Chereads / Harry Potter got trained / Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

Chapter 8 - Chapter 8

The next morning, Harry woke up early thanks to Callie telling him that he should shower before breakfast was due. How he heard her with his glasses of was first a mystery to him, until he found out that she was standing on the projector with her matrix inside on his bedside table. Of course, she was first making sure that the others were still asleep before she put her projection on the pedestal. He took out his toiletry bag and a towel and was now walking into the bathroom.

After he had his shower and brushed his teeth, ha was walked back into the bedroom and took out his robes for the day. Harry saw that Neville was waking up, still a bit sleepy was getting out of bed and going to the bathroom himself for a shower. Meanwhile Harry was already heading down to the common room to get out for the Great Hall for breakfast and to get his timetable from his head of house. As Harry was walking by the fireplace he saw Hermione, who was already up and reading one of the schoolbooks.

"I see you are already hard at work. How do you know what classes we have today?" Harry was leaning over the sofa where Hermione was sitting, getting a glimpse of the title of her book.

Hermione was a little surprised at the voice behind her. After a little gasp she breathed deeply and was now looking a bit embarassed. "Well, you know I think you cannot be prepared enough. I read every book we need already and now I just reread some sections I think we need in the next few classes. It is like you said yesterday to Malfoy, you need to prove that you are better than the others. And I want to be the best in our year, just to prove all these pureblood kids that it does not matter who your family is. Instead, how hard you are ready to learn decides your grades. So yeah, that is why I read. What about you? Of course, I know that your parents are dead, my condolences by the way, so what do you think you stand in terms of knowledge? I saw you reading the book we need in Defense against the Dark Arts. Is that the subject you are interested in?"

Harry blinked, surprised she was able to say all that in one breath. "Well, I was tutored in a way, but we'll see how far I will come with that knowledge alone. Of course, I want to learn more, that is the reason I'm here after all. But can I ask you how everyone here knows about me?" Harry asked her, because he thought that she would give him an honest answer to that question.

"Oh, you don't know? Wait, I get the book I got about the latest historical events, which means it includes You-Know-Who and his downfall. I think I still have it in my trunk, let me get it." She stood up and ran to her dorm room. Harry was surprised that he was that he was mentioned in a book of all places.

'Callie, can you check if there is a law against me being in a book without my consent? I mean, I have no idea what kind of fairytale they wrote about me.'

"I can do that and tell Doctor Halsey about it. She can then tell the others about it, maybe they can find the author of the book."

'Thanks Callie. How long do we have to walk to the Great Hall for breakfast? Maybe I could read a bit in the book Hermione brings back.' Callie showed him then the map of Hogwarts, showing him the shortest way.

"With this route we would still need about 10 minutes. So, I would advise waiting to read it in the evening after classes."

Harry nodded to that advise, deciding to follow it. Hermione soon was back and handed him the book with an expression which seemed to say "Give it back to me in the same state it is was now or else." Harry gulped and just nodded once to her, putting it in his bag he took with him.

They walked out the portrait hole and began to walk down to the Great Hall for breakfast. Harry followed the markers on his glasses-display as he talked with Hermione about the other first years and how she lived in the muggle world until her letter arrived. Harry answered her questions about how he learned another kind of magic and herbology, but he did not tell her where he grew up. Yen and Geralt told him that he needed to ask them first before he told anyone, so he told her what could. Hermione had a small, disappointed face, but seemed to understand that it was a secret for his safety, as the book she gave him did also say that some followers of Voldemort was still out there searching for him.

Suddenly Harry's foot fell through one of the stairs and he just caught himself as his ankle was past the line where the stair should have been and pulled it back up.

"Wow, you have a good reaction for someone who was surprised by this stair. Are you alright?" Two redheads showed up further down the stairs, walking back up in case they needed some help.

"Yes, thank you. And you two are?" Harry asked, still not sure if they really were twins and the Ron's and Percy's brothers.

"Ah, excuse us for not introducing ourselves." The boy right spoke first.

"I'm Fred," the one on the left said

"And I'm George. You already know our brothers we presume," the one in the right asked.

"So, you two are twins and the brothers of Ron. In which year are you two?"

"I think we are in our third year? Help me, George."

"Of course, Fred." He pulled an imaginary book out of his pocket and did a flourish opening of it. "Yes, we are in our third-year dear brother." He did the motions of closing the book and opened his bag to store it.

Callie did a double take about the skit they just did. "Well, are those two jokers or what?" Harry laughed out loud and applauded, getting the twins to bow and smile.

"Well, someone here understands our sense of humor. Well then Harrykins, we can call you that right, of course we can, see you later by breakfast." And they stormed off again as fast as they could. Hermione was still blinking about the scene that just happened.

As they later arrived in the Great Hall, Hermione was back to talking to Harry. She was glad that at least someone was speaking with her, as her dormmates didn't want to talk to her. Harry heard from her that she was bullied in primary school because she read so much and was always focused on her studies. Her parents didn't know the details of her problems in primary school and didn't see the point in telling them now. But Harry could see it left her with a some distrust to be too open too fast to other people.

"So, what you're saying is that I will be your only friend for a while? Why don't you just try to talk with them after class today, like how they think it was going for them. Maybe help them with the homework we will surely get?"

Hermione was thinking about it, seeing nothing wrong with that suggestion. So, she just shrugged. They sat down at their house table and began to eat breakfast. While Harry took some eggs, bacon, and toast together with some orange juice, Hermione just took some buttered toast and milk. They ate in peace and soon after, Neville was sitting next to them and began his breakfast.

"So, did you both sleep well? The beds are rather comfy I have to admit." Neville asked between two bites, as he grabbed his goblet with orange juice.

"Well, they were comfy. I have slept like a baby. That is not normal for a first night in another bed, but I would say that the castle has magic do let the students relax and sleep well as soon they are in their beds. Don't you think so Harry?"

"Well, that is a good theory and would explain why we all slept so good, some even too good as my roommates, except Neville here, were still asleep as we left."

"Oh, they were still asleep as I left to, I just hope that they don't oversleep. Oh, good morning, Professor McGonagall." Neville greeted the professor with a smile as she gave them their timetables.

"Don't worry, your first class is in the second period after breakfast, and you still have one hour to get a good start to your day. Now, if you need help to find the classrooms, you can ask the older students or the portraits for direction." Looking at Harry, she nodded and walked to the next Gryffindors.

"Well, with me on board you will find your way easy." Callie said. Putting multiple nav markers for all his classes, even numerical ordered.

'Oh, thanks Callie, but could you please see that I seem to stagger a bit, or else it would be suspicious for how good I find my way around the castle.' Harry thought to his AI companion.

"Understood, I put some detours for your first class, transfiguration. As it is the class that Professor McGonagall teaches, we should go by latest then 50 minutes from now. Oh, and Sarina is swooping down with a letter for you, as is Hedwig. It seems that Hedwig is leading Sarina to your place."

Harry looked up to see multiple owls, but thanks to Callie, he saw them highlighted flying towards him. Hedwig landed softly on his shoulder, nibbling on his ear for some beacon. That got him some coos from the girls already in the Great Hall. Sarina, on the other hand, landed in front of him and held out her leg for him to untie the letter. Harry gave both some beacon and told Sarina that she could rest a bit in the Owlery. As both flew away again, Harry opened the letter.

Dear Harry

Thank you for letting Callie tell us about your arrival. While we know it is easier to share information via Callie it should only be used if there is an emergency. Now we hope that you will have fun in school and make some friends. If they ask where you have been living, you can tell them that you were raised in another castle, but it would be wise to hold this information back, until these friends earned your trust. And watch yourself, Callie gave us a report about some classmates of yours, especially Draco Malfoy, who seems had ulterior motives trying to befriend you. We think it was good that you rebuffed him, according to the files we have about his family they cannot be trusted. Of course, maybe young Mr Malfoy is different, so keep your mind open.

John told us that you are in Gryffindor, the house of the brave. But keep your wits about and think things through. Because if anything John has observed about Gryffindors they tend to charge in without thinking. And of course, he expects you to excel in his training regime, so give your all in the courses.

We hope to hear from you soon.


Yen, Triss, Ciri and Catherine

PS: if you are badly hurt, tell Callie that she should get Doctor Halsey to the castle so she can help in the infirmary. She has some new gadgets that would accelerate the healing process immensely. Mediwitch Madam Pomfrey and Headmaster Dumbledore knows about us but agreed that they should not only count on us.

Harry folded the letter up and put it inside his robes. He saw the curios expression of Hermione and looked at her. Her question was almost written on her face. He smiled at how easy she was to read.

"It was from my foster family. Now, I think we should make ourselves ready to go, or do you have your books already with you?" Harry was asking the other two, as he stood back up.

"Well, no. It wouldn't have been sensible to carry all books if we didn't need them. And we still have time, so we should go back to the dorm and pick up our bags." Neville also stood up, as Hermione was slightly red and was still sitting at the table.

Harry smiled at Hermione's blushing face, "Let me guess, the reason your bag seems so full is because you have all your books in there?" Harry almost laughed at her expression as she was pouting at him.

Hermione huffed at Harry's smirk, "What? I didn't know that we would still have an hour before we had to go to our first class. But you are right, I don't have to carry all of it with me. Let's go back." Hermione was now standing too, walking back with Harry and Neville. As they reached the door of the Great Hall, an almost still asleep Ron and Seamus were stumbling into in, ready to eat breakfast. All Harry heard was McGonagall telling the late arrivals that they had to wake up earlier in the future.

Later, as they left the Gryffindor common room once more, Harry was looking on his HUD for his first marker, as Hermione was walking ahead of them, saying that she already knew where to go. Harry was surprised and signaled her to go on, letting her lead him and Neville to the first class of the day. And really, almost without any diversion from the fastest way Callie had found through the castle they were standing in front of the door for the classroom, where the first class would be held. That had Harry thinking, if one book from Hogwarts had a map in it and if Hermione had read and memorized it.

Soon, the door opened and let the students in, without anyone standing inside it. Harry was sitting down, looking around in the room. There was still time until the lesson would begin and beside them, there were only a cat and two other students in the room. Harry knew the cat, as he remembered that he had seen it on his shopping trip in Diagon Alley, after they left the bank. He grinned, wondering how the others will react when Professor McGonagall changes back into her human form.

Hermione had also recognized McGonagall, because being a muggle-born it was mandatory that a witch or wizard would visit the family with the letter to explain that magic existed. For proof, she morphed into a cat and back in front of her and her parents. Her mother almost fell out of her seat from shock, her father, on the other hand, just sighed and asked how she would learn to control her magic and when she would be back for holidays. Information Professor McGonagall happily supplied. Hermione was so happy that her father, the more traditionalist of her parents, allowed her to go to Hogwarts. She always wanted to learn new things, and magic was a whole new ballgame for her family.

Neville, on the other hand, did not know that the cat was indeed their professor, and so he looked at it and shrugged with his shoulders. He thought that maybe Professor McGonagall had a cat as a pet. Soon, the classroom was full of students, all waiting for Professor McGonagall to show up. Some murmured that if she didn't come they should be allowed to leave and nap some more in the common room until lunch. That was the clue for McGonagall to change back and walking straight to the student who asked this question.

"No, Mr. Weasley, you are not allowed to just go leave if the teacher is not in the classroom. If that occurs without any prior notice, you are to remain in the classroom where you can do homework or practice self-studies. Am I clear?" She raised an eyebrow in question.

"Yes. Professor." Ron stammered out, getting him some snickers from the other students.

"Now, let us begin. Transfiguration is a tricky subject, because some spells are easy to perform, others are not. Transfiguration is hard to master, as the success lies in the detail of how the spell is executed. So, if you think you can slack of in my class then you can leave and never return." She then transfigured her desk into a pig and then back. "Because if you don't take it as serious as you have too, even the simplest spell can have catastrophic aftereffects. Now, take out your books and open them up on the first chapter please." Professor McGonagall was now standing behind her desk and began her lesson.

They had to change a matchstick into a needle, so they would first learn the theory to change the material and after that how to change its shape. Even if Callie could help Harry to remember the necessary steps and movements, with the magic output it was his struggle alone. Only Hermione could at least change her matchstick into a needle after one lesson. McGonagall told them to not fret, it would have been a miracle if anyone could do it on their first try. They would resume in the next class.

After dinner Harry found himself in the Gryffindor common room reading The Rise and Fall of the Dark Arts. It was interesting because it also talked about Grindelwald, the last major dark lord before Voldemort. Harry found it curious that the one to defeat Grindelwald was Professor Dumbledore, the same man who Voldemort seemed afraid to challenge directly. One aspect of the book that Harry was able to finally understand why people were so afraid to say Voldemort's name. A Taboo curse that would be triggered when people say the Taboo word is a clever way to put fear in people. Callie agreed and wondered if that curse was broken. "I think the Taboo stopped working when he was defeated 10 years ago, that suggests Voldemort was powering the curse." Harry nodded absently as he continued to read. Harry frowned when he came to the part of the book that revealed how close Voldemort was to winning his war until Halloween 1981. According to the author, Potter cottage in Godric's Hollow was under a Fidelius charm to protect its location. Harry made a mental note to look up the charm in question. Harry can understand from this point, when Voldemort entered Potter cottage is pure speculation on the author's part. But two solid conclusions can be drawn based on what he read about Voldemort: Firstly, Voldemort does not spare his enemies to live and secondly, he preferred method of killing his enemies is the killing curse. The author does not say how Harry defeated Voldemort only that he survived the killing curse with naught but a lightning shaped scar on his forehead.

Harry leaned back on the couch trying to process this new information. Callie offered up what she knew, passed onto her from Doctor Halsey and Cortana. "Harry, you should know that the killing curse never leaves a mark on its victims. That's likely why its significant in your case that you survived with that scar."

'That's not what bothers me Callie. It's the fact people think I defeated Voldemort. Logically that is impossible. I was only a baby! My guess is my mother did something and people are calling me a hero for it.' Harry sighed. 'Callie, contact Cortana, I want to have a private meeting with John and her. I want to talk about this fame rubbish.'

As the days flew by it was end of the first week, they made their way into the dungeons for their Potions class. In front of the door to the classroom was already some students waiting, Harry recognized the silver and green ties they had, as they were Slytherins. Harry also saw the sleek blonde hair of Malfoy, who already was telling everyone who wanted to hear that he would be the best in all the classes as for him it was almost too easy. Harry was ignoring him and tried to talk with Ron and Neville, as those two were standing behind him. Just as he turned, the door opened, and an angry looking man was stood there and told them to get inside.

As they filed in the classroom, the black-haired teacher was going over to his desk and turned around to watch them sitting down at their tables. His face was still empty of every emotion except anger. His black eyes were going over every student in the room.

"Welcome to Potions. My name is Severus Snape, and I am the teacher for this subject. As this subject does not involve any wand work, some of you may think this class boring. But believe me, it is a subtle science, what needs to be exactly executed." He began with a monotone voice. Harry took notes to what the teacher said, after all you never knew how useful such notes will get. "I will teach you how to bottle fame, how to bewitch the mind and how to stop even death. Now, I will read your names down, as you are the first time in this class." list of the class down and took note where they sat. As he got to Harry name, he stopped shortly before he ended the list.

"Well, we have it seems a celebrity in our class today." Malfoy sniggered with Crabbe and Goyle behind their hands. Professor Snape did not look at them. "Tell me, Mr. Potter," Harry looked up from the notes he was taking, something Snape was astounded as Harry had written down every word he spoke since he began, except the roll call. Even his snark of him being a celebrity. He stood back up and looked down at Harry. "What will you get when you're adding powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood."

Harry was thinking, somehow remembering a lesson he got once from Yen. Both ingredients the Professor did mention were toxic in high doses, but alone not harmful. Harry noticed Hermione holding her hand up, eager to answer the question. But Harry knew that the question was directed at him.

"Professor Snape, right now I do not know the exact name of the potion that need those two ingredients, but if I am correct, together they have a great effect as a sleeping agent. Mostly used in assassinations in the dark ages." Snape was once again astounded. It seemed he underestimated this boy.

"That would be correct, Mr. Potter. In fact, the name of the potion would be Draught of living Death, because of the reason you mentioned. Now, were would you look for if I would order you to find me a bezoar?"

Again, Hermione's hand snapped back up, hitting almost the ceiling. "Well, I don't know Professor, as I don't know what a bezoar is. Please explain?"

Once more Severus was surprised on how humble Harry is. It seems that he did not let his status go to his head. So, he will give him a good chance to convince him that he was a good student. "Ah yes, please forgive me that small oversight, Mr. Potter. But I thought that everyone would have at least read the books once before coming here. But I forgot that not everyone would have taken all the information and learned it to heart. But I see that Miss Granger seems to know it." He was now looking to Hermione, who took her hand down and began to answer.

"A bezoar is a stone from the stomach of a goat and is a good antidote to most poisons," Snape nodded and got back to the class.

"Well, I hope you all took notes of what we just spoke about. Now, on the blackboard are the instructions for today's potion as well as the ingredients necessary. You have all the time from this double lesson. Begin"

All students began working and getting the supplies needed for the potion. Soon the classroom was filled with murmur and smoke from the different cauldrons. While some did good work, others had some problems. Maybe due to nervousness or not reading the instructions correctly was open for debate, but Harry had Callie scan the instruction and ingredients so he could least do an okey job for his first potion. Afterall, he had still to brew it himself. If it had been like one of those potions he did in Kear Mohen he would have more confidence in it succeeding.

Callie suddenly called out to Harry that Neville, who was next to him would soon make an explosive mistake and that he needed to interfere. So, Harry turned and grabbed Neville's hand before he could add porcupine quills to his potion in his cauldron. "You need to take it of the flames first Neville."

"Ah, thanks Harry. I got nervous because of Professor Snape. He is scary how he looks at us. It also seems as he is biased to his House. Did you see how he handed them points just for cutting the ingredients down? How should we make up these points for the House Cup?"

"Well, the other teachers are impartial, I mean Professor Flitwick gave Gryffindor some points because Hermione could get her spell off with ease in our first class. So, we just need to make some points in other classes and try not to lose too much in Potions."

Snape was now standing behind Potter, as he talked to Longbottom. He smirked as he looked down at Harry's cauldron, certain that he did a miserable potion. Again, he was surprised that his potion was acceptable. Not perfect, but acceptable enough so it could have been used for its intended purpose. He nodded without a comment and was now looking at Granger's potion, which was a little better. He left it also without a comment and walked further down the line, until he was by Weasley.

"Weasley, what color should that be?"

Weasley's potion was a cement looking substance, far of the shape it should be if all the steps would have been correctly made. Weasley was looking up, a bit red faced. "Professor, I followed the instructions, but as it is obvious something is wrong."

"I can see that. 5 points from Gryffindor for that poor execution of the instruction and another 5 points for the waste of quality ingredients. Clean your cauldron, this potion cannot be saved." Weasley grumbled but did as he was told.

"Excuse me, Professor? What was the mistake he made?" Harry saw that conversation, wondering what Ron did wrong. Snape was turning around, his hands behind his back.

"You should ask him, Mr. Potter. Maybe this will teach him more to watch what he is doing in the future, if he analyzes his steps for himself. Now, you are not finished yet, so watch your own potion."

Harry was a bit taken back by that remark, but Snape was right in one aspect. If Harry did not watch his potion, he would also fail this lesson. He just caught a glimpse of something flying in his direction, right on the way to his cauldron. Thanks to the reflexes he got from training with John and Geralt, Harry caught the object right above the cauldron. It was a small and rocket shaped. He looked around and saw the big eyes of Malfoy, wondering how he caught that in the small timeframe he had.

"What is that in your hand, Potter?" Snape was right in front of him, snatching the small firecracker out of Harry's hand. "Hmm, it seems that is a Filibuster. A joke article. You know it is not allowed on schoolgrounds. Another 5 points from Gryffindor."

"It is not mine, Professor. Someone tried to put it in my cauldron while I was looking away as I asked you about Ron's mistake. As you may see, the propellant is already burned, and it is still warm. So I was not in my possession until I grabbed it out of the air just in time before it was in my cauldron. If it would have exploded inside, the whole content would have spread just around my table."

Snape saw the logic in that. Even if he thought that Potter was a stupid little boy, he would not have injured himself just for a prank.

"Well Mr. Potter, I see the reasoning in your words. But we do not know who did throw it into your direction." Snape turned to the rest of the class. "But you all should know this. If I find out one day or something happens inside this classroom what would hurt any students, the people responsible will be punished according to the school rules. Now, continue, soon the potion should be finished."

After the end of the class, which concluded into that they had to take on sample for grading to the Professor and clean everything they used, they were walking to the Great Hall for afternoon tea. As it was Friday already, they would soon have a special lesson in broom flying. That was something Harry was looking forward to, as he wondered how it compared to riding a horse. He knew that it would never be as fast as the portals Yen or Triss could use, but he was not there yet. So, if he learned to fly maybe he could get faster from one point to the other. As it would be only one class for the basics and from then it would be voluntary lessons for those who wanted to fly some more. He would have to balance the time with his homework and the training he will have with John.

Soon, they were outside on the courtyard. And thanks to Callie, Harry found the way easily, followed by Hermione, Ron, and Neville. Neville almost forgot that they had an extra class today, but the item he received that morning with the owl post was a Rememberall, a little glass ball that turned red when he forgotten something. It was almost hilarious as he grabbed it out of the box and as he was explaining it, it shone bright red in his hand. Neville soon found out that he had forgotten the tie for his uniform. He carried it with him since then.

As they waited for the teacher who would show them the basics of flying, Harry was looking over the grounds and saw some obstacle courses. So, he deduced that he would be here tomorrow too, as this has John written all over. There were seven courses, it seemed that he would send those who will come to the training to a course of their skill level. He also saw a shooting gallery, but it would be too small for an open access. So, it had to be John's private training course. John had to stay in shape after all.

Harry heard his classmates talking about prior experience riding a broom, when they could. They also exchanged tips to ride one, something Hermione and Neville listened intently, as Neville had never flown because of his clumsiness and Hermione being a muggle-born, never knew that this was possible. Even the books in the library were not a great help in that regard, not that she didn't try to find a book which would explain in great detail how someone would fly with a broom. Malfoy would tell everyone who wanted to listen on how he would not need this class to be the best flyer in his year. He had flown back home many times, even faster brooms as they will have here in the school. Harry was not surprised by him saying that. Malfoy was trying to gain all the attention. For Harry, he hoped that the brooms from the school were safer than fast, they all still had to learn.

Soon the teacher arrived in the courtyard, carrying multiple brooms with her. As she was laying them in two rows, Harry saw that some brooms had to be very old. The handle was brittle, the end he used to sweep the floors in his room back home was bent in all directions and some were even hold together with what it seemed to be tape. He was sure they should only be used to lift someone up a few meters and that's it.

"Hello students, my name is Madam Hooch, and I will be your instructor in this flying lesson. Now please stand next to a broom." Harry and the others did as they were told and stood now side by side next to the broom. "Now, hold your arm so your hand is over your broom and say 'up'." They did just that. Harry was surprised as the broom under his hand leapt up and smacking against his hand with great speed and precision. As he held the broom, he was surveying the others and their tries to get their brooms to obey. While the broom beside Malfoy also shot up, but not as fast as Harry's had done. Hermione's was coming up halfway, only to sink down again. Neville's just stayed down, lazily turning around the ground. Ron's broom would not even react to his command, he just leaned down and grabbed it off the ground, as his was seemingly almost defective.

Soon, all the students were standing with their brooms in an orderly row, letting Madam Hooch show them how to grip the broom correctly. Harry was almost laughing as she told Malfoy that he had done it wrong despite all the times he told them that he would ace this class.

"Now, mount your brooms and wait for my signal. As soon as I blow my whistle, you will push gently of the ground and hover about 1 meter off the ground. Then, you will slowly come back down and wait until I give the next signal. Now" she whistled, and Harry knew that something was going wrong. Neville pushed too hard from the ground, going higher than the one-meter Madam Hooch told them to hold. As Neville climbed higher, he got afraid and tried to lower the broom back down, resulting in falling from the broom and impact harshly on the ground. Harry ran over to him and tried to help, but Madam Hooch told them to stand back, as she looked over him and diagnose a broken wrist, as he landed hands first.

"I will take him to the Hospital Wing. No one will fly until I return, or these students will be expelled faster as he could say Quidditch," She carried Neville slowly back into the castle, leaving the first years behind. Malfoy began to laugh loudly, much to the chagrin of the others and more especially those from Gryffindor. Only Malfoy's two bodyguards, Crabbe and Goyle were laughing. "Did you see his stupid face. Oh man, how he could be a wizard is beyond my comprehension. Oh, and look at that, he lost something." Malfoy picked the small ball off the ground where Neville landed so painfully. It was his Remembrall.

"Thank you for finding it, Malfoy. Now if you would hand it back to us so we can bring Neville's possession back to him soon." Harry was walking over to him, holding his hand palm up to him.

Malfoy smirked. "No, I think not, Potter. I think I will hide it up that tree there, so he can go and get it himself." He swung himself on a broom and took flight. As he was up a few meters, he taunted Harry. "Come and get it Potter."

Harry knew he would break some school rules if he would take off after Malfoy. Hermione's reminder was not really needed, but he looked at her regardless with an intense gaze, telling her that he did not like bullies like Malfoy. So, Harry mounted the broom, pushed himself of the ground and flew up to Malfoy. As soon as his feet left the ground Harry could hear the gasps from the others as well that one from Callie, as she could not help him in the air. All she could do right now was track Malfoy's movements, hoping that it would at least help a little. Harry, on the other hand, felt amazing, almost as good when he hit his first bullseye with the pistol John gave him. It felt natural to fly for him, as he demonstrated with some looping's around Malfoy before stopping right in front of him.

"Now, Malfoy, would you kindly hand the ball over now?" Harry was hovering right beside him, holding his hand with his palm up to him to receive the Rememberall.

Malfoy was a bit afraid on how fast Harry was, even with those old brooms.

"Well, if you wanted it that badly, catch it!" Malfoy threw the small ball as far as he could, diving back down to the ground as Harry accelerated and almost knocked him of his broom. Callie tracked the ball in his HUD, not that Harry needed it. He still could see the small reflection of the sun on its glass surface. He accelerated even faster as he saw that it would soon hit the ground and break. He got to it just in time, and plucked it out of the air and straightened up once more to return to his classmates. As soon as he landed, they cheered for him and his excellent flying, at least Ron did say that. But all that was all drown out, as he heard his name called over the grounds.

"HARRY JAMES POTTER!" Harry turned around in shock, as an angry McGonagall was walking towards them. "Mr. Potter, follow me right now." There was no place for discussion, Harry knew it. He just hoped they would not expel him. Malfoy meanwhile was once again snickering as Harry walked behind Professor McGonagall to the castle doors.