Chereads / Hunter X Hunter - Reviewers Rage / Chapter 3 - First x Fight

Chapter 3 - First x Fight

*2 years passed* Togiri turned 8 or 9 years old.

"Seven Review me"

Name: Togiri

Strength: 1.5

Agility: 1.3

Vitality 1.7

■Review: Too weak to fight even against a girl■

"1.0 means the average strength of a regular adult man. My strength should be around the level of a professional boxer. Seven what the fuck is this review"

@How often should I repeat myself, I don't make the Reviews! I am the artificial Intelligence that operates the system for you. I am not the system itself strictly speaking. Its complicated@

"I don't believe you!" Togiri sweared at the bodyless voice while he looked at the white status panel with black letters on them.

"Anyway, I think I'm ready to fight in the Heaven's Arena. Its already been two years since I left earth. My earth"

Togiri looked nostalgic at the orange tinged sky full of clouds as the sun was slowly rising.

Togiri slightly smiling as he sat in the backyard of his house. Queek A door slid open.

"Are you finished? Breakfast is ready. Mom made some muffins. Here" Togiri caught a black object that the boy threw him.

"Thanks" Togiri smiled as he stood up. His gaze shifted at the morning sky again as he took a bite.

Togiri grew stronger over the years. It was the first time he gave it his all in life in training, in anything.

At first he struggled, struggled and suffered for months living on the street. When he didn't have money, he begged. When he was hungry he ate food scraps from trash cans.

When he was tired he slept under a bridge or an in alley. He constantly looked for methods to train, find a job, get money and survive but nobody would hire a homeless kindergartner.

One day that was the same as the rest of them, he met a boy, named Fang.

Fang was an unusual boy. He was born with red hair and blue eyes. His face was as handsome as could be.

A born heart stealer of girls. A future idol, actor or model. His life was set with just his pretty face.

Togiri brimmed with jealousy. Togiri was reincarnated with his original appearance. It didn't matter he if he was six years old or twenty, he was just average.

At first Togiri ignored Fang as he came to visit him. He assumed it was the curiosity of a child and didn't think more about it, but Fang started to bring him food every morning.

Togiri was distrustful, bu also immensly grateful of fresh and proper food that came from the pity of a Seven year old.

Fang curious of Togiri and Togiri happy to have someone to talk to for the first time in months besides Seven that didnt treat him like trash and annoyance.

They quickly became friends since they were simliar in age, at least physically. Togiri felt bad at first because he was exploiting Fang for food, but slowly he came to open his heart even if it was a little.

In a new world, standing alone without having no one to rely on was hard, but harder were the thoughts in him saying 'You wasted another hour. Revenge against gods controlling worlds and life's? What grand words you spoke for a grown man ripping off a kid'

A third of his horrible new gained memories remained after the System sealed them and losing 99 percent of the system functions meant no System at all. The combination of everything pushing Togiri close to the edge of his fragile sanity.

After a month of Fang visiting Togiri every morning under the bridge and delivering food, Fang's parents offered to take Togiri in as their own.

Togiri broke down and cried. If he heard of this in the first week since he arrived, he'd probably disagree, but the last few months really showed him how dumb pride is in the face of a good life.

The only kindness he had received for months was from a little kid. Togiri started living with Fang and his family.

To earn his keep Togiri started to work for Fang's father and became a blacksmith apprentice. Fang's father, Arthur didn't allow it at first, but Togiri convinced him with his determination.

The arrogant 20 year old living as a six year old lost all arrogance he once had. He didn't believe he was the chosen one anymore, but just an unlucky victim from the gods.

He didn't believe he had the talent of Gon or Killua. Growing stronger and further unlocking the System were his biggest aspirations besides not starving.

Blacksmithing didn't only help Togiri build stamina and strength, but it allowed Togiri do develop hidden weapons further down the line.

Togiri worked every day from morning till evening helping with small stuff like carrying, materials or sweeping the floor till Arthur recognised Togiri Intelligence and build him a small hammer to practice.

This was when Togiri unlocked his first System function beside analysing his body. The blacksmith function allowed Togiri to see deficiency while smithing and hammering.

Unlike before there were no more quick downloads into his brain for him to master something like the mediation technique.

At night time Togiri trained till he couldn't move his limbs anymore. His terrible thoughts and nightmares kept him awake so whenever he woke up, he started to train again until he fell asleep and so on.

Without the systems innate healing ability Togiri would have died many times or at least been left crippled.

It was unusual for a little kid to be soon stronger than an adult, but the System healing his destroyed body over and over again quickly increased his muscle density.

His training wasn't always consistent, because he often stayed late up smithing or reading books under the teachings of Arthur.

Togiri ate unhealthy cheap food since he became accustomed of starving, but after a while he stopped this habit and saved his allowance to buy training equipment.

It was hard to cope with his depressed feelings. His rage, desire for strength, new life, truth behind his existence and loneliness. The first week in the middle of the night, he woke up beside Fang with screaming night terrors.

Fang's mother, Julia helped him overcome that. While he was screaming and crying from a panic attack, she hugged him. Even though it wasn't his mother, he could feel the motherly love.

Before arriving in their house he slept at best 2 hours at once, now he slept around 4. Which seemed insignificant to most, but Togiri it meant extremely much.

2 years passed in a blink of an eye. Except for work and training, he also spent time enjoying the little things in life like playing and exploring the city with Fang.

"Togiri~ Fang~ Breakfast~" yelled Julia in a kind voice from the kitchen. Fang smiled brightly as the sun "Let's go!" He put his arm on Togiri's shoulder.

"Don't get all cocky, because you grew a few centimeters." said Togiri jokingly. "Hehe"


Togiri stood on a small podium and looked at his opponent. An average guy dressed in blood stained office clothes with a busted lip and his clothes covered in shoe prints.

"FIGHT! yelled the referee.

"Seems like an easy opponent," said Togiri while smiling.

He dashed forward while his opponent stood still hesitating. The office worker completely froze.

Togiri reached his opponent quickly and jumped up to his eye level. He swung a swift roundhouse kick at his jaw, but he missed.

Togiri tripped as he landed and hit with his face the cement floor. 'Ah. I'm an idiot' @Yes, yes, you are@ Seven chuckled following the fight through Togiri's eyes.

The referee snickered too looking at Togiri's attack. He was a complete amateur and was fighting a real person for the first time.

The office worker didn't attack, but after Togiri's attack he looked less nervous. Togiri jumped backwards creating distance between them.

'Huff... Huff" 'Why am I so out of breath? I am too tense? Calm down and wait for his attack. Fighting is about mentality.Come you can do do this Togiri.' He took a deep breath and his resolution to win grew firmer.

The office worker charged at Togiri with closed eyes, but arms wide swung.

Togiri smiled. He charged at the office worker too. 'Let's see how strong my right foot is"

Togiri dodged the office workers swinging fists and crouched down. "Straight kick!" Togiri kicked as hard as he could at the office workers foot.


"ARGHHH!" yelled the man grabbing his foot. The office worker fell down and held his broken ankle in pain.

Togiri stood up and looked with a guilty face at the man he injured. "Are you okay, mister?" asked Togiri softly.

"Argh! You son of a bitch!" The man sat up and tried to grab after Togiri's small body, but Togiri jumped a few steps backwards.

"I will kill your parents, boy!" Togiri's face turned grim. His facial expression became void of emotion.

He slowly walked towards the man with his head down. Slowly... step after step.... and suddenly his feet stopped, he was almost head to head before him.


The office worker punched down at Togiri's head. "Do you think I'm scared of a little kid? Hey! Referee the fight is still ongoin-"

Killing intent broke out and engulfed everyone on the podium and it also reached a few other podiums, interrupting the fight of others.

A formless energy pressed down on all the fighters on stage.*....* Silence sweeped across Togiri's near vicinity until his opponent passed out.

Rage devoured Togiri.

"....Knockout.. he's unconscious." Togiri nails digged into his flesh as he squeezed his fists. Blood started dripping down from his hands.

@Calm down or your killing intent will hurt someone. You're subcounsciously using Nen@

Togiri took a deep breath in and breathed out. His killing intent disappeared and the pressure was lifted on the referee and a few other fighters on near stages.


The first person to break the silence was Togiri himself. "Aren't you going to announce my win?"

"C-Congratulations kid! You will move to the next floor..." the referee was nervous as he looked at the 8-9 year old boy.

Togiri walked off the stage, but he turned back once more and threw a sharp glare at the other fighters.

@Not a bad gig for a kid@ Seven chuckled. Togiri was walking home with water bottle in his hand. The first price money he won was already spent.

Deep in thought, he started talking to Seven via his mind. 'Seven, how do I get more fighting experience? Can you do something about that?'

@Experience from more fights.... and TADA! Here is a new function!@ A white system window with black letters appeared before Togiri's face.

[Virtual Fighting] said the text. @You can pick any opponent that you previously fought or have seen and give them a martial arts that you learned, experienced or seen. However often you want and whenever you want.@

'This system ability is very useful, because often you don't meet an equal or slightly stronger opponent to fight against. I am lacking in all apsects, this should be a good first stept to get acustomed to fighting.'

'Seven, why did this option just come out? Isn't this too much bullshit?' Before Togiri had the opportunity to swear at his A.I., Seven already spoke.

@Like I said THE BEST SYSTEM EVEEEEEER! But jokes aside. You got #€%&$£¥ and that's why the System became stronger@

'What? You bugged just now' Togiri was perplexed. The last two years the system was useless, but the thought that the system could grow stronger while excited him.

@Seems like I can't tell you. Doesn't matter, after the first system update you'll know@

"Let's run home and tell Fang that I won my first fight" said Togiri while chuckling and having a smile befitting of an 8-year-old, but his mind didn't reflect his expression the slightest.

(Author note: I want to clear up some confusion for some. Togiri can think subconsciously and consciously like everyone, but he can choose to let Seven listen to his conscious thoughts or not.

Seven is currently just a voice, he reads and watches novels, manga or anime inside Togiri's mind, but he doesn't have access towards Togiri's full life, just those entertainment memories.

Seven can only see what Togiri's sees through his eyes, but nothing more than that. Seven can't control or use the system without Togiri's permission/command.

The system itsself has an artificial Intelligence, but it's not as good as Seven in following Togiri's orders. It's also extremly vast. User panels aren't the accurate representation of the system, but a way for Togiri's image of what a system should look like be displayed in the physical world (status panels)