The next day, yumiko woke up at five in the morning, did her usual routine then went to the training ground where she always meet and train with genma
she found him at his usual spot, leaning against a tree with yes closed and senbon in his mouth, completely relaxed.
she already know that he sensed her presence the second she stepped in the training ground, but still acted clueless to annoy her
'of course' she sighed then cleared her throat to grab his attention
he opened his eyes lazyly and greeted her "good morning yumiko, did you rest well? how are you feeling?" he smiled at her after standing properly, no longer leaning against the tree
"fine enough to do a bunch of D-rank missions and I rested well in those two days sensei, so don't worry"
he nodded at her amused, then said "oh yeah about the D-rank mission, I grabbed some of them before coming here, about eight, so we don't need to go to the assignment desk" he smiled innocently to her.
yumiko narrowed her eyes at him annoyed, she know damn well that he is doing it on purpose. when she said a bunch of D-rank mission it didn't mean that much, normal genin do half of this much.
Sometimes she wonder if all the jōnin assigned sensei have the same sick pleasure to make their students suffer from the D-rank mission
well yumiko already know the answer based on her past knowledge of the show, but didn't think of it to be this annoying!
she sighed in defeat, giving up since she can't reject because he already took the missions, so there is no going back
her eyes lit up when she suddenly remembered something important to ask her sensei
genma raised his eyebrow at her change in expression but quickly caught up to her after hearing her question
"sensei, when the next chunin exam is held?" she asked seriously
"eh? so eager to get ride of me yumiko-chan?" he teased her playfully
yumiko rolled her eyes "who said I will pass the exam? I am willing to go with the purpose to gain experience and a general idea of how difficult the chunin exam is, so me passing the exam is nearly impossible" she said seriously
he then turned serious as well and said "the next chunin exam is in two months from now and it's held in Iwa. if you're willing to participate I won't stop you, as I see you ready to protect yourself in a death-life situation, the only issue is the team, I will ask Hokage-sama to find you a suitable team as soon as possible, I think two months is enough for you to work in your teamwork with your new team and get to know eachother"
she smiled after hearing her sensei encouraging words then said "then yes, I am willing to participate in this chunin exam genma-sensei" she confirmed her intentions and genma nodded at her
suddenly he smiled smugly at her while playing with his senbon in his mouth
'not good' she shiver after seeing his smile, oh that smile, nothing good come after it, he always smiled like that before doing something to entertain himself on her, it is usually when he train her ass off, more like Torturing, or in mission he choose especially for her, like chasing animals that have inhuman speed, or babysitting a devil brat that can't stay still for a second.
that's why most time she choose the missions herself, unless he insisted or chosed the mission before they meet, like today.
she can guess the reason why for today case; giving her plenty missions to make her forget about her first kill.
What didn't settl in yumiko mind is genma taking the trouble of leaving his warm bed early to just entertain himself. on who? his beloved only student
that really frustrated her to no end, and worse she can't say a thing about it since he is her sensei and team leader
she can only accept her fate and the looks of pity the chunin incharge of distributing the missions gave her
going back to genma he said gently
"now now yumiko-chan why don't we start doing our missions, we already wasted enough time, we don't want to be late to our customer do we?"
'our mission my ass, he's just gonna stand there watching me suffer with the missions he chosed. I really need to be a chunin as soon as possible' she thought while frowning deeply.
she forced a smile and nodded "of course genma-sensei"
after a long day of missions, he finally send her off to her apartment with the fair chair of money, not exactly since jōnin sensei always get most of the payment although they only watch their students do the mission itself, oh well, its not like she is complaining, she herself have a big amount of money since they are two man-team, so yeah.
not before taking a bath she collapsed in her bed and slept the moment her head hit the pillow.
(just so you know: The Mission Assignment Desk is where shinobi go to in order to receive most of their missions from the Hokage or the chunin in there)