Chapter 38 - Earthquake

Omil Nostradarmus felt the urge to monologue some more but something stopped him.A vast tremor reverberated throughout the ground.Everyone stopped for a moment considering the sheer scale of the quake.

Both sides were silent but they understood one thing as they felt a heavy change in the air.The mages felt an even greater concentration of mana in the air which now covered a far greater area.


"What's happening Sarah?."

"It appears the dungeon has powered up again and its clear with the bodies disappearing that we gave it a great enough sacrifice for it to power up again.The ambient mana is so dense and overpowering that I won't be surprised if we start seeing magical anomalies." Sarah 15# observed from a scanner.


Once the earthquake which lasted a few seconds subsided the sorcerors remembered they were in a battle.They found it pleasant to be in the area.They were also able to take in far more mana from the surroundings to power their spells and mana.

The sorcerors suddenly had the leg up in battle and though the SMB operatives had powerful tech and genetics they were now losing a few of their numbers.These were mostly peons though as the officers and squadron leaders had just joined the battle.

Maladus 17# was already in the midst of the battlefield and killing any weak sorcerors coming his way.He was heading to the bigger threats and everyone was attempting to give him a wide berth aside from the weaklings who wanted a shot at glory.

In his hands was a gigantic war axe of the distortion field series.Around the blade of the war axe was a distortion field that parted everything it touched.Maladus set his eyes on his opponent.He was a well known sorceror in these parts of the United States of America.

The sorcerer in question had the famous ability to merge himself with the surrounding terrain,matter and energy which greatly increased his physical capabilities.

His name was Alexander Apache.A man of native American descent.The man would be seen as handsome by some which only irked Maladus 17# who would be seen as brutish.If it was just appearance though Maladus 17# wouldn't have a problem with it but the man's personality was abysmal.He could tell from a mile away.

Maladus thought of himself as a good judge of character.The way this pampered pretty boy carried himself frankly disgusted him.

The other squadron leaders and officers weren't far behind and had already picked their opponents.


Kalogorax was running among the weaker sorcerers and operatives and slaughtering them with Omil Nostradarmus chasing after him close behind.

Kalogorax had been ordered to slaughter as many people as quickly as possible by his patron.His patron had told him that there was a large reduction in price for the creation of the third floor due to his level up.The reduction price would only last three minutes though.

Once Kalogorax was alerted that he could stop he immediately returned to his fight with Omil.

"About time you stopped running.Were you ordered to go on a killing spree by your master?."

"Hahaha you honestly believe I'll tell you of my patrons reasons.A coward who ran from battle has no place telling me what to do." Kalogorax retreated slightly and then threw a dagger in Omils direction.

Kalogorax had been told by AMAR about this sorcerors abilities.It appeared he possessed some sort of melee durability negation ability and he also possessed something called a gun that allowed him to turn it into a ranged attack.He could also tell the immediate future.

Omil watched as the dagger flew towards his neck and did nothing.The dagger broke on contact with his neck.Kalogorax knew that this time the dagger didn't break due to enhanced durability but something else.

"How did you do that?."

"Ah yes I shouldn't explain but I don't think you'll find a way around my death dealing magic.I possess the ability to see the flaws,imperfections and weaknesses of the universe and cause them to rupture and break with the gentlest of touches.I can also sense incoming death and danger and tell the future.Not to mention I've learned how to break such weaknesses when they make contact with any part of my body among other new abilities." Kalogorax was confused by what Omil had said.What counted as a weakness,flaw and imperfection.One could argue that all of existence was imperfect.The only perfection that existed was non existence.