Chereads / word of infinity: MMORPG / Chapter 8 - A DEFEAT AND VICTORY


the monster in the sky has fully recovered and the time run out both of them are slow down and the monster started targeting the fire lord and attack him but he manage to dodge that but the sword in the monster hand has started glowing seeing the fire lord ask "what the fianl plan you have?"

and he need little time for that can you keep with him for some time

the fire lord then notice that the portion help him by reducing the cooldown time so he can summon the fire beast and also he used all of this mana portion for that. But he manage to summon only two fire dragon and use his spell to combine those two into one and by using this fire sword of juliya he absorbed it

that he manage to fight with monster and the monster was also very strong by now and he use all the magic spell during the fight but the monster was not affect by that when he use the final blow the sword of juliya it absorbed all the heat in the monster body that it weak for that moment but the monster still fight

the people seeing these fighting was talking (how the monster be these much strong what are they going to do)some people are afraid how they going there reality (because if the monster will the VR world going to them and no human escape form them(mean the VR) the core of the game is defeated the monster but it change by the company when they releases this game. And people playing it. Think it fun that monster are in there game and they also strong comparing to normal player. This game offer many weapon so they defeated the monster but the monster now appear was something else form ordinary and back to the match...

the fire lord was cornead and the monster has it aura for than when it appear and it take the sword and everyone thought the fire lord going to die and shadow guard also lost his most hp and mana and no way to win these match and the watcher also feel the power of the monster it has power to cross the barrier the sword was swing and from the people eye were down that they will never win against it and it was some captians die the fire sword of juliya has lost his power but the fire lord has alive and the shadow guard has taken that sword swing the fire lord was asking why are you doing these.....

but he replied that it was the plan ...

plan yes the curse that bond to me....when i die the one kill me and also die for this i ask you time and it complete the avater has kill with sword so no longer the avater going exist and the in ground the gate of the hell call as the jshel open fron that they two hand coming out of that it captured monster at one and shadow gaurd at other and it take them back into the gate and everything was finally over

the monster was destroy as so as shadow guard and the final end the one standing the ground was win is fire lord and his team win the torrament and the people are shearing him and also a praying for shadow gaurd and the barrier was off and everyone log out of that VR now this match has become best in all every ascepts and they also the statue for all the player who help to defeat the monster and also a very specail event are place was totally dedicated to the shadow gaurd

the fire lord has tell in the press meeting there is no one is winning or losing in that match and both the team win and that year campanion ship was win by both the them and after that match the game was made popular by that match that many people join that game........