefield. While still holding Tasai, Maru spoke with a smile.

"Tell your king… 'I'm still waiting.' "

At that moment, Maru dropped his arms and released Tasai. The general lost his footing and stumbled back a bit before he recovered. He looked disheveled and disoriented from close proximity of the Demon god.

Maru smiled at Tasai coldly before disappearing leaving nothing behind death and carnage.

Tasia picked up his fallen sword before looking up at his king. Though the king had thwarted the enemy in this battle and sent them running, why does it still feel like they still lost? If this is the result of the first battle, what would the ones to come be like?




Rin was in a chair next to the bed where Nessa lay. This all seemed familiar to him except Nessa was the one injured while it was Rin who was worried. Sarra was using her powers to heal Nessa as best she could.

Cura assisted Sarra while Kief would occasionally come into the room to check on Nessa's progress. Before leaving the room a while ago, Kief had placed his hand on Rin's should and had said, "Don't worry Rin, she'll be alright."

But how can I not worry? All of this was my fault…again, Rin thought to himself. Nessa had tried so hard to defend him, to protect him… and he couldn't stop her from being hurt. His thoughts turned to Zel. Thinking of him made him angry all over again. More than that the sting of betrayal was still to close. Probably best not to think about him right now…

After a while, Sarra had murmured something to Cura, before he stood and left the room. Leaving Sarra and Rin, alone by the sleeping Nessa.

Sarra sighed and stepped from the opposite side of the bed where she had been working to heal Nessa and made her way toward Rin. She knelt down on her knees facing Rin as he stared hopelessly at Nessa.


Rin did not answer but instead continued to stare at Nessa's sleeping form.

This time Sarra grabbed Rin's hands and called him again.

"Rin? Please look at me."

Rin waited a beat before turning his head toward Sarra. His beautiful face was etched in worry and Sarra couldn't help but want to ease his pain.

"It wasn't your fault, you know that right?"

Rin remained silent.

"Rin, Nessa knew all the risks before going into this. She knew that she could possibly be attacked by an enemy and still desired to protect you anyway. You mustn't blame yourself for a decision she chose to make."

Rin knew what Sarra was saying was right. But it didn't hurt him any less. Nessa may be a powerful former god, but her powers were dwindling. She had told him this before, but it didn't fully register with him until tonight. Nessa was human. There was only so much she could do in the end. She can't protect him, nor should she.

Suddenly, Rin felt ashamed. How could he let a human protect him while all he could do was watch. He clenched his hands into a ball as Sarra still held them. She looked down and then back at Rin's face seeing his frustration.

She couldn't call Rin a kind person. In fact, he was anything but. She felt he meant it when he said he despised humans in this plane. Even still, he had a human heart. One that cared for those close to him. She found that fascinating and endearing.

Without thinking, Sarra took a hand and placed it at Rin's cheek. Startled at this action, Rin let out a soft gasp as he locked eyes with Sarra. He could tell she didn't know how to comfort him further, so this was all she could do.

Rin took his released hand and cupped it over Sarra's as they finally reached understanding of each other. Before either one of them could say anything, the door abruptly opened startling both Rin and Sarra. Kief stood in the doorway, eyes darting back between the two people seemingly in an intimate moment. They dropped their hands and Sarra rose to her feet. She muttered something about getting some fresh air and walked through the opened door. Kief stared at her retreating back and then turned back toward Rin.

Rin sighed in annoyance, knowing Kief as well as he did, he already knew what he was thinking. "Don't start."




General Tasai was giving orders to the remaining soldiers as he passed by them on his way to King Constantine. The king had finally descended fully from the sky to survey the damage and get the final numbers of the remaining troops.

Stopping short of the king, Tasai bowed deeply and as his eyes remained fixed on the ground, he greeted his king, "Your Majesty, we thank you."

"Enough of that Tasai, we have work to do," Constantine spoke. He had taken his helm from his head and held it under his arm.

Rising from the greeting Tasai spoke again, " If it pleases His Majesty, I will take leave and pursue the Demon god Maru, I believe I know—" before Tasai could finish, Constantine cut him off.

"It will not please me," Constantine spoke in a soft but firm tone. " You do not have permission to pursue. Instead you will remain here and help your attendant tend to these soldiers before ascending to the heavens once again."

Tasai who normally jumped at anything the king said, could only stair in disbelief.

"With respect, Your Majesty…I must ask why we are not pursuing the demon. He has decimated our forces!"

Tasai was so angry he was slowly losing himself. He grew louder and more defiant in tone as he continued to speak.

"Look at what that damned demon did to us! How can we let this stand? You would have us retreat when we have effectively beaten them back? Why?"

As Tasai's voice got louder the other soldiers turned their heads with their eyes wide. The face of the king was changing from one of calm to an unreadable look. Hearing the commotion from afar, Enis quickly approached his yelling master.

"You would allow us to run away after the disgrace we faced earlier in the battle?" Tasai heaved as his face became red from the strain of raising his voice. Before speaking another word, he was stopped by a hand that had gently grabbed his armor clad arm. He snapped his head in the direction of whoever grabbed him to see his attendant, Enis staring at him with worried eyes.

Blinking a few times, Tasai finally remembered himself and looked around. Soldiers were standing around looking at him with shock and worry. The color drained from his face as his eyes finally settled on his king. The look that rolled over the king's face was one that could not be placed, but Tasai knew he had taken it too far.

Dropping to one knee Tasai rested one arm over his bent knee and apologized.

"Your Majesty, I was out of line. I ask that you forgive my outburst. I am tired and angry that I could do nothing without your assistance. What I am feeling more than anger is shame."

A vein could visibly be seen jumping in the king's temple, before he spoke to his general.

"I know very much how badly you wish to pursue the demon and his forces and redeem yourself, General, however, your soldiers are bone-tired and as are you. You need to recover fully so you may fight another day."

"Yes, Your Majesty. As usual you are right. I will gather the remaining troops and return to the Heaven Realm at once," Tasai spoke as he finally looked up into the kings eyes. The look that was once unreadable, had disappeared and returned to his familiar look of calm.

King Constantine nodded at his general and turned around before stopping again.

"Once you have finished here and finished resting in the heavens, we will discuss an appropriate punishment."

The silence was so palpable that no one moved an inch. Of course, he would be punished. Tasai was out of line when he spoke earlier and should've known that even he would not be spared punishment for his manner of speech toward the king.

"Of course, Your Majesty, I was out of line earlier."

Constantine, didn't turn around to face his general but instead turned only his head with a small smile.

"No. You're not being punished for your outburst just now. You are being punished for your utter failure on the battlefield today."

The look of shock formed on the soldiers faces. Enis' mouth was slightly opened in shock as well. This was the first time that the king would punished General Tasai, but even more so to announce it very publicly in front of the soldiers was even more shocking. Enis looked at the king's retreating back and then to his master's ashen face.




Lyri thought back and forth about what to do. She had a short sword on her and wondered if she would be severely punished if she plunged it into the guard's neck. If she had to sit here another minute with his beady eyes staring at her unmoving she was sure to be labeled a murderer soon. Just as her thoughts were leaning more toward murder, the doors of the infirmary burst open.

Her eyes widened in surprise and then misted over in tears as Enis stood in the doorway. His eyes moved all over Lyri before moving toward the idiot guard in the back of the room.

"You are dismissed," Enis said in a firm tone.

"I'm not dismissed until His Majesty says so," the guard defiantly said back.

Enis, already tired from battled and covered in blood took a menacing step into the room before stating in a low hiss, "If you don't voluntarily dismiss yourself, I will involuntarily dismiss you with my hands. Which will it be?"

The solder looked at Enis, who held several ranks over him and clutched the pommel of his sheathed sword before quietly exiting the room in a hurry.

Enis closed the infirmary doors behind him and raced to Lyri. He embraced her as she tried her best to hold back her quiet sobs.

"I thought you were dead," she finally said between whispered breaths.

Enis pulled back and cupped Lyri's head in his hands before kissing her passionately.

No one knew. Not even their master, General Tasai, knew of their relationship. Enis and Lyri had mutually decided that they would not reveal their love for each other out of potential opposition from the other soldiers, or even their master. Although General Tasai, had probably already suspected their involvement with each other, he would not be able to confirm. The two lovers made it their mission to not display affection for each other outside of the typical comradery shown between fellow soldiers. It was their only rule.

Enis pulled back and rested his forehead against Lyri.

"We both made it back alive," Enis was so happy and relieved.

Dropping his hands from Lyri, his look changed from one of relief to worry.

"Enis…What happened out there?" Lyri said as she cupped his cheek.

"Death and destruction. We were all but annihilated. And had it not been for the king descending into Demon Plane, we would be dead."

Lyri's eyes widened as Enis told her of how the battle went after she returned to the heavens.

"What now? Will we pursue?" Lyri wanted to know how to plan the next battle.

"No. The king did not allow Master Tasai to pursue and likely won't let us do so either," Enis felt odd ever since leaving the battlefield.

"I don't understand, we will do nothing?" Lyri questioned.

"Master Tasai got angry and spoke harshly to the His Majesty. In the end he apologized, but King Constantine will punish Master for his failures today." Enis looked to be angry and having trouble coping with how Tasai was treated earlier in front of the other soldiers.

"What? Punished? What for? His Majesty must have see how strong the enemy forces were!" Lyri thought punishment was too cruel for her master. As well as unnecessary. She spoke again with anger lacing her voice.

"We don't have time for this! We have to devise a plan to deal with our enemy! Why do this?" Just then Lyri paused as she remembered something from earlier.

"Enis, when I returned to the Heaven Realm, King Constantine did not allow for me to return to the battlefield."

Just then Enis snapped his head to face Lyri with brows furrowed. "Why?" He asked.

"I was not gravely injured if that's what he told you. He said I was too injured and forbade me from returning to the battle. I tried to decline but he left his royal guard in the infirmary with me to watch over me."

Lyri was a well decorated veteran of the Heaven Realm. If not seriously injured, it made no sense to have her remain in the heavens. Perhaps His Majesty already knew her presence would make no difference?

"Lyri, I believe there are some matters we need to discuss with Master. Something is not sitting right with me about this. About all of this."

Lyri nodded in agreement and they both decided to visit their master later. After his punishment.