The big plan flops

After school, Shayna, Dawn, Carlizza and I met at Shayna

's house to put our

big plan in action. During prep, Dawn and I squeezed some time out, decorating a

few posters and placing them on corridors that we were sure June won

't find.

You see the plan is simply like this.

 We'd get a few cute boys to try out their luck with June. We arranged for 

a little space at Shayna's enormous backyard, placed a few chairs and had 

carlizza cook up some treats. Then we'd interview the guys and pray that we 

find June's perfect match. We didn't really expect much and of course we 

didn't tell June but the turnout was massive. From my sign up list there were 

like twenty boys waiting for the interview.

"Boy that's a lot" Shayna said, gasping at the massive turnout. Dawn turned to 

me, nervous.

"Are you sure about this Summer? Will June go on with the plan?"

"Of course she would! Oh well, she doesn't have to know that we're doing this 

till we pick the best" I said happily in a bid to hide my fears. June's a pretty 

shy person. How would she take it all in?

"I'm calling June in now" Announced carlizza, breaking into my train of 

thoughts. The receiver clicked on and carlizza placed it on loud speaker.

"We're having a little celebration party at Shayna's. Could you come over?"

Carlizza said. June yawned. She sounded strained. 

"Really? What's the party all about?"

"Just a little homecoming power party. To keep us in on the goal"

"Alright then. When should I come?"

"Let's say in an hour"

"That long? Anyway, that's better. I actually have a music project to finish"

"Take all your time. See ya!" The phone clicked off and I took a deep breath.

"Alright then. Here goes nothing" We walked into the crowd and gathered the 

boys round.

"June's on her way here and mind you, you better be on your best behavior. 

June's pretty itchy and uptight when it comes to boys" except for one Cameron

Williams. We shared the boys into four groups and five for each of us. The 

first one walked up to me with a name tag, smilingly sheepishly. He wore a 

faded crumpled shirt and baggy trousers that could fit two men two times and 

believe me that is no exaggeration. He had ruffled brown hair and wore spooky


"Oh boy" I muttered, braving a little smile.

"Hi uh… Franklin Mcwenskie. Please have a seat"

"Thank you"

"So… Describe yourself. What do you like to do? Hobbies? Fave food? Dreams 

and all the rest. What makes you feel that you're the perfect match for 

June?" He bobbed happily in his seat and flashed me a silly smile. When he 

spoke, I discovered that he had the most annoying voice ever. It came out 

through his nose like a pathetic whine.

"My hobbies? Well, my hobbies are quite peculiar. I like frogs…" I nearly shot 

out of my seat. 

"You like frogs?!"

"Yeah. They're cute gummy sticky creatures. My mummy uses them to make 

frog cream" He pulled out a slimy little bottle out of his coat pocket "See. I 

brought a sample along with me. June can use it on her face. It's perfect for 

light-skinned people like you for instance…" While he spoke, I held my throat 

tight, thinking happy un-disgusting thoughts.

"I'm sure you'll like to see it"

"No. I think I'm pretty sure I'd like to see you put it back into where you took 

it from"

"Wouldn't you like to try…"

"I said keep your whatever right back in!!!" I screeched when he tried to hand 

it over to me. He was obviously puzzled at my fear. I was obviously puzzled at 

why he wasn't in a shrink yet.

"So making frog cream is your hobby?"

"Yeah" Suddenly his eyes widened so large that I half jumped in fear. "And 

once I even tried to make juice out of them "


"Yeah it's my future ambition. You know, we have to make the world aware of 

how good frogs are and that's by using them every time life. Frog cream, frog 

juice, even frog food…" Ok i think I just threw up in my mouth a little.

"No. The only way we could make the world a better place is by getting people 

like you to the shrink"

"Come on! The frog juice was nearly a success. I only needed a little more 


"Oh my God!" Ok, now I'm gagging

"Amazing right?"

"No! No it's not!! Next!!!"

"What? But I haven't given you my recipe yet…"

"Next please next!"

"Come on! You'll like it. Just have a try…" He said, slipping it out of his pocket. 

Three chairs behind me toppled over. 

"If…If you don't take that thing out of here, I'll scream rape!"

"Hey that's not true…"

"I don't care! Take that thing out of here"

'' Hey you'


"Get lost with yourself, your frog cream and juice and your silly name tag" I 

paused "why do you even wear one?"

"So I don't get missing. And in case I forget my name"

"God! Get lost!! Next please next!!!" The next guy was Ivan carry, the school 

DJ who was quite a handful. All he could talk about was about was the latest 

rock song in town and how much he was gonna kiss June and make her happy 

with his stupid upcoming hit song. Sincerely, no girl wants to hear that so I 

kindly asked him to leave. The next was Ian codger, a nice but tacky guy. He's 

quite shy though but at least, he's on my list. The next two were nothing short 

but crazy psychos. The first asked me if June liked ants.

"I have a few roasted ones here" He said cheekily, showing me a little wrapped 

box filled with sun-fried ants. While I watched him, he took one out and 

popped it into his mouth "See?" Ok now sincerely I don't know who's more irked

between the frog guy and Ivan but eating an ant? Isn't that the weirdest thing


"Um… Next!"

"Come on. Am I on?"

"Certainly not"


"One's cause June's gonna kill you. She belongs to an activist group that fights 

for the rights of insects and two, no one eats ants dude! That's like the stone 

ages men!!"


"Yeah I know that's very weird but that's the truth. That's June for you"

"Well, who cares about silly ants anyway?"

"Oh well you will when June sees you. The last time I said that, June nearly 

fried me from the inside out. Like that ant you're eating"

"That's lame"

"It's more reasonable than eating fried ants I mean dude that's messed up! " I

looked up "Next!" He slid off his seat and leaned in "You know, if your friend 

doesn't pick me, you can. I mean, I'm always available…"

"Ewww no. The ants need you more. Next!" The next guy was Pat Brewer, the 

fattest kid in school. He blabbered for nearly an hour, talking about his 

mother and his diapers and things girls should never know about and I seriously

began to wonder if Someone had changed our posters from tall, cute, 

handsome, nerdy and fun to short, crazy, weird and fat.

"I saw a few hairs sprouting out of my pits and I was scared. Do you think I'm 

a monster?" He began.

"I… uh…" sincerely I can't even get over the trauma of having to answer that 

to Danny not to talk of when it comes from a teenager like me. What's his mom

been doing? Feeding him yeast?

"Do you think June's gonna like me with all that hair in some uncomfortable 

places like my bum…"

"Ok, ok that's enough"

"No I…"

"Thank you Pat" I said but there was no stopping Pat.

"Is she going to love my hair? I mean when I undress and I see them, I get 

very freaked out…"

"Nobody wants to hear about your butt hair! Thank you! You can leave" He left 

in a daze crying on the way out. I shook my head in exasperation.

"Why have I got a pack of crazy weirdos?" I looked at my watch and then at 

the door. June wasn't here yet. Where could she be? I took one shifty glance 

towards carlizza. She was on the fourth boy who seemed to be boring her to 

death. In fact, she dozed off with a straw on her lips while the boy went 

talking non-stop. Shayna looked exhausted with the slow blabbermouth beside 

who seemed to talk about nothing but how great and awesome he was. Dawn 

however was the luckiest of us all. She had the most sensible and reasonable 

guys on her team. She was still on the third guy and seemed quite happy. Now 

and then she laughed out loud, making me jealous. Note to self: Make sure 

every guy holds a picture of himself before any match-make in the future. And

his life profile.

 She was openly flirting with them. I watched her closely, hoping that she 

wasn't planning on falling for any of the guys there. It'd be a terrible disaster 

if she did. She's so easy to impress.

 Carlizza walked up to me worriedly, looking at her watch.

"June's not here. What's keeping her?"

"I don't know. I just hope she comes"

"Me too…" Just then, the doorbell rang.

"That must be her. I'll go get the door" She said, trotting off. I took one more

sip from my soda, watching June's small figure turn around the door and into 

the kitchen. Luckily, Dawn was done with her interviews. I could hear Carlizza 

fill a cup of lemonade. 

"Just wait here. I'll be right back" She left and ran up to meet me.

"She's waiting!"

"So who do you have on your list Carlizza?" I asked.

"Two guys. Mike shufflers and Stan Burney"

"And I've got one"

"You've got one? Just one? What happened to all four of them?"

"Frogs and ants and madness and hair" Carlizza just stared at me like I was 

naked. Suddenly, we laughed and watched Shayna literally bundle a boy out. 

She came back, scowling. 

"Crazy" She said walking up to meet us "What planet are those guys from? 


"The opposite universe of being a boy" Carlizza piped.

"Dawn seems to be having a good time" Shayna said, nodding at dawn who 

looked engrossed in a discussion with a cute, tall and gangly boy. 

"I think all the guys in her team are perfect" I said "By the way, June is here"

"She is?"

"Yeah. She's in the kitchen"

"What's up girls!" Dawn said, jumping in on us. Shayna shook, startled and Dawn

laughed out loud. 

"Scaredy cat!" She sneered, beaming "How was your interview cause mine was 


"Terrible" Carlizza said.

"Horrible" Shayna said.

"Hilarious" I said, laughing out loud "Seems like we three got the crazies on 

the team"

"How many's on your team Dawn?" Carlizza asked.


"Amazing. What happened to one?"

"He's a nice guy but he's too nerdy for my liking"

"For June's liking dawn. Remember?"

"Yeah whatever"

"Lucky you" Carlizza said "I've got two slightly reasonable guys" suddenly, the 

door leading from the kitchen creaked open and June walked in, surprised. She

stared at everyone and then walked up to meet us, ignoring the guys that were 

openly ogling at her. 

"Um… What's going on here? You didn't tell me you were having boys come 

over?" Carlizza looked at me and I shrugged. I hadn't really thought about 

June's involvement in the whole thing.

"Oh hi June" I managed to say, grinning toothily. June wasn't obviously buying 

it. She looked at me and then at the boys.

"What's going on here? Why are they here?"

"Um…" I grabbed her hand and led her to the boys. "I'll answer your questions 

but now, you should talk to these guys. They're getting a little bored"

"What boys? Why should I talk to them? What's going on?"

"Don't ask any questions June. I'll explain it all to you later" Then I turned to 

the boys "Here guys! Here's June"

''Oooooh!" They cheered like silly little birds.

"She's even prettier than I thought"

"Come on June don't stand and stare. Let's say hi"

"Not until you tell me what is going on"

"I told you I'll explain later…"

"Hey!" The frog guy said, hopping in from nowhere. He unwrapped the poster 


'd placed all over the school and placed it in front of her. 

"Do you always look like this because I'd like to see you every day" June stared

at the poster in disbelief and read through it. Suddenly the shock gave way to 

fury and when she turned to face me, I could practically see fumes pouring out

through her ears.

"What's the meaning of this summer?"

"Believe me June I can explain…"

"Oh I'd love to hear what your explanation will be…"

"Hey June if I ask you to the homecoming will you say yes?" Frog boy 

continued. She glared piercingly at him and screamed:

"No! No I won't!! not to you or to anyone here!!! In fact, get out! Get the heck 

out of here!! All of you!!!" The boys scrambled out through the open back door, 

leaving Carlizza, Dawn, June, Shayna and I in the garden. June looked from me 

to the rest, boiling. 

"Were you guys trying to matchmake me with those silly bozos?"

"We did it for you June. For the best June..."

"For the best? What best? What did you do that for? Did I tell you that I 

needed a date?"

"Well, do you have one?" Dawn sneered, trying to hide the sarcasm in her voice.

June scowled at her and turned back to face me.

"I don't need a date."

"So you're not coming to the homecoming?" Shayna asked.

"No. No I won't and that's not your problem"

"Of course it is!" Carlizza said "We're friends and we can't watch you sit back 

and slick at home all because of a jerk!"

"Cameron is not a jerk!"

"Oh yes he is!"

"no he's not!"

"Yes he is!"

"You were literally offering me up for every boy in school…"

"No June…"

"That's the truth isn't it? What do you think I am? A dating reality tv star? 

Now the whole world will know that June Mckendrick is single and hopelessly 


"Well if you actually look at it that way then I guess it's kinda true" Shayna 

said. June glared at her and I rolled my eyes.

"Like seriously Shay? Goodness" She muttered, stomping her way out.

 We looked at one another, distraught.

"What have we done?" Dawn asked.

"I knew this was a very bad idea. June's not really used to matchmaking stuff. 

I knew she'd be angry" Shayna piped, grabbing a burger. I looked on quietly, 

smiling. I had another idea brewing and this time it was definitely going to 

work. I was so confident that it was. 

"You seem so happy about this Summer" Dawn said sarcastically "What's the 

good news?" I looked up thoughtfully and stroked my chin. 

"Oh no" Shayna whispered to Carlizza "She's giving us that I have a great idea 

look again"

"I have an idea!" I said.

" No!!!" They hollered.

"Enough of the ideas already! Look at what the first has done already!" Dawn 


"No" I said, watching the plan unfold in my mind "This one's different cause 

June's not gonna know we're behind it this time"

"And how's that supposed to happen?"

" Just you watch and see"