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Harry Potter got trained

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

EDIT: Hello everyone and welcome to the updated first chapter, after HowInMadHowie did his magic and edited it and corrected my mistakes. Hope you like it and have a good time reading this story. Also, a small detail was changed after the review from keth-jelicho pointed out a small mistake from me. 

It was a quiet night in Surrey, especially on Privet Drive. Nothing would seem out of the ordinary.

Except that one cat, who was looking at the house of a small family in Privet Drive number 4. The man of the household, a burly man with a neck so small you could not see it, came just home 5 minutes ago. He looked at her like he could not believe that it was the same cat as he saw that morning, reading a map. The cat rolled her eyes, this man seemed a little dumb for her taste, after all she was not looking for a home. No, she was watching the family the whole day and judging it.

It did not impress her, not at all.

The son, as little and young as it was (a little bit more than a year it seemed) was already spoiled to his core. She was sure of it, or otherwise he would not have kicked his mother all the way to the car, because he would rather sleep than go shopping. But if the new toy was any indication, he even got something from it.

The cat shock her furry head. And this is the sister of her most beloved student? She could not believe it. Not after all that what she saw. But there was a valid reason why she was here. She waited for someone. Someone very powerful. Or at least he was powerful once, after all he was getting old.

Tilting her head to one side, she listened in the still evening. She was sure he would soon be here.

Suddenly, the light vanished and put the whole street in darkness. First, she was afraid, but the mild climate was still around, so it could not have been these foul monsters who watchet over the Prison of her people. She looked around once more and there he was, the man she was waiting for.

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore

The strongest Wizard of her time.

And the Headmaster of Hogwarts, the school for the magical children.

His silver hair and beard only showed his wisdom and age, but his steel blue eyes were still of youthful mirth.

Dumbledore was walking down the street, looking at the houses. Then he saw the cat and smiled.

"Well, hello there Minerva. What a lovely evening, is it not?" asked Dumbledore the cat.

The cat growled and looked up at him. Then she changed to her human form and glared at Dumbledore.

"How did you know it was me in the dark?" asked the former cat, Minerva McGonagall.

"I never saw a cat this stiff sitting on a sidewalk Minerva. I always said you should loosen up sometimes. But please tell me, were you waiting for me?" Dumbledore was nown looking at the house McGonagall was looking before.

"As a matter of Fact, yes I was. But please tell me, is it true? Is the Dark Lord really gone? And are the Potters dead?" she asked him, with a light shiver in her voice.

Dumbledore looked downcast and nodded. "Yes, Voldemort is gone, for now. But I don't think he is gone for good; something was off about the whole thing. So, I am kind of glad you are here, so we can discuss further things. Because not all Potters are dead. Harry survived somehow."

McGonagall looked surprised.

"He did spare a Child. That is not like him. After all I know, he did not spare anyone, not even a baby."

"Your guess is as good as mine, Minerva. For me, that is a mystery all on its own . But right now, we must discuss where should we put young Harry. I take it you were watching the Dursleys? What do you think?" Dumbledore now looked back at the women, who was shaken by the things that happened.

With a shaking voice, she responded.

"Yes, I was. And if you even think about it to put Harry here, I'm even more shocked about your decision. You can't be serious about that."

"Well, Minerva…. They are all what is left of his blood relatives…. but I have someone else in mind too. A pair of people in fact. But I wanted you opinion on these too, so please hear me out first."

McGonagall was raised an eyebrow. Well, that got her interested.

"Why are you asking me, Albus? If you have others in mind, why don't we go them right away? And where is Harry right now anyway?" McGonagall was now looking at Dumbledore's robes, as if he hides a little baby inside.

Dumbledore chuckled at that and smiled. "Well, if you ask me this way, it's because you have as much a say as any other person, as you are the Godmother of his father after all. Now, of the place Harry is right now. He is with Hagrid, and you know how gentle he is. I'm sure he is quite safe."

At this moment they heard a motorcycle nearing the place they are. As they looked down the street, they saw nothing. Suddenly, there was a light from above and a big motorcycle landed right in front of them. On top of this motorcycle was a giant man, easily twice the height of Dumbledore.

"`Ello Professor Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall. I got him here." The big man looks down the street and scoffed.

"I 'ope we don't leave the little guy 'ere with these Muggles. It looks like they don't know anything about us."

"Well Hagrid, we were just to start to discuss it. But first, where did you get this bike? It is familiar."

Hagrid looked down at the motorcycle. It was an older American model, in black. "The young Sirius Black came to the Potters on it, for the same reason as me. He gave me the bike after I told him that I bring Harry to you."

Dumbledore nodded. "Ah, now I know where I remember this bike from. James liked it very much and gave it to Sirius, so it could be ridden. Now to the matter at hand, Harry. We were discussing about the living arrangement. And if we can conclude a way of action, we will act according to it. Well, as I said before, I have multiple options. And if they are even willing, they can all watch over Harry, until he is old enough for Hogwarts." Dumbledore watched the moon, as if it would have an answer to his question. Then, he smiled again.

"It seems, we have a visitor. And as it happens, it's one of the people I wanted to talk about Harry."

McGonagall was puzzled, who does he mean? There was nothing around, not a single person that she saw. But she heard something. Shocked, she turned around and saw an orange circle in the middle of the air, just little down the road. Out of this circle came tree people, one almost as big as Hagrid.

He was encased in futuristic armor, but there was no sound emitted from him. It was if he was just there. But by just standing there, he was intimidating. In the right of him was another man with two swords strapped to his back. He looked to his right at the black-haired women angrily.

"How often do I have to say it, I hate portals! Why are we here again Yen?"

"Because we sensed that something important is to happen here after we got that strange letter with that owl. And just in case your swords doesn't work Geralt, we took John with us too. You know, you could learn how to use these rifles too," said Yen, telling the other who they are. As Yen looked back up, after patting the dust off her clothes, she looked straight at Dumbledore and was surprised.

"So, it was you who send that owl? How did you know where we are?" Yen asked. Dumbledore was chuckling as he answered.

"Oh, I have my ways. But please, lets us introduce ourselves before we answer any other questions."

"I have one first," came a female voice from the giant armored figure. McGonagall was taken aback, she thought it would be a man inside that, alone from his big form. As this figure looked at them, the female voice spoke up again.

"How do we know we could trust you? You know, this hunk of metal and man I reside in just holds himself back to attack because he sees you all as an unknown. And he was trained to fight it. So please, tell us. Do we have to fight you three?"

"Well, that's an easy question, because we are four on our side. You see, there is a baby in the hands of my friend behind me and no, we won't harm it or use it as a hostage. We won't attack you or your friends," Dumbledore showed his empty hands in a sign that he was no threat.

The armored figure nodded and relaxed his posture.

"Now to the introductions. I am Professor Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The woman to my right is Professor Minerva McGonagall, my Deputy and professor of Transfiguration. And to my left is our gamekeeper on the grounds, Rubeus Hagrid. He is a half-giant, that's the reason for his grand frame. Last, but not least is young Harry Potter. I will explain more about him after introductions are complete, but suffice to say Harry is the reason I have asked for your assistance. Now I know you, Miss Yennefer of Vengerberg, but who are your companions?"

"Well met, Professor Dumbledore. As you know, I am Yennefer of Vengerberg, a witch. This portal hating man to my left," the man chuckled on this little banter. "Is my husband, Geralt of Rivia. He is a Witcher or monster hunter, whatever you prefer."

"Please Yen, I don't slay every monster I come across, only those who are a danger to the people. As long they stay away and don't attack anyone, I leave them be." Geralt said, looking at the giant man on Dumbledore's side of the street. Geralt knew that reserved eyes of a man who thinks that not all monsters are evil. Yen's drawling voice drew Geralt back towards her.

"Ah yes, only when they attack you or our home. Or you get paid for it. But that's another topic. In case of that giant armor to my left, I think the female voice can explain who they are. I still did not figure out everything." Yen looked over to the armored giant expectantly.

They heard a chuckle and a bang, as the figure hit his head with his metal glove. Now that the moon wandered a little on the night sky, they all saw the numbers 117 on his chest plate

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I'll get on with it. Well, I am not really a person, I am an an AI, Artificial Intelligence. My name is Cortana. The silent man you see is called John-117, but please just call him John or Chief, that's his rank, Master Chief Petty Officer. Any more information is classified. The only thing I can say is, that we do not know how we ended up here. One time we were fighting on another planet and getting sucked in a portal, the next thing we know is that we are in front of a castle, with those two over there looking puzzled. And until we find a way home, we decided to help them to get something to do. But now I want to know, why did you call us here? It's pretty suburban here."

"Yes Albus, why did you call these people? Are those the ones you want to give Harry if we decide against leave him with his relatives? I have to say, at least there is a witch, so he will know about the magical world." McGonagall assumed.

"That would be correct Minerva, but as you see, she does not have a wand. There is a different kind of magic here that she uses. So, Harry would learn a different kind of magic. And if my information's is correct, he will also learn a great deal of magical creatures and will be physically fit. And please correct me if I am wrong Geralt of Rivia, but would you also teach him how to use a sword?"

"Firstly, just call me Geralt. If we take him in. I think I should tell you that I am no normal man, to become a Witcher, one must go under certain rituals to get certain mutations. Because of that I have better senses then normal and am stronger than other human beings. Well except John over here. He lifted a boulder once as big as that man and did not even break a sweat. I do not know if his armor has also something to do with this strengh, as we had never seen him out of it. So, if you think you can trust us with this child, you have to tell us why." Geralt looked into the eyes of Dumbledore, staring right at him. Dumbledore was not phased from the catlike eyes but decided to tell the truth.

"As you may know, we had a war in our midst, Wizard against Wizard. That you remained neutral in all of this was remarkable, especially as I know that Voldemort asked you to join him and his followers. Last night Voldemort came to the Potter cottage at Godric's Hollow. Voldemort killed both of Harry's parents, James and Lily Potter but somehow his killing curse turned on him."

"So that man was called Voldemort? I think he called himself a lord. Well, we did not join him because we felt the darkness in him, so we refused. He was not happy and left with the warning that he will come again, with more people. Let's just say he lost some of his followers that day he wanted to subdue us. And speaking of darkness… Yen, you feeling it? I don't think that my medallion reacts only because they can use magic." Geralt pointed at the bundle in Hagrid's arms.

"Yes Geralt, but I can't say what this is. I have to study it, but it is not good. He will survive, even if whatever it is still resides in him, but it will be better to remove it. Do you know what the darkness is, Professor Dumbledore?" Yen got closer to Hagrid and the baby to look at baby Harry.

"I have my suspicion, but I am not certain. But feel free to study it, I even give you access to the library of Hogwarts, it's pretty big and has tomes of all kinds inside. But if we must read up on Dark magic, you must come to my office. I removed some books that contains explanations to the darkest of magic. No student needs to know them. If this is acceptable with you, I would like to give Harry into your custody until he can come to Hogwarts for his education in our magic." Dumbledore explained, reaching out to Yen and Geralt.

"Just that we are clear, my mission will be to watch over a baby until he comes of age?" a deep and serene voice asked, stunning Dumbledore and McGonagall.

"Oh, he speaks! What joy!" Cortana was laughing wholeheartedly, until John smacked his helmed again.

"Ah yes, that would be nice if you could do that. I can even arrange some quarters in Hogwarts, if you want. I think you would be a good security for all students, if someone tries to hurt them. But please, do not follow him everywhere. after all, he should have a normal childhood. Well, as normal as a young wizard can be. Also, if you all could like taking some kind of teaching position inside the school that would be lovely. Now to other matters. Here is a letter for him, if he asks about his parents. He has the right to know." Dumbledore held a letter out, made from old parchment. Yen took it, while looking at Geralt and John.

"What do you both think? Ready to raise a little boy?" Yen grinned at the men in her company. Geralt smiled back: "Well it can't be worse than Ciri. But there is one last question. As you now know, me and John are not normal people, even for magical beings. Is it all right with you to make sure that boy will have the chance to make the rituals that I did, if he wants and if he is compatible? Thanks to John and his little digital friend we now have nearly a 100% success rate with the candidates."

Dumbledore smiled a little. "Well, if Harry wants before he is 11 years old, please contact us first. And if my information's is correct, he would be infertile if it succeeds. Is there a chance you found a solution to remedy that?"

"No, not yet. But Cortana is working on that problem. As soon we have a solution, we will try it first on the existing Witchers of course." While Yen told them that, she walked over to Hagrid and took Harry out of his arms and looked in his face. "Ohh he is cute when he sleeps. I just hope Kaer Mohen is not too much for him."

John was walking to Yen, watching the surroundings. "Something is not right here. We should move. Geralt, can you hear something?"

At that, Dumbledore and McGonagall looked shocked. Suddenly they realized that the nice cool night air got a little chilly. And all sounds were drowned out. "I have to say, that is unfortunate. It seems that our Ministry does not have full control over those creatures. We have to drive them away." Dumbledore was drawing his wand, so did McGonagall.

Geralt was drawing his silver sword, standing right before Yennefer. As he was watching his surroundings, his eyes shone bright. He tensed up and was ready to fight.

Not looking away from the hooded creatures in front of him Geralt asked what he he was dealing with. "What are those creatures? Wraiths? Can they be killed?"

"They are called Dementors, they guard our prison, Azkaban. As far we know, no they can't be killed. But there is a spell that can disperse them and drive them away. That is normally enough."

John was scanning the trees and down the street, his rifle drawn. "I see nothing. They must be invisible. But something is on the thermals. So, I think I could hit them, if they have a solid body. Cover your ears," He shoots into the air, aiming thanks to the thermal image sensor in his helmet. The bark of his rifle was echoed down the street.

"If you can hit them with your rifle, I can fight them with my sword. Yen, stay back."

"I will, with Harry in my arms I am counting on you." Turning to Dumbledore, she had a question where she needed the answer for.

"Now Professor Dumbledore, why are they here? As I understand, they should not be attacking us."

As Dumbledore was turning around, his wand drawn and ready to cast the spell. "It seems that some in the Ministry are still on the side of Voldemort. Now please go, if your friends are as good as they say, you can protect Harry better than we do. I am sure we can catch up later"

Yen nodded and opened another portal, ready to sprint trough. As this is happening, John had some hits on the enemy. "Geralt, take the ones on your left, I'll try to kill the ones on the right."

"All right, don't overdo it. I may need one in one piece to study, so we can learn about them some more."


Geralt was ready. He sprang to his prey, ready to strike. His sword struck true, hitting something solid. Slicing through it, he was sure he killed it. He was surprised as that monster did rise again, trying to grab him. Geralt sprung back. "Hmm. They seem to be immortal… what about you John?"

"They stand back up, but after about three times they stay down longer. But we need to retreat, if there is more coming, we stand in a bad position. Go, I cover you." John shoots more rounds into this beeings, as it only slowed them down.

"Expecto Patronum" Dumbledore and McGonagall cast their spells. A bright, white light shot from their wands they were holding straight up. This light made the beings disperse, but they were still outside its reach, waiting. "We go now. Minerva, take Hagrid and apparate back to Hogwarts. I will take the bike and see Sirius, I think he wants it back. Miss Yen, I hope you are willing to come to me afterwards, so we can discuss this matter further and how we will stay in contact."

"Yeah, I come to your Hogwarts afterwards. Geralt, John, come on, it's time to go." Geralt and John sprinted to the portal, as Yen sprung through it. McGonagall took Hagrid's arm and vanished. Dumbledore was staying and stared down the Attackers. "Now you foul creatures, tell your Master I will find out who it was to put you up to this. And then I will expose him." He put more magic into the spell. The light shone brighter and finally, the beeings vanished out of sight. "Damn Dementors. I need some hot chocolate later. Now, where is Sirius?" And then he vanished with the bike, leaving the street without a trace of what happened. The residence of the street will never know what happened this evening.

As the portal opened in the castle ground of Kaer Mohen, the home of the Witcher's and their friends, three people and a little bundle came out, half falling from the mad dash they just had to make from the other side, where the portal was cast. Yen closed it again and released a deep sigh.

"I think we lost them. We're lucky that Kaer Mohen is not really known, or else we would have the Wild Hunt all over again. I'll go to the great hall and look what I can find to make a little bed for Harry. Geralt, could you call the rest together? They should know that we have a newcomer in our midst."

"Yes Yen. I will look in the Armory. Maybe the others found out how to make your ammunition suitable for our work John. After that, we need to discuss how we make those rifles of yours. They are becoming handy, if the fight before was an indication. My crossbow could not have done that. If you agree with that John."

"Fine by me. I'll go and ask Miss Triss if she found out how to send me back. I have my own war to fight. But if we find a way and my superiors say that I can stay, I will continue this mission with Dumbledore."

With that said, John walked to one of the Towers. As he climbed the stairs, he was wondering how this wooden construction could hold his weight so well, even after these 6 months since he landed before the castle gates. First, he thought it was a trap of the Covenant, but after seeing these humans, he knew that it was a Forerunner Gate to this world. The only problem was, there was no return gate. So, his priority was to return to his fight, even if the war with the Covenant and the Flood was over after the explosion of the Ark. But he needed to know. He needed to have orders to operate. He was a soldier since childhood, he does not know anything else anymore.

Not that Cortana, his AI friend, tried to make him socialize like a human being. She had to be honest, this Triss Merigold was a beauty. But John, her Spartan super soldier, was a bit of a special case in that regard. She had time until that portal technique they are using would bring them home to get John to open up with other people. Until then, she had not much to do. There was not much of a digital infrastructure in the castle she could divulge in. So, she just analyzed what footage she had since they came here. It seems like Earth, just not their Earth. She looked especially at these "Dementors." As she was looking through the footage in her storage, she saw that certain hits with the rifle resulted in longer downtime from certain points. She will tell John when she is certain and the others are nearby, then she is sure it was not the last time they had to fight those creatures.

In the Tower, Triss was sitting at her desk and was looking over her notes and tables for that one universe, where the green behemoth came from. Her friend, Ciri, was running through every single one they found with help of her powers. The only thing was they've been looking for 6 months and until now, they only found a small lead. But it was at least one. When she heard the telltale sound of the wooden door opening, she smiled a little. "Coming for an update? Or are you just checking up on us?" She turned around and looked up to John, still in his armor. Next to finding his world, they where also looking into getting him out of his gear, it can't be too healthy to stay so long in there. Even if he said that there is no problem, as long that there is no damage to his suite.

"I don't want to bother you, but yes. Any progress?" John tilted his head. He was still not sure if he should have told them as much as he did. He still was silent over the biggest Secret of his Military. Nothing he told them was in a way classified.

"Yes, a tiny bit. Ciri is now in a World where we think someone could know you. She should be back soon. Until then, let's talk a bit more. I am really interested to know more about you. When where you chosen to train how you did? Who choose you?"

"I am sorry, but both answers are classified until I get other orders from my superiors."

"Worth a shot. I thought maybe you loosened up a little."

In that moment, a portal opened, and two persons were stepping out. One was a pretty, young, white-haired women. She wore the scar on her face with pride and her eyes had still the youthful spark.

The other person on the other hand, had John stand up straight in his posture. She had also white hair but was much older. Her eyes seemed to say, that she wanted to know everything, even if she already known a great amount of everything there is to know. But more importantly, he knew her.

The old woman sighted. "Please tell me that we are back where you came from young lady. I still hope the others will find out how to get here when I go back with the intel."

"Well, we are. And my name is Ciri, please try to remember."

"Oh, I know, but I like to provoke other people. The reactions fascinate me. But you know our deal?"

Ciri moaned. "Yes, you told me like 100 times, so I would remember it. If this really is a 'shieldword' from your Forerunners, you and your people can study it, Provided you don't disturb the residence in this world. But there is another reason I asked if you would come with me right now. Please let's look for…oh, he is here already."

The older woman turned around and swallowed. Her eyes filled with tears of joy. Before her staood the only Spartan that she would call a son. "John? We thought you were dead. I should have known that death can't hold you."

John raised his hand. Now he knew this place was safe. He twisted his helmet a little and lifted it above his head, hearing the gasp from the women present with his own ears. The first time he saw them without the visor in between. The six months in his armor left their mark. He had a beard not to regulation. He needed a shave badly. And a haircut was in order too, it was too long. But even so, he was still good looking. Or at least, the two younger women thought that.

"Doctor Halsey, it is good to see you healthy. What happened back home?"

"Hello John. Thanks for that compliment. As for what happened back home, the war is over. We are at peace with the Sangheili. And even the Arbiter is still looking for you. He was sure you were still alive too."

John smiled at that. "Well, good to know. But is there a way to go back home?"

Doctor Halsey crossed her arms and was walking in the room, getting a feeling for the place. She was in awe at the architecture, what resembled older buildings on her Earth. Fascinating.

"Yes, I think there is a way. But I am still waiting for something. If it does not happen in 2 days, I will return with Miss Ciri here. Then we need another way to bridge the gap. I took a transmitter with me, if they can find us, we well have backup. Until then, what did you experience since you are here? How is Cortana?"

"I am still alive, thanks for asking." Cortana answered, a bit reserved. This was after all the woman who did take the childhood of her friend.

"I see you are as smart as ever. No wonder from you donor. Now, please John, answer the question."

So, John explained what he did the last 6 months. His landings by the castle gates, how he was greeted with a sword at first. The fights he had, first in close quarters combat with Geralt and later with the local fauna. The only thing he left out was, how he saw the woman naked by accident. The others don't know, so his mother figure does not need to know that either.

Meanwhile Geralt was going down to the Armory. He hoped that the other Witchers were down there and looking into how this ammunition worked. Even if he had to admit, maybe they should just go to a modern weapons store and try some out in one of those shooting ranges. Swords were outdated since at least 100 years. The first reason they still used them; the monster can only be killed by a weapon made from silver. And bullets made out of silver were expensive. The second reason is that some monsters are too fast for firearms, but they can still hit them with the sword in a counter.

Geralt turned around the corner and found his friends over the vials of different substances. A small explosion in the far corner did catch everyone's attention. A black-haired man got back off the ground after being thrown down from his place.

"Damn, that was the fifth time today. Hey Geralt, back so soon?" Lambert got back up off the ground and stretched himself. He had the same eyes as Geralt, but his hair was short and black, in contrast to Geralt's long and white hair. Also, Lambert let a small beard grow and Geralt didn't like that on himself.

"Lambert, how many times do we have to remind you, don't use so much black powder. I can still smell it."

"Yeah Geralt, I know. But with what we have here, there is no way that we have weapons with the same Power output as John's rifles. Not even close. And he does not have many bullets left. But we will get it soon."

Geralt shaked his head. Lambert was always a stubborn one. But that seemed to be his recipe of success. He always got the job done.

"Well, whatever you are doing, we got something to discuss. Yen told me to get all of you back up to the great hall. I just hope Ciri is already back"

So, they walked back up the stairs, for what will be their biggest job yet.

A/N: yeah, i got another idea and still, english is not my first language ;) Please rate my attempt on a bigger Crossover. And please, tell me too if you think i should continue with this idea.