Chereads / word of infinity: MMORPG / Chapter 2 - THE FINAL BATTLE BEGINS


welcome by to the world championship and today the match was going to start the battleground or arena they fighting was first full complete giant colosseum was there is can hold avatar of 1 billion people and we can see few famous people there with there avatar and the atomic knight was there (he was the famous gamer who defeat the atomic monster which was other game)and now the finally was going to start

the avatar are summoned in the colosseum centre and there look with there best armour and everyone waiting to see the fight of the two great game and the count down start from 10.....9.....8.....7.....6.....5...4...3....2.....1.....let the battle beings

the two team(the team glory knight and the flaming aura) are standing before each other and first the caption start the battle the shadow fly and attack the fire lord and both are flying in the air and the shadow guard use the dark slash and the fire lord use the fire mirror(the fire mirror is the move that convert the fire into a mirror like object and absorb the power of that move)and the shadow guard fly away and the fire lord chasing him and they both are in high speed and the fire lord uses the fire canon(is like the fire ball but the concentration of the fire in it was very high and it need a time to complete)and shout the shadow guard and that time the shadow guard take his hell and heaven sword from the portal that open at this hand and cut the fire cannon into two and fire lord take his fire calibre from same portal and they both fighting with the sword and they fighting very fast in below

the healing vampire and the pouch princess was battle below the healing vampire use the move of summoning the vampires and the pouch princess taking the item from this pouch and now it was the horn of goblin(to summon the goblin to fight) and now they both vampire and the goblin are fighting and the blood of vampire and goblin was floating in the ground the vampire take his ankh and uses that to create the blast of void and attacking the pouch princess and she was escaping from that and take an item from the pouch and it wlle (to create a wall) and use it to create the wall of metal kailo(it strong as kailo(monster))and create wall and use it like a shield and reincarnating

the magical




after that the pouch glow and take the calibre of dragon breath (the legendary sword but it has time limit) and the wall was come to its last stand and it break and the pouch princess escape from the blast and now there is a trap set at the top and below that are blast bot(when you touch it blast but when you touch the time stop and blast attack you) and the pouch princess saw it and stop at that point and hold a breath and analysis the pattern and use the flash of time and cross the obstacle

and use the sword to cut the vampire from that time the wing from the vampire come somehow the attack reach her and cut her left harm but in the she healed it with a few seconds but the curse of sword attacking her that was poison of dragon breath and the vampire rise her hand said


the blood that in that place gather at the hand of vampire and it form a sword it called the "THE BLOOD SLAYER SWORD" like it name it can shift into any shape it want and the healing vampires attacking using the sword create blast using the ankh and pouch princess dodge using of her high speed and the battle just started

At the centre of the colosseum the battle between the strongest and strongest has started that mean the undertaker and the swordsman, the undertaker uses his first to attack the swordsman and swordsman swing his sword but the undertaker block it using this first and when his uses his fist to attack his block with shield and the both are fighting fast and the swordsman jump back and used the "SHIELD RISE"(the move allow the user to create more shield it mainly used for use any time taken spells) and the sword man use the sword to cut the time and launch his slash(the sword to cut time is used for crate the slash at zero time when the speller complete it. It directly attack the enemy) and the slash are straight to the undertaker.

it seem that he cannot block his and he smile and create the sound barrier using of his hand claps and block the slash which coming towards him and it time that come and the undertaker now his his time that he uses move called "ARTS OF MARGO FIST" and he launched a 100 fist simultaneously and each was power fist and the swordsman manage it with help of shield and barley survival this move and this shield was damaged and both are start fighting with each other and the pouch princess give heal potion so the swordsman recover his shield(yes the damaged object is also recoverable using of potion) and

In the left side of them the silent killer using his pistol shooting the bullet out of this and the sand lord create a sand wall and blocking the bullet and uses the sand to create the sand ball(not regular sand ball this type of sand ball formed by making the attractive particle and placing at the centre of focus and the sand around it attractive it make high density and shot at the silent killer and the silent killer used pistol and load the dragon bullet inside of it and by shooting it and the sand ball and the bullet slash together and the sand lord create the sand block around him and you know for the spell and he said


And the golem that made of sand rise from ground and there many type of golem representing the soul which that possessive that golem(It is not the normal summoning of the golem is different from that the golem that summoned was the soul of the creature which cannot go to heaven or hell that are summoned here once the golem is complete the request of the summoner it can either go to hell or heaven but it not now in this story)and the side of silent killer was weak you thought but not he also use this spell that followed


And the robots that are know summoned in that place that are three type 1. the knight boot (which is knight like robot, this call in that world everywhere)2.the small bot(small robot mainly for shooting amours) and the third and most important the silent killer boot (the robot which has sword and high speed than the knight boot)and both start fighting each other the sound booms and slash are surround the colosseum and other member are also involved in this and the silent killer take his spear out of this back and use the spear and the sand lord take this sand whip and out start fighting in the very fast speed in

The above there is big blast and the shadow guard and the fire lord both get damaged and both never stop there fighting the healing vampires and pouch princess heal them respectively and the shadow guard call all the member and said "And it is the time for semi awakening" and the fire lord said this same to the member. Wait that is semi awakening?