Chereads / Star Wars: CT-0292 Vaughn / Chapter 12 - Orto Plutonia

Chapter 12 - Orto Plutonia

I sighed as I heard Obi-Wans message.

"Vaughn, you're to stay with the Chairman and the Senator. Take Tornado Squad with you." He told me, I and I could hear some slight chuckled and felt eyes of pity land upon me.

Escort duty and assignment to planetary governors and leaders is a pain in the arse.

"Hang in there." Rex said as the LAAT landed.

As the doors opened a wave of cold launched itself upon us, lucky the heaters within my new suit quickly took care of it.

The suit always released or kept heat in regards to the atmosphere, and the LAAT's were hot so no heaters.

"Sergeant Typho, we're on Chairman duty, bring Cameron and Lucky to my position and prepare the rest for potential movement." I said into the comms.

Sadly this helmet had yet to sufficiently create a channel for officers and I'd need to do that later.

As I walked out, the reflection of some ice hit me.

I was wearing the usual clone cold armor, or snowtroooper armor.

Blue stripes adorned my arms and the top of my helmet, the standard paint for the 501st Snow Troopers, at least temporarily.

However, my Kama was white with a blue outline, a single line at the end of all edges.

Additionally I had a pair of DC17 Blaster Pistols on my hip, completely white holsters.

Additionally my boots and knee protectors had a blue stripe horizontally, going across the plastoid armor but not the under suit.

Lastly my helmet, it was the same as the usual 501st clone ones, but it also had a blue stripe going right above the top of the visor.

Where the T visor also went towards, a blue line followed from where the the horizontal line of the T-visor starts and down to the chin, through the mouth filters.

Lastly it had two tear-like lines of blue on each side of the visor, going from where the horizontal line of the T and the vertical line connects.

And down to where the visor-part of the armor ends.

Lastly I had a backpack, but that wasn't any different.

I also carried my steadfast DC15S.

I saw the two Jedi pair exit the LAAT and head towards the chairman.

Cameron and Lucky joined me as I formed up on them.

I stood on Skywalkers right, Lucky on Obi-Wans left, we both stood slightly behind them.

While Cameron stood slightly behind us again.

They all had the usual 501st Cold Trooper armor but Cameron carried a DC15A, Lucky still had a DC15S.

"Captain Rex, have your men survey the area. Place as many sensor beacons as you can before dark." Anakin told Rex, whom were slightly Infront of me.

Due to the surface's weather and snowstorms, usual sensors would not work and you needed to create a line of sensor beacons.

"Right away, sir!" Rex told Anakin before beginning to move towards the troops, shouting at them.

I then spotted the chairman's LAAT doors opened and he stepped out, followed by 2 of his guards, the Senator and 2 Clones of Tornado Squad.

"General Kenobi." The Chairman said as the duo of Jedi turned to him.

Ahsoka had some Padawan buisness to deal with and as such was not here.

"Chairman Cho, Senator Chuchi. I suggest you wait here until we can secure the area." Obi-Wan suggested to the incoming Pantoran party.

"I respect your judgement, General Kenobi. But I will go where I choose. This is sovereign Pantora territory." He told the pair of Jedi, meanwhile I heard sights coming from Cameron and Lucky, thank god for silent-helmet functions.

"I thought this planet was uninhabited and therefore non-aligned?" Skywalker asked. Honestly, I thought he knew the rules and political sector better. I had spent some of my free time researching it, and uninhabited planets would be under the Sovereignty of the closest civilisation.

Except for a few cases.

"Our moon of Pantora is the only civilisation in this system. I'm the one who asked the Senate to protect this planet. This wasteland belongs to us." The chairman said, a bit too angrily for a leader but alright.

"With all due respect, Chairman. This is for the Senate to decide, not us." Obi-Wan said, smart move to keep himself out of the political sector.

"Ah, but the Jedi reports to the Senate, which is Senator Chuchi of Pantora." The Chairman told us, quite loudly.

"Technically speaking, Master Jedi. He is correct. Since the planet is uninhabited the moon of Pantora reserves the right to continue as it's protectorate." She said, but it is clear that she's new to the job. Very few senators is as humble as she is, not that it's bad.

"Point taken, Senator." Obi-Wan said before turning to me.

"This is Captain Vaughn, of the 332nd Company. He's currently serving as 2nd in command of Torrent Company on this mission, he'll be your Platoon representative. Captain, stay here with the Senator while we search the base." Obi-Wan said.

"I and Master Kenobi will take the remaining troops the search the base." Anakin followed up with.

And with that I saluted the Senator as Obi-Wan and Skywalker left.

"Alright, Lucky, Cameron. Form up in Alpha-7B." I told them and they nodded.

The 2 clones from the Chairman's LAAT joining us.

While watching them form up I began thinking.

Following last weeks mission I was promoted, Marshal Commander Bly's recommendation to General Skywalker and Admiral Yularen ensured that.

And like that I commanded one of the 4 Companies consisting within the 501st Elite Battalion.

Whom were;

The 1054th Company 'Torrent'

The 332nd Company 'Lightning'

The 715th Company 'Flashbang'

The 4446th Company 'Switch'

The chain of command was wierd. Officially General Skywalker commanded the Battalion, Ahsoka served as his second in command.

Rex was the Captain of Torrent Company

I was the Captain of Lightning Company

And the remaining 2 Companies were led by Lieutenants.

I had spent an entire week to get used to the Company.

The company consisted of 4 Platoons;

- Orange Platoon, the previous squad. Led by Lieutenant Tyr.

- Dorian Platoon, Lieutenant Dorian

- Chess Platoon, Lieutenant Rook

- Flower Platoon, Lieutenant Shield.

Orange Platoon was the previous 332nd Platoon, including all it's squads, only Tyr was elevated to Lieutenant and Sergeant Spear took over, now being named Spear Squad.

Pushing that away I focused on the current situation.

I stood on Senator Chuchi's right.

Cameron, Lucky and the two other Clone troopers had formed up in square, each man positioned at it's corners.

"Captain Vaughn, am I correct?" The Senator spoke as she turned to me.

"Yes, Sir." I replied.

"What's the current situation of the clone forces?" She asked.

"My Lady, currently we have a total of 42 Troopers on Orto Plutonia, a full Platoon. An additionally 3 platoons and 3 companies are available on the Venator in orbit, but they do not posses the CTA, Cold Trooper Armor." I told her.

"I see…" she said as she drifted off into her own mind.

And like that we stood for close to 12 minutes until the base were eventually cleared.

I then got a communication from Obi-Wan.

"Vaughn, you're in charge of the base. I'm taking a squad and Rex to a Separatist Outpost." Obi-Wan said.

"Understood, General. The base will be up and running by the time you arrive." I told him before turning to the Senator.

"Excuse me, M'Lady. I have been ordered to get the base functional again." I told her with a salute. She nodded before walking off, Cameron, Lucky and the 2 others followed her.

Alright let's get at it.

"Typho, get Tornado Squad to the command centre. You're on guard duty there." I told him through the comms.

Our current forces were in fact 52, due to Tornado Squad. And Torrent Platoon consisted of Anakin's Squad, Triton Squad, Phalanax Squad and Blue Squad.

I quickly found myself upon the command centre. Whereas the Chairman was shouting orders to Sergeant Tornado.

Ignoring him I walked up to the communications pod behind him.

I put my own codes in and it quickly activated. Apprently a mechanic had already been to it.

I quickly got a report of the situation.

"Sergeant Denal, take Triton Squad to the hangar, we need it functional, so remove any large ice constructions frozen up, take a few flamethrowers with you." I told him on the hand-communicator. Sucks to not have Platoon-wide helmet comms.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw the Chairmnan turn towards me at that.

"Phalanx Squad, you're on patrol duty. Report any ice-constructs and unknown problems." I said as the Chairman began walking towards me.

"Blue Squadron, split up to assist where necessary." I said as the Chairman looked at the pod.

"Sergeant Typho!" I shouted into the room, he was apprently testing some of the machines.

He turned around and ran to me.

"Yes, Captain?" He asked.

"Have 4 of your men clear the body, the rest are to remain here as security, and get coordinate for the LAAT's to enter the hangar when cleared by Triton Squad." I told him.

Typho immediately saluted before running off.

The Chairman then turned to me.

"Order the weapons and shields systems to get back up online." He ordered.

"Sorry, Chairman. But the Jedi gave me direct orders to get the base functional, not prepared for war." I said in the most respectful tone I could.

"You are to get the shields and weapons online. And you will do it now, Captain." He said, trying way too hard to sound intimidating.

The Troops around turned to me and the Senator looked horror-struck.

"With all due respect, 'Chairman' you have no authority of any of 'my' troops. We are under the command of Jedi General Anakin Skywalker, not the Pantoran Government." I told him, putting heavy weight on certain words, I looked straight at his face.

And I could see he get angry.

"As you should know, you serve the Senate. Which means Senator Chuchi." The Chairman tried.

"I'm afraid I must order you to listen to the Chairman, Captain." Chuchi said and I sighed. Well this is a pain in the arse.

"Sir, My Lady, according to Republic Militaristic Code 1.33b, 'Senators do not have authority over Republic Troopers in a MZ, Militarised Zone', and as of the revelation of killed Clone Troopers, this became a MZ." I told them, and Chuchi began thinking while the Chairman looked furious.

"You will listen now, and you will listen good. Clone-" He tried, but I had enough.

"I, Captain CR-0292, hereby declare an official warning upon Chairman Chi Cho of the Pantoran Assembly, you are to stop interfering with Military Operations or you will be removed from my Command Centre." I told him, in an neutrual tone.

The Chairman looked angry and his Guards tense, but he turned to Senator Chuchi.

"Captain, I am afraid that Republic Officials cannot be declared a warning from soliders under the rank of General." She tried.

"My Lady, I am afraid that Supreme Chairman Chi Cho does not occupy the position of Republic Official, he's a Republic Planetary Associate, and given that this is not his Home Planet nor base, such a warning his within my rights." I told her, and Chi Cho's arrogant expression fell right that second.

"And Senator, I am sure you understand the repercussions for a Planetary Leader to be forcefully removed from an Republic Base of Operations due to interference?" I asked her, and she immediately froze up.

Previously planets in the Clone Wars whom have caused problems with the Clone Garrisons or caused problems have had their garrison entirely removed, leaving them at the mercy of the CIS.

"Very good, Captain. We shall refrain from commanding your men." She said finally.

"I thank you for your understanding, Senator Chuchi." I said before walking past them and towards one of the clones on guard.

I whispered into his ear.

"Notify me and prevent the Chairman if he tries to access the HoloPod through my codes." I told him as I moved onto the controls, attempting to get them working.

However, the Chairman scuffed a bit before walking out arrogantly, discussing something with the Senator, which ended up with him leaving her.