"Hey! Who ate all of my blubbered seal jerky?!" Sokka demanded after he searched through a bag of food while they flew towards the Southern Air Temple.
"Why are you looking at me for?" Harry asked when Sokka glared at him.
"Oh. That was food?" Aang asked in a surprised voice, causing Sokka to look at him. "I used it to start the campfire last night." He added apologetically. "Sorry." He said, though he had a small smile on his face.
"Oh, I had wondered why the fire smelt so good." He said in a saddened voice before he quickly turned to Harry. "Okay, quick question, why didn't you just firebend us a fire?"
"Because I was too busy checking the perimeter to make sure we were safe enough to sleep at night without being attacked." Harry replied. "By the time I got back the fire was already lit." Sokka sniffed but didn't say anything.
"The Patola Mountain range! We're almost there!" Aang said in an excited voice as they started flying above some mountains.
"Just...don't get your hopes up." Harry said in a soft voice.
"Aang, I'm sorry, but Harry's right." Katara replied. "The Fire Nation can be ruthless, they killed my mother." She sadly added. "It's possible that they could have done the same to your people."
"I'm...I'm sorry, Katara." Aang replied in a gentle voice.
"I am too, for whatever that's worth." Harry added.
"Thank you." Katara said to the both of them.
"I am still pretty positive that there will be some airbenders left there," Aang said in a confident voice. "the only way to get to an airbender temple is on a flying bison, and I doubt the Fire Nation has any flying bison!"
"No, we most certainly do not have any of them." Harry snorted.
"Exactly, Yip-Yip!" Aang said, causing Appa to fly higher until they were able to spot the Air Temple. "There it is!" Aang cheered when he saw the large and beautiful white temple.
"Aang, that's amazing!" Katara blurted out when she saw it.
"We're home, buddy! We're home!" Aang said to Appa.
"So...where do I get something to eat here?" Sokka asked as they followed the excited Aang up a mountain trail to the temple.
"Are you kidding me?" Katara said while Harry groaned. "You're lucky enough to be one of the first outsiders to ever visit an airbender temple, and all you can think about is food?"
"I'm a simple guy with simple needs." Sokka shrugged.
"At least he's honest about it." Harry said with a roll of his eyes, wondering how he ended up with the Water Tribe version of Ronald Weasley. They kept walking until they got into the temple, by that point Aang began excitedly gesturing to various places and telling the trio about each place and what he knew about it before telling them about how it related to himself. Harry had been really interested when Aang gestured to the group of tall poles and told them how he played a game called 'airball' there. Though part way through it was clear his enthusiasm was dying down. "Are you alright?" Harry asked.
"This place used to be full of monks and lemurs and bison. Now there's just a bunch of weeds." Aang said in a saddened voice. "I can't believe how much things have changed." He added, earning sympathetic looks from the Water Tribe siblings.
"That's rough, buddy." Harry said as he patted Aang on the shoulder.
"So...this airball game, how do you play?" Sokka asked in a forcibly cheerful voice, clearly trying to make Aang feel happier.
"You want to play?!" Aang asked, his entire mood cheering up almost instantly.
"I'll play as well," Harry said, "it'll be good airbending practise."
"Let's go!" Aang smiled brightly before grabbing Sokka and Harry before dragging them to the airball poles.
Katara smiled as she watched the boys start playing with Aang, Sokka could be a food obsessed idiot but he had his moments. Apparently Harry had some too, or maybe he really was just interested in airbending.