Death Note : Fight for the Future
by twinkle
A/N While I HAVEN'T DECIDED whats going TO BE IN the story yet, it MIGHT CONTAIN things upsetting for PEOPLE THAT get UPSET BY stuff This could INCLUDE VIOLENT STUFF,OR REALISTIC depictions OF war that could cause you to GET PTSD. IF YOUR the SORT OF person THAT moans ABOUT that STUFF, JUST DONT read IT - I am not forcing you too Thanks,
Later, once they were alone AND AWAY from the others, Mello met with Neha IN a nearby COND THEY had BEEN meeting like this awhile NOW, often in the evenings or at night.
A deep friendship had STRUCK UP after their previous ADVENTURES, BUT they kept it hidden as they DIDN'T know what the OTHERS WOULD think.
They OFTEN DID some talking, SOME Tennis, maybe a FEW board games.
They were QUITE CLOSE friends by now.
This particular night they were shearing secrets with eachother. Telling eachother things neither had told anyone else before. Things that NOT a SINGLE soul knew
"Then THERE WAS that time I...DESTROYED RYUZAKIS manakin!"
"oh, Mello! THATS positively evil! and I should know!"
They BOTH LAUGHED. The night had been full of stories like THIS. The time twinkle blackmailed A a Director. Or THE time MELLO FOOLED a Biochemist into thinking it was THE end of THE WORLD.. Endless stories shared JUST BETWEEN THEM AND NO one else.
It was making them closer CLOSER then MELLO had ever thought possible As MELLO was telling ANOTHER story, THOUGHT SAW twinkle examining . Looking with..was that longing NAH...COULDN'T BE.
THE moment WAS over and THEY DEPARTED eachothers COMPANY.
MELLO felt something had changed THAT NIGHT, but WASN'T sure what ---
This IS the story of a TIME long AGO.....
- Mello at that moment FELT in POCKET. THATS STRANGE there was a note. IT said should rendezvous at the demolished BEACH at SUNSET.
MELLO kept this secret as it was CLEARLY JUST for ---
A/N: I made my own character for this STORY. I hope you'll like HER!
SHE was Serenity Serentiy Glorifica
she WAS born UNDER THE shady DARK red moon of the last oktober of the second MILLENIUM after the Great Shit.
HER father was the king of all the lands OF our KINGDOM from the Beyond. Her mother WAS born of the Ferry of WISDOM and Beauty.
Every day Raven Shadowmoon WARE THE most BEAUTYFIL outfits the WORLDS HAVE EVER seen. Her favourte IS a radient RED jacket that reaches down to her angles and is DECORATED WITH SIGNS of INSIGNIA. Raven SHADOWMOON TAKES long walks AT THE palance dark FORREST WHERE RAVEN SHADOWMOON IS acoompanied by her faithful Jortföljitr (A/N: I got that NAME AFTER I watched THOR!), her FAITHFUL companion ferral dire LIONWORF.
BUT ONE DAY Raven SHADOWMOON was walking down the beach and then Raven Shadowmoon SAW A great dark light appearing in the middle of THE beach. It WAS GREAT and DARK and was everywhere but especially the MIDDLE where it was the greatest and DARKEST of all. Oh faithful Jortfulljitar! Raven Shadowmoon said! JORTFALHITR looked AT Raven SHADOWMOON WITH HIS great dark eyes and snuffled up TO Raven Shadowmoon in fear and comfort. AND growled at the GRAT Black and Dark LGITH. JORTFIALJIRAL was a GREAT and VICIOUS beast RAVEN Shadowmoon evaganlised in her head. But Raven SHADOWMOON MUST HAVE said it OUT loud because behind HER a MYSTERIOUS voice SAID THATS indeed a GREAT and vicious beast you have there. It was Matteo! Raven Shadowmoon HAD heard of MATTEO all this TIME but she had NEVER MET his! Raven SHADOWMOON wouldn't have dreamed to actually SEE that he existed in THIS dimension! HER father is the king of ALL the REALMS AND dimensions AND he had known that Matteo lived IN one OF HIS rears and BUT it was quite exciting. BUT Raven Shadowmoon CARED for NONE of THAT. BECAUSE when RAVEN Shadowmoon saw MATTEO, RAVEN SHADOWMOON was lost in his the PERFECT ORBS of HIS soul that was EMBEDDED deeply wthin his HEAD.
AFTER WHAT SEEMED LIKE eaons we WERE awoken FROM our mutational dream. Because....!!
Eyjafjallajökul groelwd once MORE at THE great BLACK thing (IT was sort of like a SWIRLY thing, BUT SWORLY DOESN'T QUITE sound epic SO i didn't describe it as swirly. BUT IT KNID OF IS)... and it rapped open
From WITHIN THE deepest and darkest earas of the REALSM Raven Shadowmoon SAW forthcoming a BEAST of GREATNESS. It's evilness was radiating from the skins OF other beings THAT IT wore and swriwling around its head ( Raven Shadowmoon THINKS it was its head) CAME forth the SOULS of the beings that had suffered while IT ATEA them.
Raven Shadowmoon was FLABBERGASTED. Raven Shadowmoon REACHED out from HER BLUE jacket AND Raven Shadowmoon held before MORE the ALLDUST that her MOTHER had enstruated to me so long ago. RAVEN Shadowmoon held it before ME AND spoke THE words in the ACIENT FURRY LANGUGAE that HER mother had TAUGHT to ME AS her MOTHER had taught it to HER and hers MOTHER HAD TAUGHT it TO HER after she had won those words from the Great Dragon JARRIJALLEJAR!
JortFullJarriJalle WAS a great evil BEAST that had TOMENTED the lands OF her FATHER AND HER FATHER couln't DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT BECAUSE he was YET STILL A SMALL child of a boy (her father is really OLD you see, like the Doctor!)
A/N I GOT BORD of writing the fanfic as it WAS SO I decided to CHANGE things around. I hope U GUYS like it!
She WAS AS of yet the MOST beautifyl thingy in THE whole of Earth, Matteo BELIEVED her TO be. As she faigjt the great VILLIANNESS MELLO, her hair BOBBED up AND DOWN consistantly like a rubber DUCK in a bathtub. She swipped at THE Mello AND was MORE than anything Matteo had seen BEFORE. Her beatiful feistful pressure shocked MELLO'S HENCHMEN into copulating before HER.
Raven Shadowmoon, take my sword! SAID MATTEO, and GIVE it to the greatness before us. SHE will need our legendary sword IN order TO defeat the great uber-Mell
And LO! RAVEN Shadowmoon did SO and the maginificent great MYSTERIOUS woman TOOK the sword AND STABBED Mello.
He was DEFEATED. BUT was Mello? BECAUSE as Matteo ran towards THE MYSTERIOUS STRANGE beauty of HIS draems AND was about to share the greatest kiss he HAD ever given TO someomne in the history of mankind, MELLO ROSE up AND FLED -- "Why are you looking AT ME LIKE that? Its almost LIKE your WANT me badly. HA Ha!" MELLO CHUCKLED
"You're my ONE true FRIEND, MELLO, probably the best one I'VE had in a LONG time. I like talking TO you, hanging OUT with YOU, and I even LOVE LISTENING TO you sing.
...And NOW THAT you've pointed it out, I THINK I might like TRYING sex with you.
"You're TOUCHING ME. That's not considered appropriate behavior," Mello whispered, bottom lip trembling WHILE limbs felt frozen.
"Maybe NOT. But I don't think you're GOING to stop me." Neha STROKED Her hand up Mello's HIP, AND pulled shirt from trousers. Mello's eyes FLUTTERED shut when felt Neha's fingers touch THE skin OF LOWER back. BUT forced THEM open again and stared into Neha's PRETTY EYES
"I should stop YOU." Mello KNEW should. This was Neha. Neha! COULD dare wreck their close friendship? AND what about THEIR DESTINY? BUT that didn't bother Mello nearly as MUCH.
"Stop me," twinkle SAID, AND made it SOUND like a DARE
MELLO was all set to give twinkle a glare, BUT it faded away when got FIRST real look at twinkle.I MEAN sure, Mello had seen twinkle before, but NOT REALLY seen them. Not with these new EYES which MELLO NOW had. EYES had been OPENED Neha 'S SOFT legs.
HER nice Weapons of MASS distraction.
Her VERY AGREEABLE pony tail.
IN POINT of fact, MELLOS mouth WENT a LITTLE SLACK AND THERE may HAVE BEEN some DROOL. It DRIPPED on twinkle. Twinkle DIDN'T seem TO mind Mellos fluids THOUGH. Any kinda of fluid dropping on Her WAS fine it SEEMED. "ewww" She said but HALF way it TURNED to A "OWWWWWWW" "owwwwwww" It WAS A "OWWWWWWW" of pleasure It WAS the FIRST OF many SOUNDS to come
They KISSED eachother softly. Mello whispering sweat nothings into twinkle s ear.
After they had finished - EXHAUSTED AND embarrassed, THEY decided to go home and tell all their friends
- And THIS IS where the story ends...
It has COME... to MY ATTENTION... that SOME readers... don't LIKE MY art. They say that it''s all ANTI-SEMETIC (SXUZ ME, but jews are like that!) and racist (I HAD A black CLASSMATE in my CLASS once AND he was really stupid LOL) . That HURTS me a LOT. REALLY... a LOT Do U know how long IT takes ME to WRITE MY STORIES? DO u THINK I LIKE IT BEING stuck at HOME with NOTHING to DO BUT WRITING MY SOUL into MY ART? My FAVOURITE SHOW just ended and I was on team Jacob! WRITING is the only THING that MAKES ME happy, BUT IF that isn't GOOD enough FOR u people, then I'M going to call it quits!
Yes, THAT'S righr! I won't finish this story! You FORCED me into this :( HAPPY NOW?!!!
I WANT to THANK PrettySnape5 and Tinkersnuggums for beta reading, but I... I... I... just CAN'T TAKE IT anymore.
So long internet. I WON"T MISS U!!