Chapter 37 - Chaotic battlefield

The sorcerors had arrived in large force.However with the reinforcements the SMB had sent to defend the dungeon the sorcerors were sure to lose.

Alfred watched as a great battle took over his territory and the base of the SMB.Alfred was infuriated when he saw that they were being attacked by sorcerors.They had been cemented in Alfred's mind as his ultimate enemy.The sheer fact that they were trying to take control of Alfred infuriated him to no end.

Alfred ordered Kalogorax to join the battle and wreak havoc on the sorcerers.He avoided sending Grimshaw as he was more of a tracking and investigative type monster rather then a fighting one.

Not to mention Grimshaw was weak to magic attacks in general.Even if Grimshaw was able to respawn in his territory he didn't want the sorcerers to gain any of Grimshaws drop items as they were quite game changing.


Maladus 17# was overseeing the defenses of the budding base and checking if they were working.The automated turrets and forcefields were working well but the sorcerers were unpredictable in terms of their capabilities and abilities.

Most of the defender's still on the base were officer class operatives from the multiple task forces sent here.Most of the peon class operatives were already fighting the weaker sorcerers.Both sides were clearly feeling each other out before the actual powerhouses took part.

At this point the automated turrets were unusable without harming their own sides.Some of Sarah 15# operatives were on the base taking potshots at the sorcerers with snipers.The sorcerers for their part were putting up magical shields and returning fire with spells of their own.

Vergil 9# task forces peon class operatives were riding their vehicles in circles around the battlefield and running over sorcerers as well as shooting them.The strategy of the SMB was to divide the sorcerors attention in order to affect their spell casting and reaction times.Anyone who died had their body disappear as they were consumed by the dungeon.

When it was clear that the battle was turning in favor of the SMB the sorcerers sent in some more powerful sorcerers.A few of them were clearly nobles as it was rare to find a sorceror outside of noble sorcerors who was strong enough to face even a officer class operative.

These new additions to the battlefield mockingly gave a glance in the direction of the squadron leader class operatives on the wall.In sorceror society it was encouraged to kill high ranking members of the SMB.Killing them and taking their heads,weapons or hearts as trophies would net them a lot of respect and merit among the noble sorcerors.

As for the SMB they gave out bounties on certain powerful sorcerers and gave out merits to certain operatives and task forces who could hunt them down and kill them.These merits could be used to exchange for certain technology and gadgets to increase the fighting prowess of a successful operative and task force.

These stronger sorcerers reinforced their bodies with mana which caused a glow to surround their bodies as they charged at the battle.Since there were tens of them the multiple colours created a kind of colour show for those watching.The officer class operatives were about to join the battle to meet them when something happened.

A black and purple flash appeared on the battlefield and charged towards one of those stronger sorcerors.The sorceror in question let out a surprised yelp as a blur resembling a jester threw out a light jab and sent the sorceror flying horizontally.

The sorceror tumbled along the ground to rest on the cold soil of the earth.The spectators were able to see that the sorcerors head had a fist indent on the side.The sorceror wasn't dead but he had clearly suffered a concussion.

The guilty one who did it was a black and purple jester wearing a curious mask with red interlocking runes.


"That's not a traitor that's one of the dungeons monsters."

The jester pointed to the sorcerors and let out a laugh.

"Rejoice my patron has sentenced you to death."

The sorcerors were stunned to silence until one began casting a spell.

"TAKE THIS YOU JOKER." A fireball hurtled towards Kalogoraxs position.To the mages astonishment the jester simply vanished only to reappear right behind the mage and slash his head off with a created dagger and spatial slash.

Kalogorax was about to continue his rampage when he felt a sense of danger.He contorted his body into the shape of a large C allowing him to narrowly avoid the punch from a sorceror in dark clothing.

"Hello again clown.We've never talked but I was at the hotel.You'll find that I'm stronger now." Omil Nostradarmus spoke in a neutral tone.