Chapter 39 - Battle continues

Omil Nostradarmus brandished a special looking object that Kalogorax assumed was a gun.The gun appeared to be upgraded and different from last time.Kalogorax did not know this he just assumed that it was a regular gun.

When Kalogorax felt his knee implode he felt shocked.That was a lot faster then Omil was already capable of moving.The gun must gave been enchanted to give him more speed on top of whatever abilities and enchantments it already had.

Thanks to Kalogorax's level 1 skill body manipulation he was able to stay standing.This skill allowed Kalogorax to shape,manipulate and change the size of his body however he wished.

Kalogorax didn't want to lose again especially not to his patrons enemies.His patron had ordered him not to let any of his drop items fall in the hands of the sorcerors.

Kalogorax swelled the size of his leg muscles and though he had a gaping hole through his broken knee cap he was able to move it with his skill as though it was completely fine.

He horizontally jumped toward Omil and with the sheer strengh of his leap he was able to reach him in incredible time.The problem was that Omil had another trick up his sleeve.

He unequipped his gun and punched with both arms.One arm in front of him and one arm behind him.This caused to two portals to open in front of and behind Omil.Kalogorax had jumped in one portal and came out the other which teleported Kalogorax ahead of Omil.

"Did he punch through two imperfections in space?." Kalogorax wondered as he turned back to Omil who already had his gun ready.

Kalogorax felt his stomach implode and his spine snap in two,though he remained standing.kalogorax decided to use his trump card.

Kalogorax pulled himself and Omil into his special fun house pocket dimension.Where he could summon an untold number of killer jesters.

Omil had a deadpan expression as always.It was as if he was truly emotionally dead inside.His surroundings and the countless killer jesters with daggers in their hands didn't even get a reaction from him.

"Hmmm I didn't think you'd have an ability like this though this must be how you cancelled out Frank's connection to his hotel.No matter though." Omil closed his eyes and when he opened them again he screamed.

It wasn't a scream of fear.It was a simple sound wave that expanded outwards and ruptured everything in hearing range.The killer jesters,the surroundings and even space itself ruptured around Omil.

It was a simple magical attack.One that instilled his death dealing magic into the sound of his scream.It would rupture everything around him and its range was only limited by the range of the regular hearing range of his scream.The problem was he couldn't use this ability anywhere where he had allies.

Kalogorax felt true fear for the first time since he came under his patrons service.He tried to teleport to the ends of the pocket dimension but it was too small and he soon hit a wall.Needless to say he was finished.

The pocket dimension was immediately destroyed.Omil was returned to the battlefield and he looked in the direction of where Kalogorax had gone in the pocket dimension.

Kalogorax was a miserable sight on the ground.His entire side had been ruptured and no doubt there was a lot of internal bleeding and organ damage.

"I see you drastically inflated your body into a massive cube of flesh to absorb the brunt of the sound wave but its rupturing effects still continued past your natural defences and into your internal organs.All you did was postpone the inevitable you'll be dying soon." Omil spoke matter of factly as he looked upon Kalogoraxs broken and battered body.

" one...can beat him." Kalogoraxs body was in a sorry state.Two thirds of his body was just blood,fleshy paste and bony splinters,the upper half was only somewhat better.The only reason why Kalogorax was still alive was because he had used his body manipulation skill to scrunch up his heart and lungs and move them into his skull which had taken the least of the rupturing effects.

"KALOGORAX TELEPORT BACK TO THE DUNGEON NOW!!!." Kalogorax followed those orders as he teleported to the 2nd floor of the dungeon leaving Omil behind.

"Now that is just uncivil.Don't you think it's fair that I get the drop item dungeon.I'll be heading back now since I feel disappointed in your pathetic behaviour." Omil broke a rune inside his mind and he was teleported away.