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Creepypasta: Jeff the Killers Return

by twinkle

A/N: This is only a draft story. If I get enough good reviews I will write it up better and fix the mistakes. I wont fix them with negative reviews!

Everyone who looked could see there was a undeniably, ravenous animal attraction between Yume Nikki and Jeff the Killer.

No one could deny it.

No one except Jeff the Killer and Yume Nikki, that is.

They seemed blissfully unaware of their attraction to each-other. Unaware of their boundless uncontrollable lust.

Every time they met they didn't show it, but everyone knew. Everyone knew what was really going on between them.

A war of lust.

And everyone knew that it was a unsuitable situation. No one wanted to be dragged into that war.

Something had to be done.

In the beginning there was the Sonic.exe..

In the middle of all this, finally,BEN could stand it no longer.

He found Yume Nikki, and pulled them to one side

"Thats it! its ruining the team. Its clear you cant function while Jeff the Killer is around!"

"What no! I am fine."

"No. Its very clear. You need to do the Monkey business with them"

Everyone else in the room nodded at this.

"But doing the monkey business with Jeff the Killer...isn't that..umm...wrong?"

"Oh, sure, its wrong. Very very wrong.

But just because somethings wrong doesn't mean it shouldn't happen does it?"

"No, I suppose not"

Yume Nikki wondered off thinking of the monkey will she introduce the idea to Jeff the Killer? and would they accept it?

Jeff the Killer was sitting in Seoul one day, with Yume Nikki.

They were doing their favorite pass-time:Killing.

As they did this together Jeff the Killer gazed deep into her eyes. "Oh,Yume Nikki , I have something very important to tell u."

"Yes, splenda-filled honeybunches of oats ?" she said, batting her eyes.

Jeff the Killer said, "I hate you now!"

Then he took her arm and tore it off. Jeff the Killer took her arm and started hitting her with it.

She exploded because she was a demon, but she was okay.

Jeff the Killer walked away. "Cool guys don't look at explosions."

Yume Nikki giggled.

The next day...

Our sad adventurers walked backwards into the jaws of certain death .

Uncountable old ladys past before they reached climax

"Oh, look, we are at our destination we had to arrive to!"

Now, how to find him? We know he has a hut, but theres so many!"

"Wait!", said Anirana Halfelven.

"I have worked it out. Remember the secret note? Its a code to tell us the address! Look, see I solved it.

The solution was very clever, and it all made sense.

"Wow, I could have never worked that out, well done"

"Yes, well done indeed"

So they went to the base.

As they entered, it was strangely and creepily abandoned.

"Come on" said Jeff the Killer

..and then they went on their way!

"Ok, he is sure to be in the penthouse sweet in his mansion " said Suicidemouse pressing the correct elevator button

The elevator went up a few floors. SUDDENLY there was a bang on the roof!

"down!" shouted Smiledog.

And they did. Which is just as well, because seconds later...

The hatch opened and a couple of mercenaryss with machettes pirouetted down.

"oh god! What are we going to do!?" said BEN

"We gota think fast" said Suicidemouse.


"I know you dont like violence, Jeff the Killer, But you have to do this. Do it for me. please.." Said Anirana Halfelven

"Ok, your right, I know we have to fight them" said Jeff the Killer who did a massive mighty super kirate kick just as the first soldier landed

which knocked them unconscious.

"Nice work. But its not over yet! Look!"

A massive loyal followers appeared, but they killed him.

Ding! They had reached their floor.

Yume Nikki finally found a moment to pull Jeff the Killer away from the others, to have a private moment.

"Yume Nikki we have to do it"

"I know, my team told me as well. Apparently our feelings are causing problems for everyone else."

"So we are agreed? We finally let our feelings out of their cages of repression they have been caged in all this time?"

"Yes. For the team"

"No...for us"

Yume Nikki leapt on Jeff the Killer at that moment.The raging rhinoceros they kept locked up finally unleashed.

Yume Nikki and Jeff the Killer quickly became a ball of body-parts. Hands, toes and hands all tangled together. Yume Nikki didn't know what bit to focus on, so grabbed a leg and dived in.

"More! More! More!" whispered Jeff the Killer to Yume Nikki.

Their love making was like a sunrise of vaginas. Its like they were everywhere - inescapable (not that either of them wanted to escape them).

Things got...messy...from that point on.

Nearby the others occasionally heard various bodily function noises. But politely ignored it.

This had been coming far too long to ruin it now - and this team bonding was very much needed.

"So you have come" said a voice booming from the sky

A hangglider appeared above them.

Slender Man laughed at them from it.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha"

"I could gun you all down from here with my dessert eagle, but I would rather do this...personal style."

he leaped down and landed at the far side of the rooftop

"Ready?" he said, still laughing.

Jeff the Killer removed his shirt and flexed his abs.

"Yes. I am ready. "

With that they leaped at eachother, metaphorical guns blazzing (which were littoral machineguns).

"I kill you dead"

Slender Man head butted Jeff the Killer in the chest

Jeff the Killer fell backwards in pain punching a few times before crashing to the ground.

"Ha Ha Ha Ha" laughed Slender Man

"You could never have defeated me, so why did you even try?"

"I had too, for all that is good and just in the world."

"Well now you will die. Goodbye."

Slender Man leaned over Jeff the Killer holding a large rock.

"Quick Jeff the Killer use this!" said Anirana Halfelven ,chucking a nearby ming vase towards Jeff the Killer.

Jeff the Killer grabbed it and chucked it towards Slender Man hard, knocking him the edge of the tall condo they were on!

"Goodbye, Slender Man have a nice fall!"


"We are safe now, he fell to certain doom."

BEN and Suicidemouse got out from the bush where they were cuddleing. "Thank you, you saved us all"

"Dont mention it."

So they left the tower and went home. They lived happily ever after and had lots of kids.

The End