Chereads / Harry Potter The Bender / Chapter 9 - Family Bonds

Chapter 9 - Family Bonds

A few minutes later Harry was able to find the pair, Harry walked into some damaged drapes that appeared to have previously been a tent. Once inside he saw Aang's back as the boy was kneeling on the floor and crying while Sokka was stood next to where Harry had entered.

"Hey!" Sokka cried out when Harry slapped the back of his head.

"What did you do to him?" Harry asked.

"I didn't do anything!" Sokka protested before he glanced at Aang and started speaking in a quieter voice. "I just found him like this; maybe the lemur thing upset him." Sokka said before he began walking towards Aang.

Harry took a step forward as well but stopped when he saw the skeleton corpse a short distance in front of Aang, Harry appeared to have only noticed it a few seconds before Sokka who had begun trying to comfort Aang. Harry recognised the clothes, they were the same that Monk Gyatso wore, his airbending necklace was there as well. Harry's gaze was pulled off of the skeleton when the air in the room began picking up and violently slapping against his face.

Harry looked at Aang and saw Sokka stepping away from him as Aang's tattoos began glowing, at that point there was only one thought in Harry's head.



"Send word to the Fire Lord immediately!" A fire sage in a fire temple ordered as the eyes of the Avatar statues had started glowing much like the ones in the other temples across all four nations. "The Avatar has returned!"


"Hey, why don't we do the smart thing and tell the famously powerful, twelve year old Avatar the bloody truth so he doesn't have to find out the hard way?" Harry said to himself in a casual voice as he used airbending to protect himself and Sokka from the raging winds caused by Aang. "No, that would hurt him. It would make him upset." He added, this time imitating Katara's voice. "Well, he looks pretty happy now." Harry grumbled, returning to his old voice as he looked around, the entire tent along with pretty much everything nearby had been destroyed by Aang who was now hovering in the air, though Harry suspected that the boy hadn't realised what damage he had caused.

"That's not helping!" Sokka hissed from behind Harry.

"I'm the one shielding us!" Harry reminded him. "I don't see you doing anything, ponytail!"

"Isn't there anything else you can do?!" Sokka asked hopefully.

"No, not if we want him alive and unharmed." Harry shook his head. "If he was an ordinary kid then I might be able to try and use airbending but Aang's on another level when it comes to that, he's probably ten times better now that he's all angry-glow. As it is I'm barely holding this shield up."

"Great," Sokka gulped. "how on Earth are we supposed to stop him without hurting him?"

"What's happening?!" Another voice asked as Katara stopped behind them.

"Well, I've brought you proof of why it's a good idea to listen to me." Harry said as he gestured to Aang with his head. "Also it goes without saying at this point, but I told you so!"

"He learnt about what happened to Gyatso, the firebenders had killed him!" Sokka yelled so he could be heard over the wind.

"Oh no!" Katara gasped. "It's his Avatar Spirit! He must have triggered it! I'm going to try and calm him down!"

"Well if you're going to do it then do it quickly, before he blasts us all off the mountain!"

"I'll shield you, come on." Harry said as he began walking forward with Katara following behind him while Sokka took cover behind some destroyed rubble. "This is getting really hard!" Harry said through gritted teeth as they got closer, he stopped and she stopped with him. "If you're going to do it then do it from here before my shield drops!"

"Aang!" Katara screamed loudly. "I know you're upset and I know how hard it is to lose the people you love. I went through the same thing when I lost my mom. Monk Gyatso and the other airbenders may be gone... but you still have a family. Sokka, Harry and I! We're your family now!"

Her words appeared to have some effect as Aang's tattoos stopped glowing as he began descending downwards while the wind died down, once his feet had touched the floor the other three walked towards him.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked.

"We're not going to let anything happen to you, I promise." Sokka said in a soft voice. Katara nodded and took Aang's hand in her own, the second she did Aang's eyes stopped glowing. Aang falls from what appears to be exhaustion but was thankfully caught by Katara in time.

"I'm sorry." Aang apologised.

"It's okay, it's not your fault." Katara replied.

"She's right, the important thing is that you're okay." Harry replied.

"No," Aang shook his head. "you were all right." He said in a sad voice as he closed his eyes. "And if the firebenders found this temple, that means they found the other ones, too. I really am the last airbender."

"Well, not the last one." Sokka said as he gestured to Harry. "You're not fully alone."

"I'm sorry," Katara said to Aang and Harry as she hugged Aang. "I should have listened to you." She added to Harry.

"Yes, you should have. Secrets have a time and place, use them at the wrong time and you could end up getting someone killed." Harry said, he paused when he saw how upset Katara looked, his face softened slightly. "Just learn from this, please." He said with a sigh.